Welcome to The Black Parade

Welcome to The Black Parade

A Screenplay by Siennaskeleton

This is more of just a script about My Chemical Romance's Welcome to The Black Parade song...as well as other songs they have created, mixed into it. This is for a contest only!


("Romance" plays as opening credits fade in; fade to young boy on father's shoulders watching parade in awe, fade to title as song ends, fade to MICHAEL in hospital bed).



Christie: Michael? Are you awake?

Michael: For the time being...

Christie: Don't talk like that.  Enjoy the time you have left.

Michael: I haven't enjoyed life up to this point, why should I start now?

Christie: *sigh* because there still are people that care about you.

Michael: Bullshit

Christie: Well why do you think I'm here? Just to occupy space?

Michael: I do'nt know why you want me to be so happy! Everyone I ever cared about is gone, I'm in a horrible agony, and to top it all off, I'm dead in a week! I'm only 33 Christie...it wasn't supposed to end like this...I mean, look at all the s**t I've lived through and it turns out that cancer is my demise.  It makes no sense.

Christie: Sometimes life doesn't make sense...let alone death...and you couldn't have gone through that much...

Michael: Christie, you have no idea...the things I've seen, the things I"ve done...I know I'm going straight to hell.

Christie: You couldn't have done anything that bad that it can't be forgiven...

Michael: Please...it hurts to much to talk about it...

Christie: I understand (walks out of the room)

Michael: No you don't...



Doctor: Michael? Father Bryar is here to see you

Father: Hello my son

Michael: Hello father

Father: (takes out bible) *reads bible verse* so you see my son, if you pray and ask the lord for forgiveness, you will be welcomed into his holy kingdom.

Michael: Look father, i appreciate you coming in to comfort me, but nothing can save my soul...

Father: But if you pray...

Michael: I have! I've gotten down on my knees and screamed up for god to help me, but I still feel my soul burning.

Father: What have you done that you think is so unforgivable?

Michael: I can't talk about it...

Father: Michael, the only way I can help you is if you tell me what troubles you so.

Michael: No no no! You don't get it! Nobody does! I did horrible things! We...did horrible things...we...Sarah...I went through it all for her...all the tears, all the blood, all the death...she should still be here...I should have died with her, but it doesn't make sense that I didn't, she's gone and I've ended up here.  With cancer.  Haha, are you kidding me?  Cancer is how I die?  That's unlikely but look at me now!  Sometimes in the middle of the night, she's here.  I see her lying next to me, saying words I thought I could never speak.  I can't tell if I'm awake and unafraid, asleep, or dead.  Either way, I know I'll be joining her soon...you know, I never got to say goodbye, but this time I'll let her know just how much she means to me.  Thanks father...you've been a real help.  (Looks to realize he is no longer sitting beside him) oh...



Michael: Christie...

Christie: Yeah?

Michael: I'm sorry I snapped at you the other day.

Christie: It's perfectly understandable.

Michael: It kind of just hit me that I'm going to be dead in two days...two days until it's all over, no more life, no more living, saying goodbye to everything and everyone...I wish that I hadn't spent half my life wishing and begging for death only to find out that I'd be here begging for life...

Christie:  Michael...just...think of all the good times...not the times you felt like dying

Michael: You know, I wish I could, but I can't think of anything really.  All the times I think of me and Sarah, all I can remember is the look on her face when she died. (Thinks for a moment) Acutally...there is one.

Christie: What?

Michael: For some reason, this memory really stands out to me.  When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see a marching band.  It was this huge amazing parade.  I remember I sat up on his shoulders and watched the men banging the drums march along the sides of the floral decorated floats.  After it was over, he gave me this talk...I remember it almost perfectly.  He got down on one knee and stared me straight into the eye and said, "Son, when you grow up, will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned?  WIll you defeat your demons, and all of the nonbelievers and the plans that they may make.  Because one day I'll leave your a phantom to lead you in the summer, to join the Black Parade."  I never knew what he meant until I got older when I did in fact become that savior, but to this day, I still don't know what he meant by the Black Parade.

Christie: Black Parade?

Michael: I don't know...it's a bit late to find that out now.

Christie: I suppose...

Michael: Christie...I really appreciate you being here for me...You're the only friend I've got left.

Christie: Oh Michael...Your going to make me cry.

Michael: If there's one thing I learned in my life, it's to never hold back the tears.  It's better to drain tears than blood.

