The big junction

The big junction

A Poem by Jacob

And then you decided to take this cheerful and misterious path

it rewarded you with excitement that your eyes shined

and your chest couldn't breath


The scenes past quickly

another person, another village

another curve and some climbing

it is hard to breath

you want to turn away

but you promised this path to yourself



Three more turns that you missed on the way

and here is the big junction

now it is taking the path all the way or going back to the beginning

the heart is being torn away

it looks like there is no way you can decide

you ask your best friend

and a smart old man that passed by

even the gipsy woman with the cards

they all have answers but they are not yours


You have to sleep there

the junction starts to feel familiar

the legs want to go on

but you just step around the junction to make them move a little

the heart is begging to leave the foggy cross road

but no rays of clear light are seen in the horizon

you are waiting




© 2008 Jacob

My Review

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This is a post full of questi o ns, maybe by the character in it or, maybe, by the writer.. there are s ome fine phrases..

'but you promised this path to yourself' and, als o,

'you ask your best friend / and a smart old man that passed by / even the gipsy woman with the cards /
they all have answers but they are not yours' -

yes, we ask people for opin i ons but, in the end, we have to make our own ch oices. I like the three different kinds of pe ople you've qu oted: someone who's fo nd of you, a wise and experienced man and, that gipsy who's supp osed to know via whatever means...

There's a lot to this p oem.. makes me think. Thank y ou for sharing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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A great interpretation of lifes choices, Do we take the road that is expected of us or do we take the road that our heart wants to take??

Very well written


Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 3, 2008



Hi, I always thought that I was born at early morning time as my mother told me, lately I decided to find out and in the hospital in Jerusalem they said it was 9:15 in the evening. Someone very nice I.. more..

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A Poem by Jacob

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