![]() Defense of AdjustmentA Chapter by Xavier Lee
A few hours pass with Darren
and I remaining at the table. He explains more to me about the state of the
world and exactly what has happened. He has stepped outside the Fox-Hole on
rare occasions, and describes a world of grey and black that is devoid of
beauty. “The Dark God’s city is full
of grey buildings.” He explains, pulling out a map of the city from under the
table. He pulls a small disk from his pocket, and lays it atop the map. As I
watch in wonder, blue lines shoot out from the disk and spread out across the
map, lining it. Darren places his hands over the map and as he raises them, the
buildings seem to grow in scale, becoming miniature versions of what I assume
are their real counterparts. “We haven’t done too much
depth exploring.” He explains, “At least, not in recent years. “Mostly we’ve
been focused with this building.” He places two hands over a
section of the city, and as he spreads them apart a certain block grows in
size, the map zooming into it. The building is large and stout, with nothing to
make it stand apart from the ones near it. “What makes this building so
special?” I ask. “This is a storage
building.” Darren explains, “The Dark God still has food stored for his slaves,
recipes left over from the long gone society. He keeps livestock somewhere for
meat, and fields upon fields of plants provide them with what they need. For
some reason though, he doesn’t let them eat the good stuff. I almost feel like
he’s keeping that stuff stored up just for us.” “Do you really think so?” “Nah,” he grabs the disk and
as he does the glowing city fades. “He’s doing something with it, I just don’t
know what.” I sit back in my chair and ponder
the last few hours. I feel an unpleasant pressure in my nether regions, and
shift uncomfortably. Darren seems to take notice of it, and smiles as if
dealing with a child. He raises his hand and
points with his thumb to another door a ways away from the table. “Toilet’s in
there.” I excuse myself from the
table and make my way to the door, bursting through it as the need to relieve
myself becomes more intense. I find myself within a long hallway lined with
blue and white tiles all around. Two doors lead off into other rooms on either
side of me, and the hallway continues for a short distance ahead, leading into
what I cannot see. The door to the left is
lined on one side with empty wall but for metal showerheads. The other wall is
lined with stalls, and going into one of them, I find a porcelain toilet that
looks as old as it probably is. It is covered in grime, but for the seat, which
looks to have been cleaned recently. After relieving myself, I go
out of the room and look down the hallway again. Without realizing it my feet
carry me down the hall to its end, and there I am met with a sight incredible
to behold. Spread out before me is a
grand cavern pool. Pillars of rock hold up the crystalline ceiling and gems
under the water reflect the light to create dazzling luminosities that sparkle
in the dim cavern. In the pool I spot several
people treading water; some lazily, others partaking in fierce competitions of
speed. The overall atmosphere is fun and bright, and I find myself smiling at
the sight. “Hey!” A voice calls from
below. I look down at the carved steps and see a young man with green hair
smiling up at me. I look around, and then point at myself to ask if it is me he
is calling for. He nods as a chuckle escapes his lips. As he nears me I take closer
stock of his appearance. His green hair hangs loosely down to his back, styled
into dreadlocks but for two tufts sticking out like antennae, or horns. He is a
handsome boy, with blue eyes that sparkle like the sapphire under the water. He
is muscular with the build of one who spends most of their time swimming, but
his pale skin is covered in scars, suggesting he spends equal time training
with no armor. His chest is bare, revealing
a defining scar in the vague shape of a trident on his left breast. His upper
legs are covered in shorts made seemingly of a tightly woven net. His lower
legs, however, startle me, as they are covered in fish-like scales, even his
toes are webbed and of a silver-green hue. He smiles brightly at me,
revealing teeth that are thin and almost needle-like. Hanging from a cord at
his waist is a purple and yellow conch shell, the purpose for which I do not
know. “New guy.” He greets me in a
soft but comfortable voice. He holds out his hand to me and I take it
hesitantly. “Just awoken?” “Yes.” I answer. “No doubt everyone’s been
really mean to you.” He continues, “Let me be…probably the second to officially
welcome you to the Resistance.” “Thank you.” I say, letting
go of his hand. “Um, who are you?” His smile fades, replaced by
a look of confusion. “You don’t know?” I shake my head in answer,
“I do not know much of anything. Something has taken my memories from me. I do
not possess even my name.” “Oh,” He says, putting his
hand behind his head and looking back to the pool, “Well…they said something
weird would happen, they didn’t say what, though.” He whispers these words,
talking to himself rather than me. Though I hear them, they make no sense. “Who
said something weird would happen?” “Them.” He replies, he
shakes his head, as if dropping the subject. “Anyways, don’t bother introducing
yourself. I will though, so you can call me Triton.” A shudder goes through me, I
should know that name. Why should I know it? “Why do you think I should know
you?” “Hey, Triton!” I hear Darren
call from the stairway. “Good day, Darren.” Triton returns the greeting. “You
didn’t tell me he woke up.” “Wanted to show him around first.” Darren answers. He
claps me on the back, “You were taking forever. I was afraid you fell in.” “What do we call this guy?” Triton asks. “Dunno yet.” Darren answers, “I was gonna talk to you
guys about that in a couple hours at dinner.” “Ooh,” Triton coos, “A gathered meal? Haven’t had one of
those in a while.” “Haven’t had a new guy in a while.” Darren responds. “Well, then,” Triton says, turning back to me, “Here’s
hoping you get settled in nicely.” “Thank you.” I reply, letting Darren turn me around and
lead me back the way we had come. I look over my shoulder as I walk, and
surprise again shackles me as I spot…things sprouting out of Triton’s shoulders
after he turns. They look to be rocks, but are shaped oddly. Barnacles?
“Ladies and gentlemen, Resistance members of all ages!”
Darren calls, “Today we gather in our Great Hall to welcome our newest member!” The table of the Great Hall is only one of four, all of
equal length. The entire Resistance is gathered within the colossal arena,
crowding the tables and making me feel intimidated. Darren gestures to me for the crowd as he continues,
“Awakening after a fall from the Dark God’s tower, he immediately took down six
of our best fighters without breaking a sweat! He has committed to our cause
already, and without hesitation I say we welcome him to our ranks and greet him
as a brother-in-arms!” “What’s his name?” Someone calls. Darren falters, and looks down at me, “Uh…we don’t know.
We’ve found yet another amnesiac.” ‘Yet another’? They way he says that implies
they have seen many. The assembly all stare at me, as if waiting for me to do
something. I look up at Darren, and he nods in encouragement. Slowly I get to
my feet and stand before the Resistance. Over two-hundred people stare at me
menacingly. I gulp down my fears and try to find the words to say. “I…” I begin, “I do not expect you to welcome me as
quickly as Darren would have you. However I assure you that I will commit
myself to bringing down Erebus by whatever means you people deem necessary.
With no memory of who I am, I can only request that you not ask me such harsh
questions as ‘who are you’ or ‘where did you come from’. In advance I say I do
not know. Suffice it to say that I look forward to developing many friendships,
and helping to see this world again becoming what it is meant to be.” My speech is met with nothing but blank stares, and as
the silence continues I blush and sink back into my seat. “Uh, yeah.” Darren concludes. “That was embarrassing. So
without further adieu, go ahead and eat.” Darren places his hand on my shoulder as he sits back
down, and I cradle my head in my hand, feeling ashamed. “They’ll warm up to you.” Darren promises. “Just give
them time.” I nod in answer and look at the feast before me. I cannot
imagine where it came from or who made it, but all the meats and vegetables and
breads call to my aching stomach. Darren gets up and leaves as I grab a piece
of meat and all but shove the delicious thing into my mouth, hardly tasting it
before I swallow. As the meat goes down my stomach, my hunger increases and I
continue eating with renewed ferocity. Darren leaves my side and goes to sit with the small
group he had been talking to earlier, along with Triton. I do not hear much of
their conversation, as my appetite commands my attention. I slow down after a
while, starting to feel my hunger dissipate. “There’s just something off about him.” I hear Maria say. I continue eating at an even slower pace so as to hear
their words. “I’ve got a good feeling about him.” Darren insists. “You’ve been saying that for two days.” Solution says,
“Do you have anything beyond that?” “When has that ever not been enough?” Darren retorts,
“We’ve proved countless times that my feelings are never wrong. If I feel
something, than you guys know to go with it no matter how crazy it may sound.
Or am I wrong?” “You aren’t always right, Darren.” Solution argues,
“Remember that fiasco with the last amnesiac newbie? Or the one before him?
This is the fourth guy you’ve found. What makes you think he’s so special
anyway?” “Those guys were complete fools.” Darren says, “They
barely woke up with the ability to speak, let alone fight. This guy speaks like
he’s a freakin’ genius, and he’s proven that he has skills as a combatant
beyond even Julian. Look, I get the risk, but I say we trust him. At least for
now.” “Darren,” The dark-skinned boy says, “I can’t read him.” Shock replaces the determination in Darren’s face, and he
looks down at his lap, “Not at all?” “It’s like he isn’t thinking anything.” The boy
continues. What does he mean by reading me? Darren shakes his head, “Strange as that is, I want to
give him the benefit of the doubt.” “Triton?” Maria says, “You’ve been quiet.” “I’m not sure what to think.” He responds, picking at a
plate of potatoes. “I…can’t say.” “You show up here.” Darren begins, “Don’t tell us
anything about who you are. We still don’t know where you came from, and it’s
been years.” “I assume your argument is that my situation is parallel
to his.” Triton says. “My argument is that apart from the amnesia it’s exactly
the same.” Darren replies. He looks around at the group and spreads his hands,
“I want to trust him, so you guys trust me, at least.” The light haired girl sits back in her seat and smiles, “Well,
he’s cute at least. He’s got that going for him.” Darren smiles and shakes his head, “Shut up, Naomi.” “So we vote to let him stay?” Solution asks. “Why not?” Triton says, “Maybe he’ll be of some use to
us.” Darren nods as he stands, and looks gratefully at his
friends, “I promise you guys you won’t regret it.” He comes over to me and steals the bun from my hand,
biting into it for himself. I do not object, for gratitude stays my thoughts. “They’ve decided to let you stay.” Darren informs me. I feel inclined to let him know I had been eavesdropping,
but then decide better of it. “I am glad. I look forward to this, whatever it
may become.” As the dinner wears on, I find myself being utterly
ignored by all but Darren and Triton. Maria again tries to flirt with him, but
this time it is Krista who cuts her off by greeting Darren with a passionate
kiss. Maris goes openmouthed, but then backs away, going back to her place and
sitting quietly. I want to feel bad for her, but do not. As yet another person sends a glare my way, I decide to
excuse myself from the table and head out of the Great Hall. Nobody seems to
notice my departure, even Darren, and I silently make my way back to the street
marked ‘living’. I look up at the statue of the man in armor, and again that
strange pain burns in my mind. I try to shake it off and enter the calm building. As I
recall the way to my room, I find myself before the door in an instant, as if
having not moved at all. I must still be tired. I enter the room and
immediately go to the bed, exhaustion suddenly coming over me. As I lay my head on the pillow, the staff strapped to my
back burrows into my side, and without a thought I take it out and drop to the
floor beside the bed. What will become of all this? I wonder as I start to
drift off. What is going to happen with this Resistance? © 2015 Xavier LeeAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on March 18, 2015 Last Updated on March 18, 2015 Author![]() Xavier LeeHolbrook, AZAboutI'm not sure how concise to make this so I'm gonna go with one-two word answers. Introvert, nerd, otaku (Fan of anime and manga), Dantean scholar, Greek Myth fanatic (that was three words). At the mom.. more..Writing