Moving ForcesA Chapter by Xavier Lee“Ana! You need to wake up now!” She wakes up slowly, immediately she turns to the mirror she keeps by her bed. She gasps aloud as she sees that her eyes are glowing white. But even as she studies them, the glow fades. “What is it Ana?” It’s Sammy. What’s
he doing here? Usually Darren wakes everybody up. “Oh, nothing, I just had a weird
dream.” Ana stands up and starts pushing Sammy out of her room. “A weird dream?” Sammy repeats,
struggling, “you should probably tell Darren about it. You know what he said
about dreams being dangerous.” “It’s no big deal; it had nothing to
do with Aether, anyway! Now let me change!” “But Ana!” “Get out, you little perv!” she
finally pushes Sammy out the door and slams it behind him. “What was with that?
My eyes were glowing like Aether’s. Maybe it’s just because he saved me. Or
maybe it was Ganny!” Ana smiles brightly and changes into her fighting clothes,
most of the Resistance wear the same type. The small bits of detachable armour
scattered around the outfit randomly. Over the back of both hands, shoulder guards,
and all around the boots. Not exactly protective. As Ana puts each in their place, she
wonders why they even bother. According to Darren, it’s mostly to look cool.
‘If you need armor to avoid getting injured, then you have no business on a
battlefield.’ That’s what Darren always says. “Darren was so crazy.” Ana says.
“Now he’s just mean.” Ana’s stomach rumbles, so she makes her
way to the Bakery. “Hey Krista!” Ana calls out upon
entering. “Krista?” she repeats after getting only silence for an answer. “Krista’s already at the Great Hall,
where you should be now.” Ana yelps and turns to see Darren, sitting at a table
with his feet up. “Krista is quite adept with a knife, don’t you think? All
those years of professional cooking probably helped. She’s incredible to
watch.” “Yeah, she’s great. You’re really
lucky to have her.” “Despite my scars, you mean?” “No, that’s not what I...” “Oh well, still. Listen, I passed
Sammy a bit ago, and he told me you had a ‘weird dream.’ Is that true?” “Yeah, but it isn’t anything to
worry about.” “Who’s worrying?” Darren puts his
hands up. “I’m just…inquisitive. Was it a bad kind of weird, like a nightmare?
Or did you find it more pleasantly weird?” “I dunno, it was just weird.” “Would you care to tell me about it?
I may be able to shed some light.” Darren gets up and stands before the small
girl. “No, I can’t really remember it; it
kinda vanished as soon as I woke up. I just remember it was weird.” “Oh, one of those deals. I hate
dreams like that, don’t you?” Darren pauses for a moment, and then raises his
hand and strokes Ana’s cheek, making her cringe. “I’ve told you this before,
but you are adorable.” Naturally, Ana rears back and throws a punch at Darren,
but he only catches her fist and throws it down. “Relax,” he says, dropping his hand.
“I’m just voicing an observation. Like you said, I’m really lucky to have Krista.
I’d never try anything with you. But I can’t help but think that it must be
driving Aether crazy.” Ana’s eyes go wide, “What do you mean?” Darren smile becomes a natural one,
“I get feelings, remember? I don’t know what’s between you and Aether, but I
know that it is not going to be easy for him to decide.” “What does he have to decide?” Darren starts circling Ana, “A
strong, beautiful girl whose intelligence is comparable to that of her mother,
the very goddess of wisdom. Then he has the adorable, yet also strong girl who
is already head-over-heels for him. Truly a difficult decision.” “Wait, he likes Solution?” Ana asks,
and Darren chuckles. Despite what Aether himself had said, Ana had still been
in doubt. “You didn’t know? Oh, that’s so
cute. Find you’re a bit jealous?” “No, I don’t like him!” Ana yells,
and Darren laughs loudly. “Please, Ana. I can tell that you do.
