A beautiful, from the heart, write of both self love and pain, precieved happiness and sorrow.
One thing though, the two times you wrote 'Scare' it feels to me you wanted and should have said 'Scared', but forgot the 'd'.
Also in the last set, the word 'love' should be 'loved', if you meant that you have loved her. Otherwise, if you are saying you want to love her, then you would want to change the word 'I've' to 'I'd'. It works both ways, just depends on how you intended it to read.
Thanks for the read request, this was an insightful read. ,,,,Mhk Melvin
Beautifully written though, tender and wrenching at the same time
I think this is an interesting piece. It makes the reader wonder, or at least me, if these two people have ever met or if they just notice one another from a far. It's a good read in my eyes. Keep up the good work.
A great write about concealed love. Whether it be between two people on the internet, or someone hiding who they are not letting the other inside. emotional piece, well felt
You know, I had to read this a couple of times, not because of the lack of understanding this but because I sort off got a feeling that there is something deeper to this than what actually meets the eye.
Ok I get the love from afar theme, but in a strange way I actually get the feeling that you are referring to your actual self, the person inside wanting to be loved and appreciated by the person standing outside.
Does that make sense? (Sorry I get like this at times - he he)
But overall a great piece, you really did manage to portray the sadness and loneness of both persons, inside and out
A beautiful, from the heart, write of both self love and pain, precieved happiness and sorrow.
One thing though, the two times you wrote 'Scare' it feels to me you wanted and should have said 'Scared', but forgot the 'd'.
Also in the last set, the word 'love' should be 'loved', if you meant that you have loved her. Otherwise, if you are saying you want to love her, then you would want to change the word 'I've' to 'I'd'. It works both ways, just depends on how you intended it to read.
Thanks for the read request, this was an insightful read. ,,,,Mhk Melvin
Beautifully written though, tender and wrenching at the same time
If there be grief, then let it be but rain,
And this but silver grief for grieving's sake,
If these green woods be dreaming here to wake
Within my heart, if I should rouse again.
But I shall sleep, .. more..