Book One: Prologue

Book One: Prologue

A Chapter by capn - roxass

Uhm yeah don't feel like writing a description.

Rain pounded mercilessly onto the leafy forest below. The treetops, tall as skyscrapers, danced wildly in the wind as the powerful storm carried on. However, despite the violence of the storm, one could not help but feel as if nothing was out of the ordinary. This was completely normal.
What wasn't so normal, however, were the individual tree trunks shaking with great force, one at a time, following an invisible line of great power.
A lone boy raced through the forest, but not on the ground. His body leapt from tree to tree, pushing against the trunks to accelerate to the next, traveling at a great speed. His body was tense, his expression fierce; nothing could stop him. But even with great determination and speed, he was still far from what he was after.
The boy continued his race, only coming to an abrupt stop at a wide clearing. His black hair was soaked almost instantly now that the cover of the trees wasn't present, but he ignored it, his eyes locked onto the black figure in the center of the clearing, hatred and anger burning in his pupils.
The figure was hard to decipher through the sheet of rain, but it was similar to that of a human's; an adult, to be specific, and seemed to be dressed in all black, a large hood hanging over it's head.
Only moments later the figure had finally moved, turning around to face the boy.
"So you were foolish enough to follow me..." the hooded being spoke in a rather dark voice.
"Cut the crap, Raven!" The boy demanded loudly. "I know you're not stupid, you know I've followed you, and you definitely know why!"
"Tch," Raven gave a small smirk, "as if you could actually survive... what makes you think you could win?"
"Heh, that's easy! I don't need to be physically stronger to beat any of you, and your power is useless against me alone!" The boy pointed to himself as he replied with great confidence, his light blue eyes glinting.
The hooded man simply stared back at him, completely void of any emotion. "Such a simple minded boy... do you not understand? You were not made to beat us, only to obey us. There is no argument."
The soaked boy gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists, hunching over a bit in pure anger. "Shut up!! If I want an argument, I'll get one, and I'll kill you if I have to in the process!"
Raven sighed, shaking his head. "Ignorant child...-"
"IGNORANT child..." Raven repeated with irritation after being interrupted. "I suppose, a lesson is to be taught. Ready to learn, runt?"
The boy grinned a satisfied smile, and got into a fighting stance. "Give me all you got, you'll be dead in seconds anyway."
Raven nodded, placing his hand in front of him. "Very well then. Just keep in mind..." Four sharp needle-like objects appeared over the man's fingers as he finished his statement, "...You asked for it."
Not less than a second later, thousands of needles hurdled towards the boy in a twister form, not even giving enough time for the average human mind to respond. But he was able to leap away, the twister not even coming close. He ran for the hooded man head on, the twister trailing behind within inches of making contact. When he was almost in range for a punch, he quickly sprung in the air, dodging the collision of two twisters where he was just standing. While in mid-air, he twisted around, grabbing two pistols from his belt, and shot repeatedly.
The bullets pounded through the man below... only revealing the reality of the illusion. Raven had vanished.
The boy groaned and landed on two feet, scanning the area for his hooded opponent, who appeared to be no where in sight.
Then without warning, his body flew across the clearing, crashing against the trunk of a tree, causing a tremendous boom that echoed through the clearing. He slumped to the ground, only to quickly regain his stance, tottering a bit.
Raven had appeared in the clearing's center again. "Are you quite done yet? I've grown tired of this game."
"We've only just begun!" The boy shouted, punching the trunk fiercely.
"Now now, the tree didn't do anything to you..."
The boy's eyes shot up to meet Raven's, a fierce burning ice blue. "You really piss me off, you know that right?"
The man only shrugged, looking away. "What doesn't piss you off?"
"Shut the hell up already! I'm tired of hearing your voice!"
"And I'm tired of hearing you strain your vocal cords. Oh, the hypocrisy."
The boy suddenly launched himself at the man again, his fists ready to punch. "Damn you!!" He threw his arm towards him, only for his fist to be caught by Raven's palm. He quickly twisted and aimed a kick for the man's head, but Raven ducked, dodging the blow. The boy then broke out of his grip, and flipped over Raven's back, placing a powerful kick in his back in the process.
Raven skidded forward, and his opponent landed several feet away behind him. Without wasting another moment, the man turned and threw two needle twisters again. The boy slipped out his pistols and shot both dead center, causing them to explode into thousands of needles, which rained over the clearing. Several pierced his bare skin and tore through his clothing, leaving him a bloody mess that could not be easily washed away by the rain.
"Having fun yet?" Raven teased, unaffected by the raining needles.
The boy smirked, looking him straight in the eyes. "Oh yeah, it's just been the time of my life." And with that, he shot three rounds with unexplainable speed, catching the cloaked man off guard. Raven managed to jump out of the way in time, barely escaping without a scratch.
"Good one, kid. Now, how about we end this?"
Without warning, Raven appeared in front of the boy, and delivered a punch that threw him across the clearing once again. His body crashed through two trees, before smacking against the third with a sickening crack. He slumped to the ground once again, holding his right shoulder, groaning in pain.
Raven stood over him, casting a dark shadow over his whole body - even though there was no sun present. He eyed the boy under his hood with emotionless eyes, and said only one more thing.
"So let me tell you what you should have learned from this little lesson..."
He kneeled down to the boy's ear, and whispered.
"Don't make an argument of the Elites."

© 2011 capn - roxass

Author's Note

capn - roxass
Uh yeah it's 2:40 AM no author's note bye.

My Review

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That was, like, epic beyond comparison. It was flipping BEAUTIFUL. I kinda laughed a bit with the Raven part ('cause of cheezit's story, yuh know), but the rest of it made me sit at the edge of my seat.

'Cause it's just freaking amazing like that.

It's definitely a grabbing beginning. It snags you and doesn't let go. I love stories that do that. It's awesome.

That was flipping GLORIOUS.

Imma going to read on.

Posted 12 Years Ago

...Damn you Cheezit. ...Y'know what? F**K THIS. Imma repeat some shiz anyway! ...And you're gonna like it and get over it. :D

I love you. [nh] I know that you already told me what you planned to do for this book anyway, but again, I say THIS IS THE F*****G SHIZ.

The fighting scene was amazing. It wasn't repetitive, or boring in anyway, and it flowed amazingly. The dialogue wasn't boring, and quite entertaining if I do say so myself. XD I loved the description. It wasn't boring, and didn't drone on and on about useless information, but it was elaborate enough that the reader could feel as if he or she was there themselves. Although, from what you told me Friday, and what else I can tell from the prologue, Raven is a very...Interesting. Character. Evil or whatever you wanna call him, as he may be, I still like him. XD [Insert boy's name here] made me laugh. I know this may sound mean, but, hey, I am sadistic, his pathetic attempts at trying to beat Raven, and Elite, was hilarious. XD It seems like you already have both characters' personalities figured out and shaped already.

This seems like its really going to be an interesting story.

All in all, great starter.

...Wow. This got seriously long. o.O XD

Posted 13 Years Ago


Cheezit stole what I wanted to say. -bites Cheezit-

...I love you. C: (nh) WRITE!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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*ahem* First of all, as soon as I found out the hooded dude's name was Raven, I started laughing my f*****g a*s off. Hehe, in humanish form, RAVEN IS A MALE!?!? O.O Lmfao.. xDDD

Annnnnddddddd, THIS IS SO F*****G AWESOME!!! You are so fuckign amazing at dialogue. I was thinking earlier today that I was kind of good at dialogue, but pffft! You've proved me wrong. Why do all chu friends of mine have to be so much better at writing and ideas than I am? IT NOT FAIR. Lol. The beginning was epic, and I was hooked from the first word. Well, actually I was hooked the moment I realized you had a new book. HEHE. *smothered*

Anyway, I love the boy. And the evil dude. I love me evil peoples. The fighting was f*****g amazing and described so well I could picture it perfectly in my head! And the ending was the worst part because it ended. :D *shot* No, I loved the ending. "Don't mess with the Elites." F*****G AWESOME. Now all you need to do is hurry up and write more so I can find out what else is going to happen, YAY.


Annnddd.... Oh! You are so much better at describing things than I am. T^T It's not fair. Your descriptions actually remind me of the way I used to write, 'specially the "one would have thought". I used to do that all the time. o.O Not as awesomely phrased or used or yadayadayada as you though.

There was probably more, but I don't feel like writing even more, though writing a five page long review would be f*****g EPIC. ...but kind of ridiculous. xD But then again I AM crazy.. *smothered by a straight-jacket* Uh....BYE.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 14, 2011
Last Updated on April 12, 2011
Tags: fantasy, super humans, earth, magic


capn - roxass
capn - roxass

Monteriggioni, Italy

Ayee. I'm Roxie. I'm Homestuck. You're Homestuck. We're all Homestuck. I like to sit on my a*s and play video games. Not much else really. I'm not active on here. I write if I'm in the mood .. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by capn - roxass

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by capn - roxass

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