The power of life

The power of life

A Poem by Jacob

She started to tell me on the phone

At the age of 83 you don’t have much time left

“My children are very talented,

The daughter is a musician

And I play music too!

I learned the accordion a few years ago

But because of the age

I moved to the electronic piano

After the Nazis experiment on my body

I survived the camp and we arrived here

We have an art gallery

My husband used to be very busy

But now he went to the cinema

So it is better you’ll come tomorrow”


© 2009 Jacob

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I admit having to cheat and look at Yos's review. I wasn't sure what was going on. I didn't pick up on the stranger call. I thought it could be someone you knew. Looking at it from the context of her telling her life to a strange person gives it a whole new take. I enjoyed it,alot then, but I don't know how he inferred all he did. Good job. Rain..

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I admit having to cheat and look at Yos's review. I wasn't sure what was going on. I didn't pick up on the stranger call. I thought it could be someone you knew. Looking at it from the context of her telling her life to a strange person gives it a whole new take. I enjoyed it,alot then, but I don't know how he inferred all he did. Good job. Rain..

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

What a beautiful post! ... so much in one line, a whole life in one phone call , thats beautiful , so many secrets, she just waited for somoene to call her that morning, just to tell her life story, even to a totally stranger. She must be so proud she made it, survived the Nazis, and proud of her family , and her music ... she wanted to say more , but than she stopped, maybe its better you will come tommorow.... I might suggest you to write another one , tell what you felt after the call end, take her to her past , understand what the music mean in her life, how it save her from falling into depression ... there are so many unanswer questions, you did a wonderful job of writting ... Yossi

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 7, 2009



Hi, I always thought that I was born at early morning time as my mother told me, lately I decided to find out and in the hospital in Jerusalem they said it was 9:15 in the evening. Someone very nice I.. more..

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A Poem by Jacob

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