![]() LostA Chapter by GabbyTRIGGER WARNINGS: Self-harm, Child abuse, Abuse, Bullying, Depression. I don’t have a photo of any characters in this story so you can use your imagination c: -Damian- I could hear the heavy rain outside pulsing in my ears and the only illumination in my room was coming from the occasional lightning flash. I had been lying in my bed without sleep for just shy of five hours. Angrily I pull the covers off and step onto the cold wood floor making me shiver a bit. Carefully I walk over to my door, checking that nobody else was awake. I don’t see anyone so I walk to the door, pull on my coat and walk outside into the rain. The cold rain instantly starts to calm me and my irrational anger starts to disappear. I look back at the gloomy house, seeing a light turn on in the bedroom above mine. “S**t” I hear myself mumble, I can’t deal with my father, not now. Without thinking I suddenly burst into a run, rain pelting my face and soaking my clothes. I’ve worn the same clothes for 2 days straight. When I got home after school my father was a drunken mess and it wasn’t on the top of my priorities. They didn’t have any stains on them but I guess they did smell kind of bad. I stopped running abruptly when I came across a bench alongside the road. I sat down, further soaking my jeans and held my head in my hands. -Alfie- I was lost and the rain pelting the window didn’t make it any easier to see the road in the meager lighting the street lights offered. I took a sharp turn down a road that I thought I had recognized. But of course, I didn’t know this road anymore then the last one I was down. Sighing I turn up my ‘My Chemical Romance’ CD that was playing and continued driving aimlessly. On the side of the road, something caught my eye, it was a person and he looked vaguely familiar. Pulling over to the side of the road, intending to offer the person a ride, I realize who the person was, ‘Damian Harvgrey’. I was tempted to drive away or hopefully splash some nasty water on him but I decided against it. He looked as lost as I did. “Damian!” I yelled rolling down my window. -Damian- My head snapped up as soon as I heard somebody call my name, part of me dreaded it was my father and I relaxed slightly when I didn’t see his car. I squinted my eyes trying to get a glimpse of the person. Finally, I recognized the driver as Alfie, he was a kid at my school. What the f**k did he want? I placed my head in my hands again “What?” I called back sounding a lot less hostile than I had planned. Alfie wasn’t just some kid from school. He was the kid me and my friends would always pick on I mean, It’s just what people did, you were either in my group, invisible, or Alfie. That's how it worked. I didn’t care for him, I just wanted him to leave me alone. Alfie looked at me with sympathy for a while and I realized what I must look like. I’m soaking wet, my eyes are red and I’m sitting on a bench in the middle of the night sulking. S**t. -Alfie- I was shocked at Damian's appearance, he was soaking wet and it looked as if he had been crying. He always looked so put together at school and it was more than a little rattling to see him any other way. “You lost?” I ask him, scared that he’ll say yes. “No” he replies rudely, hiding his face. I anxiously rub my arm “You look lost” Suddenly Damian turns to me and I can see tears in his eyes “F**k off f****t,” he says making a fist with his hand. I step back with my hands in front of me “...are you crying?” I ask nervously. Damian gulps and looks down before shaking his head and turning back to his cold self. “No you idiot, it’s just the rain, Leave me alone.” “Just let me drive you home” To my surprise Damian starts to harshly laugh, it’s not a nice laugh but at least he doesn’t look like he’s going to punch me anymore. -Damian- I find myself laughing, why would, Alfie want to drive me home? I catch myself quickly and hold back the rest of my laugh “Didn’t I say f**k off?” I say nastily “It means to leave,” “You sure as hell deserve to be left in the rain,” he says. He’s right, I do. But he wouldn’t be Alfie if he left me here. That’s why people are so hard on him at school, he’s too nice and he allows everyone to push him around. He denies his own needs and helps others and that’s his own fault. “Then why don’t you leave?” I ask “Because you’re sitting on a bench in the rain” he replies. I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. “What makes you think I don’t want to be here?” Alfie just stares at me and I sigh, before standing up, “Whatever” I mumble. -Alfie- What the actual f**k am I doing? I’m inviting the person who torments me every day into my car for a ride home. How stupid can I get? I open the door as he stands up and he slides into the passenger seat, cocky as ever. As I go to roll up the window I realize my wrists are exposed. Deep red cuts and white scars obscure my pale skin and for a moment total panic sets in. Oh no, he’ll see them. My jackets in the back, I can’t get it because that would only draw attention. I just have to hope he doesn’t notice. I turn my wrists so he can’t see. “Well?” he asked and I realize I haven’t moved the car. I put the car into drive and start down the road. “Where to?” I ask. Then I remember I’m lost so the question is pretty unimportant. “A bar” he answers “I need to get drunk” I laugh, “You can’t be serious, you won’t get in” “Like hell, I won’t” he answers sharply. “Right whatever,” I say and continue down the road for a few minutes before turning up the music. Damian looks down in surprise. “Bring me the horizon?” he asks I nod my head jaw dropped. I didn’t expect a person like Damian to have any musical taste. He starts singing along under his breath and a weird feeling develops in my stomach. It’s almost like I’m enjoying his company…
“I’m really lost, could you point me where to go?” I ask him to distract myself from the butterflies in my stomach.
© 2017 Gabby |
Added on May 23, 2017 Last Updated on May 23, 2017 Tags: #Self-harm, #Alcoholism, #Bullied, #Bullying, #Suicidal, #Gay, #BoyonBoy, #BoyxBoy Author