Oh Greta!

Oh Greta!

A Poem by Michael Handel

I did this for the make-me-laugh contest....Whenever I type the word "great" I always always, without exception, type "greta" first and then have to change it. Always, in fact I did it twice while explaining this. Does anybody else d




Oh Greta!

I'll always type you


you need no correction no


you're bright as you are


From where do you come?

....Quasi-dyslexia that manifests

only in your half-backward brilliance

If only others understood you (sigh)

you'd need no correction no



If I were stranger,

by a notch,

I'd write you, backwards,

above my brow and then

above the vanity

we'd stare, deeply, into

each other


but no kiss

for that is another notch,

stranger, and I'm not

that much

not yet


I'd write you into the stars

into eternity

are you the whisper of an oracle

too low to decipher, yet?

Or the name

of a future love

that I've not met, yet?

Or a former life

in another world?


Oh Greta!

surely you jest

and when I give my next review

and if it deserves you, oh you

don't change

don't change

you're fine as you are


And Greta.....

I'll always type you first


© 2008 Michael Handel

Author's Note

Michael Handel
Does anyone have advice on format for this? I think that is my biggest weakness..arrangement of the lines on the page and such.

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my lord jesus, i think i've found one of my new favorites.
you say you've got a weakness for displaying things on the page, but i say you've done just brilliantly.
you've got a knack for taking obscure concepts and everyday happenings and turning them into something worthwhile. somethng that makes you think and makes you dig with your fingernails just below the surface.

and personally i think everyone needs a little mental stimulation every once in a while.
i know i do. and i enjoyed it immensely.
thanks for reviewing my poem.
i'll be sure to read more.
julia :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


You're something special. This is so f*****g funny and at the same time there's all this utterly breathtaking imagery about what you and Greta would do. I read this earlier and then spotted Greta in a review of yours somewhere and cheered loudly, scaring cat and brother.
I reckon if your sense of humour and my sense of humour collided the explosion would be something to behold.

Posted 16 Years Ago

I love the arrangement. I think the format is perfect!

I can't believe it took me this long to pop by and view your work. I can't wait to read more!!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I think you did a great job formating this poem. You have a "greta" sense of line break and your punctuation, is dead on, including your use of the elipsis (....). I like the mock serious tone of it that sort of recalls classical poetry phrasing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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my lord jesus, i think i've found one of my new favorites.
you say you've got a weakness for displaying things on the page, but i say you've done just brilliantly.
you've got a knack for taking obscure concepts and everyday happenings and turning them into something worthwhile. somethng that makes you think and makes you dig with your fingernails just below the surface.

and personally i think everyone needs a little mental stimulation every once in a while.
i know i do. and i enjoyed it immensely.
thanks for reviewing my poem.
i'll be sure to read more.
julia :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I needed a little chuckle today..thanks for that in your half backward brilliance. I think it's great the way it is. I wouldn't change it.
I checked out your myspace page it seems we share a birthday. Happy day. We r but a year older. I'm sure I beat you by many years though by the looks of u.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I think this is just greta... I mean great. I wouldn't change a thing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on July 16, 2008


Michael Handel
Michael Handel

Philadelphia, PA

"my poems are only scratchings on the floor of a cage" -Charles Bukowski more..


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