I feel this quite often. Like I am two different people. I suffer from Bipolar, so at times I am up, "Fearless. Outgoing. Confident." Then I go to a down phase and I feel, "Scared. Shy. Nervous." Like two different people living in one body. Great piece!
I think you've touched on something that effects everyone. We all have two sides, we're all two-faced to a some degree. It's one of the greatest challenges in life, trying to balance them both and decide how much of one you should show to those around you. Amazing, and insightful, work.
I feel this quite often. Like I am two different people. I suffer from Bipolar, so at times I am up, "Fearless. Outgoing. Confident." Then I go to a down phase and I feel, "Scared. Shy. Nervous." Like two different people living in one body. Great piece!
I write. I act. I live. I laugh. I learn. I love. I create.I share. I enjoy. I aspire. I dream. I am myself, and the world will never be ready.
The world is my stage, I am counting the days until I .. more..