You were there for me,
When I needed someone the most...
You stayed awake with me,
When I was nothing
But a ghost...
You worried about me,
When I thought I
Had no one....
You were my friend,
When I thought I was completely
When I first met you...
I knew you were strong...
I knew you could handle anything...
No weaknesses or wrongs...
As I got to know you better,
I met the real you,
I learned truely how strong you are,
But also that you had weaknesses and could get hurt...
You are strong,
You are stubborn,
A hellraising girl,
You will do anything
For the people you love...
I don't think you realize this,
I don't think you know...
You are my best friend,
And I will always believe in you...
I have looked up to you,
Since we met...
I know how strong you are,
And how much you care,
I know how your life is sometimes
Filled with sadness and dispair...
But know this, please,
Listen to my words...
I promise you that I will always
Be there,
I may not be able to make you
Laugh or feel better,
But I will be there crying with you,
Because I promise that you are not alone...
You may have stopped believing,
You may not even care,
But I know it will get better,
But I need you to stay strong until it does...,
You have people who love you,
You have people who care,
You have people who will look out for you,
People who will be there for you,
Even if you don't want them,
To be...
I stay alive,
Because I know that
If you can make it through all this,
Then I can too.
You're the reason
I'm still living,
If not for you,
I would have been gone
A long time ago
Sometimes I don't want
To live,
But with you around,
I have a reason to
You give me inspiration,
You give me a reason to live,
You give me light when I'm lost in a tunnel of Darkness,
You're a role model,
A mentor,
A friend,
A sister,
Someone who can be counted on,
And the greatest friend anyone could ever have.
My hope is that
You will read this,
And know that it's true...
That you will stay alive,
And for you,
I promise that I will, too...
But I need you alive,
For I cannot survive,
Without you by my side...
If you die,
I will follow,
I'll be gone
Within five minutes
Of knowing you are gone...
For I look up to you...
~Don't you know that
That's true?~
2:36 A.M 12/29/2012