Chapter vII

Chapter vII

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma


Jenny seemed to have renewed energy lately. December 7, was Mike’s birthday and she’s been very busy getting ready for it. She’s doing a lot. I felt bad about it, I don’t want her to get sick again but I don’t want to disappoint her either for not supporting her. Tonight after supper, she was talking to Andrea. Andrea was putting away the dishes. I sneaked behind her and gave her a peck on the cheek. She turned around, “I know it’s you Matt. Trying to hide from me?”

You’ve been doing all the work,” I said, “I don’t want you tired and sick, is there any I can help you with,” I said trying to be sympathetic. “Yes, give me some money.” She grinned. “Nah, everything was taking care of, the cake, the catering, the guest and other stuff.” I offer my help again, “What time is the party tomorrow? I need to get off early enough so I could help you.”

It’s Friday, so it’ll start around 7 pm and end till whenever. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to help Andrea so she can do that thing,” Jenny gently pushed me aside. I held her hand and stopped her from what she’s doing. “Honey, you’ve done enough for tonight. You need a rest that’s what you need to do right now. It’s late you need to sleep. I’ll help Andrea, right Andrea?” I didn’t let go of her before she said yes and I’m not about to let her go anyway if she insists, but I knew her she does what I asked of her. She tried to look at me with that 'feeling bad' look but it wasn’t working, her smile kept trying to peep. I look at her with the same look she gave me and she couldn’t resist she burst into laughter. We both laughed. I pulled her towards me put my hands on both cheeks and kissed her nose. “I love you very much, that’s why I want you to take it easy so I can enjoy more of this moment.”

I was thinking of that myself.” She smiled. “Do you have time to tuck me in and stay for a while till I sleep?” I smiled back and said, “All the time, why don’t you get ready for bed and I’ll come when you’re done. I just need to tell Andrea I can’t help.” I let go of her then left. She went to her room humming. I missed that sound from her. She used to do that a lot when she’s younger but when she got very sick she stopped doing it. When I finished talking to Andrea I went to her room like I said I would, I knocked on the door and waited for her answer. She said come in I opened the door and came in. She was all ready for bed. I tucked her in and joined her in bed. We talked for a while about our day, her school, my work, her visit to the hospital. We were telling jokes when Alice knocked on the door and asked if she could join in. I answered yes and asked her to find a place to lie down. We had fun goofing off until Jenny got sleepy. We kissed her goodnight and left the room. On the way to our room, I thank Alice for the time she spent with Jenny and me. She was happy about it herself.

Mike told his parents about the party tomorrow. “Jenny is having a birthday party for me tomorrow night at their house, you are both invited to attend the party,” he said gently and with a smile. His Dad was okay about it and said he’ll be there but his Mom upset about it, “You won’t be celebrating it with us? I have something planned for your birthday tomorrow night. Why didn’t you tell me about it a week ago or so? Since you’re leaving very soon I want this birthday of yours, special.”

You’re the one who wanted me to go, but, well, you can do it tomorrow at the party, you can help Jenny with it,” answered Mike gently. “I want to do it myself and I already invited some people and our relatives are coming,” she said hastily. “Oh well, either you come to the party or you will have to do it with out me. She’s been very busy with this and I do not want to let her down. She thinks this will be her last for me. I want to make this very special as possible,” said Mike starting to feel uncomfortable.

Why didn’t she ask me first if I have a plan for you?” Mrs. Andrews said who’s now getting more upset. Mr. Andrews retorted. “Leave our son alone Julia you’ve done enough damage to their relationships. He’s not a little boy anymore. He’s on his age now that we parents are just there to support him not tell him what to do, well, if you don’t want to go with me I’ll go by myself.”

Thank you Dad. Jenny sent the invitation didn’t you get it.”

Probably, but I bet your Mom threw it away,” said his Dad grinning. “How is she doing, son?”

Mike answered with a trace of sadness on his face. “Well, she’s doing well right now. She seems to have a renewed energy but she’s lost a lot of weight and she’s pale all the time even when we sit out in the sun during morning before going to school.”

I bet Matt always worried about it. I don’t think any one can be ready for something like that even though how ready they think they are,” Mr. Andrews said sadly.

No, nobody can every time she’s in pain my heart bleeds. I don’t think I can go through the way she does,” said Mike sympathetically. Mr. Andrews draw a conclusion about all this, “God had enough measure of grace for her, for every one, we just need to take it in faith and that’s what Jenny is doing exactly.” Mrs. Andrews still upset about the whole thing interrupted them. “Why can’t you be on my side with this one John, I was hoping you’d go for this, since he’s leaving next month and we won’t be seeing much of him.” “Because your side is not a good side to be in,” said Mr. Andrews ready to burst out in laughter. He thought that was a good thing to say, but tried to control his laughter, “I want to show her my appreciation for all the things she had done with our son. Mike learned a lot from her ever since she let him in her life. She was a very good example for Mike and look how Mike turned out.” Mrs. Andrews didn’t like his answer at all and stormed out the room. Mike was very thankful to his Dad for all his support. “Thank you so much Dad for everything that really meant a lot to me, that you noticed the change in my life. I love you Dad, I know I don’t say it a lot but I always respected you.” He hugged his Dad and his Dad hugged him back. Mike’s Dad tapped his back and said, “I better follow your mom or she’ll have a fit.” He left smiling at Mike. Mike smiled back at him and said in a louder voice, “good luck.” His Dad turned his head back to Mike. “I need all of them,” said his Dad. Mike was smiling when he left the room and went to his room.

Friday morning, Jenny woke up early. She was all ready for school, helped Andrea in the kitchen, and made breakfast for everybody. When I came to eat, she’s the one that served me breakfast. I amazed how much energy she has. I reminded her about her lungs. She told me, “Not to worry my beloved brother I’m not making myself tired. I’m taking it slow.”

Slow?” I was unsure of what I heard. “Look at you, you dressed for school, you made breakfast, now you’re serving me, and you called that taking it slow?” “You like?” She asked smiling.