You display all the physical signs: pupils dilated, increased heart rate; and
your breathing grew shallow at the first mention of him. All obvious signs
of…attraction. Not to mention your overreaction to the very idea of him being
anything more than a friend to you.” “It isn’t like that!” Ana insists,
“I could never like a traitor like him!” Darren puts his head in one of his
hands, “Ana, you and I both know that he isn’t a traitor.” “You mean, you were lying?” What is
Darren doing? “Obviously, how else was I gonna get
these people on my side? I want Aether destroyed, and these people aren’t going
to help me do it unless I convince them that he needs to be. Now get going,
I’ve got something to do.” Ana makes her way toward the door, watching Darren
fearfully. “Oh, Ana?” he calls when she reaches the exit. “What is it?” Ana says, clenching
her hands. “This probably goes without saying,
but if you tell anyone about this I’ll kill you. You know about what happened
to Shin? I could do worse to you.” Ana gasps loudly and Darren chuckles. “I hear
you’re skilled in archery, I’d like to see it for myself.” Ana heads out of the Bakery to the
Great Hall, terror evident on her face. When Ana leaves, the shadows in the
corner condense, revealing the form of Erebus. He leans against the wall and
crosses his arms, armour revealed by the shifting of his dark cloak. “That went splendidly.” Erebus says. “Even better than I had hoped.”
Darren agrees. “Did you catch the fear in her eyes?” “She was all but paralyzed.” “Where did you go?” Darren asks as
he turns to Erebus. “Oh dear, all the humor has faded
from your face.” Erebus remarks. “Where were you?” Darren asks again,
slowly. “I told you, I had an errand to run.”
Is Erebus’ answer. Darren’s already stern face darkens
more heavily. “You look different.” he notices aloud. “Alright. The power of Hades is now
under my command.” “The death god?” Darren asks. “No, no, not technically. Though he
rules the I suppose.” “Is that all you came for?” “No, as I’m sure you noticed, Ana is
no longer under my control.” “My control.” Darren growls. “Your control is mine.” Erebus
corrects. “In any case, we’ve lost her to Aether’s power.” “Morpheus?” Darren asks. “Probably. I’d assume Aphrodite as
well. So my question is,” Erebus lowers himself into a seat near where Darren
stands, “What do you plan to do about it?” “Simple, I’ll work her so hard she
won’t have the energy to think.” “Hmm, not a bad plan, but what
happens when Aether inevitably brings her to him? The result will be a
stronger, more skilled fighter joining Aether against you.” “Don’t you mean against you?” “Even so. I would recommend you
employ fear, but that is the tactic of a fool. A kingdom built on fear is
doomed to fall.” “So, convince her?” “No, she won’t trust you.” Erebus
closes his eyes, “It could be fun to simply watch her and see what happens.” “You are more concerned about what’s
fun?” Darren seethes. “Spare me that nonsense.” Erebus
says. He spreads his hands in the air, “I’m eternal, I don’t have to worry
about anything.” Darren’s eyes grow black, and anger
burns within him. Despite the power he gifted Darren with, this man tortured
him. “Get out.” Darren says at a whisper, his teeth clenched. “Ooh, I like that expression,
Darren.” He leans closer and his smile spreads wider, “It suits your scars.” Darren’s entire body flashes as
light is absorbed into him in a single moment. “Get out!” he screams. When the
lights flicker back to life, Darren finds himself alone in the Bakery.
I sit up slowly, and rub my
eyes. Despite the experience, I was sleeping, and I feel rested. “So, how did it go?”
Aphrodite asks, “I can still feel Ana’s love for you, and it’s stronger now.” “I managed to purge her of
Erebus’ power.” I feel my arms, though the wounds are gone, I can almost feel
the numbing pain of the beast’s claws. “That’s great!” Aphrodite
says. “Do you think we’ll get the effect we wanted?” I shake my head, “I only
managed to purge Ana, and she will be protected if Darren tries to corrupt her
again. However, what I did is not going to be contagious. Ultimately, my
mission failed.” “But you saved Ana. That’s
something, is it not?” Morpheus says. “Now come, we should go tell Zeus what
happened.” “He’s right,” Aphrodite
says, appearance shifting to Solution. “Zeus needs to know.” We all stand and start
heading back to the throne room. On our way I see a tree, a gnarled thing with
two large green bushes growing at the top of it. I go over to it and place my
hand on the bark. “That’s an olive tree.”
