Chasing The Green Fairy
A Poem by murray
a surreal description of Absinthe 
All the colors emanate from the beat of the dragons breath
sticking his tounge in the empty of my eyes
strangling sight
frothed with the fiend
he pumps the green fairy into flight
she swims in the rush of coporeal pools
that stream through the poppy fields of stoned minds
stripping the sky of its white
to walk on their streets of millions of miles
feeding the fires spell
that brings the emerald tide hallowed
crawling from this balcony of flesh
I lose all steps
as the ground moves in reverse
& all fall by the rips that tear into the fabric of the ditch
slipping into the voyage of lucidity
calling out to the maiden of Absinthe
to blanket me in the stretched of flavors dreams
keeping this ride obscene
all for the pleasure of her company. |
© 2011 murray
Author's Note
I have no idea if I'm good enough for this site ...I just heard it had a better creative atmosphere then other places
wow you must suck lisa lol
Posted 13 Years Ago
absoulutley ur more than good enough ur peice is amazing it holds deep meaning and mystery, u have made my top ten list, bravo my friend bravo
Posted 13 Years Ago
2 Reviews
Added on September 23, 2011
Last Updated on September 23, 2011
murrayNUNYA, CO
"The more forthright I become in my statements ,the more I learn from the reactions of others." ALICE MILLER more..