Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage

A Story by Katelin R.

How does gay marriage affect anyone but the two people in the relationship? It doesn’t affect anyone else. It’s their decision and it’s no one else’s business. It does hurt anyone in society, or anyone in particular. The Declaration of Independence says,

“...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...”

This quote demonstrates that we, the people of the United States are all equal. Therefore, gay couples should have the right to get married, and live a happy life. Gay marriage needs to be legalized because not allowing gays to marry is unfair, discriminating, and does not affect anyone else.

Census reports more than 130,000 gay marriages in the United States today ( If gay marriages were legal in more states, or the whole country, the amount of gay marriages would increase dramatically. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, and New York are the only six states out of fifty in the United States that allow gay marriage. Only six states out of fifty. Why don’t two people of the same gender have the right to live a happy life together? If two people of the opposite gender are allowed to be together, so should two people of the same gender. Gay people should have the right to be together. Gay people should have the right to be happy!

Since gay couples cannot have children, they rely on adopting a child or children instead. There are currently 500,000 children living without a home in the United States. Legalizing gay marriage would increase the amount of adoptions by hundreds of thousands. Hundreds of thousands of children would have a home, and a family that would love and care for them. This would not only change a gay couple’s life, but a child’s as well.

The most important thing in a marriage is love. If two people of the same gender are in love, their happiness should never be taken away from them. Imagine that someone or something

you truly loved was taken away from you. How would you feel? You would probably feel angry; like it was unfair. This is how gay people feel. They feel like they’re less than everyone else; as if they’re different, even though we are all the same. They’re human, just like us, they have feelings, just like us, and they deserve to be happy, just like us. Wouldn’t you rather see two people of the same gender happy together, rather than alone in sad? You can’t force someone to stop loving someone that they truly love. You can’t force them to be someone that they’re not. Gay marriage must be legalized. Legalize gay marriage today!

© 2012 Katelin R.

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Added on April 27, 2012
Last Updated on April 27, 2012