Chapter 3.

Chapter 3.

A Chapter by Sarah



Its been one month since I saw Drew leave for his deployment. It has been lonely and hard, but I am getting through it. it has also been one month since I last saw Chase. He hasn’t called or randomly shown up at my doorstep. It seemed weird. Maybe he hadn’t noticed the attraction like I had. Maybe I was imagining it all myself. The thought made me feel slightly sad. I thought maybe I had someone to turn to when I needed him. But I don’t think flirting with me was in the job description Drew left for Chase.

I wonder to fridge, bored out of my mind. A long day of work and classes and I just want to go to a bar with Kara and let loose. But she is on a family vacation. Hmm…I could call chase. I mean it has been a month since I last saw him. For all he knows, I could have had a mental break down and gone insane without Drew. Maybe it is about time I see him again.

Pouring myself the remains of a champagne bottle, I flop down on the couch and start turning through channels. Nothing but crap on television tonight; what else is new. I wrap myself in my mother’s old quilt and just forget the TV and let whatever is on, play. Taking a long sip of my champagne, I pick up a picture of Drew I took on our vacation to Mexico. It was three years ago. I had just graduated high school and he took a year off to “find himself.” Whatever that means. We decided to take one more adventure before reality set in and we set off for Mexico. This picture was him, just looking at the water, embracing it all. That was always something about him that I loved; he was deep.

Deep in thought, I don’t hear the loud knocking at my door. I jump up and almost run to the door. It’s a mail man, holding a pile of envelopes. I just nod, thanking him, and close the door. Bill, bill, bill, junk, and then I see it; “To Miss Colleen Aarons.” Its my first letter from Drew. I slowly just lean against the wall and slide to floor, not sure if I should cry or be happy. I run my finger over the ink on the envelope and turn it over. I pull out the letter and take a deep breath before I start. It reads;


My dearest Colleen,

This past month without you has been the hardest. I can’t stand not waking up to your messy hair and hearing you mumble in your sleep. Its lonely here; there is nothing to do. Its just been long stretches of boring. There was one scary event though; we lost a few men. I was close to one of them and of course, that was hard. We are all a little shaken up about it. But that is not important. How are you? Has Chase come by yet? God I wish I could just see you. I look at your picture as much as I can. I wonder about you constantly. You better be eating those fruits and vegetables, young lady. I need my strong women…


I slowly set the letter down, unable to read anymore. I don’t know how I am going to make it fourteen more months without him. The last deployment was only seven and I thought I was going to die. I still see that little lanky fourteen year old boy and now he is out on the front lines, fighting for our country. I never brought this up to him, but what if something happens to him. I can not handle losing him for good. He is all I have left.

I don’t notice tears falling from my eyes until I feel them hit the paper. He has to come home; for me.

My cell phone starts to ring and I slowly stand up from the wall. I set down the letter on the couch and look at the caller ID; Drew’s mother. What in the world did she want this late at night.

I flip open my phone and hit talk.

“Hello?” I try to push aside the tears in my voice.

“Hi Colleen. How are you doing, Sweet pea? I miss you, I haven’t heard from you in ages.” I smile gently. She has always been the sweetest women in the world.

“I am doing okay, thank you for asking. How about you? How is everyone doing?” I can hear the family in the background, being extremely rambunctious.

“They are wild and crazy as ever. We received a letter from Andrew, have you?”

“Yes, it actually just came a few minutes ago. Took me by surprise.” I laugh softly.

I can hear the smile in her voice. “I am so proud of that boy.” And she should be.

“I am too, believe me.” I always loved talking to Carrie Winter. She is a woman who is never happy until everyone around her is happy. I feel like she should be treated for once. You know what? I think that is exactly what I am going to do. I come back to the phone call just as she is finishing up a story.

“…And now it is finally happening. You know?” she laughs softly.

I smile. “Carrie…I hate to do this on such short notice, but what are you doing, say, tomorrow afternoon?” I can hear her started to get flustered.

“Well I have to finish getting ready for the Winter Family Reunion. It is the fourth of July tomorrow and it have so much to bake and set up…” I laugh and cut her off.

“I say make the kids finish all that and you join me in a few hours of girl time. We both need it.”

Her gasp makes me laugh to myself and I just listen for an answer.

“Well that just sounds wonderful!”

I smile once more. “Okay, I will be there about noon. You better be ready,” I say jokingly.

She laughs softly on the other line. “I will be. You are coming to the reunion tomorrow, aren’t you? You have to! You are part of the family, Colleen. You will be coming wont you?” she says without taking a breath.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She is such a kind lady.

