![]() The Wishing FlowerA Poem by Erica MarieSomewhere between where the mountains meet A little girl lived in the town Too young to even cross the street Way to young to roam around But when the home seemed more like a house There was no such thing as too young With all the parental screaming about There’s no way she could hold her tongue So everyday before sundown She would run and find her place A place with hardly any sound Not anyway to trace In her world, it was never cold She stayed there for hours And this habit never got old This habit of the wishing flowers Her space was kind And gentle inside her heart This was her ideal home now What a reliving fresh way to start And as the story goes she found herself Lost in these special ways To make a wish on a dandelion Every single day “There is plenty to go around, Will I ever share?” She asked herself A question quickly answered For there was a boy standing right there With the flower in hand And mouth showing mid-wish A free falling plant hit the land The tiny petals floating away with a little swish “Who are you?” She asked with great concern He didn’t know what to do But make a 180 degree turn As she watched him walk away She hesitated to stop him “But maybe he’d be there the next day” She thought “So I shall not stop him” And so, just as she thought He was there the next day In that exact same spot The next few months went so fast And everyday they met Hoping this would last Leaving right after the sun had set The months turned into years As they found their place Wishing on dandelions In the best possible ways Each wish was a dream undercover But they would never tell anyone Not even each other “We must promise to never tell” Said the boy to his girl “Who knows who would find out! Maybe even the whole world.” So these wishes were left To float towards heaven These proofs of the love That was created at age 7 But year after year As she grew older, To run down to the gate She started to not even bother Many suns had set before he finally realized His girl had left him there Without any goodbyes His determined heart caused him to stay In that field of dandelions Every single day A decade went by oh so fast Not a day he had missed But there was only one flower left With a tear in his voice He started to pray And as he turned around He said, “Please come back to me one day” Meanwhile this girl of his had moved Far away she went Her life, she wanted to improve After the years with the dandelion boy She never realized such a thing as constant joy It pained her to think She left him so quickly She literally felt her heart sink “I can’t go back now, what will I say?” She asked herself “What would he do if I went back today?” As nervous as she was She talked herself into it “I wonder if I can still crawl under that hole, Will I still fit?” Without a second thought She got in her car and drove No where else But directly to that spot As she grew closer So did her childhood A flash back appeared Swerving, then paying attention to steer The tires screeched as she stopped the car Getting ready to get out And time travel back far She made her way inside the hole to the gate “Can I turn back now? Is it too late?” With held breathe she slowly opened The youth of the gate That was now partly broken But a racing heart and a watery eye Was caused by the sight of the field That had gone and died No flower was there to make her smile She fell on the ground And stared at the old tile “I’m sorry I left you” She cried with her hands in her face “I’m sorry I let anyone ever take your place!” Just then she was tickled with a familiar touch Of the hand that she loved That belonged to the boy who was all grown up In her stomach the bottom felt sour She started to speak, but stopped In his hand was the last wishing flower “I saved it for you always” He managed to say “Just in case you’d come back here one day” A silent tear was enough to say Everything she wanted She didn’t have to pray She in this town she was able to find A secret way to press rewind Because in this town, inside the hour The symbol of their love was all inside the last wishing flower © 2012 Erica MarieAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Erica MarieCAAbout☮♥Erica Marie♥☮ Welcome to my profile! I hope you enjoy my writing :) My name is Erica Marie and I am 20 years old. Born and raised in Souther.. more..Writing