Like what? The breakfast, sure taste great, but I don’t like you over doing yourself with this stuff that fast. I don’t wanna watch you sleep for a day or so.” I said in such disagreement. She laughed on the last word I said and tried to tickle me. I was trying not to laugh. Alice came in and joined us at the table. Jenny started serving her the breakfast also. I was arguing persistently, “This afternoon after school you’re going to be very busy for the party. I don’t think I like that. I don’t think I can handle all the pressure you’re putting in my heart.” She answered me back with “I love you Matt.”

I couldn’t resist, so I said, “Ha? I didn’t hear it, say it again.”

I love you Matt. You’re my favorite brother in the whole world,” said Jenny screaming on top of lungs.

I’m your only brother.”

Don’t I know it,” said Jenny laughing. All of a sudden, I forgot I was trying to pick an argument with her. I gave up I said goodbye to them; I was late work. I gave Jenny and Alice hugs and kisses. I was on my way out when Mike came in. We said hello to each other then I left for work.

Jenny got everything ready for party before guests arrived. Most of the guests were close friends of Mike when he was in college. Some were relatives that live closer, some were close friends of ours that knew Mike and the others were some very important people to Mike that Jenny invited to grace his birthday. To mention a few of the VIP’s, one of them was Mike’s best friend from high school through I think sophomore in college turned worst enemies. I don’t really know what happened between them two, Jim Bailey. Jenny called him up and encouraged him to patch things up with Mike. I didn’t know how she gets him in to coming here. Another one was Mike best friend from grade school who’s now a pro football player, they lost in touch when Mike moved to Texas. Another one is Mike’s favorite Professor who won a Nobel Prize for his work. He is Mike’s inspiration that’s why Mike took this profession. Mrs. Andrews showed up also with Mr. Andrews, I thought she wouldn’t show up at all. Mr. Andrews was very joyful and very friendly, his usual self. The first thing he did was try to find Jenny to say ‘hi’ to her. Mrs. Andrews couldn’t look at me eye to eye and she’s trying to avoid Jenny. The whole guests arrived and the party was warming up. Everybody was having a wonderful time together. The food was great and the music was great. Jenny did slow down which I gladly appreciated. She looked very beautiful on her outfit, very festive. Everybody was admiring her and thanking her for a fabulous set up. She just smiled at them and said that she didn’t do anything. Well, she’s right she hired a Catering service and they did almost everything from decorations to cleaning but she organized everything. The party continued…

When it was time to blow the candles, they brought out the cake but not lit yet. Jenny was holding the match, before she lights the candles she spoke first, “This is a great privilege for me to host Mike’s birthday party. Before we light the candles, I want to give him a song that meant a lot to me. Mike this one is for you. I love you dearly.” She walked to the piano. She motioned Mike to come closer to her. She played the piano and sang. She sang their love song “Love without end”. Her voice was very angelic and very powerful. The crowd got very quiet. Mike was standing right in front of her, tears gently rolling down his face. I looked around, almost everyone had wet eyes, Alice, Andrea, Mr. Andrews and the guests, and Mrs. Andrews left the room…

When she finished the song, she greeted Mike happy birthday then gave him a kiss. Mike kissed her back and it was a long one. Everyone clapped their hands as they try to recuperate from crying. When Mike let go she tried to swallow, “Well, let’s light the candles.” She smiled at him, held his hand and went back to the table where the cake was. She started lighting the candles and she led the song ‘happy birthday’ everybody followed her cue. Mike blew the candles and everyone cheers, and sang the other part of the song. After he blew the candles Mike spoke, he thanked everyone for being there. He started with Jenny, his parents, the guests and me. The party went on. Some of the guests left right after they had the birthday cake. Some stayed little while longer.

Mike and Jim patch up their relationships and become good buddies again. They talked a while, before Jim left, they exchanged their phone numbers since both of them will be in New York. Jim’s already living there and Mike will be moving there after New Year. Mike asked Jim where he’s staying for the night. “I’m flying back tonight because I left a broken down system at work,” answered Jim.

Oh, then let me drive you to the airport,” offered Mike.

There should be a taxi waiting for me already. I asked him to come and pick me up around this time.” Jim changed the topic. “She’s letting you go ha?”

Yeah, I don’t like it but I have to listen to her last wish,” Mike said softly, “she doesn’t have that long to live and she knows it. She’s wrapping things up that needs to do. First, she asked Matt to get married so she can see him been taking care of before she left. She told Andrea not to do much work anymore she asked her to let the help do most of the housework. Then me, she asked me to take the job and asked me to start dating others. She’s really wrapping every thing’s up and that really scares me. I don’t know what I’m going to do with out her, when I start my job in New York I told her that I would come home once a month and I will call everyday.” Jim cut in, “What did she say about it.”

I told her she doesn’t have a choice, and she didn’t argue about it.”

What are you planning to do when she’s gone, are you going to move back or stay in New York?” Jim asked quietly.

Mike didn’t answer right away he had a long pause. Jim and Mike looked at each other, “I don’t know, but one thing I know is that I’ll focus on research. That’s life for me. She’s my whole life, my whole world revolved around her, I don’t even know if I’ll survive in New York without her there with me, much along if she totally gone. The more I think about it the more I get scared.” Mike’s tears brewing in his eyes.

I’m sorry man,” Jim apologized, “I feel you, if you need somebody to talk to, I’m willing to listen. I love you man. I still consider you my best friend after all that happened to us. Let’s forget what happened back then and start anew,” said Jim extending his hand to Mike. Mike shook his hand then the two hugged. Jim was walking out the door when he said, “Good luck with your new job and give me a call when you get there.”

I’ll do,” said Mike waving his hand good bye. When Mike saw Jenny he stopped her, he gave her a kiss and said, “Thank you so much for inviting him, I was thinking of him last night. I felt bad about our friendship gone sour but you bring it back to life. I thank you for that and I love you.”

You’re welcome,” said Jenny. “Now, do you want me to call your girlfriend before you met me?” Mike tried to tickle Jenny. “I’m going to bite you.” Mike opened his mouth as wide as he could and tried to bite her neck.

