![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by Mimi.![]() a secret is formed.![]() I confortably plopped down on my bed and shut my eyes. I repeated a single question in my head over and over again. This question was a a simple one, yet ettiquet and had an unknown supposedly complex answer.
Why was I sent to an asylum?
I wasn't insane, nor deranged. I suggested I just had a different mind or way of thinking than average people. I admit my thoughts and ideas of pain were a bit morbid compared to the every day human. But I was, by no means, insane. I opened my eyes to see nobody in the room. I was suddenly curious of my surroundings. I got up, and walked towards the only mirror in the room. I quickly checked and fixed my appearance. I pulled at my dark brown hair, and tugged at my black and blue plaid shirt. I looked over my white skinny jeans and black muddy worn out converse. I sighed in discomfort. The hairs on my back suddenly raised as I felt somebody's eyes burning a stare at me. I turned slighly to see Spencer leaning against the doorway with a bandage over his arm.
"Hi." He eventually grunted out.
"Uhm..Hi." I compliently whispered.
He just walked past me to where he was sitting before when the nurse introduced me to everybody. He wisped past the drop of blood that was still lying on the floor. It still gave the air a light aroma of metallic and rust. I sniffed then wrinkled my nose. I could smell the blood still lingering on his wrost, even after it was cleaned up. It drifted in the air and took over the room. I started coughing, Spencer looked up.
"Are you okay?" He asked in a naturally low voice.
"Yeah, I..just smelled the..well..blood." I retorted in a mousy, embarrased voice.
"You too?" He wondered.
"Yeah.." I replied turning over my arm.
He cringed at the sight. I felt offended and hurt.
"It's not that bad..at least I have the decency to not cut infront of the new girl..well..you know what I mean." I coldy threw at him.
His face suddenly changed emotion.
"Yeah..well you don't know me." He answered harshly.
He got up and walked out of the room angrily. I was still standing by the mirror. I was already getting annoyed at the dramatics of this place. Everyone seems to think I'm the bad guy already anyways. I heard stomping again.
"By the way, it's lunch time," he paused,"unless your anorexic too." he added very harshly.
I shot him a dirty look as he walked away once again.
"Guess I better follow him..oh joy." I said to myself.
I left the room and followed him from a distance. I had low jaggered breath as he quickly paced, almost sprinted, through the hallways. I got pretty suspicious of him when we passed the cafeteria and kept going. I decided to follow him and eat later. He turned down multiple hallways and around corners. He stopped at room 523. I stood 3 feet away from him as he entered the room and closed the door. I arched my eyebrow and wondered who was in that room and why Spencer was inside. I sighed and turned around. A nurse patrolling the hallway before was right infront of me. I jumped and gasped. She surprisingly gave me a dissaproving look. I realized this was the nurse who introduced me to my roomates beofre. I actually took the time to read her nametag. It read: Linda.
"What are you doing in this section?" She asked me with a tone cold enough to freeze the sun.
" I was just..uhm..visiting somebody." I lied.
She looked at the door to room 523, then back at me and gave a small smile.
" You don't know anybody in this hallway. I'll walk you to the cafeteria."She sighed in relief. Like she wasn't caught doing something bad. Or maybe hiding something? I was good at catching these sort of small hints. I was most definetly sure something was up. © 2009 Mimi.Reviews
1 Review Added on May 23, 2009 Author![]() Mimi.lp(:, NJAbouthola, my name is mena, but i prefer mimi. i enjoy writing many various stories. (: thats all you need to knoww. more..Writing