this brought back some good memories, I think we have all experienced in this fairy tale, all wishing we could be as he was, never to grow old. Nice work
like how you retell the tale in your own words but I would have liked to have had more to think about, maybe elaborate more on the last stanza. use fillers to fill in.
It's a bit lumpy. You need to pay closer attention to detail when you edit.
In the first stanza you provide ABCB rhyme scheme, and that sets the expectation that it will continue, but it doesn't.
In the third stanza you have a false rhyme of land/pan, which is close enough to a true rhyme to confuse a reader.
Further, you say, "They care only for their leader." But everything else is past tense.
In the fourth stanza, in line three you add an extra half beat with "of" but the poem works better without the word, and the extra beat throws cadence off.
The last stanza simply falls apart, logically and storywise, because you forced line four, and ignore the fact that Peter is just one of the lost boys, none of whom grow up. He's the leader, but as I remember it, they all stay young forever. And of course the Darlings went home because they missed the nursery, not because they wanted to grow up.
In any case the pirates were dead and there was no more fighting to do, so the game-if you can call it that-was over and it was time for a happy ending. No one would have wanted to publish a story about kids who run away from home and are happy forever after.
Simplistic, with an emphasis on the rather austere rhyme scheme (though this drops off nearing the finish), and an overly child like vocabulary. But if it had been made any other way, it would have lost it's sincerity. It is fairytale poem, and it doesn't pretend to be anything else. The simplicity gifts it with a strange sort of elegance; the rhyme scheme gives it a nice, suitable fluidity (given it's subject and nature); and the vocabulary displays a sense of innocent understanding that is lost in many poems, which find themselves over saturated in complex and often times pretentious word play and rhythm.
very cool poem, i loved it. although i didn't like how you started rhyming in the beginning but then stopped towards the end. other than that it was an enjoyable read. :)
If there be grief, then let it be but rain,
And this but silver grief for grieving's sake,
If these green woods be dreaming here to wake
Within my heart, if I should rouse again.
But I shall sleep, .. more..