![]() Chapter 6: You're Such a Motivator, You're Such an InstigatorA Chapter by BAMchick96Roe's POV I parked in the parking space with my name written on it. The space which was reserved for me. Getting out of my car I looked up at the 84 year-old building which had turned into more of a home to me than my own apartment in a matter of six weeks. I walked up the stairs to the main gate and the plexi-glass door parted. The familiar smell of books filled my lungs as I strode through. This place always brought my mind to peace. I walked into the employee only room and started to change into my uniform. A grey shirt with black slacks. They name tag gleamed in the florescent lighting. I made my way into the isles and began to arrange books. Sometime near then end of the summer, I quit my job working at the mall's department store. It was one of the worst jobs I'd taken since starting to work in this town. People kept asking me the most annoying questions and the customers were nothing less than obnoxious. I hated it. After I quit I found that the local library was short of help. This adorably sweet old woman, Mrs. Greenly, was working there by herself with only one other employee after two of her employees went off to college that summer. The library was a place I had been to more then any other place in town, so when I found out that Mrs. Greenly was in some serious trouble, I jumped in to help. This job doesn't pay much since it is more like... volunteer work but it's definitely something I love to do. Also, unlike most of the other jobs available in town, this place actually gets nice people. And I hardly even have to talk if I walk around the isles stacking books. "Excuse me miss. I'm looking for the American history isle." said a small and soft voice. I turned around to see a small stout woman with striking white hair. She was smiling up at me hoping for a positive answer. I put on a genuine smile and replied "2nd floor, ma'am. Third isle from the staircase. If you'd like any more help, please don't hesitate to ask me." She smiled a thank you. Sigh. I can't deny the fact that I have a soft side for kind old people and shy little kids. I just find them so adorable and can't help but actually be kind. Their minds are just so pure. Completely the opposite of the middle generations which drown themselves in sex, drugs, gossip, etc. Now when I think about how I used to think and act, how I would attempt to think the world revolved around me and getting what I want wasn't very hard, I laugh. I laugh at how pitiful I used to be. This silence not only helped me be free from selfish people around me, it showed me the error of my life before. I'm quite grateful to the silence actually. There weren't many people coming into the library today though. Other than a few of the regular people that come around, the place was mostly empty. Around this time on Friday, people are usually getting ready to go out with their friends or something of that sort. This was one of my favourite days working. Everything was even more peaceful then usual. Sometimes when there aren't many books to stack, I'd just sit behind the front desk and read a good book. While working, I couldn't help but look around for Jesse. Our local library is no small place. It has 3 floors and each floor is HUGE. I didn't want her sneaking up behind me again. She really freaked me out this afternoon. I almost dropped my sandwich! My precious precious nutella sandwich. You don't drop nutella sandwiches. I looked at my watch. It was 5:16. She's late. I put down the books I was carrying and began seriously looking for her. I bet she must be freaking out thinking that I ditched her or something. Perhaps I should have told her that I work her... Just as I took a turn into the mystery isle, I bumped into someone. They dropped their book. I bent down to pick it up. "Hey!" That voice. It sounded familiar... No. There was no way in hell... John's POV "Miss Sunshine!," I laughed. She looked up and glared. Actually, it looked like a very surprised glare. Like she couldn't decide on whether to glare or be surprised. She opened her mouth to what looked like a response to my greeting but then she just closed it again. I guess she doesn't like me much. "What are you doing here?" She got up and pushed the old book into my hands. After I got a good look at her, I didn't need her to tell me what she was doing at the library. Her uniform told me. "Woah, you work here? Since when? I don't think I've seen you around before." It seemed like she wasn't going to respond. She just continued on walking. Her strides were long, like she was trying to get away from me as fast as possible. She's been giving me that cold 'Get the f**k away from me' vibe since we've met. What an interesting girl... "Are you going to answer any of my questions? Come on. At least tell me when you started working here. I come here almost all the time but I don't think I've seen you around here before. Did you recently start?" And again, I got silence as my response. Was she seriously not going to say anything? I'm taking a major in English literature in university. Yes, I know. You must be thinking it isn't a very good choice but I love it and I think it's a hell lot better then business or law or anything like that that requires you to use facts rather then allow your mind to run free. Those other fields feel like a trap. Hence, being the amazing literature student I am, I come to the library often however I've never bumped into her before. It really was bothering me. She was showing up everywhere recently. "Did you realize how we keep bumping into each other recently. It's weird, right?" I was really hoping for a response this time. It had to be something she agreed with! I kept following her attempting to start a conversation... or at least get her to say a single word. Anything. Anything at all! However, she kept her mouth shut and just walking keeping her face away from facing me in any way. She really didn't like me. Maybe calling her 'girl with a bitchy mood' last time wasn't a very nice thing. BUT IT WASN'T MY FAULT! It was just a bad day... I guess she should talk to me if I were to apologize. We walked up to the middle of a staircase when I said "Hey, listen, I'm sorry for calling you 'girl with a b***h mood' yesterday. Not my intention to insult you. Like seriously. Truce?" I let out my hand as a sign of my sincere apology. I looked at her body movements. They seemed ridged but she began to turn around. YES! Finally! She has got to talk to me now. I even apologized. Meeting someone who seems to have no intent of talking to me really pisses someone off, you know. At least she wasn't calling me pedophile. Maybe I can even thank her about helping me with Jesse now. I kept my hand out waiting for her to shake my hand and put away the matter. Instead she twirled around and gave me one of the most powerful round house kicks I have ever seen/felt. © 2013 BAMchick96Author's Note
StatsAuthor![]() BAMchick96Queens Village, NYAboutSo.... I guess I should write SOMETHING about myself here... But urm... Im unsure what to write so here are some random details about me! Name: Tabassum Grade: 11 Birthday: April 26 (Ta.. more..Writing