Most of the guests left except for some friends and his Dad, Mrs. Andrews went ahead of Mr. Andrews. I guessed she still very embarrassed or feeling bad for what she had done a while back. We gathered around the big receiving room while the food service staff was cleaning up. We had wonderful time, sharing stories. Jenny didn’t say much she just smiled a lot and laughed when it’s cute story. She sat next to Mike and his Dad. Mike was talking to her most of the time. It was getting late Mr. Andrews said goodbye. When he left, Jenny got up and walked towards me. She sat next to me and the other side of me was Alice. She leaned on me. When I put my arms around her, she gave me a cute smile. Soon after, Jenny said good nights before everyone. I escorted her to her room and she just crashed on her bed without changing. I kissed her goodnight and I pulled up the cover. Minutes later, the rest of the guest said goodbye also. They were all proud of Jenny on how she took care of everything, and not get sick. I was very proud of her, myself. She did give the best party tonight. She invited guests that neither Mike nor I would think of inviting. She made Mike the happiest and most special person tonight.

Mike stayed awhile. We sat around the living room and unwrapped presents and talk while waiting for the crew to finished cleaning up. Mike looked definitely tired too but he’s too polite for that, he stayed to give us company until all the staff left. Mike thanked all of us for the party. “I thank you guys for giving me a party. My mom is furious about this because she said she had plan for tonight, but I’m glad that Jenny did this. I didn’t need to put up with the people my Mom would have invited. This is definitely one unforgettable birthday I will ever have.”

Yeah brother, imagine you got to patch up your friendship with your best friend,” I said proudly, “Jenny did her best to make this happen.”

Andrea cut in, “You know, she spent many hours on the phone just to get a hold of Jim, and the other guests that are out of state. The thing is she had to do it without your presence that’s why she keeps sending you somewhere else.”

I noticed that.”

The cleaning crew finally finished and said thank you and goodbye to us. I returned the favor and showed them to the door. After they left, everyone said that they’re ready for bed, Mike said goodbye also and left. Andrea said her goodnight and went to bed; Alice asked me if I was going because she’s ready to go also. I told her to go ahead because I was going to check on Jenny one last time. She gave me a goodnight kiss and went ahead. I locked all the doors and went to Jenny’s room to check on her. She was sleeping soundly. I watched her sleep for a few minutes. As I was watching her, I could feel the peace presence in the room. That feeling made me all warm inside. When I couldn’t fight my sleepiness any longer, I kissed her forehead and whispered goodnight then I left and went to my room.

The days and weeks went by, Jenny’s renewed energy still going. She hasn’t got sick. Sometimes she felt some pain but it wasn’t bad enough to stop her. Christmas was just around the corner. We’re all busy getting ready for it. There’s a lot to do for Christmas, presents, decorations, trimmings and all sort of stuff. Jenny didn’t want any presents; all she wanted was more time from all of us that loves her, from Mike, Alice, Andrea, Mr. Andrews, some of her close friends and me. Every time we asked her what she wants for Christmas she’d say, “I want nothing; all I really want is more of your undivided attention. I want each of you to give a time we can spend together one on one. That’s all I want. “What would I do with material things? I can’t bring ‘em to…” she stopped before she finished it.

I want this Christmas to be extra special for Jenny, so I made sure everything go smoothly. I had a huge plan for this season. I got tickets for holiday shows that Jenny enjoys, caroling, driving around the neighborhood to see beautiful Christmas decorations and all sorts of stuff. I centered all the activities on Jenny. I know all this little thing is what she likes the most.

Mr. Andrews asked Mike what kind of presents he thinks Jenny would like this Christmas. Mike told him about what Jenny really like is a time with her. Then his dad said, “that’s all, that’s what she likes, spend time with her. Hmm, maybe I’ll take her on a date.”

Dad,” said Mike with a jealous voice, “what you mean a date?”

I mean I’ll take her out to dinner or what ever she likes as long as I spent time with her. I bet she would enjoy a time with me as a father and I bet she missed that,” Mr. Andrews said smiling.

Yes, Dad, go for it. I bet she would really love that. She really loves you, dad.” Mike said trying to convince his Dad eagerly.

I think I’ll call her tomorrow and set a date. Don’t tell her about it.”

Mr. Andrews did what he said he’d do. The next day he called the house and arranged a date with Jenny, “How about on the 23rd at night, say about 7:00 pm.” Jenny's thrilled with the idea.

Fantastic. I’ll see you then. Now I have to go because I have an important meeting waiting for me,” Mr. Andrews said hanging up the phone on Jenny. Mike was there, so when Jenny hung up the phone she said, “Guess whom I talked to on the phone?”

Who,” asked Mike innocently?

My date, he wants to take me out on the 23rd at night. Did you tell him what I want for Christmas?” Jenny asked.

He asked what you want for Christmas, so I told him that you didn’t want any presents this year that’s all,” answered Mike trying to avoid more questions so before Jenny has to say more, he changed the topic quick.

The 23rd came and Jenny very excited about her date with Mike’s Dad. I can understand why she felt this way, Mr. Andrews was very kind to us and he kind the treat us as his children. He calls me son once in awhile and he’s very affectionate with Jenny. Jenny really got ready for it. She took a nap during the day so she won’t tire easily tonight. When I got home from work about 4:30 she was still asleep, first I thought she wasn’t feeling good so I asked Andrea if she’s okay. Andrea told me that she’s just taking a rest for tonight and she asked Andrea to wake her up around 5:15 so she can get ready. I told Andrea that I would wake her up myself on that time. I was on the way to my room to change when the phone rang, I picked up the phone “hello,” I answered.

Hello, Matt. This is John.” He said on the other line.

How are you Sir,” I responded politely.

I doing just fine, I just want to make sure about tonight. Is Jenny feeling okay?”

Well, she’s really excited about it. Actually, she’s taking a nap right now. She doesn’t want to cut your date short.” I giggled a little.

Great, I’ll pick her up at 7 tonight, we are going to a dinner and I got a ring ticket to nut cracker on ice. Do you think she would love to see that?” He asked happily.

Oh, I wanted to get tickets for that but it sold out. I bet she would love to see that.” I liked to see it too.

Well, I need to finish this so I can go home and get ready for tonight. Thank you Matt, good bye,” said Mr. Andrews then he hung up the phone. I went to change, when I finished it was just about time to wake Jenny.

At 5:15, I went to her room. I opened the door and went in. I stand next to her bed and tapped her shoulder gently. “Sweetheart, wake up, time to get up.” She opened her eyes, looked at me and said, “Good afternoon my most loved person in the world.”

