I Tried
Jose M. Euvin
As far as I’m concerned
I tried
I did all a man could do
To never stop loving you
You are marry
But still alone
I hear you cry
Cause I’m not home
Where is home
Sometimes I think
Home is where your family is
Others say
Home is where your heart is
My heart is split
Yet broken
Can a man have more than one heart?
Can a man have more than one home?
When I walk the streets
I examine the smallest things
Those that remind me of you
The question that still hunts me is…
Who are you?
The question still remains
You are the one I dreamed of
Once upon a time
Somewhere in a dream I dreamt
Can’t put a name to that smile
Or a face in denial
Just take it all
Make it go away
From the beginning
To its end