Natural Ways To Relieve
A Book by Ash
Natural remedies to relieve different health problems like stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia, upset stomach, heartburn, constipation, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and many, many more. :) 
No Chapters
© 2013 Ash
Author's Note
I know that there are a lot of problems that HAVE to be treated with medication, but there are also many that can be treated safely and naturally without the use of dangerous medications that will do more harm than good in the long run. There are so many different natural remedies for so many different health issues that are so simple and effective. Thanks for reading!
I am curious as to some of these remedies. I don't want to get on stronger drugs for anxiety. I am curious about more natural remedies.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
I'm trying to get a lot of them posted, I've been very busy. There are so many things that ou can do.. read moreI'm trying to get a lot of them posted, I've been very busy. There are so many things that ou can do to help anxiety that isn't dangerous.
11 Years Ago
Ok cool! Thank you. I'm surprised at how many have this need.
11 Years Ago
Anxiety is one of the most frequent medical problems in the U.S. And doctors just assign medication .. read moreAnxiety is one of the most frequent medical problems in the U.S. And doctors just assign medication instead of advising other things that could be of help.
11 Years Ago
I know. My family doctor gave me a prescription to help me to sleep. The prescription was for 30 .. read moreI know. My family doctor gave me a prescription to help me to sleep. The prescription was for 30 days only. Then what? LOL Am I going to magically no longer have sleep problems after 30 days? And do I want to continue with a narcotic for the long term? Heck no.
11 Years Ago
Well, there are also a lot of remedies that help anxiety that help sleep as well. Hopefully, you'll .. read moreWell, there are also a lot of remedies that help anxiety that help sleep as well. Hopefully, you'll be able to try a few and find one that helps. :)
1 Review
Added on December 23, 2013
Last Updated on December 23, 2013
Tags: aromatherapy, scents, love, relaxation, meditation, sleep, peace, image, think, feel, listen, breath
Facts about me.
*My name is Ash.
*My best friend is Katie and Jacob.
*My brother is Drake W.
*My favorite colors are green and purple.
*I am going to college to be a pediatric doctor.
*I am.. more..