That’s cute. I want you to use that phrase more often, okay?” I said smiling then I helped her got out of her bed. We talked for a few minutes before she started getting ready. I told Jenny that her date called to make sure she’s still on for tonight and I told her where they going so she would know what to wear instead of guessing. Jenny very excited about all this. She couldn’t wait to spent time with a Dad. It’s not exactly the same but it’ll do, especially if it’s Mr. Andrews.

Jenny took all the time she had getting ready. Andrea helped her with it. Mr. Andrews showed up right on time, riding in a limousine. He knocked on the door, when I opened the door the limousine was waiting right in front of the driveway so Jenny doesn’t have a long walk and the driver is waiting outside the door. He said hi to me and shook my hand. He had a bouquet of flowers for her. We talked while waiting for Jenny to get out of the room. When Jenny came out she was very beautiful, her face was glowing with happiness. Mr. Andrews said teasingly. “Oh my, I will be the envy of everyone there.” He gave Jenny the flowers and a kiss. Jenny just smiled at him. “I’m ready, shall we?” Mr. Andrews extended his arm for Jenny to hold on. Both said goodbye and I showed them out the door. I waved at them until the car was out of my sight.

Jenny really enjoyed her time with Mike’s Dad. Mr. Andrews took her to a very fancy restaurant. Everything there was fancy and the food taste good, yeah it’s expensive but it’s worth it when you get there. Service was excellent and the waiters very well trained. The show they’re going to see start at 9 o’clock and their reservation were at 7:30 that leave them plenty of time to eat and savor their food and plenty of time to talk. I was so busy thinking about them that I forgot Mrs. Andrews. Where she in all of this, Mr. Andrews didn’t invite her because I didn’t think she would go for it. Jenny didn’t care other wise. She liked her because she’s Mike’s Mom. Did Mr. Andrews let her know about his date with Jenny or not or if he did how did she take it, very upset or very forgiving. I couldn’t wait for Mike to tell me so I called him. Good thing he was the one who answered the phone. I started the interrogation, “Mike did your Mom know about tonight,” I asked, “Because it just dawned on me.”

I don’t think so, but she has meeting with her friends tonight anyway, so I think Dad timed it on that,” Mike answered calmly.

I thought so, because I don’t think she’d agreed with it without a fight. Your Mom’s been very jealous of you guys spending so much time with Jenny,” I said trying not being so nosy.

You know what; Mom will be home soon before Dad gets home anyway, so I’m going there to your house to avoid 3rd degree questions about Dad’s whereabouts. If I left maybe, she’ll think he’s with me. Is that okay with you?”

I told him it’s more than okay he hung up the phone and so did I.

Mike and I waited for Jenny and his Dad to come home. We played card games together. The first few hours, we played rook with Andrea and Alice; we played teams, Alice and Andrea against Mike and me because Alice said she’s not so familiar with the game. We played until Alice tired and Andrea needs to finish up in the kitchen so she could get some rest. When they left us, we switch to different card games, from gin to all sorts of card games. Jenny and Mr. Andrews didn’t get back after midnight the show was about 2 hours and of course getting out of the parking lot was a hassle. When they got home, Jenny was still wide-awake. Both were giggling and laughing when they entered the house. They looked like they really had a wonderful time together especially Jenny, she missed time with Dad, and not just time the affection of a father to a daughter. I asked how the date went. Both answered. “We had marvelous time together.” We talked a little before Mr. Andrews had to go. He said, “I better go home before Julia locked the door to our room and I will end up in a dog house. Mike, are you coming with me so your Mom doesn’t give us 3rd degree.” Mike and I just looked at each other and smile, then Mike said, “That’s why I came here when I know she was coming home.” “That’s a good idea Mike you did. Why, did she call first, did she asked if I’m home too? I told your Mom I had a meeting also and I don’t how know long it would take. Okay, sweetheart I really enjoyed the time with you, I hope we can do this sometime soon,” said Mr. Andrews, he gave her a kiss on the forehead. Jenny gave him hug and said, Thank you very much for spending time with me and I hope so too that we can do this again.” Mike gave Jenny a hug and a kiss and said goodbye. Mike and his dad both headed out the door. I followed them to the door and before they left, “I thank you both and good luck.” Both looked at me smiled. “We need it,” said both of them in unison.

When they left, Jenny was waiting for me. I put my arm on her shoulder and said, “You must be very tired by now. Why don’t you get some rest?”

I’m thinking of that. Is Alice and Andrea already in bed?” Jenny asked. I nodded and she continued, “I really had a good time, how about you what did you guys do?”

I looked at her, “Oh, nothing much. The four of us played the game Rook then the ladies got tired, that left me and Mike so we played all different kinds of card games.”

I walked Jenny to her room and we said goodnight when we reached the door.

Okay, I need to change for bed. Goodnight Matt, I love you.” She gave me a hug and kiss.

I responded, “Goodnight darling. I love you too and sleep tight.” I returned her hug and kiss. She opened the door to her room then I left and went to my room.

Christmas Eve, Andrea was ready to take Jenny to spend some quality time with her. She took Jenny to her favorite places. They went to the lake park and feed the ducks and birds and they had a long walk on the lake. Then they went to lunch in Andrea’s favorite restaurant and they went shopping. They had a full day together. When they got home, Jenny took a nap because tonight Mike will be spending his quality time with her. When she woke up, Mike was already here and all ready for her. He had a gown made for Jenny that he wanted Jenny to wear tonight with matching high heel shoes, a beautiful elegant red gown with glitters. Mike went to Alice shop and asked Alice to do it. I wonder if Alice gave him a discount, I grinned at that thought. Jenny took the dress and went back to her room. Alice helped her change and did her hair. The three of us waited for her to come out. When the door opened, it was Alice announcing, “Gentlemen and lady I present to you Jenny, TA… DA...” Jenny looked very beautiful on the gown that Mike brought.

Oh boy, I will look like a chauffeur with my out fit,” said Mike, “I think I need to change this tux but with what?”

Maybe you can wear a dress too Mike,” interrupted I.

Everybody laughed. Jenny asked, “What are you up to Mike?”

You’ll see when we get there,” said Mike teasingly.

