Chapter VI

Chapter VI

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma

                       CHAPTER VI

Fall festival weekend, Jenny, Mike, Alice, and I all went to Florida for a three-day weekend trip. We decided to drive there with our suburban. Florida wasn’t far from Texas. It’s about sixteen hours at the most. We left very early before dawn. Jenny wasn’t sick for the past two weeks. She seems rejuvenated. She’s eating well her skin looks radiant as it’s ever been. She looks very healthy. It’s her idea to visits the Florida beaches on this time of year. It’s not likely to snow over there this season. She couldn’t stay out in the heat of the sun so this was a good time for her to go out its cool and breezy. We had so much fun on the road. Jenny asked if she could drive. I was a bit reluctant, but I let her drove anyway. I couldn’t say the word “no” to her.

I’m feeling very good. I felt as if I got a new spirit inside me,” Jenny tried to convince me. I had to say okay. She drove, but I told her just for a few miles. She had the stereo on and started singing along with it. She always has such a beautiful voice. She paused from singing, glanced at us on the rear view mirror and asked us to sing with her. Of course, we all joined her in singing. We had so much fun that we forgot Jenny was driving. She drove a bit longer than I wanted her to drive. I noticed Jenny was making hurt movement. She looked like she’s in pain. I didn’t hesitate to ask, “Are you okay, sweetheart? Jenny, why don’t you pull over and we’ll take over.”

Sure,” she agreed quietly and pulled over on the side of the road when she was able to do so. Jenny went to sleep the rest of the way. She must be exhausted from driving because a few minutes after she went right to sleep.

We arrived at the hotel around 7 o’clock at night. We had two fancy suites reserved for us on the higher floor. Jenny still very tired. When we got in the room, she extended her sleep. The hotel we were in was very fancy it was a ‘five star’ hotel. The view outside our rooms was fantastic. We could see miles and miles of the ocean on one side and on the other side; we could see beautiful flowers and gardens. Mike and I shared a room. Alice and Jenny shared the adjacent room. After Mike and I put every thing in place, I went back to the ladies room and checked on Jenny. I stared at her for a while. I could see the pain on her face even when she’s asleep, and this always tears me up inside but I couldn’t do anything to help her. I left the room with a heavy heart. I went to join Alice and Mike they were admiring the fantastic sunset from the balcony. Both acknowledged my presence then continued to watch the beautiful sunset. The way the sun touches the end of the ocean was a breathtaking sight, and the dark orange color of sun painted the water that reflected in the sky.

I watched at the sun setting. My heart cried for Jenny because she’s missing a lot. She should have been here watching this God given beauty. Instead, she’s in the room in pain. The ocean was calm. It was quiet. Alice and Mike weren’t talking; nobody was talking. No sound of cars or radios, the only sounds I could hear were the birds chirping it was like music to my ears. We stayed out there just before it was dark and both Alice and Mike broke the silence.

Wow it’s almost nine o’clock, what time did you reserve our table?”

I think it’s around nine-thirty tonight in the ballroom. I’m sure it’s around that time.”

We need to get ready for dinner. Are we going to wake up Jenny?”

Of course, she’s rested well by now. Why don’t you get ready and I’ll wake her up and make sure she doesn’t have a fever,” I said to both of them. Mike went to our room and Alice followed me to their room. I sat next to Jenny and I started feeling her forehead. She was a bit warm but I think it’s because she covered herself with a heavy blanket. I tapped her shoulder and said, “Wake up sleepy head. It’s time to get ready for dinner.” She opened her eyes and asked, “What time is it.”

I looked at my watch and told her the time. She got up and greeted Alice and me good evening. When I knew she was okay I left them and went to my room to change for dinner also, as usual we finished before them and waited for them to come out. The ladies came out after fifteen minutes both were so beautiful in their fitted black gown. Alice designed the gowns for both of them. She made it the same color but different design. Jenny’s gown was simple but elegant. Alice gown was backless halfway down her back, and it has a Chinese wrap collar to hold the front of it. Jenny was shining, her face and her smile. I turned to Mike who was admiring Jenny’s appearance and I said to him, “Isn’t she beautiful? I never see her as radiant as she is right now. Look at her smile it’s so healthy looking.”

I know, I know. My heart is pounding.” Mike said touching his heart. The ladies were getting close to us. I tapped Mike on the back. We both extend our hands to them and hug them both one after the other. I told them how beautiful they are. Both ladies gave us a smile and like they rehearsed, “As if we didn’t know.” Both started giggling. I thought it was very cute too. We got in the elevator, the concierge asked what floor and he complimented the ladies. We walked towards the ballroom we went in there were many people already. Mingling around, talking business, how much money they make and other stuff rich people like to talk about. The whole place was fabulous, whoever was in charge of decorations did a fascinating job and very artistic. The concierge showed us to our table. Everything was right. The candle light, the food, even the service was awesome.

We had a wonderful time together reminiscing about the good times we had, telling outrageous stories, and jokes, and a lot of dancing. Jenny danced a lot with Mike and a couple dance with me. The second time I danced with her I noticed that she looked tired so I asked, “Are you okay sugarplum? You look very tired do you want us to go now?”

She nodded her head in agreement with me and said. “Yeah, I’m beat, though I just woke up not that long ago.” We went back to our table and I told Mike and Alice that Jenny was ready to go. If they want to enjoy the rest of the night, they can stay and I will just bring Jenny upstairs so she can lie down and rest. Mike joined us and so did Alice. We all went up to our room. “It is getting late,” said Mike in agreement for all of us to go.

Jenny was just waiting for the night to be over when we got in the room she was sick to her stomach. She rushed to the bathroom and threw up all the food that went in and more. I guessed we pushed her a little too much or maybe it was just something she ate didn’t agree with her stomach. “I don’t know,” was my usual answer to my own question. That night her fever shoots up 103 degrees. I gave her the medicine and I put a cold towel on her forehead. We all stayed in Jenny’s room, chatted while we watched her sleep, and waited for her fever to go down. It was late, Alice told me to go to bed and she will take care of her. Mike interrupted us and said, “Why don’t you two take the other room and rest together. I’ll take care of her. Please let me do what I promised her.”

We were both hesitant to go. Mike insisted. “Go on go to sleep you two. Don’t worry about us here. Jenny will be all better tomorrow before you wake up I promised you.”

Alice and I finally agreed and went ahead to bed.

Alice fell asleep soon after, I was still wide-awake. I couldn’t sleep. My mind was full of worry about Jenny. I got up and quietly left the room I didn’t want Alice to wake up. I visited the other room. Mike was wide-awake and he was busy wiping sweats from her face.

How is she doing, is the fever down at all?”

Yeah, it’s going down all right but not gone. She’s sleeping well though. She’s not moaning or groaning about pain, so that’s a good sign, I think she just has a fever no other complication.”

Why aren’t you sleeping,” I grinned.

Why aren’t you?” Mike asked back. We both smiled at each other. I sat down next to Mike and watched Jenny. Mike and I had a heart to heart talk. We testified about our faith in Jesus, and the time we accepted Him as our Lord and savior. I said a lot of things. “Jenny told me not to lose faith. She said that hope is faith. I think that’s why she’s still here with me. God is using her to work on me. Sometimes I question God why Jenny, why she has to suffer not me, why she has this sickness.”

You know we just need to give this all to Him. He has plan for her and for you and me. He’s an Awesome God.” Mike tried to comfort me. “I know. I have to count it all joy all these trials, knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience. You know I learned my patience from Jenny. She taught me a lot. She taught me how to wait for long periods and how to accept the result of that wait. It was hard at first but believed me it penetrated in me.”

Mike was listening intently.

Mine too. I learned patience from her. I used to not wait and I leaned everything on my own understanding.”

We talked all night. We lost track of time. I looked out the window. The sun was trying to come out already. The door opened and Alice peeked in and said, “Why don’t you two get some sleep while Jenny is still asleep, I’ll watch her.” We went to bed on the other room. Mike drifted right away and so did I. We had about three hours of sleep it was good enough to rejuvenate us. When I was up Mike followed shortly, Alice and Jenny were already up and they were both out in the balcony enjoying the sun. The breeze was cool and the water looked so beautiful.

It’s a beautiful morning. Good morning ladies,” I greeted them with a smile. I gave Alice a hug and a kiss then I turned toward Jenny with my eyes searching for the answer on how she’s doing.

I’m doing very well,” said Jenny with a cute smile on her face, “I’m ready to go out there and splash around in the water.”

I was curious I stood next to her and tried to feel her forehead. Her fever went. I teased her. “Oh yeah, let see when we get there.” I gave her a kiss on her forehead and a big hug. I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back and said. “I love you, Matt.”

Oh no,” interrupted Alice. “Not that again the neighbor will get mad at us.”

Alice looked towards to the couple that was standing on the balcony one room away.

I just look at Alice with a big smirked on my face and asked Jenny anyway.

Ha? I didn’t hear you. Say it again.”

I love you Matt. You are my favorite brother in the whole world,” yelled Jenny.

Alice put her hands on her face and looked down so embarrassed about it.

I’m your only brother.”

Oh yeah,” Jenny smiled.

Mike joined in the fun. “Hello ladies and Matt.” He gave first Jenny a hug and a kiss then a hug for Alice and me. “What’s up,” focusing his eyes on Jenny, “You are looking so beautiful this morning my heart always pounds when I see that smile of yours. I love you so much.” He whispered.

You too, Mike. I love you more.” She replied with a smile.

Say, why we don’t grab some breakfast downstairs and start exploring after that. What do you think guys?” I asked everyone. The three replied in unison. “Let’s go.”

We had a hilarious day. Alice and I separated from Mike and Jenny so we can have time for ourselves and so they could too. We spent all day in the beach building a sand castle, snorkeling, and sorts of stuff. After I had enough sun, I took it easy under the shade. Alice joined in with me, we watched Mike, Jenny splashed each other with water, chased each other, and if Mike catches Jenny, he would pick her up and threw her in the water. They’re acting like two teenagers having so much fun. Both were screaming and laughing. Jenny didn’t look like she’s hurting but if she did, she’s doing well of hiding it. We watched them for about two hours. Alice made some comment. “They’re so happy together. They’re very much in love.”

I nodded in agreement.

You know everyday I thank God for giving Jenny another day to live. She’s such an inspiration to me, without her I don’t know if I would be the same person I am today. She’s my life too you know. She gives me hope to look forward to the next day. I don’t think I could do any of this if she’s not with me. I even don’t know if I’m like this today at all, know what I mean?”

Well, she’s very lucky to have you. I love you everyday for that reason. Seeing you on how you take care of her makes me feel very secure when I’m with you,” said Alice with much love on her voice. I looked at her with much love on my eyes. I pulled her closer to me and hugged for a while. I didn’t feel like letting go right away and neither did she.

The whole day and night went astounding. Jenny wasn’t in bad pain and that’s the most wonderful of all. I was so thankful to God for giving Jenny at least one day to enjoy her stay. The next day we started our trip back home about ten o’clock in the morning, we were on to a good start. It was awesome. Jenny was doing well and everybody was all right and happy. Halfway on our trip, it was about close to eight o’clock at night when Jenny started to feel uncomfortable. I pulled over and asked Mike to drive for a while and Alice to shotgun with him. I sat with Jenny in the back seat. I tried to help her to be comfortable, but the ride is making her more nauseated. I asked if the front would be more comfortable for her. She just shook her head and told me that her head was pounding. I gave her medicine for her headache. My heart started to get heavy. About an hour from when she started feeling sick, she asked Mike to pull over. I helped her get out of the car right away because she started throwing up. I guess it hurts so badly because Jenny was crying while throwing her guts out. I rubbed her back and I too started crying, “Why can’t she have fun without paying for it later.”

Mike and Alice didn’t say anything. Both stayed quiet with tears running down their faces. I didn’t say anything after that either. I just rubbed Jenny’s back and cried with her. When she stopped throwing up, I asked someone to get the injection medicine. I gave Jenny a shot. We stayed on the side of the road up Until Jenny’s medicine kicked in and put her out to sleep. I laid her head down on my lap we hurried home. Mike speed up quite a bit, thanks to God nothing happened to us on the road while Mike was speeding like crazy. Jenny slept through the night. My leg that Jenny was lying on went numb. It was hard to switch side because I didn’t want to move her. When we got home Mike helped me carried Jenny to her room. We all crashed in Jenny’s room since we’re all very tired and it’s way past midnight. Alice has to work the next morning but she stayed in anyway.

November fifteenth, my wedding day. It’s very hectic around the house everybody’s busy. Jenny was busy getting ready she was the bridesmaid. Mike’s busy getting ready also he’s my best man. I was busy getting ready. The three of us were riding together to the church. Andrea went ahead of us to make sure everything’s ready and in placed in the church. We’re getting married in our church.

With all this excitement, Jenny consumed my mind. I thought it was just cold feet, as if the famous phrase everyone said to someone who’s getting married “you are just having cold feet.” Mike approached me, “Something the matter, Matt. You looked distracted.”

Ha, it’s nothing. I’m just thinking of Jenny.... It will be a long day for her and I don’t know how long she can hold it.”

Don’t worry. This is your day, she’ll hang tough, you know her,” Mike reassured me. He’s very serious the way he said it.

That’s what I worried about. In addition, you know this will be the first time I’m going away for days without her. I’m not sure I’m doing the right thing going to Hawaii for our honeymoon…” I took a deep breath, “Maybe we’ll just stay here in town but you know Alice won’t like that I guess.”

Mike interfered before I could say more and said, “Come on, Matt. It’s your honeymoon, and you think Jenny would let you stay here. In your dreams, just as I said, don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of her, and Andrea is here, she knows what to do just in case. Don’t you trust me?”

Mike, it’s not that I don’t trust you. I don’t worry about you not taking care of her. I’m just scared about leaving without her. What if it’s time and I’m not on her side, I can’t forgive myself.”

It’s either we were so caught up with our conversation that we didn’t hear Jenny walking towards us. She was walking very quietly and heard part of our conversation she said. “I’m not going without saying good bye to you, Matt. I promised. I will try hard to wait for you before I let go of the last breath.” Jenny was smiling when she said it so I knew she was joking but I didn’t like the sound of it.

Jenny,” Mike and I both said together.

Jenny ignored us, “Don’t you worry about me Matt. I’ll be okay. Don’t let my condition bother you and ruined everything you guys planned for your honeymoon.”

I just stared at her, couldn’t find a word to say.

I told her how beautiful she is. “Jenny, you look so beautiful.”

Mike cut in. “She’s gorgeous.” He took her hand and placed it on his heart. “See, feel my heart it’s pounding twice as fast. I think I’m going to have a heart attack.”

Jenny pulled her hand, then tapped his shoulder, “Stop it, I don’t like that word.”

Mike pulled her and kissed her on the forehead. “I was just kidding. Are we ready?”

Jenny put each of her hands around both of our arms and said. “I’m ready.”

We walked together hand in hand to the car. Mike drove the car to the church. Jenny and I sat in the back seat. Jenny wasn’t very talkative. I could see it in her eyes that she was deep in thought. I was going to say something when she asked, “Are you nervous, Matt.”

Yeah, very nervous and very scared,” I replied.

Me too, Matt I’m scared. After today, you’re no longer a single man. I have to remember not to ask so much of your attention, like asking you to stay in my room to wait ‘till I fall asleep, or just about anything. I’m very happy for you that you are getting married. You will have somebody when I go.”

Jenny, I’m only getting married and after the honeymoon, we be living with you in the house so nothing is change, Alice knows that. There will be two of us now taking care of you. I will still watch you sleep and I still be doing the same things with you.”

Jenny just looked at me with uncertainty in her eyes.

I pulled Jenny closer to me, took her hand, and just held it. I didn’t let go until we reached the church.

The wedding ceremony went very smooth. Alice was so beautiful in her wedding gown. She designed the wedding gown herself, she spent days just sketching it on paper, she didn’t stop until she draws the perfect design to go with her figure. She looked very happy her; face was glowing. The procession started. The maids of honor were all very beautiful in their forest green gowns; followed by my Jenny, she’s the bride’s maid. Alice designed her gown also. Then the flower girl and the ring bearer and finally there she is in a gown white as snow with shiny glitters she has the most beautiful smile. Her Dad, who’s walking her to the altar to give me his only daughter, has a smile wider than his mouth. His smiles showed no doubt in his mind that his daughter did the right choice.

I took Alice hands from his Dad. He gave her a kiss before releasing her hands to me, and then he shook my hands and told me to take care of his baby. Our Pastor performed the service then the ceremony began. The Pastor started reading I couldn’t help to glanced at Jenny. She looks happy but tears are running down her face, tears of joy or tears of what? My mind was cooking. Unexpected, I felt heavy in my heart. The talked we had in the car on the way here was playing in my mind. I was so deep in thought that I didn’t hear any word the Pastor was saying to me until Alice kind the elbowed me, then abruptly, I jerked up and looked at my Pastor. I felt a bit guilty to Alice for not paying attention, my face blushed and I stuttered when I answered him. I could hardly speak the words. I looked at Alice who in turn looked back at me with a smile. “Whew,” I felt a lot better. I thought I ruined the most important day in her life.

The reception followed. Jenny and Mike left together for the reception. On the way to the reception Alice asked me, “Are you okay, and are you happy?”

Yeah, I’m okay and yes I’m very happy thank you, are you happy Mrs. Calloway,” I returned the questions. “Yes, I’m very, very happy, Mr. Calloway,” she showed me her most beautiful smile.

The reception was at a country club not far from our place. We rented the whole place. The whole set up was fabulous there were over flowing with food etceteras, etceteras. Alice and her Mom did most of the planning for this. The whole place packed with people. I didn’t have any idea we invited these many people. I thought we have just our close friends and relatives. When we got out of the car, they showered us with confetti all the way to our table. People were greeting us, congratulating us and saying well wishes on our marriage. I couldn’t get away. Mike and Jenny must not be here yet because I couldn’t spot them in the crowd they weren’t on their seat either. They left ahead of us. I couldn’t help myself not to worry. Maybe she’s in pain, that she had to go home. When I saw Andrea, I quickly called her to me and asked if she saw Jenny or Mike. She said “no.” I asked her to call the house to check if they went home. Andrea went right away to the phone. She’s done; she signaled to me that nobody was answering the phone in the house.

Alice, who was so busy entertaining the guests, excused herself from them to talk to me about my present behavior. She looked at me disappointed, though she tried hard not to show it.

What’s wrong, Matt?”

Oh, nothing I’m just restless I guess.” I managed to avoid her displeased eyes. “Did you see Jenny or Mike yet?”

No, they're supposed to be here before us.” She said. “They’re calling us to seat down to eat.” Alice pointed me to our table where everyone was waiting for us. I could hardly eat for being so worried. Jenny and Mike showed up both were hurrying up to the table. I couldn’t wait to find out what happened so I asked, “Where were you? We’re almost ready for the toast.”

Mike answered first since he was closest to me. “I’ll tell you later.” Jenny didn’t say anything she just looked at me and smiled.

The speaker, Alice’s oldest brother, stood up and asked that the best man and the bridesmaid to say something about us and do a toast. Mike stood up first, picked up his glass of wine, he said, “It’s really a great honor to be a best man for Matt. He’s like a big brother and the best friend I ever have. I wish both of you a life together till deaths do you part. I hope your families grow as many as God wants you to have. I love you both.”

He raised his glass and said, “A toast to a new beginning.”

When Mike sat down, Jenny stood up and started speaking, “Thank you Mike for going first.” She looked at him and winked then she turned her head back to us and continued. “I’m so happy for both of you. I wish you all the happiness in years to come and I hope I’m still around to see my first nephew or niece. I have something special for you.” She got out of her chair and walked to the piano. She sat on the piano bench ran her fingers through the keys and she said. “This is my favorite song. Matt used to sing this to me when I was little. This is for you. I love you.”

When she started singing everyone was quiet, her voice was so beautiful it sounded like an angel singing. Memories of her came back to me. Tears were rolling down my face. I found myself walking to her. I stood right in front of her. Her song touched me. Occasionally she’d open her eyes and look at me as she sang. When she finished she stood up and said, “I love you, and I thank you for being you.”

I swept her with my hands, hugged her tight and thanked her. I picked her up and spanned her around the room.

The celebration last a while we need to leave for honeymoon right after the reception. It’s time for Alice to throw the beautiful bouquet of flowers to the lucky single women. Jenny did join in the fun. Alice tried to throw at her direction but still she didn’t get them. All of our guests sent us away with a hug and a kiss. Mike and Jenny were the last ones to say good byes, Mike started first. “Have fun at the beach and not worry about Jenny she’ll be okay enjoy your honeymoon.” He turned to Alice and said. “Don’t let him worry about anything. When he starts to stare at a distance and not at you, shake him as hard as you could so that whatever he’s thinking he won’t remember them. Do enjoy your honeymoon.” After that speech he gave both of us a hug and a kiss. I was about to say something but he ceased my word and said. “Don’t even start with me about Jenny. I said I will take care of her and you will make sure Alice has a wonderful and unforgettable honeymoon. That’s your job. I love you, both.”

I didn’t say any after that. I just hugged him back. Then I turned to Jenny who was giving Alice a farewell hug and a kiss. When Jenny finished with Alice, she turned to me. First, she gave me a smile then said. “Well, big brother, you’re officially a family man now. You were a family man but that wasn’t by choice, you took over Dad and Mom’s responsibilities. I’m so proud of you, and I know without a doubt that you will be the best Dad to your children. So go on, start making a family and don’t you dare worry about me or even think of worrying about me I want you both to have fun and enjoy the sun, Oki doki.” She laughed at the last word.

Mike and Jenny didn’t let me say anything. I felt I was ganged up by them. Jenny took my hand as well as Alice hand. She joined them and kinda pushed us to the car. We got in the car. The car moved and we waved at the people. I could see the last hand waved until we faded away from their sight. I turned my head back to Alice who looked very happy and smiled at her. I was about to say something but changed my mind I might ruin her day. My heart was hurting more when I thought about Jenny. I was definitely quiet and it was deafening to Alice. She turned my face towards her and asked me. “Are you okay? Is there something wrong that I don’t know about?”

My voice had with a worried tone in it.

Oh, I have this ache in my heart I couldn’t shake it,”

Relax, you’re worrying too much. I know, why don’t we pray that Jenny will be fine while we’re gone, that you will find peace throughout this trip,” said Alice cheerfully. I agreed, so both of us bowed our head down and prayed. After that, I felt a sense of peace presence in my heart I thank Alice, gave her a good kiss, and apologized to her.

We reached Hawaii without any problem. Hawaii was beautiful as I ever imagined. I can’t believe that I never thought of coming here with Jenny, she would love this place. The thought came to mind to bring Jenny here on December right after she gets out of school for holiday. I bet she would really enjoy this place she’ll get some fresh air. So excited at the thought that I blurted it aloud to Alice she loved the idea and said. “Mike is going to enjoy this trip with us especially he’s leaving soon. Yeah, let’s do it.” “I will call them when we get to the hotel.”

We had wonderful time on our honeymoon. The thirteen days we had were perfect. I called home everyday. I always talked first to Jenny see how she’s doing and knowing her by heart everything was fine, okay and yes to her. She’s happy about everything I told her regarding how much fun we’re having down here. Now, when I talked to Mike that’s when I get the meaty gritty detail on how she’s doing. Mike always gave me the details. The second day of our honeymoon, Jenny had high fever that night. Mike called Dr. Martin. Other than that it wasn’t anything to worry about, it’s all minor stuff, throwing up, headache and pain. Mike is round the clock with Jenny. He stayed in the house while we’re away and that’s a good relief for me even though how much worry I had for Jenny I never let Alice felt ignored. I gave her everything I got in me all the attention she could possibly have and all the love I have for her. I could see it in her eyes that she’s very happy. She did the same for me. She made me feel very important to her.

The last day of our honeymoon, I couldn’t wait for the day to be over so we could rush to the airport and go home. We left Hawaii at night. In the plane, I got anxious and restless. Alice fell asleep so I couldn’t talk to her. I tried to sleep but I couldn’t, my eyes didn’t want to close, it’s dark out so I couldn’t look out the window. I got up and walked around the whole plane. We were flying first class I started from my seat all the way to the tail of the plane. People looked at me silly. I went back to my seat and stayed on my seat. I wanted to read but I didn’t want to wake Alice up with the light on. I didn’t know what to do with my restlessness and my thought was going back in forth on Jenny. On stuff like, is there going to be any changes in our lives even if it’s she wanting me to do this? Is she still as spontaneous with me as before? All these things kept playing in my head like a broken record. The more I wanted the flight to be over; it seemed like the longer it was for us to land. I thought this night was the longest night.

We assumed to arrive in Texas around one-forty-five in the afternoon. Mike and Jenny will be picking us up at the airport. Finally, morning came we got to San Francisco early in the morning and we need to change plane back to Texas. We have at least an hour and a half to wait ‘till boarding the next plane. I looked for a phone to call home to let them know we’re here in San Francisco. After a long wait, we finally boarded. “We’re getting there.” I said to my self. We finally seated Alice noticed that I haven’t sleep yet and said, “We have another 4 hour to go, why don’t you catch some sleep so you’re wide awake when we get there.”

I couldn’t sleep; I tried, I did.” I explained. “I’m just happy and so excited to get back and my mind is full.”

She put her arms around me and said quietly, “Oh, Matt.”

When the plane landed, I couldn’t wait for it to stop so the door would open right away. I got up and took our hand carried baggage’s we had from the compartment even though the flight attendant said for us to stay seated. When the door opened, we were the first one to get out. My eyes did an immediate searched for Jenny and there she was holding a bouquet of flowers, standing right in front of the gate happily waiting for us. I dropped my baggage and picked her up as high as I could say. “I missed you so much. I love you.”

I missed you too Matt.” Jenny pleaded. “Please put me down.”

I put her down then gave her a huge hug and a kiss. Mike picked up the bags I dropped. I shook his hand and gave him a hug. Jenny went to give Alice the flowers and a hug. After we took care of the rest of our luggage, we headed down to the car. Alice and Jenny rode in the back and both were busy talking. Mike drove the car and I sat next to him.

Jenny looked pale today and her face is a little gaunt.”

She couldn’t sleep last night and tired that’s why she’s a little pale.”

It frightened me. “Why, is she hurting badly?”

No,” Mike continued. “She has 100 degrees temperatures. She was also sick to her stomach last night, but that’s not why she couldn’t sleep. She’s happy about you coming home that it made her restless through the night.”

It’s so amazing how we could feel each other. That’s exactly how I felt last night; I couldn’t sleep either because I was looking forward to see her. How about you, did you get some sleep at all?” I had a smirk on my face.

Kind a, sort a,” he smiled.

I turned to Alice and Jenny who were still busy talking. I stared at Jenny for a moment and tried to listen to their colloquy. I interrupted their gossiping and said. “I missed you so much, Jen.”

I missed you,” answered Jenny. She was about to finished her sentence but I adjourned, “Guess what, we got a lot of stuff for you guys.”

Mike and Jenny looked at each other. “We got something prepared for both of you too.” Then they smiled at us. I got nosy so I annoyed them to tell me. Both just smiled and said, “Wait till we get home then you’ll see.” Jenny assured me that it will be a good surprise then she adds, “Now please be quiet I need to call Andrea to make sure everything’s ready.” She got on the phone and talked to Andrea. She strove to keep her voice down so I wouldn’t hear what she discoursed to Andrea. Before she hung up, “We’re almost there; we have about 10 minutes on the road, so get ready.”

There was a big party waiting for us at home. We didn’t suspect that there would be a welcoming committee going to surprise us. There was no car park around the house. When I opened the door a loud “Surprise,” welcomed us. Most of the guests were just close friends and relatives. I didn’t know about Alice but I was flabbergasted, I jumped up and dropped the bag I carried inside the house. They all laughed and told me that I was pale. I was ahead of everyone and Alice was behind me. Mike and Jenny were way behind us. No wonder Mike insisted that I leave the luggage and he’ll take care of it. It never dawned on me that they would do such a thing. Mike and Jenny came in (finally) both were laughing. I let them have it. Jenny put her arms around Alice and me and explained. “This is your honeymoon party you had a short one in Hawaii. Since it’s my fault, because you’re too distraught about me, we figured, we should join you in this one, right folks?” Everyone agreed with her.

In the middle of this excitement, Jenny wasn’t around. The last time I saw her was when I talked to her but excused her to do something. When she left, Alice’s Mom approached me and we talked for a while. Alice called her so I socialized a little, I moved from one group to another and I noticed Jenny wasn’t in any of the group. I asked Mike who was busy helping Andrea in the kitchen, “Where is Jenny?”

I thought she was with you. I left her with you,” she answered.

Yeah, we were talking but she excused herself to do something, I thought she came here to help. I was mixing around and Jenny wasn’t in any of them. I’m going to check in her room maybe she’s in there.”

I walked to her room, first I knocked but she didn’t answer. I opened the door and there she was, sleeping nicely. I smiled at the sight of her. She must be exhausted to leave the party like that. She looked so peaceful on her sleep. I pulled up her blanket and covered her and I stroke her hair a couple of times. I checked her temperature as I kissed her forehead she had a little fever. The party eased down late in the afternoon. Alice’s parents and Mr. Andrews were the last ones to leave.

When Jenny woke up all the guests left already, we were cleaning up when she got out of her room and uttered, “Where is the party? Did I sleep that long I missed everything?” I put before her happily. “Not really, we waited for you to wake up to open the presents we got from Hawaii.” Alice went through the luggage’s we brought and passed the presents to them. After they opened presents, we returned to cleaning up the house. We finished just in time for everyone to retired to their room and rest.

Well, it’s time for me to go home too so you guys can have time for yourself.” Mike gave Jenny a kiss.

Hmm, that means I need to go to my room also. Bye Mike, thanks for everything I love you.” Muttered Jenny and gave him a hug. Mike picked up his stuff and head out the door. Jenny followed to see him to the door. She closed the door turned to Andrea and asked. “What about it Andrea, do you need more help cleaning up?” “No, sweetheart you go on ahead and rest, I finished too.” She initiated a step going up. She held on the rail and turned around, “I guess I’m going to do the same, goodnight kids,” Andrea sent us a flying kiss, Jenny pretended to catch it and damped it on her cheek. “Goodnight Andrea and goodnight to you also honeymooners.” Jenny gave us a hug then left. I noticed right away that Jenny is beginning to give us too much privacy and space.

The first few weeks were a little tipsy-turvy. The idea of the three of us living together was awkward mostly for Jenny. She’s hesitant to mix in with us and left us alone. Every time I struggled to do something for her, she would make all different kinds of excuses to avoid me. Since Mike was always here everyday from early morning until Jenny went to bed, he’s done most of the stuff I usually do for her. I felt a little jealous, no very jealous, and not wanted. Though I never dare to let her see the feelings, I had. It was hard for all of us, mostly for me because I was trying to balance everything.

The night before Thanksgiving, Alice’s Mom called to remind us for tomorrow. Alice mentioned it to me a week ago while on our honeymoon but it must have slipped my mind. She asked me to tell Jenny that we’re spending Thanksgiving with her family and that she’s welcome to come with us. To Alice’s family, Thanksgiving is like their family reunion. Everybody has to come home to celebrate Thanksgiving together. When Alice hung up the phone, she asked. “We’re all going tomorrow right?”

I had to admit. “I forgot to tell Jenny about it. Why, do we all have to go?”

Alice was little negative by my remarks. “Yes, because it’s our tradition.”

How can you have it every year, what about the married kids, what if their spouses want to be with their own family,” I asked with discomfort.

Alice face lost its glitter and her eyes crossed, she explained. “What my parents said is that we don’t need to be with them on any other occasions. Like Christmas or New Year or other holidays every year, we can spend those holidays with our spouse’s family. They’re only asking one holiday a year, that’s why I talked to you about it way in advance so you won’t say things like this.”

I’m sorry, I forgot,” I apologized profusely.

Okay then, why don’t you talk to her now,”

I left the room right then, went to Jenny’s room, and knocked. I waited for her to answer before I opened the door. She told me to come in I opened the door gently. She was still up reading a book.

What’s up?”

Oh, nothing much, what are you doing,” I asked innocently.

Oh, nothing much,” she replied with a smile. She motioned me to sit down next to her she put her book down then sat up straight. She took my hand and held it closed to her, “How is the married life?”

I looked at her eyes. “I missed you so much.”

I missed you too.” She moved closer and gave me a hug. She pulled back, “But you didn’t answer my question.” She tickled me on the side.

I tickled her back. “So you really want to know about married life?” I tickled her some more. She tried to tickle me back but I got her pinned down and I had both of her hands. We were laughing hard she was kicking the bed because she couldn’t get away. I stopped tickling her when she started pleading with me.

We both recuperated and regained composure a few minutes later; she asked again, “So how is it?” She waited for me. I answered her. “It’s fine, good. I’m happy, but I could be happier if you don’t ignore me so much.” She had a bit of guilt in her when she asked, “Ignore you? What do you mean?”

What kind of question is that? The only time I see you and get to talk to you lately is during supper. The rest of the time is either you’re doing homework with Mike or talking to him or playing games with him. All of them you used to do it with me. It seems to me that you are trying to avoid me especially if Alice is around,” I said and I put on a sad look trying to make her feel guilty even more.

I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. It’s just that… You have Alice to attend to now, of course when you get home. She wants to talk to you about her days at work. She wants to know about yours like wise… I felt a little uncomfortable to bother you with all silly stuff of mine now that you’re married. Besides, you don’t need to take care of me all the time. I don’t want Alice to feel she’s alone, even though she isn’t. She knows that you don’t leave my side when I’m hurting or having high fever,” said Jenny very convincingly. “I should not listen to your request then for me to get married if I know it would be like this,” I said maintaining my poise.

Oh no… Please, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad about it,”

I Know I’m just giving you a hard time.” I told her with a smile. I tickled her one more time. I didn’t know how to ask her about tomorrow. I stopped tickling her. I just sat there and stayed quiet. She knew me by heart; she could tell I got something to say to her.

Matt,” she looked at me quizzically, “What do you want to say?”

Ha?” I said quietly, “Oh, its about tomorrow.”

Tomorrow is thanksgiving, what about it.”

Hum, Alice wants us to go to their house and celebrate thanksgiving with their family. It’s like their family tradition to be together on that day. She wanted you to come too, I want you to come,” I said hoping she wouldn’t be upset because it’s kind of last minute.

Sure,” she responded happily, “Anything for you.”

I feel relieved. Oh good she’s going and not even upset about it that I told her at the last minute. I should have known she wouldn’t turn me down. Anyway, she never turned me down yet.

We won’t stay there that long right. We’re just there for dinner and be back before dark. Andrea is waiting here and so as Mike, he’s supposed to come late tomorrow so he can spend Thanksgiving with us and we supposed to visit Mom and Dad’s grave,” she said expecting it.

Yeah, I guess we can do that. I will tell Alice about it.” I told her confidently. I thank her repeatedly for not giving me a hard time about it and I gave her a huge hug.

Jenny lay down on her back and tucked herself in. I offered to read her the story. She smiled and said, “I would love that, but isn’t Alice waiting for you, for your answer?”

No… now move over so I can lie down next to you.” She moved to the middle of the bed. I got the book that she was reading a while ago, and started reading it. Jenny fell asleep after few pages. I continued to read, few minutes later I felt tired. I stayed longer to watch her sleep. I wrapped my arms around her and drifted away while watching her.

Alice came to check on how we’re doing. The door was open so she just stood by the door and watched us sleep. She’s been there for a while when Andrea passed by. Andrea stopped to talk to Alice. “They’re sleeping so peacefully together. They have much love for each other.” Alice just nodded. Andrea continued. “Do not get mad when you see them like that. Matt’s been doing that since Jenny was a little girl. You see…” She paused then continued with the story, “Come lets get a seat and I’ll tell you the story if Matt didn’t tell you yet.” Andrea led Alice to the den. Alice told Andrea that I didn’t tell her any story about Jenny when she was a baby. They both sat down then Andrea told her the whole story.

You see, Jenny is what you called an accident, Mr. and Mrs. Calloway didn’t plan Jenny. She was a surprise gift from God. Jenny was born two months early and she was very little, way too little for a child. Her lungs didn’t fully develop. The Doctors thought she was going to die, she was in the respirator a long time her growth development was slow, very low on the scale. Matt felt bad about it ever since. He said it right then the first day he visited her at the hospital that he would take care of her for the rest of his life. He would love her more than just a love for a sister. About eight months after she was born, she was progressing. She survived all test and other stuff the doctors put her. Her lungs still a bit weak but she continued to progress until one day she’s able to go home. All of us in the family we’re very happy about her pulling through. Ever since, we’re very gentle on Jenny and in return, she was a very good child, she never cries even when she’s sick, nor does stuff that would make us get angry with her. That’s when Matt really fell in love with her; you know what I mean he loved her so much he spent more time with her than his friends. He took care of her the best way he knew how. When he has time in the morning before he goes to school, if Jenny’s awake, he’d play with her. When he comes home from school the first thing he does is say ‘hi’ to her, then when he’s done with his homework he’d take care of her for me. He did spend time with his friends too but most of the time his friend has to come here. His friends loved Jenny; as well, they would take turn carrying her especially the girls. When she’s growing up, she’s even more adorable and every one fell in love with her the minute they saw her. She’s an extra ordinary child. She never gave us a hard time at all. She does whatever you asked of her even though she didn’t feel like it she never complained and whined. When she was about three and four years old, after dinner the family gathered around in this room and Jenny would give us a show, sometimes she would dance, other times she’d sing. We’re always laughing and enjoying her shows. We’re all head over heels over her. She was also a very sickly child, she catches cold very easily, but that didn’t stop her from being the best child in the world. Matt assumed all the responsibility of his father when he died when Jenny was about five or six I think. He assumed the responsibility of his mother when she died when Jenny was about ten years old. You see that’s why Matt felt this way about her. Jenny never changed since day one; to Matt she’ll always be his little angel. There’s nothing in the world he wouldn’t give or do for Jenny. I love her so much also. I don’t know what I’d do if ever that day happens.” Tears escaped Andrea eyes, running down her face. Alice comforted her and she too couldn’t help her tears from going. “I can’t imagine what Matt is going to do when that day happens.” “I can’t either,” answered Alice. Andrea closed the conversation. “I need to get some sleep and so do you. Thank you for your understanding.”

Goodnight Andrea and thank you for telling me the story.” Alice gave her a hug.

Goodnight,” Andrea returned her hug. She left the room and went up to her room. Alice remained seated she endeavors to understand all of it, but overwhelmed by it. She went back to Jenny’s room then left seconds later and didn’t bother waking me up.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I transferred to our room. Alice got awaken when I got in bed. I kissed her goodnight and asked her to go back to sleep. I fell asleep right away. In the morning Alice was up before me, she was changing when I got up. “How was your talk with Jenny last night,” she asked me innocently. “Fine, she is going with us and so is Andrea is that okay with you?” I answered her with a smile. Alice returned my smile. “Sure is, I was going to tell you that.”

I need to ask Andrea because she doesn’t know it yet, and maybe she can make something to bring like dessert. What time are we leaving anyway?”

We need to be there around noon time that would give us at least an hour to socialize. The dinner is around 2:00 pm, and then we will stay about an hour after dinner. That should be enough time so we can leave early and visit your folks, you mention it to me once that you guys do that every occasion,” reply Alice. I left to tell Andrea. On the way back to my room, I passed by Jenny’s to see if she’s awake. I stood by the door and Jenny greeted me with a smile, “good morning Matt.”

Good morning sweetheart, how are you this morning?”

Fine, what time are we leaving, and did you call Mike?”

I was going to do that right now and we are leaving around 11:00 this morning.” I left Jenny’s room. I went to my room, picked up the phone, and called Mike.

Whom were you talking to on the phone?”

I called Mike because he’s supposed to come this afternoon after he’s finished in his house. I told him he can come tonight instead.”

Alice’s family enjoyed Jenny’s company at her parent’s house. Everyone tried to tend to her even if she didn’t want any. It was a great get together everyone shared what they’re thankful for. It was my turn to speak I talked about Jenny a lot and of course I didn’t leave Mike, Andrea and Alice in my speech. I am truly thankful to God for these three special people in our lives. Without them, I don’t think I’m still sane. They really encourage me a lot especially Andrea. She’s like our second mother. I made sure that she knew that in my speech. I felt guilty afterwards because I don’t tell her enough how much I appreciate her and how much she meant to me and to Jenny. I know Jenny said that frequently to her because I heard them a number of times telling each other how much they mean to each other, but I don’t think I had done that yet. Everyone mingled around after sharing, every one was busy talking, and children were running around, others were watching games on TV. They have a big family, some were congratulating me on our marriage those relatives that didn’t get to go to our wedding.

Jenny was starting to feel a headache coming, she came over to me and asked if she could go out and get some fresh air. It’s cold outside so I told her that we’re leaving. I went to look for Alice who was busy with her relatives that were single. Jenny went to look for Andrea. We left the celebration earlier than we’ve planned but everyone was okay about it. On the way to the cemetery Jenny’s headache got worse. When we got out of the car, Jenny threw up all over the place. I suggested coming back tomorrow but she insisted on visiting Mom and Dad even for just a little time, we did go but we didn’t stay long as she said we’d do.

Jenny’s condition got even worse, temperatures shoot up but she had cold feet. I picked her up and carried her on the way back to the car. When we got home, I carried her from the car all the way to her room. I laid her down the bed, gave her a medicine to put her fever down and I wrapped her feet with electric blanket. I stayed right there with her. She shivered heavy the whole time she was delirious. I was ready to take her to the hospital but I changed my mind I asked Alice to call Dr. Martin, and good thing he was home on this time of day. I hugged Jenny tight hoping some of my heat would warm her up. Thirty minutes later Dr. Martin arrived. He immediately gave her a shot to stabilize her temperature. He stayed a while to make sure everything’s okay with Jenny.

Dr. Martin and I talked. He asked me what we did today and what we ate. I told him everything. Then he said that maybe all these activities made her tired today that her body reacted to it.

I remembered the same thing happened when we went on the trip, she had the headache threw up and her fever was up, but she didn’t feel cold like this,” I explained.

Hmm, I think her body is losing resistant. I need to stay for a while longer because if she’s going to react to the medication, it should happen in the first two hours. Then we can rush her to the hospital.” He said unsure of himself.

That really scared me, what kind of reaction he’s talking. I watched him while he checked Jenny’s pulse and temperature he looked a little worried, distracted was more like it.

I stayed quiet because it wouldn’t help him or Jenny if I asked him many questions. Instead, I prayed to God for some help with Jenny, that she would get through this. I prayed to give me more strength to deal with this calmly. Alice sat next to me looked very worried. She’s new at this so she didn’t know what to do. Jenny continued to moan and groan in her sleep. Thirty minutes later, she got up and threw up all over her bed. I got a bucket as quickly as I could and placed in front of her. Dr. Martin suggested getting the car ready. “We need to take her to the hospital right now,” he said. He got Jenny ready.

The car is outside the front door.” I said nervously. He asked me to help him carry Jenny to the car, I told him I’ll carry her myself if he could open the door for me. He sat on the back of the car and told me to put Jenny with him so he can lay her head on his lap. I drove the car as fast as I could to get there. On the way, he called the hospital to get a room ready for her. When we reached the front of the ER building, there were attendants waiting for us at the door. They rushed Jenny to the ER and asked me to stay outside the room.

Andrea called Mike and told him everything, she also asked him to drop by so he can pick them up before he left for the hospital. Mike didn’t waste any time. They got here fast. I wondered what speed Mike was doing. Mike tapped me on the shoulder, “How is she?”

I don’t know yet, Dr. Martin is still in there,” I answered, “Her fever was too high they are trying to lower it so it doesn’t fry her brains. That scares me Mike.” I hugged Alice as she sat next to me.

Let’s pray everyone,” said Mike. All of us gather around holding hands and we prayed. After we prayed we just sat and stayed quiet, none of us wanted to say anything. Occasionally we looked at each other then looked at the door hoping Dr. Martin or anyone would come out.

Three hours later Dr. Martin opened the door. I jumped on my feet and ran to him. He had a smile on his face so I knew she is all right, but I wanted to hear from him the real situation, “How is she?”

He responded with a smile. “She’s fine now she’s out of danger. Her red blood cell so depleted, but it’s all taking care of so don’t you worry. Her fever is down but she still has it. She’s sleeping right now.”

Can I see her?” I asked.

Sure, we’ll be transferring her to ICU in a moment for overnight stay to make sure she’s okay. Keep it short and just you,” said Dr. Martin then he left. I went in the room and found Jenny sleeping soundly. I held her hand and kissed it gently. After a few minutes, the nurse attending to her asked me to go out. When I got out everyone was anxiously waiting for the report.

She Is fine now, thank you Lord. Thank you.” Everyone followed me and said thank you at the same time. I continued. “Fever’s down, she’s sleeping soundly. She will be transfer to ICU shortly for at least overnight so they can watch her more closely. So if you guys all want to go home to get some rest, I’d appreciate that.”

We can stay and give you company at least till she gets to ICU,” said everyone in unison.

I’ll be okay, you guys can’t get in the ICU anyway because I don’t think they would let you in this time of night,” I told them sadly. Mike shook hands with me. “I’ll come back tomorrow.”

Thank you Mike for driving them,” I returned Mike’s handshake, then I turned to Alice, I gave her a hug and a kiss and said, “Go to sleep. I’m sorry, but I need to stay here with her. I love you.”

I love you too,” said Alice responding to my hugs and kisses.

I turned to Andrea, gave her a hug also, and said. “You, go to sleep. Don’t worry about the mess in Jenny’s room tonight. I know you.” Before they left Andrea said, “Get some sleep if possible. We don’t want you to get sick also. I don’t think I can take care of you both being sick, goodnight Matt. Call us if anything happened at all. I love you, son.”

The three left me. I felt good when Andrea called me son. It’s been along time since somebody called me that. I waited a while for Jenny to transfer to ICU.

Jenny was finally in the ICU. I sat on the chair next to her bed and just held her hands. I must have drifted towards last. A dream woke me up. I looked up to check on Jenny, the nurse was reading Jenny’s vital signs. When she noticed I was awake, she smiled and greeted me, “Good morning.” I greeted her back then glanced at Jenny she was sleeping soundly. She didn’t wake up since last night, it’s almost eight in the morning and she’s still sound asleep. She didn’t move a muscle. Dr. Martin came in and greeted me, “Good morning, son,” patting me on the back.

Good morning, Doc.,” I responded back to his greeting. He attended to Jenny and checked her thoroughly. While checking her he talked to me, “The nurse said that she didn’t move at all last night. Did you see her move, Matt?”

No, Sir. I didn’t notice her moving at all while I was awake and I awoke ‘till around 3 A. M. I remember looking at my watch. I must have dozed off towards later.” I told him everything I know. He held one of her hand and tried to pinch her fingers. Jenny didn’t respond to it.

I interrupted him and asked, “Is that a good sign, Doc?”

I don’t know yet. Let’s wait till eleven o’clock she should be awake by then.” He said gently but unsure about it. I didn’t know what he meant by ‘I don’t know yet.’ I picked up the phone and tried to call home. I was waiting for somebody to pick up the phone. The door opened and Mike came in. “Dr. Martin let me in,” he said, “He also let the attendant know to let Andrea and Alice in when they come visit.” Andrea answered the phone. I told her everything about Jenny’s condition as of this moment, and I told her that they could visit Jenny. Andrea pleased about it she said. “We’re on our way.” She hung up the phone. Mike sat next to Jenny and held her hands. I stood next to him, patted him on the back, and said, “Dr. Martin said he doesn’t know when she’s going to wake up.”

I know he told me outside when I asked,” answered Mike.

I worried and it made me restless. “Scared Mike, what happened if she doesn’t wake up,” I whined on him.

Mike responded with a worried sound in his voice, “me too Matt me too.”

Both of us sat down next to Jenny and just held her hand.

We talked about memorable anecdotes we had with Jenny especially the good and peculiar ones. We both laugh hard if it is funny. We really tried to make ourselves happy so we won’t worry about Jenny and start thinking bad stuff. About an hour, later or so Andrea and Alice came in the door. It’s about 10:30 A.M. She should be at least moving a muscle if not waking up. She remained the same way, no movement of some sort. At 11 A.M., Dr. Martin came back in, greeted all of us and went straight to Jenny. He asked. “She moved anything at all a finger, anything?” I answered. “No, Sir. She didn’t.” He looked puzzled, he waited a while but nothing happened. That’s when he started telling us that maybe she’s just sleeping longer and could wake up any minute today or she might go into a coma and doesn't know how long. Before he left, he said, “Let’s hope for the best, praying for her couldn’t hurt right now,” he opened the door and left. We all gathered around her, laid our hands on her, and started praying. When we finished, we all felt some kind of peace in our hearts and told each other about it, 2 hours had passed after she’s expected to wake up, nothing happened, 3, 4, 5 hours passed nothing. Six o’clock, 7, 8 o’clock still nothing happened. Dr. Martin came back in and said, “Why don’t you all go home and get some rest, visiting hour is over. We’ll call you if there’s any progress on her.”

I spoke first. “I’ll stay here you guys can go.”

The doctor stopped me and said. “Matt you’d been here long enough, go home.”

I can’t. I can’t leave her alone by herself.” I pleaded to stay. Mike interrupted me and said. “Then let me stay and watch her.”

No, Mike. I want to stay. I want her to see me when she wakes up.” I answered back. Mike asked the doctor if they could stay for just a little while longer. Dr. Martin agreed and said, “But at 10 o’clock I want you all to go home, not a minute later.” He smiled at us when he left. We all gathered around her. Mike and Andrea sat on one side of the bed. Alice and I were on the other side. We talked just about everything but most of all we told stories that involved Jenny in it.

Seventeen minutes passed 9 o’clock I noticed a movement on Jenny. I saw she moved her eyes. She didn’t open them but she twitched her eyes. I said aloud. “She twitched did you see it?” The three looked closely at her and she did it again. Mike opened the door and called out, “Nurse Doc she’s waking up. The nurse together with Dr. Martin came running in. Jenny started to move more, she was moving side to side, and she’s moaning. Dr. Martin said she’s dreaming so he tried to wake her up. She opened her eyes. The first thing came out on her mouth was, “ouch.” She looked around the room and said, “Hello there Matt, Mike, Andrea, Alice, and Doctor.” She sounded puzzled. “What are you guys doing here and when did I get here?”

I tried to juggle her memory. “Last night remember?”

All I know was I got sick at the cemetery then we went home. You gave me some pills then I went right to sleep,” said Jenny. Dr. Martin interrupted and asked Jenny, “How are you feeling right now, any pain? You gave us quite a scare.”

No kidding,” I said loudly.

They all stared at me as if they’re telling me to be quiet.

I got a bad headache, and very nauseated,” complained Jenny.

Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of that, but at least your fever’s gone,” said Dr. Martin with a smile.

Jenny stayed at the hospital two more days. After how many days rest at home, she was back to normal. She was also busy getting ready for Mike’s 23rd birthday. She thought this might be her last birthday party for Mike. She didn’t talk about it much but everything she did like my wedding, thanksgiving, now Mike’s birthday, she made sure it would be something very special. She always said, “I might not have this again so I better do it and do it good.” Two weeks from now would be Mike’s birthday; she wanted him to remember this day forever.

© 2011 jenny nieuwsma

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Added on June 8, 2011
Last Updated on June 8, 2011


jenny nieuwsma
jenny nieuwsma

Naga City, Bicol, Philippines

My husband and i are missionary here in the Philippines. We are from Ft. Worth Texas. I like writing anything God put in my mind or just my own thought. so, pretty much random thoughts? more..

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A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma