What Have You Done?

What Have You Done?

A Story by Psychostasis

He held his head in his hands as he rocked back
and forth...over taken by his insanity. The thing he'd
done..the terrible massacre. Images flashing through
his mind of the way the blood was spilt. He
unintentionally rewound the scene. And watched
as each feather, each piece of flesh; pieced
itself back together; like a broken puzzle
re-attaching to its lost pieces.
Slowly, they took form as the drops of
blood and flesh formed in to what they once were.
The glorious angels in the white Council room.
Everyone dressed in their long, white robes with
their wings as magnificent as a creature
described in a fairy tale. They laughted and drank
from golden-rimmed glasses of wine, as he
explored the room.
Never wanting the beauty of his kin to
disappear. He saw his son playing by the
fountain and felt a tear roll down his cheek.
His son began running towards him and he fel
to his knees with his arms wide open. Almost
certain this was real. Until the boy ran
through him. He let out a slight grunt of
disappointment, then he turned around; he
looked at everyone.
Another tear slithered down his cheek
as he took in a long, deep breath. He saw himself
enter the room. He knew what was about to happen.
He fell to the floor and tried to cover his ears
and close his eyes...he tried. But thats when he
heard the first glass shatter as it
hit the ground. That is when he heard the steel
rip into the first skin.
He heard every scream from every angel.
Cevin threw his mind into oblivion as God forced him
to witness what he had done. He was
forced to watch the blood paint the walls
in crimson and skin. He had to witness his
companions, friends, brothers and sisters...
his son; be destroyed by his hands.
Still unsure as to why he'd done it in
the first place. Lost as to why he'd lost his
mind. Tears slithering down his face like rain
falling down porcelaine. Cevin cried...now
alone in the room which only reminded him
of homicidal decisions. He held his head in his
hands, once again over-taken by his insanity.
Whispering to himself four words that
formed a question, "What Have You Done?"

© 2008 Psychostasis

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Added on February 7, 2008



Muncie, IN

I'll never tell.. more..
