The tear is still here

The tear is still here

A Poem by Jacob

Some times I want you

to feel guilty

guilty for letting me down

and when my heart is narrow

I want you to think of me

when you are alone

or if you're not

I want you to remember

and feel the pain of loosing us

and I miss you.

I'm buying a new shelf

and it is like walking ten miles

more distanced from you,

I'm taking care of myself

doing efforts

giving that great class

but you're not here to hear

and I'm without your loving sight.

yes, from the pain there is less

but I can't think of living happily

with someone else

I need some touch, some sex

I'm afraid I'll cry

with a new woman in bed.

Did you let go of all?

or do you still recall dear?

that trip to the north

before I got disappointed

so angry, full of fear

I went far, I needed you closer

without my friends

my language, my smells

now I'm back,

I'm here with the heat

and the orange trees.



© 2009 Jacob

My Review

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Pain when you lose someone or things go wrong is just terrible.. there's a big, big emptiness, and, you think you'll never be able to smile again.

' but you're not here to hear / and I'm without your loving sight. / yes, from the pain there is less / but I can't think of living happily / with someone else '

Too many people understand that feeling.. but one day, one day... someone comes along and makes you feel loved.

Posted 15 Years Ago

what a truthfully heartbreaking know what pain is, is to read this and feel what you have put into words. no matter what you may feel, i know that you will always love and remember this person...and maybe someday you will think back on this and have fond memories of what was. hopefully you will be able to find love and that feeling again.


Posted 15 Years Ago

Wow . what a painful heartbreaking, brave poem, I thik that writing it, and let the pain out is part of your healing. Memories will stay . even after long time. first they are painful , like knights i the bleeding heart, but than, slowly they change, and you will be able to smile when remember, her, and the beautiful time you had toghther. I am sure she miss you too, diffrent people are hadeling lost in diffrent way, and she must put a you in her past, she is not young and should and must move on, but trust me she remember... we would never know, what would have come out of this relationship, you did what your heart guide you and thats what important, sometimes our heart feel and know better, before our strong dear friend, time will heal .. Yossi

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 28, 2009
Last Updated on March 8, 2009



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A Poem by Jacob

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