“Wonderful. Okay, tomorrow at noon? Ill see you then!”

She hangs up immediately and I just close my phone, smiling. Ever since my mother passed away, she has been there for me no matter what. I just think it is time she gets something back.

I finish up the last of the glass of champagne and set the glass in the sink. I fold up the letter and set it beside Drew’s picture.

“Goodnight, baby.” I say to it and I wonder, sleepily down the hall to my bedroom, where I fall asleep instantly.



I pull into the Winter home’s driveway at about 11:58; right on time. It hasn’t changed a bit since I was twelve years old; red brick, white roman posts holding up the porch, flowers as far as the eye can see.

Carrie, the petite woman that she is, walks out, carrying her small little hand back and her hair pulled back. I smile and jump out of the car, greeting her with a hug and a kiss.

“Well look at you! All grown up.” She says, as she twirls me on her finger.

I laugh and blush slightly, “Oh stop…”

We get back into the car and I start to drive to Safe Haven Day Spa. I smile and turn to Carrie.

“Really, how have you been?”

She sighs softly. “You want the honest to the Lord truth?”

I nod in agreement, watching the road. “I am all ears.”

She sighs hard and begins.

“Well, I am worrying about my baby all day and all night. He is gone for fifteen months you know? Of course you know. This must be as hard for you as well. I hated watching Chase leave for these long deployments and now I have to watch another one of my babies leave. On top of that, I have to still care for two children, take care of the house, keep my husband happy, cook clean.” she takes a deep breath. “all this pressure being put on me. I am only one woman you know? And I have to decorate the entire house for this reunion and cook all the meals and clean. Andrew was always the highlight of these parties; everyone loves him. They are all going to be so upset when he isn’t there…”

I just sit and listen. This poor woman has so much to handle. I just wish I could help more.

I reach over and take her hand reassuringly.

“You said it yourself, I am part of the family. Why don’t you call me over more often? I would love to help.” She smiles wide and squeezes my hand.

“You know, Colleen. You are probably the best thing that has happened, not to just Andrew, but to this whole family.” She keeps my hand in hers and I can’t help but feel a twinge of guilt.

I am not nearly good enough to be in such an amazing family like the Winter’s. I already knew Andrew was too good for me.

Once we get to Safe Haven, I tell them that today is all about Carrie and to give her their best treatment. I sit as she gets a deep tissue massage, enjoying how happy she looks. I know she has so much more to rant about and deal with on a daily basis. But I am really hoping she just ignores it for the time being. No one should be that stressed out.


We pull back into the driveway and I see a midnight black Audi parked in the driveway. Lord only knows whose car that is, so I try with all my ability to not hit it with The Beast.

“Oh wonderful! Chase has arrived. I wonder if he will help me set up chairs and tables.” She quickly hops out and makes her way inside.

Chase is here. It has been a whole month since I last saw his black hair, his blue eyes.

I take a long, deep breath and make my way inside. I can hear them talking about reunion jibber-jabber. All I can focus on is the sound of Chase’s voice. Its stern and low, but polite and welcoming. You can almost hear a hint of sarcasm in every word he says. I catch myself biting my lip and I stop immediately.

I find my courage and walk in, helping Carrie with some last minute details. Before any of us know it, everyone seems to be arriving; Grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, neighbors. I stand back and watch as they all hug and kiss and reunite. It makes me smile. I know if Drew was here, he would be holding a beer in one hand, hugging every person here with the other, telling them about his Marine stories, how much he loves his girlfriend, and how he just loves life the way it is now. I smile at the thought.

“Penny for your thoughts?” I jump a little and look up the my right.

There his is, towering over me.


I blush and laugh nervously. “Sorry. I know I should be more sociable.” I flip my hair behind my shoulder and peak up at him.

“How are you doing, Colleen?” our eyes meet and it feels like he isn’t expecting an answer but trying to read through my thoughts to find one.

                I shrug. “Oh, you know. Trying to keep myself occupied.”

                I get completely swept off my feet when I feel his finger graze across my forehead. My skin tingles under his touch and I look up at him. His mouth is pressed into a hard line and he looks distant.

                “You had a leaf…in your hair. Would you please excuse me?” I watch him walk inside and I am left confused and dazed. What had just happened?

                I make my way inside and I notice him, talking to a cousin or maybe it is an Uncle. He seems to be telling him something very frantically and nervously. The man is talking to puts a reassuring hand on Chase’s shoulder and seems to be telling him something exceedingly important.

                What is happening over there? Is Chase telling him about what had just happened? What it really that big of a deal to Chase?

                I pour myself another glass of Carrie’s sweet tea into a single red plastic cup.

                “You are biting your lip, Miss Aarons.”

                Nearly dropping my cup, I look up to find Chase by my side once again.

                “You travel quietly, don’t you?” I croak out.

                He leans his head down and smirks one of his famous smiles and leans against the counter.

                “Who was that man you were just talking to?” I blurt out. My eyes grow wide and I hide my face in embarrassment. That is in no way any of my business.

                “Oh, that was an old buddy of mine from back in my Marine days. I tell him everything.” He is looking straight ahead, taking a sip of his drink that seems to be beer where I am standing. I nod and start blushing scarlet red.

                “Walk with me.” it wasn’t a question. He moves out of the way, making room so I can go first and I make my way out of the kitchen, to the front door.

                He leads me down one of the trails behind his house, cup still in hand. We walk in silence for quite a while, so I decide to break it.

                “Do you miss him?” this seems to bring him up short because his pace slows and he stares straight ahead.

                “Yes. But his is smart, he knows what he is doing.” He continues to walk.

                “Tell me about you, Colleen. Its very disturbing to me not knowing.” Disturbing? Had he been dwelling on it for a while now? What on earth does he want to know?

                “Well, I am at college right now; vet school.” I shrug.

                He nods, not saying word, motioning for me to continue.

                “Uhm…well I have always wanted a big family, likes yours back there. I never really had one growing up. Its nice to see all of them, just having a good time. You know?” I look straight ahead, noticing we have slowed down quite a bit. There is a old wooden bench right along the path and Chase slowly sits and nods for me to join him.

                “What’s your secret?” I say turning to him. “I never remember you being this quiet and to yourself. Did something happen over seas?” I realize I said what I had said right after I said it.

                “Oh my God, I am so sorry. Forget I said that, that is totally none of my business.” I am humiliated and I can feel my cheeks reddening.

                He chuckles softy to himself. “Something like that, Yes…”

                I look at him apologetically and he just has a smug look on his face, as if he is studying my every move. I don’t know which way I should move. I feel like a bug underneath a microscope.

                “You have immaculate brown eyes, Colleen.” Here comes another wave of flush.

                He chuckles once more and strokes my cheek with his thumb.

                “Do you always blush this much when you are nervous?” okay, I hate the fact I blush in general, and I definitely hate the fact he continues to call me out on it.

                “I suppose I do,” I say nervously. He smiles again and continues to stroke my cheek. My skin begins to tingle again. His hands are warm and I can almost feel the blood pumping through them. I sneak a small peak up at him and his eyes are locked on my lips. I notice I am biting them again so I stop immediately. Is he going to kiss me? does he want to kiss me? what is he thinking right now? I wish this man wasn’t so damn hard to read.

                “Chase! Colleen! Come back, we need some help!” I hear Carrie from a distance and I smirk. How long have we been out here?

                “I guess we better get going.” I stand up and he slowing rises and straightens his posture.

                “When can I see you again, Miss Aarons?” he says in a deep, low tone. I feel almost intimidated, like he is expecting a thorough answer.

                “Hopefully soon,” I croak out once again.

                We make our way back and before I can say goodbye, he is out of sight.

                What in God’s name happened tonight?


© 2012 Sarah

Author's Note

the picture attached is a picture of Ian Somerhalder.
This is how i pictured "Chase"
Just for some reference.

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Made an account just to review this xP First of all, I can't believe that its only been a month since Andrew left and Colleen is flirting with Chase. She was even flirting with him THE DAY he left. I don't know if you meant to make her out this way, but she really does sound like a b***h who really doesn't deserve how much Andrew cares about her. Maybe, if you don't want it to come across this way, you should spend more time introducing your plot and developing the characters before everybody flirts with everybody else. Right now everything that happens feels rushed and fake. Also, for the love of god, fix your tenses. If you want it to be in present tense, make all of your verbs in present tense. If you want it to be in past tense, make all of your verbs is past tense. You can't mix both and expect it to be a good and easy read. Im going to assume you don't proof read, so you need to start doing that. So far, I give your story a 5/10 based on plot, grammatical errors, readability, and overall enjoyment. Maybe revise you're previous chapters and put more thought into your later ones instead of sitting down and typing the final version.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 11, 2012
Last Updated on July 11, 2012
Tags: marine corps, true love, i miss you, fiction, love, death, war



my dream is to be a New York Best Selling Author. i write what i feel. sometimes its dark, sometimes romantic, and sometimes down right awful. but whatever it is, i hope you love it. please check .. more..

Chapter 1. Chapter 1.

A Chapter by Sarah

Chapter 2. Chapter 2.

A Chapter by Sarah