Christie: (wiping her eyes) I just can't believe this...the last time I saw you, you were a senior in high school you didn't seem to care about anything, you were a lone wolf, always sitting against a wall writing in some journal, but when you weren't being quiet and introverted, you were being a great friend.  And what...15 or so years later, you're here...you don't deserve this.

Michael: *sigh* I don't know what to believe.  But I really am glad you came into town to be here so I wouldn't die alone.  Now the hardest part of this is going to be leaving you, my only friend in the world.

Christie: (collapses onto him in tears) Oh Michael...

Michael: (obviously holding back tears) Christie, I don't want you to be beat up over this.  Look at me.  (Raises her chin up) I'm doing to die.  You're going to live.  I don't want you to be upset about this.  I want you to live the best life you can.  I want you to fall in love; I want you to make good money, what about traveling the world like you always wanted to?  You can do that! Just live each day like it's your last, not like you wish it were you last.

Christie: (while lightly sobbing) Okay...(rests head into her hand and starts sobbing harder, then raises up) I will.

Michael: You better, I'll be watching you!

Christie: Haha...well, I've got to go soon...my plane is coming in tonight

Michael: Have a good flight.

Christie: So I guess this is goodbye.

Michael: I guess so.

Christie: Goodbye Michael...be brave. Tell Sarah I said hi (wipes away tears)

Michael: I will. Bye.



(Michael is in a hospital bed in the middle of a white room with nurses and a doctor standing around him.  He just stares up into space and closes his eyes and sees the city skies.  He starts to have trouble breathing.  He holds out his hand and the nurse grasps it.  He starts to squirm and writhe and his face contorts in pain.  He raises his right arm into the air.  He lets out a scream and there is a big flash of light and the white walls drop and the doctors disappear.  He is now in a dark looking city in the middle of a road.  He gets up and looks around.  He walks down the road slowly looking around some more, he shouts things like hello?  He echoes and hears no reply.  He walks more and begins to hear drums.  He tries to see what's up ahead.  

{Welcome to The Black Parade starting at the 2nd part of the intro starts playing}

(Slowly from the horizon, we see a large parade float with drummers on each side followed by a large crowd and a marching band.  A solitary figure stands atop the float, head down and hands behind back.  The parade proceeds to go on.  Michael watches in shock.  The parade comes within ten feet of him and halts.  Michael looks up in confusion, then peers over to a flag girl holding a black flag with white letters that reads: The Black Parade)

Michael: The...Black Parade..?

(The figure on the float raises his head, and we see he looks like a skeleton)

Michael: What the...

Death: Michael, Welcome to the Black Parade.

(Death reaches his hand out to Michael, he is a bit hesitant, then takes his hand and gets pulled up onto the float and the parade continues.)

Michael: What the hell is this?

Death: Haven't you heard the news?  You're dead!

Michael: Dead?  Where am I?

Death: This is the city of the dead.

Michael: Why aren't I in hell?

Death: Because you don't deserve to go there

Michael: Are you joking, Your death!  You should know the things I've done!  The people I've killed, the debts I owed...

Death: Sometimes, that's not enough to earn you eternal damnation.  A deal with the devil is meaningless.

Michael: I don't understand...

Death: You will soon, come now, look ahead, that's our first stop.

Michael: First stop?  What do you mean?

Death: Tell me about Sarah.

Michael: Why...

Death: Because she was the cause of all of it wasn't she?

Michael: She wasn't the cause, I was...Death, why didn't I die with her?

Death: Things will be explained with time.  Right now, we're going to go back to the day it all began.



(They walk toward a light and there is a large flash.  They find themselves in a flashback.  It is dusk in the middle of an empty park.  They are then out of the shot.  Pan over to a young Michael sitting on a bench writing poetry about Sarah whom he as so far only admired from afar.  Sarah walks over)

Sarah: Hey Michael!

Michael: (quickly puts away notebook) Sarah!  Umm...hey, how are you?

Sarah: What were you writing there?

Michael: Nothing!!  Nothing, I...it was homework!!

Sarah: (reaches for his backpack) Let me see!

Michael: (tries to stop her and fails, so he curls up into the fetal position) Noo!

Sarah: (reading the notebook) "Hand in mine, into your icy blues.

And then I'll say to you we could take to the highway.

With this trunk of ammunition too.

I'd end my days with you in a hail of bullets.


I'm trying, I'm trying

To let you know how much you mean to me

And after all the things we put each other through and


I would drive on to the end with you,

A liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full,

And I feel like there's nothing left to do,

But prove myself to you and we'll keep it running.


But this time, I mean it,

I'll let you know just how much you mean to me,

As snow falls on desert sky,

Until the end of everything


This poem is for Sarah and By Michael


Sarah: I had no idea you felt that way about me...

Michael: Oh...why hold it back anymore?  I love you, okay?  Ever since the first moment I saw you, I knew that the rest of my life would be dedicated to you and letting you know how much I care.  I feel so different around you, and I want you in my life.  You're all I ever think about...and it hurts to know that you'll never feel the same.

Sarah: Michael...you're wrong.

Michael: What???

Sarah: I like you too.

Michael: What?!  But what about your boyfriend??

Sarah: I can't stand Jesse...but I can't leave him...

Michael: Why not?

Sarah: I can't tell you...

Michael: Sarah, listen.  You have to tell me.

Sarah: Do you ever wonder why I get bruises so often?

Michael: He hits you?!

Sarah: He does more than that...he's controlling, abusive, and all around horrible...I don't want to be with him...I want to be with you, but if I left him.  I'm scared of what he would do...

Michael: Sarah, I swear on my life that I will never let him lay another finger on you.

Sarah: How do you plan on doing that?

Michael: I don't know, but I'll do whatever it takes to make him stop doing this.  You don't deserve it.  You're a wonderful person.

Sarah: Really?

Michael: Really.  (They kiss, Jesse walks up)

Jesse: Sarah!  What the hell do you think you're doing!!

Sarah: S**t!  Um...I was just...(Jesse strikes her and she shrieks and falls to the ground)

Michael: Don't you f*****g touch her!  (Runs at him and makes a feeble attempt to punch him, but Jesse grabs him by the shirt)

Jesse: What the hell were you doing with my girl?

Michael: Trying to treat her like she deserves to be treated, unlike you do, you pathetic scum!  (Jesse punches him and knocks him down)

Jesse: Get up you little f****t!  (Michael rubs his cheek and tries to get up, but Jesse comes and kicks him in the stomach, knocking him down, and continues to beat up on him)

Sarah: Michael!  (She runs over to him)

Jesse: Sarah, get the hell away from him!

Sarah: No Jesse!  You're out of control!

Jesse: I'm out of control?!?  I just caught you tonguing this little a*****e and you're telling me I'M out of control??  (He strikes her again)

Michael: (gets a good shot at Jesse)

Jesse: Oh your dead now dude!  (Pulls out a switchblade, charges at Michael and misses, tackles him and is on top trying to stab him while Michael continues to fight back.  He punches Jesse off of him and knocks the blade out of his hand.  Michael grabs it and stabs Jesse.  They all gasp.  Jesse looks down, drops to his knees, and falls forward into the grass.)

Michael: Oh my god...

Sarah: What the hell did you do?

Michael: I...I didn't mean to...

Sarah: Oh my god Oh my god...what are we going to do?

Michael: I have to get out of here...I'm going to be wanted for murder soon.

Sarah: You can't go...I can't be alone.

Michael: I don't want you to come with me, it's going to be dangerous.  We could be running away for the rest of our lives.

Sarah: Then at least we'll be spending the rest of our lives together.

Michael: Sarah...okay.  We have to pack no more than what we absolutely need and get out of town ASAP.

Sarah: Okay, meet at the donut shop.

Michael: Deal.  Be careful...I love you.

Sarah: I...love you too.

Michael: (hugs Sarah)  Take no more than twenty minutes.  And be there.  The cops are going to be after us.

(They run in opposite directions, it shows short clips of them shoveling stuff into backpacks then they meet back at the donut shop)

Michael: Do you have any money?

Sarah: yeah, I have about 2000 dollars, from my part time job and from what I saved and scrounged.

Michael: 5000.  That should last us a little while.  Now we have to figure out how to get out of here.

Sarah: What about the train?

Michael: According to half of the movies ever made, it might just work!

(They walk to the train track, look at the track and then look at each other.  Camera cut to them sitting in the car of a train)

Michael: I can't believe it...I'm a murderer...

Sarah: You did it in self defense.

Michael: That still doesn't change the fact that I took a life.

Sarah: I see what you mean, but what's happened has happened.  It's all in the past now

Michael: Now we have to spend the rest of our lives running from that past...

Sarah: It's okay Michael...we can get out of this.  They'll never take us alive.

Michael: I'm sorry I got you dragged into this

Sarah: It's okay, besides, I swear on my life that I won't let anyone lay a finger on you.

(They smile at each other and kiss)



(showing new report on tv)

Reporter: Hi I'm Mary Silk, and welcome to the channel 5 news.  Today we'll be talking about the pair of criminals that go by the nickname "The Demolition Lovers" who are a couple that have been on the run for seven years continuously comitting crimes to survive after their lives were torn apart when they murdered a former college football athlete, Jesse Plain.  These so called Demolition Lovers are wanted for murder, band robberies, grand theft auto, and various other felonies.  If any of you out there know where these two people are, please contact your local authories.  (Tv shuts off; Michael is sitting on a bed in a motel room.)

Michael: God, you can't watch Tv without it being spoiled by those stupid news reporters making a fuss over us.

Sarah: Well we are the most wanted people in the country.

Michael: Good point, but it's still pretty annoying.  It makes it harder to do what we need to do.

Sarah: No one ever said this would be easy.

Michael: It's hasn't been easy, and it's not going to get any easier.

Sarah: No need to snap at me...

Michael: I'm sorry, I'm tired and stressed and sick of seeing our faces plastered all over the 11 o'clock news.

Sarah: It's okay, how did you get this room anyway?

Michael: I know the guy who runs this place, he's cool, he won't get us into any trouble and we'll have a place to stay for a while until the cops find out we're here.

Sarah: (Looks out the window to see a swarm of cop cars)  Uhhh Michael...we have company.

Michael: DAMNIT!!  Hurry, get all your stuff re-packed!

Sarah: I'm trying!

Cop: (From outside the window)  Demolition Lovers, we know your in there!  Come out with your hands up!

Michael: S**t!  Umm...this way!  (they run out the door, down the stairs, and through the back, and make it out to the back parking lot where they find a car.  Using a stone Michael breaks the window and they climb inside.  They hotwire the car and drive away, with the cops hot on their tail.  They manage to speed way ahead and lose them by parking behind an abandoned house, they then run inside)

Sarah: God...that was too close

Michael: Yeah I know...we've got to find a new place to hide

Sarah: But where?  Wherever we go, the cops follow!

Michael: (thinks hard)  Wait a minute...I've got it!

Sarah: What?

Michael: The desert!

Sarah: The desert?  What do you mean?

Michael: It's so big, empty, and remote that the cops would never think to look there!

Sarah: Yeah, but where the hell would we stay?

Michael: When I was 15, me and my father were lost in the desert and we found a cabin in the middle of nowhere and stayed there until we could find our way out.  It should still be there.

Sarah: But what if we get all the there and it's gone...and we get lost?

Michael: Then we find a way out, we have a knack for getting out of tight situations.

Sarah: Yeah I suppose, good thinking!



(They are driving down a dirt road in the middle of the desert, the gas meter reads empty)

Michael: S**t, we're out of gas.  We have to walk from here.

Sarah: Are you crazy?!  It's like 100 degrees out there and we're nowhere near it!

Michael: It's the only way we can do this or we're going to die out here!

Sarah: Alright...

(they walk, then the camera fades to slightly later in the day, they are still walking, they are fatigued and famished)

Michael: There it is!!

Sarah: What?

Michael: The cabin!  We found it!

Sarah: Oh thank god!

(they run to the cabin door and open it only to find a completely empty room coated in dust and spiderwebs)

Sarah: This is the cabin you were talking about?

Michael: It used to have beds and food...but at least it's shelter...we have enough supplies to last us a while.

Sarah: *sigh* (she sits down and rubs her feet) It is better than being out there, that's for sure.  (Michael sits beside her)

Michael: Sarah, if we dont' get out of this alive, I love you and I always will.

Sarah: I love you too.

Michael: I feel bad for bringing out along, your suffering for my mistake.

Sarah: I couldn't let you go out there all alone, I feel like this is partly my fault too.

Michael: Nothing is your fault, Jesse had it coming and he had no right to treat you like that

Sarah: That day seems like it was just yesterday...

Michael: Yeah...

Sarah: Look what I have in my pocket.  (she pulls out the poem Michael wrote for her.)

Michael: You still have that after all these years?

Sarah: It's my most prized possession

Michael: I don't think I'd still be here if you hadn't of come with me.

(they kiss, camera fades to next morning.  They're asleep on the floor, there is a knock on the door and they quickly wake up and look at each other in confusion, Michael slowly walks towards the door and cracks it open and peeks out.  A man is at the door and he forces open the door all the way and punches Michael in the face, who falls to the floor in pain)

Andy: I've been searching for you for all these years and I finally got you before the cops.

Michael: Wh..who are you?

Andy: Andy Plain, Jesse's brother.  I'm here to avenge his death.  (he pulls out a gun.  Michael runs and Andy follows)  (Andy yells to a van full of people)  Get em boys!  And get the b***h in the cabin too!  (about five burly men run out of the van, three go after Michael and the other two go to get Sarah.  They have them the Demolition lovers on their knees next to each other at gunpoint)

Andy: You try anything funny and I'll blow your brains out!!

Michael: Your brother was a sick man, a controlling abusive man, I killed him in self defense.

Andy: That doesn't change the fact that you took is life.

Sarah: Andy, stop this!  This is insane!

Andy: Shut up you little b***h!

Michael: Don't talk to her like that!

Andy: (punches Michael in the face) Are you going to try to be hero now?  Because you know what happens to the jackass who tries to play the hero.  (Andy and his gang gathers around Michael and begin beating him up)

Sarah: MICHAEL!!

Andy: And now to take care of the b***h who got him killed. (holds gun up to her forehead.  Screen goes black as you hear the gunshot).



(Michael wakes up bruised and obviously in pain.  He tried to feel around and open his eyes)

Michael: Sarah?  Sarah where are you?  (Looks around some more and sees Sarah's lifeless body)  SARAH!!! Oh god! Please don't do this to me!! No no no....(hysterically crying) Oh my god!! no! (continues to cry, now crying softer he sings the poem he wrote for her, then after he stops, the song resumes as he keeps crying over her body.  After the yell in the song.  It fades to Michael in front of her tombstone when the slow part starts, then it quiets)

Michael: *sigh* This wasn't supposed to happen...you shouldn't be dead...I'm going to get you back.  I don't care what it takes.  I'd make a deal with the devil just to see you again... (suddenly, he finds himself surrounded by fire.  He looks up in shock, something that the camera cannot see hands him a paper.  It reads: To get her back, You much bring me the souls of a thousand men.)

Michael: Your...asking me to kill 1000 people to get Sarah back...that's insane...but it's this or I'll never see her again...I-I'll do it.  (he signs the contract and appears back at the graveyard) What the...(looks at her tombstone) I told you, I'll do anything to get you back.  I promise I'll see you again.  (he's walking with a look of determination in his eyes.  Fades to later in a news report)



Reporter: Hello, I'm Mary Silk with the channel five news team.  Police are after a new serial killer on the loose.  This person, has claimed the lives of at least 700 people, all seeming to have done something wrong in the past.  Could he be trying to serve justice?  Does he have a superhero heart intune with a maniac mind?  Does this have anything to do with the Demolition Lovers who are now presumed dead?  We don't know, but police are keeping a close wtach to find this demon.  (Tv shuts off, Michael is sitting on the motle bed stressed and fatigued.  He walks into the bathroom and washes his hands which are covered in blood, he then looks at himself in the mirror.)

Michael: Michael...you've really gone and done it this time...maybe I should just give up...I can't take living with this burden on my shoulders...it's too much.  What's the point?  I'm never going to see her again...I never thought that it would be this way for all my life...

(Glances over to the nightstand to see his poem, he walks over and picks it up.)

Michael: What the hell am I talking about?  I promised her I'd never let anyone lay a hand on her.  I promised her she'd see me again.  I have to finish what I started or else I really wont' see her again.  For what they did to her, and what I'll do to them, they'll get what everyone else got.  (He puts a knife and gun in a backpack, then walks out the door.  Montage time!  Various clips of him killing people and being disturbed by it, and such and such, fade to him walking down a street)

Michael: I don't know where I should hit next...(flashback to the day Sarah was killed)  Andy...(grabs phone book and looks him up, points to a place, writes it down, and runs out the door.  Walks up to the house, checks address, takes gun out of bag, knocks on door.  Andy opens door, Michael hit shim across the face with the gun and Andy falls to the floor.)

Andy: You!

Michael: Yeah, me!

Andy: I thought I left you out there to die!

Michael: You cannot destroy me!  (Kicks him a bunch of times, grabs him by the shirt collar and punches him in the face multiply times.  Andy punches Michael and he falls to the floor, Andy tries to sit up, then as soon as he does he finds a gun is pointed to the back of his head)

Andy: Come on...

Michael: You killed Sarah

Andy: You killed Jesse, pulling the trigger will make you no better than me!

Michael: I don't want to be better than anyone, I just want Sarah back.

Andy: How is killing me going to get her back?

Michael: How was killing Sarah going to get Jesse back?

Andy: I...uh...

Michael: See you in hell.  (shoots him twice, and he falls forward)  (Michael then cleans up his mess and walks to the cemetary where Sarah is buried)

Michael: I've done it!  I've given you the souls of a thousand evil men!  Now bring her back to me!

Sarah: Michael?  (Sarah is standing behind him, and Michael turns around and they just stand there and look at each other, they then run towards each other and hug and both break down into tears)

Michael: I missed you so much

Sarah: I know you did, I saw everything that happened...you didn't have to do all that for me...

Michael: Yes I did  (they kiss)

Cop: DEMOLITION LOVERS! We have you surrounded!!

(cop shoots both of them, screen blacks out.  Michael wakes up in a hospital bed)

Michael: Where...where am I?

Doctor: Well Michael, the cops found you and your girlfriend, your both under arrest for murder. Your lucky to be alive though, if he had shot you one centimeter lower, you'd be a goner

Michael: (sits up quickly, then lays back down in pain)  Where's Sarah?

Doctor: I'm sorry, she was killed instantly

Michael: No...that's impossible, I just got her back!

Doctor: I'm sorry Michael, but she's gone

Michael: No she not!  She can't be!  (rips off chords attached to him, pushes doctor away, and gets out of bed and runs)

Doctor: (into walkie-talkie) Officer, the prisoner has gotten out of bed and is running away, seize him.

Michael: (while runing and stumbling in pain) Sarah!  Where are you!  Sarah!  (keeps yelling and running, approaches a room where there is a body under a sheet.  He slows down and slowly walks towards the bed where the body is, slowly he reaches for the top of the sheet and pulls it down to reveal Sarah's body.  He takes a few steps back and collapses.)  Sarah... (he then start hysterically crying, then cops come in and drag him away.  Fade to him a few days later in hospital bed with a cop kneeling guard and a doctor by his side.)

Doctor: Well Michael, I'm afraid I have some bad news.  WHile we were operating to remove the bullet, we discovered that you had a low hemoglobin count and detected a small fracture on your pelvic bone and we found out the fracture was caused from a rare type of bone cancer which unfortunately is unresponsive to treatment.  I'm sorry Michael, but you only have about a few weeks to live.

Michael: I'm...going to die?

Doctor: I'm afraid so.  (Interlude plays, light comes in, then fades back to Michael in the Black Parade)

Michael: It changes you when you see the one you love die twice.

Death: Do you see why you are not going to hell now?

Michael: Because I didn't trade my soul for her, I traded the souls of all those people.  But because I did that, wouldn't that mean the devil owns my soul too?

Death: No.  You killed those people because they were evil, your soul is not evil, you killed them to get her back.

Michael: I see...where are we going anyways?

Death: You'll see...

(The parade continues on as "demolition lovers" plays starting at "all we are...", it goes into a completely dark area.  When guitars come in, we see Sarah standing in the middle of the parade route.  It then stops in front of her, and Michael jumps off the float and runs into her arms.  He then glances back at the parade and they all salute him, he chuckles and salutes them back, then he grabs Sarah's hand and they walk into a light as the song ends.  Black screen.  Roll credits)

























© 2008 Siennaskeleton

Author's Note

This is only for a contest and it's still in the process...it's uber long and I still have to type more up...also I don't think I'll be leaving this up being as I don't think it's very good....Actually now that I think about this..I plan to turn this into a insanely sweet story!...Just you wait...

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Honestly, I didn't read it. I just noticed the title and wanted to tell you that you picked a wicked title :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 19, 2008
Last Updated on February 20, 2008



Chetek, WI

Im a whopping 18 yrs old. I began writing because of some of my favorite bands and their amazing lyrics. They've inspired me and made me want to recreate some of the feelings that they've conveyed in .. more..

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A Story by Siennaskeleton