The March of Michael
A Book by Siennaskeleton
This book is being transformed from my screenplay, Welcome to The Black Parade which is also based loosely from the song Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. If you are familiar with MCR's music you will also find their past songs througho 
© 2009 Siennaskeleton
Author's Note
I'll hopefully be adding a new chapter every week...maybe :)
I do hope you comment about any improvments I need to make, including grammer. I want to make this a perfect as I can
Added on September 26, 2008
Last Updated on March 30, 2009
SiennaskeletonChetek, WI
Im a whopping 18 yrs old. I began writing because of some of my favorite bands and their amazing lyrics. They've inspired me and made me want to recreate some of the feelings that they've conveyed in .. more..