Tomorrow morning Jenny is mine,” Alice said, “We will have ladies day out, though I know that all the stores are close but I got something very good to do. Don’t worry Matt we’ll be home in time for you.”

I’ll make sure you do.” I said with a firm voice. Jenny looked at me and smiled.

Mike and Jenny head out, Mike got a ticket to a formal dinner theater. They also went dancing. They went to their favorite hang out place back when they were in high school and watched the stars. It’s been a while since they last do that, when Jenny got very sickly, she didn’t go out much at night. They got home after midnight. I waited for them to get home. I watched some family video with Mom and Dad in it, then with just Mom, then with just the two of us. Watching video about the past, brought tears to my eyes. Around 12:30 PM, I heard the door opened and their voices, I gathered myself up before I went out to greet them. We talked for a while then Jenny said, “I need to change so I can go to sleep. Thank you very much Mike. I really enjoyed it. Goodnight, I love you.” They hugged and kissed. When they finished Mike said, “Goodnight sweetheart, I really enjoyed it too. I love you too very much.” Before Jenny left, she gave Mike another kiss then Jenny went to her room to change for bed, Mike and I talked for few more minutes.

Thank you Mike, you really made her night.” I said very pleased with him.

I would do anything for her,” said Mike, “I better go too so you can get some rest tomorrow is Christmas Day, it’s another big day. I’ll come early before Jenny and Alice go off somewhere. I need to bring presents.”

Are you sure? Your Mom is going to have a fit.” I said smiling.

That’s why I need to do it early because they won’t be awake then. Last year they didn’t get out of bed till almost 10 o’clock,” said Mike smiling. I walked Mike to the door. Mike extended his hand to shake my hand, and then we hugged, “Goodnight Matt.”

Goodnight, take it easy going home.” I said with a smile. Mike drove away. I locked the door then I went to Jenny’s room. I knocked on the door she asked me to come in. “I just want to say a goodnight and tuck you in.” She said sure, climbed in bed and waited for me to tuck her in. I pulled her blanket and covered her. I kissed her forehead, “Goodnight sweetheart.”

Goodnight, Matt. I love you,” said Jenny then she closed her eyes. I turned off the light and closed the door behind. When I got in our room, Alice was sound asleep. I quietly climbed in bed trying not to wake up Alice. Before I closed my eyes, I prayed to God thanking Him for giving Jenny a healthy Christmas. It’s a miracle that she’s not having bad pain with this busy schedule for the whole month.

Christmas Day, Alice and I awoke to Mike’s very cheery voice. The three were already by the Christmas tree waiting for us to come out. I guessed we slept in; it’s almost 8 O’clock in the morning. Alice still has to change, and we still need to open presents. “Merry Christmas,” everyone was cheery this morning. We all sat down and started opening presents. Jenny got all of us special presents. She gave Andrea a cruise to Bahamas. Andrea always wanted to do that. She gave Alice a fashion designer certificate. Alice always likes to wear designer clothes. To Mike, she gave him a complete computer system certificate to be delivered in his house in New York when he gets there. To me, she handed me a key, I don’t know what it is. I looked at her and she just smiled at me. We were all happy about it. We asked her why, she just said, “I know that this will be my last Christmas with you guys. I love you all. I’m sorry if I sound a bit negative about my self but let’s face it.”

I interrupted nervously “Don’t talk that way. I…”

I didn’t finish my sentence she cut in before I finished and said, “I’m sorry Matt, but next Christmas is long time from now. I’m not going right now but I want each day to be filled with good memory.”

I sat next to her and held her in my arms. I remembered the key so I asked her, “What’s this key for?”

Open up your card,” she whispered quietly. I reached for the card with my name on it and opened it quickly. It read, “Merry Christmas Matt. I love you very, very much. I hope you will sail this yacht as much as you like. It’s park at the Marina. We can look at it on your time with me. Lotsa love, Jenny.”

She put a heart around her name. I didn’t know what to say. She knew that ever since I was a teenager I wanted one so bad to sail the ocean. She mentioned sailing to me a month ago or so. I remember exactly what she said, “Matt, do you still like sailing? You know just let the wind blows you where ever. Stuff you like to tell me when I was young.” In addition, I know exactly what my response was, “Yeah, ever since I was a boy I wanted to sail the seven seas. I said to my self that when I reached 15, I would get me a job and save it to buy me one. You know, like that boy who did it, who sailed the world. However, when you came into this world, you came to my life. I fell in love with you more than sailing. Each day that has passed, you mean more to me than anything. You gave me more joy and happiness day in and day out.”

I sat there looking at her remembering all those words I told her. I regrouped myself and asked, “Why?”

Because I want you to do it, I will be your first passenger,” she said teasingly.

Today?” I asked confusingly. She said, “Sure, but it would be later.” Alice interrupted us and said, “I can postponed my time with Jenny, I’ll do it tomorrow.”

No,” I retorted, “You go do whatever you had plans with Jenny today. I’ll take her tomorrow, but when you guys get back this afternoon or this evening I still want to spend a little time with her.”

Okay then,” said Alice, “Let me just put something on my face and we’re off.”

Do I need to change or is this good?”

That’s good,” said Alice, “I’m wearing this.”

Okay then.” Jenny waited for Alice. We all thank her for the presents. Mike spoke first, “Thank you very much for this; I do need this for my research. I love you.” Mike hugged and kissed Jenny. Andrea sat next to Jenny. She gave her a big hug and a kiss, “Thank you darling, for this cruise.”

Jenny kissed her and she put her arms around her and said, “I want you to do this on your birthday, there’s no indicated date and time for this, when you want go, all you have to do is call it in a month in advance.” Jenny smiled and gave her another kiss.

Mike and I walked the ladies to the car. When they drove off, I told Mike I really want to see the present Jenny gave me. Mike said, “Then what are you waiting for, let’s go. I really want to see it too.”

We’re not going to move it,” I said, “We’ll just look at it.” We said goodbye to Andrea and drove off. We went to the Marina where the boat was. We looked around the whole Marina to look for the boat. On the far end of the boat dock on the right side, there, we saw this beautiful yacht trimmed with big red ribbons and a big banner that says, “Merry Christmas Matt.” Jenny bought me a 45 feet sailboat, with cabin, white with gold trim. Both of us just stand there with our mouth wide open. Mike finally tapped my shoulder, “Awesome, Matt.”

Let’s look inside maybe it’s even more beautiful.”

Both of us couldn’t wait to see the inside of the boat. We walked toward it, the closer we got the more beautiful it looked. We climbed in the boat; we looked around the whole front of the boat. I opened the door to the bottom deck with the key. We looked inside, both of us said in unison “WOW.” We couldn’t believe it. The inside was fully loaded. There was a kitchen with microwave and a small range, small refrigerator, table and two chairs, a bed and big couch that turns to another bed, and a small bathroom with shower, leather seats and all other neat gadgets.

I wonder how much this thing cost.”

A lot,” I said, “I bet Jenny’s saving is down to zero. You know what Mike; I don’t think I can pretend I didn’t see this yet. I’m too excited to hide it.”

Yeah, me too,” Mike said, “Well we can tell her we couldn’t wait to see it.”

We sat and stared at the boat for hours. We talked and talked about a lot of stuff and we dreamed about being in the water sailing the open seas. All of a sudden, Mike popped the question, “What are you going to name the boat?”

Oh yeah,” I said thinking, “There’s only one name I can think of right now, I’m going to call her Jenny. I’m going to put Jenny in beautiful font’s right there on both side of the front. What do you think of that?”

This will be just like she, it will make you happy every time you’re in it,” said Mike excitedly.

Yeah,” I said, “Let’s go to the office and asked if they do that kind of work here.”

Mike interrupted. “The office is close. It’s Christmas, I think it’s better if you go to a very professional artist so that it will look as beautiful as the boat.”

Yeah, you’re right. I’ll start calling on Monday.” I said getting more excited by the minute.

I’ll help you. I can even visit the guy and look at his work.”

Yeah,” I said, “But aren’t you be with Jenny the whole time you’re here? How you going to do that, I don’t want Jenny to know about it. We’ll surprise her with it.”

Oh yeah, I forgot, we got to get going to it’s almost 3:30, they might be home before we do.”

Driving home, I changed the topic with Mike. He’s been acting weird lately and even though he smiled a lot, he was definitely showing stress in him. “Mike you only have a week left then you are off to New York.”

Don’t remind me, I don’t feel like going I can’t imagine leaving Jenny.”

His face definitely changed expression. It’s becoming red and so as his ears.

She’ll be all right. You served her for three months. How did you manage without work since you quit your job here?”

I talked to my Dad about my plans and he told me he’d support it. He is giving me 1,000 dollars a month for running around expenses, and besides I had some savings. When I get to New York, I got a place already with a work lab in the basement. The electric and the phone already hooked up in my name. The company paid for the house but I don’t get to own it. I’m only paying for utilities and furnishing the house.”

So, if you decided to quit, you have to move?”

Yeah, I’ll stay with them until I finished my PhD. or if I really like them.”

I’m happy for you, Mike. You don’t want to pass this opportunity. You will make it.”

Yeah, I will make it all right, but it’s not complete.” His voice was becoming hoarse.

What do you mean?”

Ever since I met Jenny and became her boyfriend I planned my life with her in it, like when I get a house I wanted her to live in it too. I really love your sister, Matt. I want to marry her so badly, but it looks as I’ll be a widower first before we even get to it, it’s just not fair.”

Teardrop slowly dropping on Mike’s cheek one by one, I got quiet and just listened to him. “There are nights I couldn’t sleep thinking about her. I couldn’t see myself without her, because I built my world with Jenny in it. Why does she have to die, I love her Matt, I truly do. How would I live without her?”

His voice has trace of anger in it. I put my hand on his back and light as a feather I patted him letting him know I understand fully. He continued to pour out what was on his heart. “I never like this idea at all. I’m only doing this because I don’t want to disappoint her. I still upset with my Mom for giving Jenny idea about this. If she didn’t tell Jenny she wouldn’t know about it.”

Mike I know how you feel. I feel the same way. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for when the times come when God takes Jenny away from me. She is my life. She’s all I have left. Like you, I really do love her; I love her so much I didn’t make a life of my own.”

You have Alice now, whom do I have?”

That’s why Jenny is letting you go so you can find somebody. I love you like a brother Mike. I never treated you differently. I don’t want you to stop living and so does Jenny. I’m always here if you need me. Yes, I have Alice but that’s because of Jenny she urges me to, as if she’s urging you do the same.”

But I want her, so bad, I feel like going with her, I think about this all the time.”

Mike stopped talking. He cried quietly.

We had silence the rest of the way home. I pushed the tape in the player and forgot its recorded songs of Jenny in it. Mike tears continued to flow like river, he’s hurting inside and I didn’t know what to do to help it. When the song that Jenny sang to Mike came on, he couldn’t help himself cried like a child he put both hands on his face. I tried turning it off but Mike asked me not to stop it. My tears brewing but I fought it not to fall. When we got closer to home, Mike wiped his face and so did I.

We got home the same time Alice and Jenny drove in the driveway. Mike and I dried our eyes and gathered ourselves. We didn’t get out right away and put up a smile on our faces. I looked at Jenny she was coming toward us. She’s walking as if she’s in pain. I opened the door and got out quickly, “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

Yeah,” she said, “Before we leave I need to take a medicine first, I feel like a headache coming.”

Why don’t we just stay?”

Nonsense,” Jenny said with a smile, “I need to show you your presents remember, and what about the plans you prepare for me. I don’t want to spoil that.”

Okay, when you’re ready but first let me get your medicine.”

I will, I need to change quick, any particular outfit?”

Come as you are, I need to change too.”

We all talked for a few Minutes. I said Hi to Alice and gave her a kiss. I asked where they went and what they did. Mike was quiet and it didn’t escape Jenny’s eye and asked, “What’s wrong with you.”

Mike answered quietly, “Nothing,” trying to avoid her eyes. Jenny came closer to him and whisper, “I love you.” He gave her a smile and then grabbed her. He hugged her very tight and kissed her passionately. Jenny wasn’t convinced of the nothing answered by Mike so she asked again, “Are you okay? Really Mike tell me, is there something bothering you?”

Mike continued to avoid her questions and said instead, “Aren’t you guys leaving?”

I interrupted, “Yes, Jenny we have to go. The Marina is far and I had a lot planned for you but I think we will have to do some of them tomorrow.”

Okay,” said Jenny then turned back to Mike, “I’m not done with you Mike. Am I going to see you here when we get back?”

I don’t know.”

Okay then I’ll just call you can I do that?” said Jenny with concern. Mike just nodded his head.

On the way to Marina, Jenny started questioning me about Mike. “Why is Mike acting very weird, where have you gone with him?” she asked as if I had something to do with it.

I had some errands to do and he tag along. We had a long talk,” I need to tell her about what Mike is feeling, “He’s really hurting inside. He didn’t want to go.”

Oh that,” said Jenny sadly, “I don’t blame him, I really going to miss him. It’s not the same without him.”

I’m going to miss him also. He’s a big part of our lives, yours and mine as well, he’s my help.” Jenny got quiet. I could see she’s thinking.

I broke the silence, “I couldn’t wait to see this thing you got me, thank you sweet heart. I felt very special; you always make me feel special.”

You’re welcome,” said Jenny smiling “I love you Matt.”

Ha, I didn’t hear it, say it again.”

I love you Matt, you’re my favorite brother in the whole world.”

I’m your only brother.”

Oh yeah,” she said smiling and she followed it with a peck on my cheek, then she changed the topic, “So Am I going to be your first passenger?”

You bet my love you bet,” I took her hand and held it to my heart. I started humming the song I used to sing to her when she’s little, that she sung to me on my wedding. She joined me singing the words, “You are the one who makes me happy.” Every word in that song reminds me of her, she is the song to me.

We arrived at the marina faster than I thought; I guessed that because I was having so much fun with her, I didn’t notice the time. Before we got out, she asked me to close my eyes, and not open until she said so. I went along with her; I didn’t want to ruin it for her. She guided me all the way to the front of the boat, and then she left me. She climbed in the boat and stood on the top front with her hands spread wide open she yelled that I could open my eyes now. When I opened my eyes she surprised me with her action, I climbed in with her, I ran around the boat, I tour the boat with her, she showed me the top first then we went in the cabin. I was yelling, “I love it”. I do love the boat that I couldn’t deny. I picked her up and spanned her around gently saying, “Thank you love, I love you.”

You like?” she asked happily.

You bet I love it. I will love this the same way I love you.”

Oh yeah?” she said jokingly, “Are you going to sing to her too?”

She tried to tickle me. I tickled her back but she tried to get away. When she got away, I chased her and said, “I’m going to bite you.”

She was laughing so hard she could hardly run. We had so much fun together; just Jenny and I alone, just like old times. I didn’t want it to end. When we finished laughing and screaming, we stood on the side of the boat. I stood behind her with my arms around her and watched the beautiful sunset together. We didn’t move until the sun was totally gone. When it was getting dark we head back to the car, on the way to the car I asked if she’s hungry. “I am, where we going?”

I told her I was planning to take her to the restaurant we used to go to with Mom and Dad. She loves the idea. It’s been a long time since we ate in that restaurant. I hope they’re open this holiday.

Jenny was tired after dinner so I told her we are going home and do the others tomorrow. She agreed. In the car, she sat closer to me. She leaned her head on my shoulder and few minutes later she fell asleep. After a while, I could feel her forehead getting hot. I pulled over on the side of the road and got a medicine in the glove box, woke her and asked to take medicine. We’re not far from home so I speed up a bit. When we got home, I carried Jenny all the way to her room. I asked Andrea to get an Icy pack to put on her head. I stayed on her side until her fever broke down. Alice joined in with me, together we watched Jenny sleep. An hour after she left and asked if I’m coming to bed soon; I told her I’ll be right there as soon as her fever broke down. Before the night was over sure enough, her fever broke down. Since it’s almost morning, I stayed in Jenny’s room and sleep there.

The days were getting close for Mike to leave. He’s been acting weird these last few days; he’s always very edgy and looked sad most of the time. Nothing we did for him makes any difference on him. Jenny told him that we were going to bring him to the airport but that’s not what he really wanted to hear. New Years eve, Mr. Andrews asked all of us to spend the count down of the coming year in their house. They were having a get together party mostly for Mike because he’s leaving on the second of the month. To Mike the count down of the coming year was like the count down for his departure. Mrs. Andrews was not happy at all of Mike’s behavior; Mike has been giving her a silent treatment because he blamed her for all of this. Jenny tried to ignore Mike’s behavior that night and just continued to be supportive to him. The countdown party was very nice, everyone was happy except for Mike whose face you can’t draw.

New Year’s Day came. Mike still the same, very edgy and sad. I couldn’t blame him to feel this way. He’s leaving the biggest part of his life; even I would do the same. He’s supposed to come over the house to get the suburban so he can put his luggage, because he’s spending the night here. Of course, his mother did not approve that idea but Mike wanted this. When Mike got here, he and Jenny had a very long talk.

Since it is Mike’s last night, we had got together. We invited some very close friends of Mike who want to say goodbye and wish him happiness in New York. Mike’s Dad also showed up. The night was full of emotions. Mike really opened up his feeling that night especially about Jenny. He made every one sniffling even his Dad was sniffling; too bad his Mom wasn’t around to hear this. Jenny had a wonderful response to Mike’s testimony. She too opened up and talked a lot about Mike. All of us in the room could feel their emotion and love toward each other. The guests didn’t leave until after midnight. Jenny was obviously very tired but she tried to stay up for Mike’s sake. His Dad was the last one to leave. He asked Mike the time of his flight. Mike told him that we needed to leave around 8 o’clock in the morning. His Dad said that he would come in the morning to say goodbye. He’s not going to the airport because he has a very important meeting that morning.

Mike’s flight was at 10 o’clock but we left early for the traffic and he had to be there an hour early. We all woke up early. Andrea cooked special breakfast for every one. Mike’s parents showed up to say goodbye to him, wished him a safe and happy trip, and asked him to call as soon as he gets there. When they left, his Mom was crying. Andrea said goodbye to Mike ahead of us because she’s not going to the airport; she told him how she’s going to miss him he’s her help all this time with Jenny. Both hugged and cried together. When we left, Andrea waved her hand until our vehicle faded away. On the way to the airport, every one was quiet. I was driving and Alice was shotgun with me. Mike and Jenny were on the back. Mike held Jenny’s hands and his eye focused on her. Jenny was trying to avoid contact with Mike’s eyes. I tried to break the silence so I started talking but no one seems to be listening because I didn’t get response not even from Alice, who was right next to me.