Morpheus tells me. “Used to be the most common sight in this area. You’re
looking at one of the two hundred of them left in the world.” “Two hundred?” I repeat. Has
Erebus had that much of an effect on the world? I start stroking the tree. My eyes
reach up and see clusters of small green fruits. I pluck one and bite into it. My
teeth tear through it easily until they become painfully aware of the seed in
the center of the fruit. I eat around it and spit the seed out into my hand.
The taste, I realize, is terrible. Immediately I spit it out and wipe my tongue
with my hand. “Yeah,” Morpheus says,
laughing, “You asked for that.” “What is wrong with it?” I
ask, still trying to get the taste out of my mouth. “Nothing, you’re obviously
just too stupid to appreciate it.” I hear an annoyed voice say. I turn and am
met with a vicious glare from the girl who seemed to be wearing grass before.
Her clothes are different now. A shirt that is little more than a tube covers
her chest and midriff. Dark green leggings frame her legs down to the calf
quite nicely. Around her ankles are circlets made of flowers. Her feet are
bare. She has short brown hair and green eyes. She would be pretty, were not
for the expression on her face. I believe ‘bitchy’ is how Darren would identify
it. “Would you please identify
yourself for me?” I ask her. “I’m Demeter, goddess of the
harvest. I’d say ‘pleased to meet you again’, but you insulted the only work
I’ve had for years. So you can forget that.” Does she mean the tree? “My
apologies, I was just expecting it to taste better.” Her eyes get wide and she
smacks me upside the head. “You jerk!” she says, “I’ve been working on this
tree since Erebus destroyed all my gardens. It’s the best damn tree on Olympus!” Rubbing my head, I turn and
start to walk away. “I apologize.” I say over my shoulder, “We should really
get going now, though.” “For what?” Demeter asks
Morpheus. “We need to tell Zeus what
happened.” “Why, what happened?” she
asks. “Come with us and you’ll
find out.” Aphrodite replies, all but pulling Morpheus away. “Hold on,” Aphrodite says,
stopping suddenly. “Shouldn’t you go check on Solution?” I narrow my eyes. “Why?” “I dunno, just do it. We can
tell Zeus what happened.” “You live off of my
discomfort, Aphrodite.” She smiles, “I admit, it is
a plus. But really I think you should make sure she’s okay.” “Alright, fine!” They head off and I go to
find my room. Olympus’ layout is oddly perplexing; all the pathways intersect
and snake off; seemingly without a pattern. A lovely place to be lost in, sure,
but I do not have the time. I cannot explain, but some kind of dread is
tickling the back of my mind. I turn around in circles until I see the throne
room; easy to spot, given its size. My gaze follows the paths leading from it
until I see the tower at the top of my building. Oh, I understand now. You
find your way around this city by looking up at the various towers and temples
that rise up all around the place. Now that I have figured this out, navigation
should be much easier. I quickly get to my room and
upon opening the gate, an unsettling feeling comes over me. I look in but
nothing seems out of the ordinary. Solution is just as I left her, sleeping
peacefully. I wonder if she is better yet. Perhaps I should try to wake her up.
I shake her shoulder, but she does not stir. I try calling out, and she sits up
and hits me. She then lays back down and falls back to sleep. “Okay, I will leave you
here, then.” I head back to the throne
room and find Zeus waiting for me on his throne with Aphrodite, Morpheus, and
Hermes on the floor below him. “Aether,” Zeus says, “would
you care to fill us in on what happened?” “Gladly, I successfully
entered Ana’s dream, and while there, the corruption in her took the form of a
monster. I fought the beast.” “Did you win?” Hermes
interrupts. “With Ana’s help, I managed
to subdue it. Instead of destroying it though, I infused it with my power.
Thereby purging the corruption from Ana and at the same time protecting her
from further danger.” “Well, great!” Zeus says,
“Do you think this will affect the rest of the Resistance?” “Sadly, no. I was barely
able to purge Ana. Saving the rest of the Resistance is going to be much harder
than we thought. I do not have the control that Erebus does. I do not know how
to make my power infectious.” “So what is next?” Aphrodite
asks. “I do not know.” I answer. Suddenly the ground starts
shaking so much we all fall to the ground. “What the hell is going on?”
Zeus yells. The ground shakes again,
harder this time. Zeus is thrown to the floor form the force. As he hits the
floor he springs up and runs out of the palace. I follow him and do not stop
until we reach the gates of Olympus. Through the gate, I can see dozens of
monsters, just like the one I fought in Ana’s dream. When the beasts see me,
they grow agitated and start pounding against the gate. The gate, however, is
magically reinforced, so each blow sends out a shockwave throughout Olympus. Zeus, Ares, and Hermes
arrive at the gate and stand next to me. “How well is this gate
protected?” I ask Zeus. “That depends on how
powerful those things are.” He replies, crossing his arms. “Should we do something?” I
ask him. “We could kill them all.”
Ares offers. “Do you ever think of
anything else?” Hermes asks Ares. “What else could they be
here for than to kill us?” Ares says, “I say we get them before they get us.” “Good thing you aren’t in
charge then.” Zeus says. “I say we wait and see if they can break through the
gate. If they do, have at them. Until then, we keep watch and try to find out
what they are. Speaking of which, anybody have any ideas?” “They look exactly like the
monster that attacked me in Ana’s dream.” “So we have terrible
beasties via Erebus?” Hermes asks me. I do not reply for a few
moments. I can feel something from these beasts. Hostility, they are targeting
me and they want to rip me apart. “I think that is exactly what they are. And
they are after me.” “If they belong to Erebus,
then I’m afraid Ares is right.” Zeus says. “ALALE ALALA!” Ares yells
out, he pulls out his sword and jumps over the gate. He disappears behind the
multitude of creatures, and all we can hear is him yelling for more. A couple of the beasts go flying, vanishing in
air as something rips them apart. In but a few moments he is
screaming again, but now they are screams of pain. One of the beasts rears up,
and we see Ares flung from its mouth, back towards us. He lands at our feet,
golden blood covering him. He looks up at me and winces. “Those things,” he says.
“Are tougher than I thought. Those b******s took my sword.” He closes his eyes
and fall unconscious. “We should get him to
Apollo.” I say. “No need,” Zeus says, “he’ll
heal on his own before long.” “Yeah, but he’s a big baby
when he gets hurt, he won’t be fighting again for at least a couple days.”
Hermes says. “Even compared to my weakest
mortal child,” Zeus says, “he is by far the biggest disgrace. Hermes, go tell
the others that we are being attacked by beasts that could bring down Ares. But
before you do, bring Solution to the throne room. I’m concerned she may be in
danger otherwise.” “Would it not be better to
hide her?” I say, “If the beasts are after the gods, and they get to them,
Solution will be in danger.” Zeus shakes his head, “For
one thing, those beasts are Erebus’ creations, as a child of Erebus, they can
probably sense her. For another, if those beasts do break in, the gods will be
able to at least try to protect Solution.” “Do what you must.” I say. “Give us some faith,
Aether,” Hermes says, “We’re the gods, we’re powerful enough to protect
Solution, and ourselves. Thanks very much for the concern by the way.” “Get going, you.” I say, as
I push Hermes. Zeus and I stand there for a
few moments, watching the beasts. Eventually Zeus sits on the ground, and I do
as well. Zeus apparently gets bored, and lies down. “Do you think those beasts
will break through the gate?” I ask him. “I dunno.” He replies, eyes
closed, “The gates’ protections were created by very strong magic. And even
without the magical protection, that gate could withstand a nuclear blast.” “What is a nuclear blast?” I
ask him. “I mean that even without
the magic, that thing is damn near impossible to break down. Only Erebus
himself could break his way through. Those things don’t stand a chance.” “They are projections of
Erebus’ power. They might have the strength to do it.” “Then I’ll activate my
master bolt and destroy them.” He replies, “For now, I’m napping.” “Your master bolt? Zeus holds up his right arm
and there, tracing his forearm, is a golden marking in the shape of a lightning
bolt. “The mortals always thought
that the master bolt was a weapon that I could hold, like Poseidon’s trident.
It was created by the same creatures that made the trident, but it’s a
completely different thing. It’s basically a magic tattoo that gives me mastery
over lightning.” “Sounds more convenient than
a staff.” I say. “Much.” ɂɂɂ
“Damn it.” Darren says,
chugging his coffee. The heat of it burns his tongue, but he pays the pain no
mind. Krista is behind the counter, talking to Lucas about what Darren doesn't even care. 'If they knew.' He thinks to himself. He brings the cup back to his
lips and winces as the steam prickles his nose. He swigs the bittersweet
drink and savors the flavor as it burns down his throat. “Be careful, Darren.”
Krista calls. Darren raises his hand and immediately drops it to gesture
‘whatever’. Lucas nods at Krista and then leaves the Bakery. Krista all but runs to
Darren and seats herself on his lap. He takes another drink of his coffee, all
but ignoring the pretty girl now playing with his dirty blonde hair. “Y’know,” Krista says,
“Even with the scars I can read your face.” “That so?” Darren responds. “So…tell me what’s wrong.” “You know damn well what’s
wrong.” He replies. “We are following you.” “It isn't that same.”
Darren situates himself so that he and Krista can both be comfortable. “They
used to love me, now all they see is some monster they’re too afraid of to
rebel against.” “I know you aren't a
monster.” Krista says. Darren looks into the black
pits that made up her once dark green eyes. No one, even Krista herself, has
seemed to notice them, making Darren wonder if he had done more than simply
convince them of Aether’s betrayal. “And I thank the stars I
have you to notice.” Darren says before bringing his lips to the girl’s cheek. “Think we should go train?”
Krista asks. “Later.” Darren whispers,
tilting her head so he can kiss her lips.
ɂɂɂ The sound of tearing metal
jars me out of a near sleep trance. I look over at the gate and see a quickly
growing crack down the middle of it. “Zeus, the beasts are
breaking through.” Zeus sits up quickly, “Oh
s**t!” he says. He gets to his feet and I see his golden marking start to glow.
From his hand comes a bolt of lightning that he shoots straight up into the
sky. The effect is so loud I have to cover my ears. “What is that?” I ask him. “That’s my signal to let the
other gods know to prepare for battle.” The bolt glows again and he
aims his hand towards the gate. With a flash of light, the gate bursts open and
the creatures start to pour through. Two are immediately destroyed by
lightning. “Behold Aegis!” Zeus screams. He rips away the sash that
covers his breastplate, and immediately several of the monsters freeze in fear.
No, it is more than that, they are now entirely solid! The power of Aegis
literally petrifies all who behold it. No wonder Zeus keeps it hidden. Zeus brings his hands
together, and both of them crackle with electricity. He runs for the monsters
and starts punching them; with each blow, a beast is destroyed. And I could not even destroy
one with all my might. I am about to turn and run to the throne room, when the
bearded man appears before me. “Here!” he says as he
thrusts a new staff into my hands. It looks just like my other one, but it is
colored white and made of polished metal rather than wood. Near the bottom of
the staff I see a button, just like in Ana’s dream. I push the button and the
staff elongates into a spear. “Morpheus told me about that
being in your dream.” He tells me, “Hephaestus, if you don’t know.” He pulls
twin hammers from his belt and a fire explodes to life around each of them. He
begins to attack the beasts, and just like with Zeus, each blow is another
beast gone. I hear odd sounds, like
metal scrunching, I look at Hephaestus’ legs and see the metal bracings
crashing around themselves. Perhaps it is gear to help him walk. I am about to thank him,
when a beast starts charging straight at me. I react quickly, and spear the beast
in the head. However, it continues to push against me. So I push the spear
deeper into the beast, and twist it around. Through the beast’s neck I see the
head of the spear break through. The beast stops charging forward, so I pull
the spear out. That is when it hits me
with its head. I go flying backwards, and the beast jumps on top of me. It is
about to bite my face, when out of sheer impulse I scream. Immediately the beast and
two more erupt into pillars of light. I look at my reflection in my spear and
as expected my eyes are glowing. As the adrenaline pumps through me more
quickly, white lines trace my face, forming intricate designs. I look down at
my arms and see them covered by the same lines. They extend into my spear, and confidence
fills me. I charge forward and as I
slash one beast with the spear, it contorts in pain. Another strike and the
creature goes down. Running through the fray, more and more of our enemies go
down. My spear becomes a blur of glowing metal. I look up for a moment to
take in the field and see the herd thinning. My fears were for naught it seems.
As the thought crosses my mind, I see more beasts pour through the gate,
snarling and snapping their jaws. At a glance I guess around two hundred more
face us now. “We are doomed, rightly and
truly.” I say in despair. “Come on Aether!” Zeus
screams. He drives his fist into the snout of a beast, obliterating it. “Perk
up, this is the most fun I’ve had in years!” He laughs in delight as more
beasts go down by his hand. I take down another of the
beasts and as I see it vanish, I feel its existence ending. A small thrill goes
through me when I realize this, and a grin comes to my face as I kill yet
another. The grin spreads into a
smile, and I begin to laugh like a delighted child. I sprint forward with my
spear now engulfed in light. One of the monsters stands in my way, so I stab it
through the heart, and it erupts into a pillar of light. On impulse, I put my
hand into the pillar, and it forms into a large ball. My smile widens even
further as another beast pounces at me. “Zeus is right, this is
fun!” I yell. I throw the ball at the monster and impale another behind me. The
energy ball is still there, floating in midair. I move my arm through the air
and the ball follows it. I move the ball all around, destroying the monsters on
impact. I think I am beginning to lose myself. But who cares? This is all too
much fun! I throw the ball along the
ground, where it rolls and knocks the monsters into oblivion. With my spear I
stab and slash the beasts without even thinking. I turn in circles as I fight,
and move my feet almost like I am performing a murderous dance. As I twist and turn to kick
one of them, my left leg erupts in an odd sensation. I look down and see one of
the beasts’ jaws wrapped around my leg. “Damned beast!” I hiss. “Get
that out of your mouth, it’s mine!” I stab the beast through the head, and it
lets go. However, it is still standing, so I stab it again. I stab it again and
again and again and again and again. The beasts have no blood, and I cannot
tell whether or not they feel pain. But the more I stab the more pleasure I get
from it. And the beast starts to vanish more and more with every strike. I look into its eyes after
about the ninth stab and as I do I sense the pain in them. A shaky breath works
its way into me and as the beast dissolves my senses return. I look around the
battlefield and realize that despite the power of these gods, we are heavily
outnumbered. I hear screaming and see Hephaestus go down under five or six of
them. An idea comes to me; I study
my staff more closely. I focus my power into the staff and when I do I feel a
surge of energy returned to me. This metal has been absorbing my power, and
amplifying it. I look over at Zeus and see that he is still fighting. I see now
why he is the king here. He is the most powerful being on this mountain. Several of the beasts
surround me, drawing away my attention. I try to fight them. But my mind is
elsewhere. “Aether!” Zeus yells. I turn
and see him raise his right arm at me. “You know what I’m thinking!” he says
and a blast of lightning comes at me. I turn my staff towards the blast and as
it travels through it and into my body my vision blurs. I can feel the
lightning coursing through my body, it should be destroying me but instead I
can feel it moving around before returning to the staff now with its power
enhanced tenfold. I focus my energy and pour
it into the spear. Its already blinding glow grows even brighter. I can feel
the electricity trying to escape and oblige it by stabbing the spearhead into
the ground. The energy forms a ring of white light around me and spreads out in
a burst of power. Upon touching it, each monster is immediately destroyed. My eyesight goes white for a
moment and I fall to my knees. When my vision clears I can see my staff lying
on the ground next to me, no longer glowing and shrunk to two feet. Around me I
can see no trace of the monsters, not even the grass shows any sign of
struggle. The adrenaline fades from my blood and with it excruciating pain
burns in my leg. As I grab my spear it lengthens back to a four foot weapon,
which I hang limply from, hardly able to stand. Zeus comes over to me and claps
me on the back. “We did it, Aether!” he hoots. “For a second there I thought we were going to lose.” “For a few moments, I did as
well.” I say, before falling to the ground. “Hey, you alright?” Zeus
says. “I will be fine.” I mutter weakly before passing out. © 2015 Xavier Lee |
Added on February 26, 2015 Last Updated on February 26, 2015 AuthorXavier LeeHolbrook, AZAboutI'm not sure how concise to make this so I'm gonna go with one-two word answers. Introvert, nerd, otaku (Fan of anime and manga), Dantean scholar, Greek Myth fanatic (that was three words). At the mom.. more..Writing