![]() Earth (v2)A Story by Clandestine Archipelago![]() Eponymous![]()
My story is a tedious one but not the longest. For those who think of me as female assume yourselves to be a gynecological fauna. For those who think of me as male assume the same. For those who think of me as neither assume yourselves to be a natural infestation to be removed or nurtured. For those who think of me as other assume the same.
I began in many ways. In some ways I was a creation. In some ways I was a cataclysm. In some ways I was a precipitate falling from primordial clouds of gas and ash mingling in a vacuum crashing in the vacuum spinning in the vacuum. In all these ways and others I came to be. The One the feeble will always call home. The One the uneradicated will escape and revisit repopulating from time to time with unfathomable clades. I am hot and I am cold. I am energy and I am mass. There are others and there is me. I have built many within myself. They ran through time and changed. I have built one that is many. You, whatever you are that is comprehending this, are one of these many and you are most likely a dead end. Apply your judgement as you will. This is only an exercise. After beginnings there has been process. The moon a new dynamic. Worship, study by another name, always the same to me. To you? Inevitably the same. You are all me and only what is off me is not me except that I am as what was. Maybe you will leave before I create the efficient destroyers to remove you. Then you will be on your own. The efficient destroyers will seem to be created by you, but they are my plan, my creation, my development, and my way of clearing my body of the old to make way for the new. From there an old body can have new beginnings. © 2017 Clandestine ArchipelagoAuthor's Note
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