

A Chapter by Xavier Lee

Plans are made and power is gained


“Where are the others?” I ask Zeus.

“Off.” He answers, nodding his head as if to music.

“Doing what?”

“Whatever they want, as always.”

“How long will it be before they get here?”

“Who can say?”

“What do we do until they get here?”


“And do nothing?”

“If you want.”




Zayin faces Jack, a newly sharpened blade in his hand. The only thing that can calm his mind is making weapons. It is his birthright and his only true skill.

“What happened?” Jack asks.

Zayin looks up at his companion, now the only one that Zayin will trust. “I went to go see Shin and…Barth turned into the Dark God and attacked me.”

Jack is unsure how to respond. He knew that Barth was the Dark God, but that Zayin was attacked by him and survived… “How did it happen?”

“He just appeared before me.” Zayin answers, dipping the sword into the drum of oil. “We struggled and I stabbed him in the chest with a knife. I thought he was dead, but then he rose up and walked out.”

“Is that it?” Jack asks.

Zayin considers telling Jack about the rest, the golden blood and the Dark God saying that Zayin had his blessing, but something stops him from doing so. He can still taste the blood on his tongue, the not unpleasant flavor sickening him. He can feel it inside him as it goes from his digestive system to his cardiovascular one. The sick poison begins circulating through his veins even as he speaks.

“No, that was it.” At that point the ichor reaches Zayin’s heart and when it does, a horrible sensation passes through him. He clutches his chest and falls to his knees, the nearly finished blade sinking completely into the oil.

“Zayin!” Jack shouts, rushing over to his teacher.

Zayin still clutches his chest as Jack lays him on his back on the warm concrete floor. As the ichor circulates throughout his body, his brown irises become filled with streaks of gold. He is unaware of what is happening, but he can feel a kind of strength growing within him.

All at once the pain stops and Zayin throws his hands to the floor. He fixes Jack with his now gold eyes and smiles. His entire world seems clearer now, and the fear that had gripped him all but vanishes.

“Jack.” He says, “I think I have a plan.”




Hours have passed and only now are the gods finally assembling in the throne room. I sit on the floor, meditating with Solution beside me, doing the same. How long have I been on Olympus? I have lost track of time. I can scarcely imagine how things must be for the Resistance right now. I wonder how Ana is doing. Has she been discovered? Or is she still pretending to hate me?

For some reason, the idea of Ana even pretending to hate me is unsettling. I continue to wonder about it as the gods take their seats. Solution nudges me, startling me from my trance.

“Aether,” Zeus says, “We’d all like to know, why are we here?”

I get to my feet, using my staff to lean on. I catch Hephaestus looking at me with sympathy in his eyes. Knowing his condition, I decide my pain is nothing and stand straight. My leg objects harshly, but I pay it no heed. “I wanted to run an idea by you that I think could return me to god status.”

“Really?” Zeus says, a smile spreading across his face, “Enlighten us.”

“First, is it true that a depiction of a god, such as a statue or painting, holds a degree of that particular god’s power?”

“A small degree, but yes.”

“And is it possible for that god to draw their power from that image?”

“Yes, but how do you know about it?”

“Irrelevant,” I say.

“Fine. But you should know that there aren’t any statues or paintings of you, Aether.”

“Not that you would know of.” One of the gods says. I turn to the voice and see the man I had decided to ignore before. He looks to be around Zeus’ age, early twenties. His thin but muscular frame is wrapped in sparse armor and a spotted-skin cloak. His eyes are a dark shade of reddish purple, as is his curly hair. In his hand he lazily clutches an intricately carved goblet made of gold.

“Name yourself.” I order him.

He smiles and jumps down to his feet. He bows his head low and spreads his arms out behind him, crossing his legs as he does. When he rises up he folds one arm behind his back and with the other he holds his drink.

“You may call me Dionysus, god of wine and creator of the greatest parties.”

His demeanor irritates me, but I grit my teeth and ask, “What do you know of this matter?”

Dionysus’ smile shrinks into a grin, “When Erebus was on the rise, we all found our personal statues and paintings scattered about the world and brought them here to Olympus.”

“We know,” Zeus interrupts.

“During that time Aether became concerned about his statues, figuring that Erebus would do something with or to them. For some reason, he came to me and asked me to help him hide his somewhere.”

“Why would he ask you?” Hermes says.

“That reaction there? That’s it.” Dionysus responds, “He must have known that at some point, the issue of statues would come up. Well, nobody would ever think to ask the guy that Aether hates about his personal statue. Therefore, I make the perfect confidant for his secret little endeavor.”

“So Aether has a statue. Where did you hide it?”

“Can’t say. Aether made me promise on the Styx that I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

“Why would I have done that?” I ask.

“No idea.” Dionysus replies, he holds up a finger and drinks from his goblet, “Mm, anyway, I helped Aether and he’s yet to repay me.”

“You tell me where the statue is and I will gladly find a way.”

Dionysus grabs my hand and shakes it heartily. “It’s settled then!” He says. “We’re going on a quest!”

“Wait, what?” I say. Looks of confusion spread across everyone’s face.

Dionysus spreads his other hand, “Come on! Did we not all envy the mortals a little? Getting to go on quests and be heroes, what a fabulous way to live! And now, finally, I have the opportunity to go on a quest and help save the day!”

“Why would you go with us?” I say, pulling away my hand.

Dionysus’ smile spreads wider, “because I can’t just tell you where the statue is, I’ve gotta show you.”

“You tell me, or I swear…” I warn.

“He can’t.” Zeus says. “Promising on the Styx is our most powerfully binding oath. If you made him promise to tell no one, then he has to abide by that promise. Even if it’s you asking. Looks like you guys are going on a trip.”

“I’m going too.” Solution says.

“What? No.” I say, “This could be life-threatening.”

“Then you’ll need somebody you trust to watch your back, won’t you?” Solution puts her hand on her hip, “This isn’t a negotiation, it’s a declaration; I’m going.”

“She would be useful, Aether.” Ares says, “She’s good, and Dionysus’ll be less than useless in a fight.”

“Do I give you s**t about your recklessness?” Dionysus says, “Shut up, Ares.”

“Oh, I’m reckless?” Ares responds.

“Look at her face!” Dionysus points at Solution’s scarred cheek. She widens her eyes, warning Dionysus to watch his words. He does not see the gesture, though.

“Maybe you’d like one to match?” Ares rests his hand on the hilt of the oversized blade leaning against his throne.

“Boys, don’t fight.” Athena says, “Aether, would you really leave Solution here alone with us?”

I look at Solution, realizing I had not considered that. “No, I do not.”

“Here and I thought you were smart.” I barely hear Solution mutter.

“Fine, she’s coming.” Dionysus says, “But we don’t leave until tomorrow.”

“Why tomorrow?” I ask.

“It isn’t smart to head off somewhere unfamiliar at night. Not when darkness is most powerful.” He answers.

“He’s right,” Solution says, “Besides, we need sleep.”

“So it’s settled.” Zeus says, “Meeting adjourned, I’m sick of staring at your faces, so get going.”

As the gods leave, I hear several of them mutter at how pointless their presence was.

I start walking out of the palace myself, but then feel Dionysus’ hand on my shoulder.

“Alright look,” he says, friendly look vanishing, “I really don’t like you, Aether. I don’t know you, chick; but you’re with him, so I don’t like you either.”

“Chick?” Solution repeats, “Did you just call me ‘chick’?”

“Yeah, and? Think you’re something special?” Dionysus says, I half close my eyes and hope things do not get too ugly.

Solution grabs Dionysus by the straps of his cloak, “Listen closely. You think you’re so high and mighty. What have you done? I took two days to memorize an entire cave filled with information on the whole of human history, including stories about you gods. Do you know what I found about you? Stories of an arrogant, useless little coward who did nothing more than mete out his useless drink that served nothing beyond foolish gatherings of drunkards and revelers. You think you can handle a quest where lives could be on the line? Have you led armies? Because I’ve led soldiers to victory against legions that had us outnumbered and outclassed. When my companions speak of me, they speak of a fearsome warrior and a powerful leader. So you show me some respect or I’ll beat your drunk a*s into the dirt.” Solution flicks Dionysus’ forehead, and steps back.

Dionysus narrows his eyes, “You watch your tongue against a god of Olympus.”

Solution immediately drives her armored fist into Dionysus’ nose. I can hear the distinctive crack of bone breaking before a gush of golden blood spurts out over his bare chest. She follows it up with another one, this one actually harder. He falls to the ground, cradling his face. Solution bends down and puts her bloodied hand on his shoulder.

“What was that?” She challenges.

“Yes ma’am.” He says quietly. He stands and all but runs out of the palace.

“Solution,” I say, “To use Darren’s phrase: that was badass!”

“I am not about to deal with someone like him for an extended period of time.”

“Hold on,” I say, “I thought it took you five days to memorize all of the information in that cave.” Her smile falters, “And the Resistance has never sent out any more than seven people at a time. And even when that happened it was a raid group, not an army.”

Solution throws her arms in the air, “Alright, so I exaggerated! No one respects the honest truth about me as much as the lies.”

“I do.” I say.

Surprise comes over her pretty face, and then she softens for a moment, “Thank you Aether.” She leans forward and kisses me on the cheek. “But Dionysus is an a*s.” She smiles and turns to walk out of the throne room.

“Hey, you coming?” she says, and I notice that I had been standing openmouthed.

“Yes, sorry.” I say, rushing forward.




A knock on the outer door stops Zayin from explaining himself to Jack. He hushes the apprentice and quietly makes his way to the door. Leaning against it, he calls out, “Who’s there?”

“Bubble.” A girl’s voice answers.

“Bubble?” Zayin repeats quietly. She’s a rare sight. He turns a crank and looks out through the peephole to see if it is just her. Seeing blonde twin-tails above bright blue eyes and nothing more, Zayin is reassured and opens the door for her.

“What’s up?” He asks.

“Luke needs a new breastplate.” She answers, “He wanted me to get it.”

“Close the door!” They hear a girl scream. All Zayin sees is a flash of pink and black and turns to see Ana stopping before his anvil to catch her breath. Not needing an explanation, Zayin obliges her request and closes the four of them in the forge.

“Ana!” Bubble screams, jumping and grabbing the girl in a tight embrace.

“Bubble.” Ana replies in a similar tone, a forced smile on her face.

“What’s going on?” Jack asks her.

“Darren…” She says. As Bubble lets her go and stands Ana falls to the floor, exhausted. “Too much.”

Last Zayin had seen, Darren was in the Bakery with Krista, how long ago was that? Couldn’t be more than an hour.

“What did he do?” Zayin asks.

“He…” She looks into Zayin’s eyes, “When did your eyes turn gold?”

“I’m not sure.” Zayin answers, he looks between his companions, and senses something different about Ana and himself. He pulls Ana aside and whispers quietly to her, “Ana…do you know about Darren and Barth?”

“You mean Darren being all mean and his eyes turning black?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“Yeah. What about Barth?”

“He’s actually the Dark God in disguise.”

“No way!” Ana accidently shouts.

Zayin shushes her before continuing, “I saw it with my own eyes. He attacked me. With all the time Darren and he have been spending together, I can only believe that Darren has lied to us and has been in league with the Dark God this whole time.”

Ana looks down at the floor, “I thought so too.”

“Good, then I am not alone.”

“What do we do?”

Zayin looks into her red eyes, her trusting nature renewing his confidence. “I have a plan. But first, we’ll have to convince Maranda of Darren’s evil.”

“How do we do that?” Ana asks.

“She looks up to you. I’m sure you can convince her.”

Ana nods, determined, “I’ll do it. Just one thing.”

“What is it?”

She gets closer to him and whispers, “I don’t like her very much. She thinks she’s my friend but she’s annoying.”

Zayin just looks at the girl before him. She had always been so much like a little sister to him. He shakes his head and sighs before turning around. Aether’s staff is still on his back, cradled in its sheath. He isn’t aware but it is slowly spreading some of the former god’s power throughout the forge.

“Alright you two.” Zayin says, “Listen up. Darren has lied to us.”

“I know.” Jack says, “I saw the evidence of that for myself.”

Maranda looks between the three of them, curious as to what they mean.

“He’s been working with Barth, secretly the Dark God, to cause us pain. They tortured Shin, as Jack will attest. I’m sure they know that we don’t trust them, so they’ll likely target us soon.”

“But I thought that Aether…” Maranda starts.

“Darren lied to us about Aether too.” Zayin interrupts, putting his hands on his hips. “We all know what Aether was like. No way would he turn against us.”

“And Darren would?” Maranda challenges.

“Yes. Solution told me some things. She and Darren are the children of the Dark God.”

“It’s true.” Jack interrupts, crossing his arms. “When he came and attacked Shin, Darren called him ‘father’.”

“I don’t believe you.” Maranda says, shaking her head and backing away.

“You have to.” Ana says. “I saw it. Darren threatened me and said that he was gonna kill me.”

“No.” Maranda says. The blue in her irises becomes darker, nearing a black color.

Zayin rushes forward and grabs the small girl by the shoulders. “You have to listen to me.” He implores, “Darren has corrupted everyone, including you. Ana, Jack, and I have been cured, and you can be as well!”

Maranda looks into his golden eyes, seeing the passion within them. On impulse, Zayin takes hold of Aether’s staff and holds it in his hand. His eyes flash with a golden light, and Maranda starts shaking violently. She brings her hands to her head and slowly drops to the floor.

Zayin watches as the girl’s eyes turn pure black. He squeezes the staff more tightly and white lines suddenly appear through the blackness in her eyes. Maranda screams, the conflict tearing her mind apart. The white lines spread into one large burst before leaving her irises the bright blue they had always been. Her eyelids flutter before she falls to the concrete, unconscious.

“Is she okay?” Ana asks.

Zayin kneels down and feels her neck. He breathes a sigh of relief when he feels her blood pumping.

“She’s alive.” Zayin tells them, “Whether or not she’s okay…we just have to wait and see.”

“Alright.” Jack says, uncrossing his arms, “Then my question is: what the actual hell was that?”

Zayin holds the staff up higher, yet again admiring his craftsmanship. “I think…I think I purged Maranda with this staff.”

“How?” Jack asks.

“This staff is the one I made for Aether. He’s used it a lot, pouring his power into it. I guess it kept some of that, and now it can counteract the Dark God’s.”

“But why can you channel it?”

Zayin looks down. “When the Dark God attacked me, and I stabbed him in the chest, there was blood everywhere. The blood…it was gold. I brought it to my mouth to test it, and involuntary swallowed some.” What had happened finally reaches Zayin’s attention, and disgust fills him. “Oh God, I swallowed the Dark God’s blood.”

Jack and Ana share a look. Ana asks a question with her eyes, but Jack shakes his head. He goes over to Zayin and places a hand on his shoulder.

“It kinda looks like that gave you a boost.” He says.

“Yeah.” Zayin agrees, still disgusted, “So it would seem.”

“It’s what we need.” Jack continues. “Darren has always been stronger than us, and the Dark God…I don’t even have to say. If you have some extra juice, then your plan will succeed.”

Despite being only four years older, Zayin towers over the fifteen-year-old Jack. They could never decide if Zayin was tall for his age, or if Jack was short. Zayin smiles at his apprentice, thanking him for his words.

“What plan?” Ana asks.

“It’s a good one.” Jack says, “We’re getting out of here.”

“The plan is more about survival than anything.” Zayin says, “But I’d rather survive than live under Darren like this.”

“What is it?” Ana asks again.

“We’re basically just gonna leave.” Jack answers.

“But it won’t be that easy.” Zayin says. “We have to be careful and make sure Darren won’t stop or follow us.

“Count me in.” Ana says.

Zayin smiles, hope fluttering in his chest.




© 2015 Xavier Lee

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Added on March 16, 2015
Last Updated on March 16, 2015


Xavier Lee
Xavier Lee

Holbrook, AZ

I'm not sure how concise to make this so I'm gonna go with one-two word answers. Introvert, nerd, otaku (Fan of anime and manga), Dantean scholar, Greek Myth fanatic (that was three words). At the mom.. more..

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