We waited for the plane to start boarding; Mike with tears brewing in his eyes started talking to Jenny, “Jenny, I don’t want to go. I want to stay here with you, please.” Jenny just looked at him and didn’t say anything. Alice and I gave them some space, we moved a ways back. Mike continued to beg, “Jenny.... I love you very much, I can’t do this.”

Jenny’s tears escaped out. With a trembling voice, “Tell you what, this is supposed to be a surprise but I’ll tell you right now, do you have the certificate I gave you, right?”

Mike said yes, he took it out from his wallet and showed it to Jenny. Jenny took it, “This has a communication system. It’s a visual communication so you can see me when you call. I had one being installed right now at home that’s why Andrea didn’t come with us. Here (handing Mike a phone) go ahead and called that number and asked to have them delivered and installed right away when you get there today, or give me the phone back and I’ll do the calling.”

She took the phone back from Mike and started dialing. When she got somebody on the other line she asked for a certain name and waited until that somebody was on the line. She told them to have the stuff delivered and installed at 5 o’clock in the afternoon today. She hung up and said, “Okay, call me when they’re done and you can see me just like talking to me like this. Now, does this make you at least a little excited?”

Mike did get a little happy and said “Are you sure I can see you while I’m talking to you? Oh, Jenny I thought I have to wait for a whole month to see you. Thank you, I’m happy, but I still don’t want to go.”

I thought so,” answered Jenny with a smile, “I love you too very much.”

When they announced first boarding, Mike’s smile erased. Alice and I went to Mike to say good- bye, Alice said good- bye first, and she hugged and kissed Mike. Mike returned her hugs. Then I said good- bye to Mike, “Enjoy yourself there Mike and don’t forget I’m only a phone call away if you need me brother. I love you and I really do going to miss you.”

We hugged a little longer than we used to, then I kissed him on the cheek as I said the word good bye. Tears escaped my eyes, I couldn’t stopped it, he did have a big part in my life without his help I think I’d always be scrambling my schedule with Jenny. When I finished, Jenny said something and he got nervous, he took Jenny’s hands and held it as tight as he could. Jenny hugged Mike and told him that he needs to go. Mike didn’t want to let go of Jenny. Then the final call came, Mike and Jenny kissed passionately, then Jenny kind of pushed Mike to go. Mike’s eyes were full of tears and so as Jenny as they wave goodbye to each other. We didn’t leave right away; we watched the plane took off.

On the way home Jenny was very quiet, she didn’t say a thing, the entire trip back, when we got home, she went straight to her room. The crew that’s installing the computer was still in so she got out and went out the backyard. I followed her out. She sat on the big rock that’s part of a landscape, and started crying. I sat next to her, put my arms on her shoulder and tried to comfort her. She turned to me, hugged me and cried quietly on my shoulder. She didn’t say anything and neither did I. I just let her cried. My tears rolled down my face, I know how she felt. I felt that way every time Jenny gets sick bad that I thought it’s her last day. When she stopped crying, I quickly dried my eyes. She let go hugging me. She looked up and said, “Thank you Matt, for just being here with me.”

My pleasure, love, my pleasure,” I said with a smile. We both got up. She held my hand and we walked back in the house.

Meanwhile in the plane, Mike was very sad; his tears just keep on dripping like a faucet. An elderly woman was sitting next to him. She’s on her sixties, gray hair and always wearing a sweet smile on her face asked, “Are you okay young man?” Mike answered, “Yes, ma’am. I just missed her already.”

Mike pulled out his wallet and showed a picture of Jenny. The woman said, “Oh, she’s beautiful, your wife?”

No ma’am, I want her to be my wife,” said Mike, “she’s my girlfriend, but she’s dying so she’s letting me go.”

I’m sorry to hear that,” she apologized, “She has a good intention for you; she must be a very special girl.”

Indeed, yes indeed,” said Mike, “I don’t think there’s any other girl like her, beautiful, smart, fun to be with, very nice, friendly and very loving. I love her so much, it hurts.” Mike’s face started to light up just because he’s talking about Jenny.

What’s her name and how old is she?”

Jenny, her name is Jenny, she’s only 21 years old and she’s graduating this May.”

She’s in school? I thought she’s dying, she’s not in bed?”

No ma’am, she’s not bedridden, she has a terminal sickness. She might not live long. She goes to the hospital everyday for test and treatment.”

You know her back then.” “Yes ma’am, she’s my high school sweetheart.”

She wants you to find another?” “Yes ma’am, that’s the plan, but I don’t want other girl, I want her.” “Are you able to see her still until she dies?”

Yes ma’am, I can call everyday or visit her any chance I get, she’s not cutting me from that, she’s letting me go from all the promises I gave her.”

Mike and her were rambling on and on about Jenny.

Mike called Jenny every night just as he said he would. When Jenny was sick, he stayed on the line until she fell asleep like always. The two talked as if they’re just a block away from each other. Mike still helped Jenny with her homework and they played games on the Internet. Good thing, their conversation was via Internet otherwise Mike’s salary would just go to phone bills. This way they could talk for hours with the same bills a month, a regular phone bills and the Internet server.

Mr. Andrews continued to visit us, mostly Jenny. We always enjoyed his company. Sometimes Mike has to talk to his Dad when he called and Mr. Andrews was around. Definitely, things changed a bit around the house without Mike. Jenny did miss him a lot. Mike was Jenny’s first love. No, that’s not right, I’m her first love and Mike was her first boyfriend that sounded much better.

© 2011 jenny nieuwsma

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Added on June 14, 2011
Last Updated on June 14, 2011


jenny nieuwsma
jenny nieuwsma

Naga City, Bicol, Philippines

My husband and i are missionary here in the Philippines. We are from Ft. Worth Texas. I like writing anything God put in my mind or just my own thought. so, pretty much random thoughts? more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma