Chapter VIII

Chapter VIII

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma


Jenny’s health was like a roller coaster for the last two months since Mike left. Valentine’s Day was coming and Jenny asked me if we could visit Mike in New York. I was a bit hesitant because of her condition, but I couldn’t say no to her, so I asked, “When are you planning to leave?”

Well, valentine is on a Friday,” Jenny started, “If we leave in the morning, we’ll get there in the afternoon he doesn’t have school so he’ll be home. I would tell him not to leave because I will call him at exact time, don’t worry about Mike; I know what to do with him. What I’m worried about is, can we go, the four of us if Andrea is willing. You need to talk to Alice. We’ll be there just for the weekend, we’ll come back Sunday.”

Okay,” I said, “I’ll talk to Alice and I’ll make reservations, if Alice doesn’t want to go we will still go.”

Thank you Matt, don’t worry the detail like the reservation and stuff, I got that covered,” said Jenny giving me a kiss. That same night I talked to Andrea first. Andrea said she didn’t need to go because somebody has to take care of the house, and she didn’t have a date. When Alice came home, I talked to her about it. At first, she made excuses but when I said I have to do this, she rather changed her mind and she would make arrangement so she could go. I reassured her that it would be the best valentine she’ll have. She smiled at me and said, “It better be.”

The weekend before valentine, Mr. Andrews came over to visit. He had a beautiful bouquet of roses, he said, “Mike asked me to give these roses for valentine, but it’s still very early for valentine so this one is from me, happy valentine sweetheart,” he said with a smile and gave Jenny a kiss. “Thank you Sir, please come in,” invited Jenny. Both of them went in the house. I came out to greet Mr. Andrews. Shaking his hand I said, “How are you, sir?”

Fine,” he responded, “I was going to asked Jenny,” he turned to look at her, “If she’s not busy and if she’s up to it, if she wants to go out and have dinner with me tonight?”

Sure,” Jenny said with excitement on her voice, “When?”

When you’re ready,” he said with a smile. Jenny didn’t waste time; she went to her room to get ready.

We waited for Jenny to finish. Mr. Andrews and I talked. He asked, “How is she doing, Matt?”

She’s been having a roller coaster kind of health lately,” I said with a heavy sound on my voice, “Everyday I thank God for giving her another day to live.”

I know what you mean,” Mr. Andrews said, “If you need anything; don’t hesitate to call me Matt.” He was trying to be a comforting father.

Yes Sir, I will Sir,” I said with assurance.

I love you kids like my own. I just never get around it for you to know. You and especially Jenny did many things for Mike that I’m very proud of and I can’t thank you enough for it and beside you both are very close to my heart. It’s like having three children, two boys and a daughter.”

He did the same for us; he’s a blessing to both me and Jenny. He’s my help with Jenny. In addition, I thank you too Sir for always being there for Jenny. I thank you for being like a father to us.”

We hugged, it’s been a long time since I hugged a father and I loved it. I felt warm inside and I think he felt it too. Jenny came out, all ready. “Are we ready to go?” Mr. Andrews extended his left elbow for Jenny and said, “We’ll be back soon.” They head out to the car, I waved them goodbye until the car was gone then I closed the door behind me.

Jenny had a marvelous time with Mr. Andrews. The last time they did this was Christmas. Mr. Andrews took Jenny to his favorite restaurant, they went for ice cream and they had a nice walk along the bay. They were having such a wonderful time together, talking, joking, telling stupid things they did that’s embarrassing, they forgot about the time. I waited for them. Mike called; I have to talk to him. I panned the camera to the bouquet of roses his Dad gave to Jenny. Mike said, “Beautiful flowers, whose it from?” he sounded jealous.

Don’t worry it’s from your Dad,” I answered, “Your Dad say it’s not valentine’s day yet to bring her presents from you so this one is from him. He also took her out for dinner.”

Oh, good, I thought she had a different date,” said Mike with such a relief, “How is she?” asked Mike gently.

She’s fine right now; she’s in pain more often. She still tries not to show it but her face can’t hide it.” I changed the topic, “How about you, how are you adjusting with your life.” He paused, switched his position and tried to force a smile then said, “I’m okay I guess. I tried to keep myself busy with work and school so I don’t think so much of home. Fortunately, I got lots of work and schoolwork. The only time I allowed myself to relax is when I’m talking to you guys.” The phone rang from the other line, Andrea came got me and said, “There’s an important phone call for you on the other line.” Andrea continued the conversation with Mike, “Hi Mike, how are you.”

I’m doing fine, thank you,” said Mike. The two talked for a few minutes before Andrea has to say good- bye because she left something cooking in the kitchen.

Around 10:30 pm, a car pulled in the driveway. I went out to check, it’s Jenny and Mr. Andrews. Jenny looked very happy, it feels like she had a renewed energy from all this. I told Jenny that Mike called. Jenny asked, “What did he say?”

Oh, nothing much he just called to say hi and of course look for you since you weren’t the one who answered the phone,” I said smiling, “When I told him that you went out to dinner and showed her the roses he immediately got jealous.”

Really?” said Jenny curiously and kind of liked it. She changed topic, “Oh, I had so much fun tonight.” Mr. Andrews cut in, “I didn’t know how much fun it is to have a daughter. She made me feel young at heart,” he said smiling, “I’d better run home before Julia goes ballistic on me,” he gave both Jenny and I a hug, “I should be doing this more often.” He was walking out the door then I said, “I would appreciate that coming from you, thank you, Sir.” I walked him out to his car.

Jenny went to her room. She called Mike right away. The two talked for a short time since it’s late. I knocked on the door. Jenny let me in while she was saying goodbye to Mike. I said goodbye to him with Jenny. Jenny climbed in her bed and I tucked her in. She said, “I will tell the story tomorrow okay Matt.” She gave me a kiss and said goodnight as she closed her eyes.

Goodnight my sweet, I love you,” I said pulling her blanket up to cover her and I gave her a kiss.

Goodnight Matt, I love you more,” said Jenny. I smiled at what she said. I turned off the light and closed the door behind me.

Friday, February 14th Valentine’s Day, We woke up early because our flight is at 9 o’clock in the morning. I greeted Alice happy valentine with a huge hug and a kiss. She greeted me back but I felt it was a forced one. I asked her, “Are you okay? You don’t sound very enthuse about today.”

Yeah, Why wouldn’t I be excited?” she said abruptly.

Well it shows in your voice and action that you’re not okay. Is this something to do with today? You agreed we’d do this.”

Alice responded, her voice was heavy and sounded upset. “Yes, I know, it’s just that, why everything has to revolve around her. Everything has something to do with Jenny. This is our first valentine as a couple, I really wanted it to be very special,”

Why can we not make it special in New York?” I asked, “When I talked to you about this, you did not say anything bad about it. Why now, now that’s she’s all excited about it? I know sometimes you think it’s unfair because we always have to consider Jenny, but it’s unfair to her too because her life is limited. She cannot do a whole lot, and she doesn’t ask a lot. I’m happy that she asked about this one. I told you before you said yes to marry me that what I do for her would never change.”

Alice face was blunt and her eyes were cold. “I know that, I’m just jealous maybe or I’m not used to this yet. I don’t know,”

I apologized deeply, “I’m sorry if that’s what you feel, but I never ignored you. Am I not giving you all the attention and more? I’m sorry if you think I let you down.”

No, it’s not you. I’m very proud of you for balancing your life between Jenny and me. I’m sorry, I’m just jealous I guess. Let’s forget about it,” she said as she stormed out of my sight and in to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. I just knew this isn’t over yet.

Jenny was by our door and heard everything. Her frail fingers were clenched together ready to tap on the door. She heard my footsteps getting closer to the door, she quickly ran away from the door pretending she was going somewhere else. As I opened the door, I called her,”Jenny, are you okay?”

Sure,” she said hesitantly trying to avoid my eyes, “I need to talk to Andrea, she wasn’t in the kitchen, and I’m trying to find her.” She was making excuses to me but before she left, she looked at me, smiled trying to hide some feeling, and said, “Happy valentine, Matt.”

Happy Valentine to you sweetheart,” I said, “Are you ready for New York?”

Yeah,” she said then left and went back to her room. I stayed where I was trying to sum up everything that just happened. My chest sunk, I felt like I’m going to fall down to the ground. I heard Jenny closed the door and locked it. She never locks the door. It made me curious. I found myself walking to her door. I stood by her door and knocked but I stopped myself. She was still behind the door. I listened to her sniffling, she’s crying. I knocked on the door, she answered, “Wait a minute,” she quickly dried her eyes, and gathered herself. She opened the door and tried to force a smile, “Yes, Matt, do you need something?”

May I come in,” I asked with a smile. She knew exactly why I came to see her. She made excuses, “I’m going to the bathroom can we talk over breakfast?”

I said okay and left the room. I walked back to my room feeling really hurt, Alice was mad at me because she’s jealous of Jenny and Jenny was feeling guilty about it.

I was so troubled I didn’t hear Alice say, “What’s wrong Matt.” I went straight to the bathroom. Alice followed and asked me loudly this time, “Matt, I said are you okay?”

I got startled and said, “What?” I looked at her confused, “Did you say something, I’m sorry my mind was occupied.” Alice answered with such disappointment, “I said, are you okay? You looked like you just got run over.”

Oh, nothing,” I answered blankly. I didn’t tell her about Jenny over hearing our arguments so that it wouldn’t heat up. I didn’t remember what I was supposed to do in the bathroom but I stayed there anyway trying to think about it. Alice continued fixing her hair and face, leaving me alone. When Alice got out of the bedroom, I got out of the bathroom. Alice took some of the luggage out so I picked up the rest and brought it by the front door. Andrea came out of Jenny’s room with her luggage. “I was going to get that Andrea,” I said.

It’s not heavy,” Andrea responded nicely. Jenny came out and didn’t look so good. I asked if she’s feeling okay, she just nodded her head. I went next to her to feel her forehead; she’s just a little warm so that’s a good sign. I followed Andrea, Alice was sipping her coffee, “Have a seat, let’s eat breakfast. Is Jenny ready?”

Yes, she told me she’ll be here in a few,” I responded, picking up the coffee pot and headed to the table. I sat down. Jenny came in she’s very melancholy. She sat down without saying a word. Alice started the conversation, “Good morning Jen, are you okay?” Jenny looked at her and smiled. She nodded her head and said, “Good morning to you too.” She turned her head toward me. I looked at her and she smiled at me the same smile she gave Alice, right away she turned her eyes away from me. My eyes stayed focused on her hoping she would look my way one more time. She remained quiet, her eyes and her mind was definitely not here. Alice put the fork down on the plate, wiped her mouth, turned to Jenny and said, “Earth to Jenny, hello,” waving her hand on front of Jenny’s face. Jenny glanced at her almost motionless for a few second then right away looked straight ahead. Alice continued, “Why are you acting like this, is something wrong?”

Alice looked at me for answer but I stayed quiet. She asked again, “I thought you would be happy because we’re on our way to New York to see Mike and surprised him?”

Alice didn’t get an answer, “Are you going to say something at all?”

Nothing,” said Jenny, “I’m just thinking.”

Obviously,” Alice said very disappointed. Jenny right away changed the topic “Andrea, my medicine please.” “But, Jenny you didn’t touch your food yet, and you know how much that medicine upset your stomach if you hadn’t eat,” said Andrea starting to get worried about her behavior this morning. I interrupted, putting my coffee down I took her hands and just held it. She tried to pull it away but I got a good hold on them. “Jenny looked at me,” she did, as I asked, “You can’t take medicine with out food. What about the flight, you might get sick up there.”

I’m not hungry,” she said quietly, “Maybe we can cancel the trip you guys can do something special here. Mike doesn’t know we’re coming, so that’s no problem if we cancel. Why don’t you two go somewhere and spent valentine together, since you’re all ready,” said Jenny trying to convince us.

That, I did not agree, I’m not about to cancel a trip that meant a lot to Jenny just because she wanted Alice to be happy. I felt a bit of Adrenaline rush on me. I talked to Jenny with hard and snappy sound, “No!” I said angrily, “I’m not going to accept that. We are going to New York and that’s it! So eat your food, so you can take your medicine, so we can get out of here.” I stopped myself. I realized I was yelling at her. I had never in my whole life, raised my voice on Jenny. I quickly apologized to her, “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to get on your case. I’m just bothered.” Jenny didn’t say a word; she grabbed her fork and started shoveling food down her throat. Her eyes filled with tears. She didn’t look at anybody. When she finished she took her medicine and swallowed them quickly. She got up without saying excused me; she quickly walked back to her room without looking back at all. I got up and followed her trying to call her. She didn’t answer, she went straight to the bathroom and brush her teeth, when she finished she came out, passed by me, and went straight outside and wait inside the suburban. Andrea was out there loading. Jenny went in and sat at the back seat. Alice went in ahead of me also she sat on the front. I helped Andrea load. Andrea pulled me aside and asked, “What on earth did you do that for?” I answered, still stunned by my own action, “I don’t know. All I know is that she’s giving in again.”

Giving in to what,” she asked trying to be quiet. “Jenny overheard me and Alice arguing and it’s about her. Alice was upset because she felt like everything in our lives revolves around Jenny, sort of stuff like that. I think Jenny is feeling guilty again that’s why she wants to cancel the trip that she’s been waiting for, just so she can make Alice happy.” I told Andrea the whole story. When we finished loading, Andrea sat next to Jenny. Jenny remained quiet all the way to the airport. Andrea did not try to talk to Jenny; she just put her arms around her and comforted her. I glanced at Jenny on the mirror every chance I got. She continued to avoid my eyes. Her silence brought a little chill in my entire body. My head started rushing with thought that some of them I didn’t like, I couldn’t handle if ever did happen. I tried to shake them up but it keeps coming. I glanced at her but it’s no luck, she had her eyes looking out the window.

We were a bit pressing for time when we got to the airport. I pulled in the side quickly, the attendant outside helped us check in. He told us what gate we’re going to board. Jenny checked in first, when she finished, Jenny kissed Andrea goodbye and went on ahead of us with her hand carry. They’re already boarding when we got there to the gate. Jenny sat on the window side; she left us the two seats together. The person sitting next to her is an older woman. The whole trip, she didn’t look at us at all. Alice told me not to bother her, to let her soaked. I didn’t argue with her. Jenny declined all the food and drinks the flight attendant offered. It seemed to me the flight took forever to get to New York.

We arrived at the Kennedy airport at 3:10 in the afternoon; we went to the luggage pickup hoping it’s already out. We had at least an hour trip to Mike’s place and that if it’s not traffic. We waited at least ten minutes for the luggage. Jenny carried her suitcase. I carried ours and I asked Jenny if I could carry hers because if it’s heavy she’ll get tired. She told me it wasn’t heavy so I didn’t insist. I got scared I might raise my voice again if I insisted. When we got out of the airport, we’re lucky we found taxi right away. Jenny sat on the front of the taxi that left Alice and me at the back. She gave the driver Mike’s Address. We were doing real good time; there’s wasn’t any heavy traffic at all. The taxi took a different route too to avoid the traffic. When we arrived at Mike’s house he was home already, it’s perfect all we have to do is ring the bell. We didn’t need to wait. Jenny paid the driver, I got out taking the luggage out of the trunk with the driver’s help, and Alice helped. When Jenny finished paying, she was going to get her luggage but I told her to ring the bell instead. Jenny did so; she went to the door and rung the bell. She stood right in front of the door waiting for it to open.

Mike was in the basement waiting for Jenny’s call. When he heard the ring, at first he thought the ring was from the phone so he picked up the phone, then he realized it wasn’t. Jenny rung the bell the second time, Mike noticed it was the door so he ran upstairs to open the door. When he opened the door, boy, was he really surprised to see Jenny looking at him. At first, he couldn’t believe it so he shook his head, looked at Jenny again, and looked at us. Jenny smiled at him. Mike picked her up and spanned her around, “It’s you, it’s really you,” then he laughed as loud as he could. He was so happy he didn’t know what to do. He finally put Jenny down; he hugged her then kissed as if he never kissed her before. When he finished he said Hi to us, gave us a hug and finally let us in the house. He was thrilled about us coming. He grabbed Jenny again and they kissed one more time.

Mike settles down and thought about tonight. He said, “I need to call for reservation at a restaurant so we could all go out for valentine. This is a big surprised you guys. I love you all.” He reached for the phone but Jenny stopped him and said, “Don’t worry about it I already have a reservation in down town Manhattan. It’s at 8 o’clock. It’s also a formal dinner so wear an after five outfit.” We looked around the house, the first thing we noticed was the huge picture of Jenny on top of the fire place, Jenny commented on it, “Nice painting, where did you get that?” Mike answered, “I had it done by a famous painter here. You should see my room and the basement it’s full of your pictures.” Jenny asked for the bathroom, Mike pointed where to go, as soon as Jenny got in the bathroom, Mike asked, “I know she’s smiling a lot but I could tell she’s got a lot in her mind.”

You tell us,” Alice kinda snapped, “She was quiet since this morning, Matt kind of yell at her this morning then she really got quiet, she wasn’t talking ever since.” I interrupted Alice, “I need to talk to her before this night is over. I don’t know what came over me yelling at her that way.” Mike astonished, “You Matt? Raising your voice on Jenny?”

I know,” I said defensively, “I didn’t believe it either.” Jenny came out the bathroom. I suggested that we all get ready for tonight. Mike agreed he showed us our room and Jenny’s. He picked up Jenny’s suitcase and put it in Jenny’s room, Jenny thank Mike and closed the door behind her.

Mike and I finished ahead; Mike showed me the basement where he does his work. It was impressive I told him. Mike was curious of what Alice had said, he asked, “I don’t mean to intrude, but, why you raised your voice on Jenny? It’s hard to believe, ever since I knew you, I never heard you yelling at anybody.” “It’s a long story,” I started telling him the story, “This morning Alice was griping about Jenny, like why do we have to come here, she said that she had something special planned for the two of us. I said that we could make it here in New York. She was complaining that every thing is about Jenny, she went on and on grumbling about Jenny. We argued about it. I didn’t know Jenny was by the door, when I got out I saw her tried to get away from the door and pretended she was just coming towards our room, I asked her if she’s okay she told me that she was looking for Andrea because she wasn’t in the kitchen. But I know Jenny over heard everything, she was trying to cancel this trip that she’s been patiently waiting, her excuse is that you didn’t know about it so it’s no problem if we cancel, that Alice and I could go do something special just the two of us. That I didn’t agree. She always gives in for everyone’s happiness. She planned this trip for more than a week, the thing that ticked me off is I talked to Alice about this right away, she agreed with out questions or complained, on the last minute she started grouching on Jenny. Jenny made excuses to me that we can cancel to make Alice happy. She didn’t want to eat, but she has to eat for the medicine. I yelled at her and told her to eat so she can take the medicine so we can leave. You know Jenny; she doesn’t talk back or argue. She started shoveling her food as fast as she could, took her medicine and waited for us outside. She sat way on the back. I was really kicking my self after I did that. Do me a favor don’t tell Alice about this, she didn’t know, and I’m not about to tell her, I’m afraid it’ll get worst if she knew it.”

Oh no,” promised Mike, “We better get back there before they come looking for us.” Mike and I walked back upstairs. He whispered, “You really need to talk and straighten these things out.” When we got up, the ladies weren’t done yet, I went to Alice and asked if she needed anything, when she said no I told her that I will go to Jenny’s room and asked if she need help and talk to her at the same time. She said okay and before I walked out the door, “Good luck.”

Yeah, I need all the luck I can get,” I said to her then left.

I found myself in front of Jenny’s door just standing there. I felt chill brushed my body. I took a deep breath then knocked. She didn’t answer so I knocked again, “Jenny may I come in, please.” It was silent for a few seconds. I was going to knock one more time when I heard Jenny said, “Come in, it’s not lock.”

I opened the door gently and asked before I came in, “Can we talk please.” She looked at me with her sad eyes, “Come and have a seat.” I got in and sat on the bed. She turned her eyes back at the mirror. She looked at herself to make sure everything was finished, and then she sat next to me on the bed.

You look beautiful,” I said admiring her face and her outfit.

Thank you,” said Jenny gently then looked away.

Jenny, please look at me,” I started begging. Jenny looked at me as I asked. Touching her beautiful face I continued, “I’m very, very sorry, can you please forgive me?”

She didn’t answer she just closed her eyes. I begged again, “I messed up, I lost control of myself. I knew why you’re acting like this, you heard us arguing about you. Don’t feel guilty for this morning. She was out of line; she didn’t have the right to complain on the last minute, she should have just kept it until this trip was over. Don’t give in right away because somebody was being selfish and childish.”

She looked at me again, bit her lips, “I’m sorry too, Matt. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, I was going to knocked on your door to greet you both happy valentine and asked you if you’ve seen my camera.”

I love you so much,” I said gently, “I’ll die if you’re mad at me.”

I wasn’t mad at you,” said Jenny giving me a smile.

Okay, I’ll die if you don’t talk to me,” I said trying hard to tease her. She got up and sat on my lap, still smiling. I took that as a good sign. Then her smile got bigger and brighter and has more life to it. She said teasingly, “But I’ll die first, so how can I talk to you.” I teased her back, “Yes, you will, you will speak in my heart.” I gently held her face with both hands and I gently brushed her lips with a kiss. “You’re very precious.”

She hugged me and I hugged her back. “My Jenny is back,” I said aloud. I promised my self I wouldn’t yell at her ever again. We hugged a while longer she got up.

Oh yeah, before I forgot,” I said. I was digging in my pocket, “Happy Valentine sweet heart,” I handed her a box. She took the box, “Thank you.” She opened the box, “Wow!” she exclaimed, “Could you put it on my finger.” She handed me the box back and kissed me while I put the ring on her finger. I gave her a diamond ring. When she finished she admired the ring for a few seconds, “By the way,” she took a box out of her suitcase and handed it to me, “Happy valentine Matt.”

I took the box, “Thank you.” I opened it, “Wow!” I exclaimed, “Could you put it on my finger,’ I handed her the box and kissed her then I extended my finger out. She put the ring on my finger. She gave me a 24k gold ambassador ring.

We both went out happy. Mike suggested that we better get going if we want to get there on time. “The traffic is outrageous sometimes,” he added. Jenny looked out the window, “Okay we can go.” When I opened the door for everyone to get out, I saw a Limo parked on the driveway, I asked, “What’s the Limo doing here.”

Our ride,” said Jenny with a smile.

Jenny,” we all said at the same time. On the way to the restaurant, we were having fun like old times. The host greeted us as we got in the restaurant. Jenny said her name and the man asked for Alice and me first and seated us on the opposite corner of Mike and Jenny’s table. The table has our name on it. She surprised us that we weren’t dinning together. I looked at Alice, “See we’re not even dinning with them, she planned this so we can have our own special time apart from them.” Alice was a bit embarrassed and apologized to me. The restaurant was very fancy, The wall were covered with hearts and cupid decorations, each table has red roses on vase and a heart balloons tied on it. Inside there’s a big ballroom. The waiter gave us the menu book, I opened it and the price of the food and drinks were very high, they’re ranging from $50 and up. The waiter first told us his name and that he will be the one waiting on us, then he told us that everything we ordered was already been taking care of and all we have to do was choose any thing on the fabulous menus. We started with champagne; the waiter left us so we can decide what to order. I looked over to Mike and Jenny who were having a wonderful time both were giggling a lot. The same waiter went to their table, he introduced himself first and said the same thing he told us and left. Mike looked at Jenny, “I was supposed to take the check.” Jenny smiled at him and answered back, “Why, this is part of the surprise.”

The food was excellent. When we finished eating, I gave Alice her present. I gave her a diamond ring also. Alice took my hand, kissed it and said thank you. In returned she gave my present also, she gave me a Rolex watch with diamond accent on it. I stretched over the table to kiss her and said thank you as well.

Mike and Jenny did the same thing. Mike got Jenny a diamond ring with matching earrings. He said, “I bought this how many days ago and I was going to have it delivered in time for valentine but I changed my mind on the last minute, I decided to just carry it with me when I come home on the end of the month and give it you then. That’s why I asked Dad to send you a bouquet of roses today. But instead he gave it you from himself; does he know you guys are coming here?” Jenny smiled, “Yes, I told him when he took me out to dinner and I told him not to tell you. He promised me that he won’t, and I bet that he did bring that bouquet of flowers over any way today.” Mike handed Jenny the box, “Happy Valentine, Love.” Jenny took the box, kissed Mike and said thank you then opened the box, “Wow,” she exclaimed then asked him to put it on her finger. She extended her finger, Mike slide the ring on her finger, Mike noticed the ring on her finger and asked, “Did Matt give you this?”

Jenny smiled and nodded her head. Jenny took the earrings off her ears and asked Mike to put the one that he got. Mike stood up and leaned over to put the earrings on Jenny’s ear. When he finished he kissed her head. Jenny got her purse and got something but before she got the chance to hand it to Mike, he said, “You better not give any more presents, you did a lot already.” Jenny just smiled at him and handed him a present. Mike opened it, “Wow,” he exclaimed, “Can you put it on my finger,” he extended his finger. Jenny put it on his finger, Mike said thank you.

The night went smooth. Mike asked Jenny to dance. The two dance so sweetly to the music. They’re playing all love songs since it’s Valentine’s Day. There were other couples dancing, young and old. I asked Alice to dance as well. I glanced at each in every couple; all were very happy and full of love for each other. I looked at Alice and she gave me a beautiful smile. I smiled back; I pulled her closer to me and whispered, “I love you.” She got even closer yet. I glanced towards Mike and Jenny who were having so much fun together. I moved closer to them. When I got a chance I told Alice that if she didn’t mind, I would like to switched partner, she smiled and agreed. I tapped Mike on the shoulder, asked if we could switch, Mike let go of Jenny, and took Alice hands and the two danced together. I took Jenny’s hands and asked her if I can have this dance. She smiled beautifully, “Yes you can have this dance.”

We danced. Jenny looked even more beautiful the more I look at her. She’s just having too much fun. I thank her for tonight, asked how she found out about this. She told me the story, “I called Jim and asked him to find me a beautiful and elegant place to eat and dance for Valentine. I told him not to tell Mike. He found this and gave me the number. I invited him but he said he didn’t have a date. I called them up and arranged everything, when you said we could go. You like?” she asked. I couldn’t find a perfect word, “I like? This is like a dream come true for me. I’m so amazed of what you’ve done and to think you wanted to throw it all away just because someone complained. By the way, Alice apologized to me tonight; she admits that this is awesome, it’s much better than what she had planned. I didn’t tell her, about why you were acting weird today, and I’m not about to either.” She agreed with me. I asked, “What did Mike give you?” She showed me her finger and touched her earrings. “Wow, it’s beautiful.”

We danced until almost midnight.

The night went fast. We got home just after midnight. We all gathered around the fireplace. Mike got some wood and started the fire. Jenny was quiet; Mike talked a lot about his work, his school, and the people at his work. Jenny excuse herself, “I need to go and get ready for bed I’m getting tired.” She went to her room; the rest of us pretty much followed her lead.

Mike just changed to his pajama and went back out. I was in the kitchen getting some water when I saw Mike heading to the basement, “Aren’t you going to bed yet?” I asked. I drank the water I had on my hand. “No,” he answered, “I’m not sleepy. I thought I’d play with the work I brought home, until I get sleepy. What about you?” I put the glass in the sink, “Yeah, Alice want me to join her sleep.”

Ooh la... la,” said Mike smiling at me and making some nasty motion. I threw something at him and went back to the room. On the way to our room, I stopped by Jenny’s door and knocked. Jenny answered and said come in. I opened the door, “Are you going to sleep?” She answered, “I guess, is Mike still out there?”

He went down to the basement to do some work he told me when I saw him in the kitchen.”

I might join him for a while then. Are you going to bed?” she asked. I told her yes, she came to the door and gave me a hug and a kiss goodnight. She’s on the way to follow Mike to the basement. “Don’t stay up too late; it’s not good for you.” She turned around and answered me with a salute, “Yes, Sir,” and laugh at it. I just shook my head and smile in amusement.

Jenny went down the stair and called for Mike, “Mike, are you here?” Mike got out of his chair, “Yes, sweetheart. What are you doing up? I thought you’re asleep.” He went to meet Jenny by the stairs.

What are you doing?” she asked. She looked around the place and pictures of her were all over, “Nice room, so do you spend most of your time down here?”

Pretty much, this is where I retreat after a whole days work and school. Here, I can see you, and hear your voice,” Mike sat back down. He pulled Jenny and put her on his lap. Mike can’t get over the fact that Jenny was here in New York with him in the flesh, he still think it’s all a dream. Mike showed him what he did to his computer, “All our conversation is recorded so I can listen to it afterward, and I synthesized your voice and transferred it in the computer, like when I turn this computer off, it talks to me in your voice.” Mike showed it to her, he shut down his computer and the computer said goodbye Mike on Jenny’s voice. Jenny was thrilled about it. Jenny teased Mike “No wonder you can’t find a date. The minute she came in the house, the first thing she’d see is that huge picture of mine. You tried to show her the basement; the only thing she’d see are these pictures of me all over, now the computer has my voice. You had better not show your room she’d get scared of you. She’ll think that you’re obsessed.”

Mike answered with such confident, “That’s the whole idea, I don’t want anybody else but you, and these will stay just like this, the way you see it from now till they get really old and faded.”

Jenny just looked at him and tried to pinch his nose. Jenny transferred to the futon couch and sat down, “What’s on the VCR?” Mike played it, and he joined her on the couch. They watch the video of his birthday. Jenny was getting tired; she lay on Mike’s lap. After few minutes, she fell asleep. Mike slowly picked up her head and lay it down gently on the pillow. He quietly took the hook off the backrest of the futon and lay it down to make it a bigger bed. He got another pillow and a big blanket and he sleep behind Jenny putting his arms around her.

I got up early, I tip toed going out so I wouldn’t wake up Alice. I went to the kitchen and tried to make coffee, I had fun looking for the stuff I need in his kitchen. The coffee was brewing. I got some wood, filed them up in the fireplace, and started the fire, good thing Mike left the matches and the fuel by the fireplace. With my blanket wrap around me, I sat in front of the fireplace. I was trying to warm myself because it was cold morning. Jenny was just going upstairs to go to her room when he saw me sitting by the fireplace. I looked at her and asked, “Are you just going to bed?” She climbed under the blanket and sat in front of me, “No, we were watching a video when I fell asleep on Mike’s lap, instead of waking me up or carry me to my room; he opened up the futon and he slept with me. I woke up cold; we had a blanket but I guess I’m just not used to this weather,” she said trying to get cozy. I put my arms around her trying to be warm.

I glanced at the coffee pot it was full. I tried to excuse myself to get a cup of coffee but she volunteered to get it. After she got me a cup, she climbed back in the blanket in front of me. She leaned her body close to me. I guessed she was still tired she drifted away after 10 minutes. I didn’t even get to start a conversation. Mike got up and went upstairs. When he saw me, he went to get a cup of coffee, came, and joined me. He saw Jenny sleeping right in front of me. Her head was sitting on my arms. He commented on it, “She can sleep anywhere can she, we were watching the video together when she fell asleep on my lap, I didn’t want to bother her and beside I missed her so much so I slept next to her. Now she’s sleep again?” I looked down to watch her, “Yeah, she came up here, she got me a coffee and 10 minutes later she’s down. I guess she’s still tired. She said that she woke up cold.”

We talked until the sun was up. Jenny woke up and said good morning, a few minutes later Alice came out of the room and joined us.

Jim came over to visit with us this morning. Mike and I were making breakfast when he came in. He helped us cook. After we finished breakfast, we decided to tour New York. Mike and Jim showed us the beautiful sight of New York, like the Empire State building, we also went to the statue of liberty, we went to the famous Central Park, and had lunch there, and of course shop in the expensive mall of Manhattan. We were out all day. We didn’t use Mike’s car, we used taxi, used the subway to get from one place to another, and buses. It’s much faster, because there’s no traffic down there and the subway stop to these places. We pretty much visit the place the subway or bus stops.

We went home right after we had dinner in one of the fanciest restaurant close to the mall. It was late, we got home about 11 o’clock at night we were very exhausted. Jenny fell asleep resting on the couch. She slept through the night, and didn’t even wake up when I transferred her to her bedroom before I went to sleep. We all went to bed early and slept in. I woke up around 8:00 in the morning. I went out of my room Jim and Mike were awake talking around the counter next to the coffee maker drinking coffee. I joined in, I grabbed a cup and pour coffee on it. Jenny and Alice didn’t wake up until almost 9 o’clock. After breakfast, we all started packing. Mike helped Jenny packed. We were all mellow. Mike didn’t leave Jenny’s sight that day. He and Jim helped me load the car; sadness was creeping from under him, weekends over time to get back to Texas. We left the house around 11 o’clock in the morning, the drive to the airport is about an hour and we have to spare some time for the traffic. Our flight was at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. On the way to airport, everyone was quiet. Mike was driving and Jenny was sitting next to him. Alice and I sat on the back with Jim.

The traffic was very slow but moving, we’re going about 15 to 20 miles an hour. Nevertheless, it’s good we’re not stuck. Mike was holding Jenny’s hand all the way to the airport and Jenny didn’t try to pull away either. They would look at each other occasionally and just smiled. Finally we got to the airport with that traffic around 1 o’clock in the afternoon, we check in outside. Mike and Jim went with us inside and waited with us. He and Jenny were together all the time we’re waiting, he didn’t leave Jenny’s side. They talked and cried together when it was getting close for us to board. Mike didn’t want to let go of Jenny. We were flying first class so they called us first. Jenny and Mike kissed. Mike’s tears were rolling down rapidly as he waved goodbye. He waited there until the plane was totally out of his sight. Jenny was quiet, this time she was sitting behind us. The person sitting next to her was an older man on his 50’s. Alice fell asleep in the plane and I stayed on my seat. I was going to talked to Jenny, but when I looked at her, she was facing the window and looked very sad. I let her be then I turned my head back. I watched the movie that was playing.

We landed at the airport about 8 o’clock in the evening. Andrea was picking us up. When we got out, Andrea was patiently waiting, she got excited when she saw Jenny first, Jenny ran to her and they hugged. As soon as we finished getting our luggage, we went straight home. Andrea cooked us our favorite food but Jenny nicely said, “Thank you so much for taking your time but I think I’ll pass on this one, I’m going to bed right now.” She gave all three of us a hug goodnight, and then went to bed; she didn’t even try to change. I went to her room to tuck her in when Mike called, the two talked for a few minutes until Jenny told him that she’s very tired and want to sleep. They said goodnight to each other and hung up. I tucked Jenny in, kissed her goodnight and left her room.

© 2011 jenny nieuwsma

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Added on June 16, 2011
Last Updated on June 16, 2011


jenny nieuwsma
jenny nieuwsma

Naga City, Bicol, Philippines

My husband and i are missionary here in the Philippines. We are from Ft. Worth Texas. I like writing anything God put in my mind or just my own thought. so, pretty much random thoughts? more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma