chapter III

chapter III

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma

                               CHAPTER III

Jenny grew up in my care and she never changed. She stayed the same sweet easy to care for kind of a girl. She never gave Andrea or me a hard time, and she did everything I asked of her, or whatever Andrea had asked of her. Jenny continued to excel in her class and other areas. She endured being ill a lot also. She got the highest award in 6th grade, the highest award in middle school. Jenny didn’t get to enjoy any activities that required great physical strength like sports, but she did enjoy academic competitions and she was in choir, and she joined school plays especially in high school. When Jenny was in sixth grade she was about eleven years old, she accepted Jesus as her Lord and baptized on the same week. It was on a Wednesday during chapel time in their school that she felt the Lord spoke to her, excited to tell me the story of what happened. I had more excitement listening to her than her telling me. I continued to run the business with the helped of members that started with my parents. They were supportive, and they guide me through the entire crisis I faced in the business.

In high school, Jenny was even sweeter. I thought she would do the same all other teenagers do, “I’m big now I don’t need your help anymore, I don’t want to be seen with you.” She never disobeys my rules nor questions any of them. I taught her how to drive at fourteen. I learned how to drive at that age. Dad would bring me to a parking lot and drive around there or on a country road. We would go somewhere not busy, but a good road, most of the time it was at the parking lot of our company. She learned very quickly. Sometimes, I would let her drive on the country road. She just couldn’t get a license yet, not until she’s sixteen.

On her first year of high school, she became friends with the boy that just transferred to her school last year when she was an eight grader and he was a freshman in high school then. His name is Mike. Mike Andrews, a year older than Jenny, five feet ten inches tall, about one hundred thirty- five pounds. He got the cutest aqua blue eyes, and burnt gold blond hair. “He’s a very good guy.” I thought to myself. He lived close to us. His parents bought a water front house in the next neighborhood. We looked at a house there but Mom couldn’t find a house she liked.

Mike’s Dad, Mr. John Andrews seemed to be a gentleman. He’s forty- eight years old, soft brown hair, gentle blue eyes, six feet one inch tall, one hundred ninety- two pounds. His face didn’t show his age. He had a stamina of a thirty some years old. I met him and his wife at the school on one of the gathering and had the chance to talk to him. He’s one of the board of directors of a big name bank down here and he took over when the president retired.

Mike’s Mom, Mrs. Julia Andrews looked very beautiful also. She’s very social. I didn’t get the chance to talk to her at the school gathering. She’s forty- five years old, sophisticated woman golden blond hair perm and always cut short, hazel eyes. She likes to look sophisticated even when she’s at home, though she didn’t work outside the house, she helped Mr. Andrews with the social events at his work. Mr. Andrews let her in charge of the parties and others social gatherings the company had to offer.

Jenny and Mike became best friends, and I could tell Mike seemed interested in Jenny. He talked to me one day without Jenny and asked my permission to court her. Impressed with his behavior, I said, “If Jenny likes you, then you have my blessing to court her. Thank you for asking my permission.” He had a smile wider than his face. “You’re not joking, Sir? Thank you, I promised I will respect her and treat her the way you wanted me to, I like you too, Sir.” I smiled at the way he called me Sir. “Call me Matt I looked too old and felt it too every time you call me Sir.”

I never had a big brother.” He smiled. “Every time I talk to you or do something with you and Jenny, I felt as if I have a big brother.”

I began to like him also. He’s a smart young man. An A’s student and most of the time won first place on all the competition in school. Mike focused and grounded, well in sports. He knew Jenny was different from others, because the students at school somewhat talked to him about her even before they met. The first time he set an eye on Jenny, he asked around and his classmates were eager to fill him with information. He just never got around trying to meet Jenny because Jenny never really associated with high school students then. Jenny knew about him also but they never met in person until Jenny entered high school. The school was small everyone knew each other very well, especially if you started kindergarten there and finished high school.

Mike finally got his license, the beginning of freedom. Mike would pick up Jenny in the house and the two would ride together to school. His Dad bought him a Sports Utility Vehicle as a starter car. Never been the show off kind of kid but never sported the smart geek look either, he looked too handsome for it. Some days Jenny would do homework with Mike in their house. Being such a gentleman, he never done homework with Jenny in his room, they’d always do it in the study room, even in our house, I would find them in the study room. Every time I learned Jenny was over at Mike’s house, I always volunteered to pick her up from their house, Mrs. Andrews would always ask me to come in for a drink and a chat with her or with Mr. Andrews or sometimes both of them. I really enjoyed talking to them, Mr. Andrews most of all. He listened to my ranting without offering me advice, that’s why when Jenny was over there I wanted to pick her up.

When Jenny turned sixteen, I gave her a huge coming out party. I rented the country club house close to us and their cater service. I invited everyone from Jenny school before they got out for summer, some friend at church and the people from the office. She almost didn’t get to attend her own party. Jenny got sick just the day before her birthday. She had flu. Since her birthday falls on summer, she didn’t have to go to school. That helped her; she went to sleep for two days until it was time to get ready. Andrea helped her got ready for the party. When she came out of her room, she looked gorgeous on her elegant white gown. Jenny wore a pencil cut gown with spaghetti strap and a beautiful sheer shawl to cover her shoulder and a silver high heel shoes. The faint brown make-ups on her big brown eyes made her whole face glistened, and her natural waved brown hair draped on her shoulder. She looked very much like a woman. I thought to my self, “My baby is now a beautiful lady, where did the years go?”

Jenny excitedly waits for this day.

I drove Jenny and Andrea to the clubhouse. When we got there, there were many guests already, mostly classmates and friends. Mr. And Mrs. Andrews and Mike were there already, and some people from my work. More guests had arrived. When Jenny came in, the whole crowd stopped mingling and cheered Jenny. I asked for the first dance with Jenny. “May I have this dance with the most beautiful girl I ever saw?”

She stuck her tongue out. “You’re teasing me too much”. She took my hand and walked with me to the middle of the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around her petite body and she put her hands on my shoulder. I mesmerized by the way she turned out to be. I wished Mom and Dad were here to see how their prematurely born baby, was now a beautiful, intelligent young lady. Oh, I wished they could see how God’s hand was working on her. Then again, I think they knew because I knew they’re in heaven watching down on us. Both of them were strong Christian when they left this world. I just stared at Jenny in amazement. Jenny pulled my head down; she kissed me on the nose and said. “I love you Matt.”

Ha? I didn’t hear say it again louder.”

Jenny was never shy to scream her love for me.

I love you Matt. You’re my favorite brother in the whole world.”

I’m your only brother.”

Oh yea,” she gave me another kiss but on the cheek. I picked her up and span around. She begged me to put her down. When I put her down, we danced a little more. Mike came and tapped my shoulder. He asked me if he could cut in and dance with Jenny. I handed him her hand. He took her hands and the two danced. They were sweet to each other, and when they smiled at each other, there was some kind of understanding between them two. He’s a good boy I didn’t mind if she falls for him.

The party continued until about ten at night when Jenny blew the candles and the cake served. Jenny opened the presents the guests had given her. Half an hour later, the guests started saying goodbye and wishing her happy birthday one more time. When she saw my card she opened it and read it aloud, there were not that many people left, they were close friends that stayed until the last present opened. The card reads, “Happy birthday, my sweet love. You just gotta guess what I got you. When we get home, you will see it waiting for you. I love you very much, Matt.”

She couldn’t wait to go home. When everyone had left, we said goodbye to the workers there and thanked them for the wonderful service they rendered tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and Mike left the same time as us. I invited them to the house but Mrs. Andrews said, “Thank you Matt but I think you need this little bit of time left with Jenny before she goes to bed, it’s late, happy birthday again sweetheart.” Mike really wanted to come with us I think. He said goodbye anyway to Jenny. Mr. Andrews also said goodbye and gave her a kiss on the cheek; he didn’t get around kissing and greeting Jenny “happy birthday” back there because Jenny always had somebody talking to her. We left soon after their car pulled out from the parking lot.

When we got closer to the house, Jenny spotted a Sport Utility Vehicle with big ribbon and banner around it that said, “Happy 16th Birthday My Love” on the driveway. She asked me to pull over and I did. She jumps out of the car and screamed. “WOW! Where is the key?” I parked the car on the side of road and got out of the car to follow her. Andrea moved in the driver seat of the car and drove it into the garage. I pulled out the key from my pocket and handed it to her. She liked a big vehicle, so I got her a sport utility vehicle, different make than Mike. She asked if we could drive around the neighborhood. I didn’t say anything, I climbed in the passenger seat and she quickly got in the driver seat. I reminded her that she didn’t have a license yet so she has to be careful. She started the car but before she released the parking brake and put it in gear, she leaned toward me and landed a big kiss on my cheek. I just winked at her. She turned the light on, and then she engaged the gear and released the brake. She slowly pulled out of the driveway onto the road.

We drove around the neighborhood for about fifteen minutes. On the way home, I told her that she could park it next to my car in the garage. Andrea left the garage opened. Jenny drove the car gently, making sure she didn’t hit anything. I got her exactly what she liked. A month ago before her birthday, I told her I was on the market for a new car for me. She went shopping with me, which I had hoped she would. I didn’t ask her to come I just waited for her to asked me. I pretended to shop for the car I liked. She told me and showed me which one she liked if she ever got one. I was really in there for her. Jenny excused herself to use the rest room. I took that opportunity and quickly talked to the sales person. I asked for his card and I told him I would call him the next day. I asked if he could put that one aside for me. He was with us when Jenny was showing me the vehicle she liked.

Months had passed, when Jenny was in senior high, Mike was already in college, he enrolled in the university here in town because that’s where Jenny said she’s going. I didn’t want Jenny to go far away from me, not with this kind of health. Mike could have gone to any school his choice prestigious universities across the United States. Few of these offered some kind of scholarship for him. He chose to stick around he did get a scholarship in this university.

December eleven, just a week or so before Christmas break, Jenny got very ill, she had the same symptoms Dad had, ice cold feet and burning head. I had to rush her to the hospital. She stayed in the hospital for 15 days. I worried because Dad died like this, we brought him to the hospital found out he had malignant cancer. The same doctor always checks on Jenny his name is Dr. Martin. He put Jenny in series of test, lab works, x-rays, CAT scan, MRI and more lab works and others I can’t even remember what others when she was at the hospital.

Dr. Martin had been Jenny’s doctor right after her birth. He’s a general practice medical Doctor. He became our family doctor when our old doctor retired from service and moved to Florida. Dr. Martin is six feet tall, one hundred ninety- six pounds, curly fine black hair, dark brown eyes and brown skin. He’s a very gentle doctor and always went out of his way for Jenny.

The very thing I was so afraid might happened, came like a bolt of lightning to me. He said the words, “Jenny has the same thing your father had,” I lost control of myself. My eyes dimmed, couldn’t think, couldn’t speak, and I couldn’t move. My heart was pounding three times the normal rate. Dr. Martin had to help me down on the chair. I thought I would have a heart attack right there. I finally regained all my senses, he continued,

The reason she’s always sick was that it was forming very slowly. The machines couldn’t detect it. It finally caught up on her, but it’s still very early in the stage so we can do something about it.” I didn’t say any word I let him do all the talking. “We can do a lot more for her, we can at least lengthen her life; I don’t know if it will ever go away, God has that answer, not me. With your permission, we can start treatment soon. She’s doing well now she can go back to school. They’re out for Christmas aren’t they?” I just nodded. “How would you do the treatment?”

Right now while still early, she will come here at least three to four times a week for lab test, and treatment. Jenny can do it after school, that way she won’t miss any subjects. As this thing progresses, we would do more stuff, like chemotherapy, and bone marrow transplant, or any available option we can have but that’s not really what matters right now. Jenny is a very strong person and I know she can handle things tougher than this.” I didn’t say any, because I knew that already. I was not strong.

Dr. Martin and I walked back to Jenny’s room. She saw my face and right away noticed there’s something going on. She had a wearied smile. “So… you figure out what you are going to do with this?”

Dr. Martin took the question, “What do you mean?”

You don’t need a rocket scientist for this one Doc. All I have to do is look at my wonderful brother standing right next you. I saw that look before. I maybe sickly but I got a perfect memory. I got Dad’s don’t I? Because he had the same look when he found out Dad had it… come here you.” She looked at Dr. Martin, “Could you excuse us just for a moment please? I just wanna put his senses back to him.” She held out her hands and I took them. She pulled me closer to her and asked me to sit next to her. I sat next to her as she asked. She hugged me tight and I returned the same hug. I didn’t want to let go not just yet. I felt a very heavy load dropping on my shoulder. She said something to my ear. “Matt, I’m sorry. What can I say? I’m not going not just yet, there’s still more to do that needs to be done. I don’t think God is going to take me right away. I want you to be strong about this and be strong for me. I will be here with you longer than Dad.” I felt somewhat relieved from what she said, I felt like I heard the same thing inside my heart. She pulled me away from her and she looked right into my teary eyes and kissed it.

Mike and his Dad came to visit on that day; Dr. Martin was still waiting outside the room when they got here. Mr. Andrews asked him about Jenny’s condition, “What did you find with the entire test that you had? Is she going to be okay?”

Dr. Martin couldn’t help telling them. “Matt told you about the test being done to Jenny?” Mr. Andrews nodded his head. Dr. Martin continued,

Well, she had the same thing their Dad had. She has leukemia.” Before he has to say one more word, Mike pushed the door to open, his eyes brewing with tears. He stood right in front of Jenny didn’t know what to say. Mr. Andrews and Dr. Martin followed inside both were as if they had seen a ghost, especially Mr. Andrews he was pale as a sheet. Mike kneeled down. “No, no, Jenny, you can’t do this. What’s going to happen now to our dreams and our plans?” +Jenny held Mike’s hands. “Mike…” She was lost for words; she didn’t know how to handle it she looked away with her eyes closed. Mike didn’t budge he stayed down on his knees crying quietly on her hand.

Jenny’s test and treatment started right away. Andrea or I would drive her to the hospital. Mostly I wanted to do it, since I had people I can trust to take over when I’m not around to run the office. They’re very loyal partners they never do anything without my permission or without consulting with me first. They treat me the same way they treated my parents, though most of these folks were like my parents age and some older. I talked to Dr. Martin that money would be no problem, I will spent my whole fortune if it means Jenny gets to live longer. Fortunately, our company continued to provide for us, it’s God provision, He knew that His gift won’t be cheap to take care of. He faithfully blessed us financially.

Christmas passed by like a blur to us. We used to do a lot but since Jenny was always doing lab work, test, and treatment, we didn’t do anything this year, instead I spent every night exercising my knees in prayer. We still enjoyed celebrating it. Christmas Eve, Mike’s family joined us for dinner with some of the senior members and their families from my company. Christmas Day, the three of us Andrea, Jenny, and I woke up early and opened presents. Mike came over with presents and joined us. Andrea cooked special food for us to dine together. What really amazed me was Jenny’s spirit, she never let us see how much pain she’s having. Lab test and treatment weren’t easy but she never complained about the excruciating pain, like the spinal taps, the doctors were inflicting on her.

When Christmas break was over Jenny went back to school she remained the same sweet, smart young lady, nothing changed in her at all, if not nothing else, she changed for the better yet. Vacations were shorter now because of treatment and test. We used to travel quite a bit during summer when school was out. Mike continued to be faithful to Jenny, loving her more and always by her side especially when she’s sick. He promised her that nothing will ever change she will still be the only one for him.

Jenny graduated high school with the highest award. She also got a full scholarship to the university where Mike goes. The school promised her that they wouldn’t take her scholarship away just because she’s sick. They will work with her if she missed days of school due to her illness. That summer was hard on her and on the day of her eighteenth birthday, we celebrated it in bed. Mike and his parents showed up, and some of her close friends, some friends from church and some people from work. I asked Jenny to stay in my room. My room is the biggest room and can accommodate many people without squeezing each other. I had it planned but when Jenny got sick, I rather canceled it but they begged to come and greeted her anyway. I told them that they could come if they wanted and it would be just informal, come and go as they pleased. The caterer came and served and Jenny still blew the candles, but she didn’t socialize at all. She slept most of the time until it was time to blow the candles. The guests mingled around outside her room and when it was time to blow candles, they all went in the bedroom and sang happy birthday song. They cheered for her when she blew the candles. I prayed she wouldn’t throw up, because she’d been throwing up early that day. Dr. Martin didn’t confine Jenny to the hospital, he just came and went a number of times that day, and he came for the party.

Dr. Martin stayed longer after the party for Jenny. He gave her a shot then few minutes later Jenny slept. She was still very ill, Dr. Martin said the shot should bring her fever down and tomorrow she should be feeling better, but just in case he asked me to kind a watched her every now and then. When Dr. Martin left, Andrea asked if I needed help watching Jenny, I told her I could handle it. She left and went to her room. I sat on the bed watching Jenny sleep soundly. I felt an ached in me. She didn’t even get to enjoy her own birthday. I was troubled couldn’t concentrate. I looked around the room and my eyes caught the box where I put Jenny’s notes. She liked to leave note in my briefcase, my pocket, in my car, sends faxes in the office, and anywhere she can think of that when I find it, it surprises me. She wrote just little note to make my day felt better.

I walked to the desk where the box was. I pulled the chair out and sat down. I reached for the box and slowly I opened it. I put my hands on it and clenched it. The very first note I read gave a smile back on my face. It said. “I love you Matt. No, don’t say you don’t hear this and asked me to say it again, ha… Ha, ha, ha, I‘ll see tonight, have a good time at work… Love, Jen.” While I was laughing at that note, my mind went back a few months ago, January, when she’s going back to school. That morning I was a bit leery sending her to school, because after all she’d been through with test and treatment, and the day before, she was not feeling good. I woke up that day she was all ready for school. I couldn’t say no; don’t go to school so I just asked how she was feeling. She gave me a kiss and just told me not to worry and that I need to get going if I didn’t want to be late for the meeting I scheduled that morning. She didn’t even want me to drive her to school. She said Andrea could do it. I left and went to work against my will. Bummed out and bothered that morning, I didn’t even know how I got to work on time, I thought I was driving slowly, I guessed not. I parked the car in my usual spot and walked to the door still bummed out I had my head down as I walked. I reached the door and opened it. To my amazement, I was aback by a loud scream. “We love you Matt!!!” I looked up and there all the workers that came in early gathered by the door. Missy my secretary and few others were holding a banner that said. “I love you Matt.... Lotsa love, Jenny.”

I didn’t move; I couldn’t. I was still breathing nervously. They were laughing about the way I reacted, most of them were like “We got him, didn’t we?” They went back to work still laughing. I was happy; I was just all shook up. I didn’t anticipate this at all. Missy walked up to me. “Did that make your day? Jenny called me right after you left. Come I’ll let you hear the tape. I recorded it for you.” She helped me carry some of my stuff to my office. When we got in, she took a recorder from her desk and played it for me. Jenny’s voice came out, “Hello Missy, how are you?”

Jenny, how are you, sweet cake. I’m doing well, what made you call me this early?”

I need a favor can you put this on the intercom system so the others can hear me.”

Sure hold on let me switched it.”

Thanks Missy.” There was a pause. “Okay sugar you can speak now.”

Hello everyone, Can you all do me a favor, Matt, is on the way there, and he’s bummed out. I think I messed up. Anyway, I want you all to go by the door and when he comes in, I want you all to yell we love you Matt. You love Matt, right?” Laughing, “Missy could you print me something like I love you Matt, lotsa love, Jenny.”

Sure sweetheart we’ll do.”

Could you do that for me guys? I love you all. I must go I need to go to school. I can’t wait to hear from Matt tonight about his reaction to this. Thank you all, bye.”

Missy stopped the tape. She smiled when she looked at me, “I wish I could have put your reaction on video and give it to Jenny. She would have a blast.”

Now, I got it; no wonder she didn’t want me to drive her to school she’s going to call here.” I sat on my chair. Missy excused herself and went back to her desk. I was laughing after that. I can’t wait to tell her either about my reaction. She really got me.

Right after the meeting, I asked three of my senior staff and Missy, if they don’t mind joining me for lunch and if they don’t mind cafeteria food at school. I told them I want to surprise Jenny also by showing for lunch. I already called the school and I know they weren’t going to disappoint me. Jenny’s lunchtime was at 12:30 in the afternoon. We got there five minutes early. The school reserved a table for us. When the seniors came in the cafeteria for lunch Jenny wasn’t looking toward us she was busy with somebody discussing about lessons. One of the student tapped Jenny, pointing his finger towards us. She stopped from what she was doing and just stood there with a huge smirk on her face. Astounded to see us there, she ran to us and gave us a hug. She immediately knew this is a pay back. She couldn’t wait to know what happened, “Tell me Missy, what happened?”

I interrupted Missy’s turn. “You really got me you should have seen my face.”

Oh, we got him all right. He was all shook up. He stood by the door like this.” Missy imitated the look of my face. Jenny was laughing hard we all did. Looking at Missy did it I didn’t know how ridiculous I looked. I hoped Missy exaggerated it.

I snapped back to reality when I heard Jenny moaned in pain. I quickly walked to her and asked if she’s okay. She shook her head; she got up and ran to the bathroom before she threw up on the bed. I followed to rub her back. I guessed so used to Jenny getting sick that this kind of stuff didn’t bother me any longer. Jenny’s temperature was rising fast. I had to call Dr. Martin back and told him what was happening. He told me to bring her now to the hospital and he’d be waiting for me. I yelled for Andrea she zoomed in the room like superwoman. I told Andrea I need to bring Jenny and immediately she knew what to do. She drove the car to the front and opened the door for us. I carried Jenny to the car. Andrea locked the front door then she climbed in the back seat with Jenny. She put a seat belt on Jenny, before she put hers on. She also had a bucket for Jenny just case she threw up again.

Jenny stayed in the hospital for four months she underwent a bone marrow transplant. It was successful. Her body did not refuse nor react too badly to medications. She came home a month after the surgery. She could not do anything but rest in bed. Dr. Martin had briefed her about all no- no’s and the limit of what she could do. Her college enrollment and other stuff were already taking care of by the school itself with Mike’s help. She had taken the course in Business Administration she said it’s easier for her condition.

Jenny went to college in the middle of the term. Mike or I drove her everyday she didn’t want to drive by herself. I am glad because I didn’t want her to or, maybe she saw the looked on my face and volunteered not to drive by herself. Jenny didn’t want to ride on electric wheel chair but she can’t overdo herself. Mike volunteered to walk her to different classes so just in case something happened he would be right there with her. It’s a good thing that her classrooms were not far from each other and all on the bottom floor and Mike’s classrooms were on the building across.

© 2011 jenny nieuwsma

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Added on June 3, 2011
Last Updated on June 3, 2011


jenny nieuwsma
jenny nieuwsma

Naga City, Bicol, Philippines

My husband and i are missionary here in the Philippines. We are from Ft. Worth Texas. I like writing anything God put in my mind or just my own thought. so, pretty much random thoughts? more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma