![]() Chapter SevenA Chapter by capn - roxass![]() First day of class goes wrong... And a sweet surprise?![]()
A loud constant beeping rang through my ears. I sat up at once, looking around.
Since when do I have an alar- ...oh yeah. Not in New York anymore. I looked over at Sapphire, who was sprawled across the other bunk, still sleeping. How the hell could she sleep through that annoying ringing? I hopped off the bed, and stumbled over to the alarm clock sitting on the wardrobe. I went to press the off button... and nothing was there. ...Uhm.... What? I picked it up, turning it around several times. There were no buttons whatsoever. Just the time was on there; 6:30. I cursed silently to myself, then raised the clock over my head, aiming for the window. ....Wait.... Sapphire wouldn't like that very much.... I glanced at the sleeping girl across the room, and lowered the clock. Hold up... I'm really stupid. I sighed, yanked the cord out of the wall, and the beeping ceased. I set the clock back down on the wardrobe, and looked around. ...She said to just borrow some of her clothes right? "Sapphire?" I called, turning around again. No answer. "...Sapphire." I repeated, a little louder. ...Nope still nothing. "Sapphire!" "WHO DIED?!" The brunette jumped out of bed at once, looking around wildly. Her golden eyes settled on me, and she started to laugh. "Haha... oops. I forgot you were in here..." She started to stretch, then stopped, tilting her head. "Why isn't the alarm beeping? ....Oh f**k we didn't oversleep did we?!" Without giving me time to respond, she rushed past me, stopping in front of the clock. Then there was silence. "...Uh... yeah... It was pissing me off... so I unplugged it." I admitted, scratching my head. "It's only like 6:30." Sapphire let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god, I thought I overslept again. That thing can never wake me up... I think I tune it out or something." She turned around, grinning. "Well, might as well get ready. I'm guessing you like dark stuff, right?" I nodded, and she turned around, opening her wardrobe. She dug through a bunch of clothes, mostly consisting of dresses and skirts. ...Does she wear anything else? A black ball of cloth hit me in the face, and fell into my hands. "Hope that's okay. I have other things, if you don't like it." Sapphire said, pulling out a white and light blue striped dress for herself. I unraveled the ball, and held out the short black dress in front of me. It was strapless, like her others, and from the waist down it was frilled, like a tutu. I looked at the lightera, nodding. "...I love this." "Really?" Sapphire smiled at my response, and dug through her clothes again. "Here, this would look cute!" She took out a grey bow and black lace gloves, and tossed them to me. "Need shoes?" I shook my head. "Thanks, but I got converse." Sapphire shrugged. "Whatever you say. After this, let's grab breakfast. I never wake up this early." -- We both walked across the lobby, heading to class after eating. "Alright... I'm guessing, the whole school knows a fiera is here by now." Sapphire declared, rolling her eyes. "People may be douchebags to you, but... just ignore them. Don't piss them off, and you should be fine. Most students don't get violent, but there are some who will..." "...Fun." I replied bluntly, starting to follow her up the steps. When we reached the top of the stairs, all eyes were on us. Like I was most wanted or something. Sapphire simply ignored them all, and pointed down the back row to her right. "Let's sit there... I wanna talk to Sam before class." The lightera walked swiftly down the aisle, turning down the second row. And all eyes were still on me. Stop staring stop staring stop staring stop staring... I hesitantly stepped to the side, still looking at everyone as they watched me walk down the back row slowly, observing my every move. Jesus Christ look away already! I'm not gonna kill you! I continued walking down the aisle, staring back... until I backed into someone. Ohhhhhh Shittttt.... I stiffened, and turned my head to the side, ready for whatever the person was going to do. "What's the deer in headlights look for?" A familiar voice laughed. I gasped, and turned all the way around. Sora was standing before me, showing his content grin. "...Sora." I murmured to him as some blunt greeting, looking at my feet. Everyone immediately turned around, murmuring to each other. Somehow... I was relieved. The silver-eyed boy looked at the chairs in front of us, and gestured me to sit. "I was just going to sit with Sam, guess you and Sapphire are sitting together. Sorry about bumping into you." He gave a little wave and walked across the classroom, exchanged a hello with Sapphire, and sat next to Sam. The lightera returned, and sat down in the seat next to mine. "Looks like lover-boy stumbled in and saved the day, huh?" She began to tease as I sat down. "...Yeah. That's what happened." I said sarcastically, somewhat in a daze still. The curtain at the front of the room moved aside, and Kaitlyn stepped through, stepping to his desk with a straight face. ...No crazy entrances this time? The wizard sat down, and clasped his hands in front of him. "Alright, class. Let's begin today's lesson." I blinked, and looked at the clock on the wall. It was 7:27. "Sapphire, does he know he's starting a bit early?" I whispered, glancing at Kaitlyn. "Huh? Oh... wait. I forgot. Class kinda starts now... he has this minute of being serious... Every day. No one knows why." She replied, as if it were completely normal. Kaitlyn continued to speak. "Ahem, so today, I'm hoping you have all met the new student." There was an outburst of muttering around the whole room, except for a few students who remained silent. Kaitlyn's eyes narrowed into a cold, hard glare. "Silence!" the wizard boomed, and the whole room went dead silent. Nobody even moved. Kaitlyn sat back in his chair, observing the students. "I am aware of the fact that she is a fiera. But, I will not tolerate any protests against her enrollment here. She is not from here, I am positive, and therefore, she is not a threat to you or the school!" The long silence continued. It was as if someone had just fallen over and died on the spot. I sat still, astonished. That crazy old man was insane on so many levels... but he could make an entire class absolutely soundless. Kaitlyn stood up after what seemed like hours, facing the class with a serious stone grey stare. "¡Ahora vamos a empezar la clase ya!" He demanded in spanish. I slammed my head on top of my desk. ...He's hopeless. "Sit up straight, Roxanna!" his voice nearly shouted... behind me. I jumped up at once, almost pissing myself in the process from the surprise. When I turned around, nobody was there. "Face the front of the classroom..." His voice ordered from the front of the room. I slowly faced the front again, my head spinning. "Crazy old b*****d..." Sapphire muttered under her breath, completely unphased by Kaitlyn's actions. My eye caught a couple students rolling their eyes at me, but not a single word was said. "Well, NOW we shall begin..." Kaitlyn started. "Today you're going to learn fiera fighting techniques!" Somebody kill me. "So... who knows the common actions of a lone fiera?" the wizard continued. He either didn't notice my horrified expression... or he didn't give a damn. A blonde girl raised her hand. "They target lone mortals or young gaias, and act like cats, in a way. They sneak up on their target, play around with them a little, then attack. Apparently, they are impulsive. They don't seem to think their actions through, half the time. Oh, and they're angered easily." She explained after Kaitlyn pointed to her. "Good, good. And fiera in groups?" He called on a boy with black hair. "The same, except they target groups more than loners. They're more destructive in groups, although they don't cooperate as well." Kaitlyn nodded. "Excellent. You all remember that. But today, you are learning how to fight them more accurately." He snapped his fingers once, and the whole desk disappeared in green smoke. "So, some of you have had fighting experience on your own, but this could help also. I'll need a volunteer of each element." Several hands raised in the air. Kaitlyn picked a brunette girl, a dirty-blonde boy, a blonde girl, and Sam. The four students walked to the front of the room, facing the rest of the class. Kaitlyn looked over the rest of us with a confused stare, until his eyes settled on me. "I said all of the elements, Roxanna. Come down here." ...F**k. I stood up regretfully, and walked down to the front of the room as Kaitlyn started speaking again, staying far from the other four... that is, until the wizard shoved me into Sam's side. I stumbled back from the aquara and muttered, "...Sorry." Sam shrugged, sweeping his hair out of his dark blue eyes. "Don't worry about it... and by the way... Sorry about earlier." He whispered. I looked at him in surprise, about to reply, until Kaitlyn pushed himself in between us. "You all hear that? Good let's begin!" ...S**t. What was he rambling on about? In a matter of seconds, the other four ran around the room... except me. I yelped as a sudden flame reached out for me, and I scrambled up the aisle, ducking behind Sapphire. "What the f**k is going on?!" I hissed, quickly making sure the fire didn't catch me. "Kaitlyn wants to see how you would all fight back against a fire attack... weren't you listening?" Sapphire answered, still facing the front of the room. "Of course I wasn't listening... and I was talking to Sam. He apologized and-" "He apologized? Hmm... Maybe Sora talked to- Oh s**t. RUN." She hopped out of her seat quickly as a flame came towards us from the side. I gasped and scurried down the other side of the row, almost tripping half the way down as I heard Sapphire's feet hit the ground, jumping over the desk that was now behind me. "Fight back!" Somebody called. I didn't see who said it, but I turned around anyway... only to freeze when I saw the flames coming. S**t s**t s**t! How do I use my fire anyway?! Panicking, I pushed my hand out at the fire, looking away with my eyes squeezed shut. I heard a whoosh less than a second later. There was a pause... then screaming. I opened my eyes and looked ahead. Well... I protected myself from the flames... but I set the room on fire in the process. This is just dandy. "Headmaster Kaitlyn! The room's on fire!" A student alerted the wizard. All eyes turned to the front. Kaitlyn was no where in sight. "Where the f**k did he go?!" "He left us here!" "Does she even know how to use her power?" "She could have actually aimed!" "What a dumbass!" The uproar only grew worse as the fire continued to spread along the wall. "Would an aquara or something put it out already?!" "Jesus Christ will you hold on!" "I'll go get some water! Aerora... do what you can for now!" A female student ran down the stairs, and a few other students yelled after her, "Don't tell us what to do!" I held my forehead with one hand. My head was pounding from all of the commotion; like horses were running circles on my brain. Sapphire ran over to me with a worried expression. "You don't look so good..." "...Yeah. I'm not." I responded with no expression whatsoever. Sapphire patted my shoulder. "Just go back to the dorms for now... Kaitlyn's probably gone, anyway. I'll see how things go here, then tell you in a little while, 'kay?" I nodded, murmured a thanks, and made a quick escape down the stairs. -- Sapphire stepped into the room later, her expression unreadable. I had only woken up a few moments earlier, not even realizing I had fallen asleep. "Hey... I came earlier, but you were sleeping... So I let you be." The lightera stated, sitting on one of the short chairs. I shrugged. "I didn't mean to... I just passed out. Anyway, what happened?" "Some aquara put out the fire when Selina came back with the water. The room's okay, but everyone's pretty pissed with you..." She explained, frowning at the last part. I sighed, climbing off the bunk. "Of course they are..." I muttered, and walked over to the mirror over the wardrobes. Sapphire stood up, turning to the door. "Well... it's about time for dinner. Ready to go to the mess hall?" She asked smiling, trying to brighten the mood. "...Not hungry... Sorry." I replied with no emotion whatsoever, messing with my hair in the mirror, attempting to make my bedhead the least bit presentable. Her frown returned, her golden eyes lowering to the ground. "...'Kay... See you after dinner then." She opened the door, and stepped out before turning back around. "By the way... I talked to Sam. He's really sorry, and he wants to talk to you sometime. I think you two could be good friends." And she closed the door without another word. I turned around in surprise, as if thinking she was still in the room. Well... at least one person doesn't despise me anymore. Tired of messing with my uncooperative hair, I stepped into the center of the room... Realizing I had nothing to do for a good amount of time. Well f**k. I stood there for a good two minutes, just wondering how the hell I was going to occupy myself. I could go to the mess hall... and not eat... but I don't even know where that is. ...I was never even told there was one. I took one last look around the room. ....Yeah I'm going. Without wasting another second, I turned off the only lit lamp and rushed out the door. I jogged down the hallway rather quickly, almost tripping half way through, 'cause I'm just that clumsy, sadly. I was nearing the stairs, ready to race down them, until I saw a brunette head start to turn the corner. Ah shiznits...! I attempted to slow down, but it was too late. I was already stepping through the doorway, colliding into the other person, beginning to fall down the spiral staircase. [A. Note: ..Yeah. The staircase is IN the wall. Sorta... It's completely open on the lower floor, but it stops at the wall at the upper floor, mkay? I thought it'd be cooler looking than just a normal spiral staircase. 8I] The other person grabbed my hand and twisted around in a split second, leaving them standing at the top, and me dangling over the edge, close to losing my footing. ...Now how the hell was THAT possible? But then I saw the ground. Several feet beneath me. And the railing that I could have easily fallen over to pay a nice painful visit to the floor. Oh lord.... Don't drop me don't drop me don't drop me... As if answering my prayers, the person lifted me up to the top, like my weight was equivalent to a toothpick or something. I straightened up at once, looking at the ground in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying to where I was looking, a-and I thought everyone was in the mess hall and I really thought I was the only one h-here and-" My babbling was silenced as a single finger sealed my lips shut. My eye twitched from the sudden awkward feeling I got, and I looked up... And I was somewhat disturbed, yet relieved at the same time. It was only Sora. "S-Sora?" I studdered, moving away from his finger. "What are you doing in the gir-" He cut me off with his finger again, and placed his other finger to his own lips... basically telling me to shut the hell up already. My eyes narrowed, but I nodded, and he moved his finger away. Sora looked around, then stepped down one stair, waving his hand for me to follow. I sighed silently to myself, and followed him down the stairs, and into the lobby. He walked through the front doors casually, unlike how he sneaked through the girls' dorm moments earlier. Both of us walked around the building at a steady pace, the moonlight a bit lacking tonight, until he turned to right and took a run for it. I blinked, but trailed behind him without giving it thought. We dashed into a dense forest... and that was when I started to lose him. I started to panic as his silhouette started to slowly disappear ahead of me, and I could barely see in this damned forest in the first place. But after a few moments of aimlessly running, and few seconds of stopping to panic, I eventually stumbled into a slightly lighter clearing. I straightened up to check my surroundings. The clearing was fairly small, but not too small. There was a small pond to the right, sitting on the edge of the trees. And there were fireflies. Everywhere. I stared in awe, captivated by it's simple beauty. I found myself wandering through the cool, lush grass, over to the pond. "So you found it..." I jumped at the sound of the other voice, although I could easily identify it as Sora's. It scared the crap out of me... considering the fact that he was literally right next to me, and I didn't notice. I looked away stubbornly. "...And you're lucky I found it... I could've gotten lost." Sora laughed softly. "You were lost. I found this place the first time while I was lost, too. I always find myself here." He added with a smile. I sat down on a large rock, trying to hide my obvious embarrassment. "...S-So why did you lead me here?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Sora sat in the grass next to me. "Well... I thought you would need a break... considering the rough day you had today." I glanced at him, then looked away again. "Uhm... You know I slept as a suitable break... thing... right? ...A-And how did you know I wasn't in the mess hall anyway?" I stuttered, not really sure what was coming out of my mouth as the words left. "Oh... I noticed you weren't with Sapphire, and she told me you stayed in the room instead when I asked." He answered cooly. "But... I thought you weren't allowed in the girls' dorm?" "...Nah... we can all we want... It just wouldn't be too pretty if a guy just barged in on a bunch of girls; apparently they like their 'privacy.' Some guys find it pretty weird vice versa, too. It's just how we are." Sora explained cooly, his eyes wandering over the pond. "Anyway... we could talk about that anytime... Is there anything you wanna talk about?" "...Anything I wanna talk about?" I sat in thought for a minute. I couldn't pinpoint a specific topic... there was so much on my mind from the last two days. I groaned silently to myself, and picked something at random. "So what are you like?" OH. GOD. I just HAD to bring that up. "I-I mean...! Maybe w-we should...." "...Get... to know each other better?" He suggested, apparently unphased by my stalker-like question. I nodded, humility written all over my face. Sora smiled and shrugged. "Sure, I'd be cool with that. Ask me anything." ...He had to make me ask first, didn't he? Well... there was one thing I was curious about... "Well... Sapphire told me about how we're a burden to society... and what happens to our families... a-and... I'm curious... but... what happened to your family, Sora?" I managed to spill out, only to regret it when Sora's smile faded. "...Oh... So she's already told you about that... Well, I dunno if mine is really tragic compared to others' stories. When I was about the age of two, my father threw his life away. Of course, I was too young to understand. I vaguely remember him at all. So I was raised by Kaitlyn; he's my grandfather." A bit of his smug smile returned when he said this. "Sure, he's one hell of a crazy old man, but he's like a father to me. We're pretty close, although he's busier with the academy nowadays. He trusts me with important things... like going to Earth for you, for example." He added, his smile growing. "He tells me a lot that other students don't know... and-" Sora stopped mid-sentence, glancing at me, then laughing. "I'm rambling... you must be bored... And I'm being selfish anyway." He added, lowering his head to the ground, letting the moonlight bounce off of his soft chesnut hair. I tilted my head, about to ask why, but he continued before I could open my mouth. "I mean... My life has been pretty good, compared to everyone else... And you," he said, turning to me, "You had a family too, unlike the rest of us, and look at me, dragging you away from that to... this... without even an explanation." His silver eyes fixed on me, softening, and he murmured, "I'm sorry." I couldn't help it. I had to burst out in the first fit of real laughter I've had in months. Sora looked at me like I was insane, and I probably did look that way, laughing like I was from an asylum, but he scratched the back of his head and said, "Err... what?" "No no no.... You've got it all wrong.." I started to explain, still laughing a little. "My family sucked. Just sucked." Sora tilted his head in confusion. "I thought having a family would be... good? Does everyone on Earth have families like that?" "Of course not!" I explained. "Everyone I knew at school had wonderful families... they would always talk about them..." I added, feeling my lips curve into a frown, although I forced myself to smile instead. The brunette's confused expression didn't change. "So... those 'everyone' people... were they your friends? ...I didn't take them away from you did I?!" I raised an eyebrow at his insane question. "No...? Really, you didn't take me away from anything... don't beat yourself up over it." I added with a soft laugh, then I could see his confusion only grew. ...Is he really this stupid when it comes to a normal life? "You see... I didn't really have good friends back home." I stated, shrugging. "Sure, I talked to people, hung out with girls I could relate to, but I never felt close enough to someone to call them a real friend. I've just always felt this horrible feeling... like I was unwanted. I tried to tell myself that they were my friends... but the feeling still lingered in my gut. ...I couldn't lie to myself." I explained sadly, admitting half of what I said to myself as the words came out. I could see Sora's silver eyes fixed on me in the corner of my eye, his head nodding a bit, as if he understood. "Right... I think I see what you mean. Kinda feel like no one understood you, like you were an outcast?" I turned to him, a bit surprised. "Uh... yeah. Exactly that." He nodded once more, turning to the lake, until he quickly turned back to me in a matter of seconds. "Uh... I hope you don't mind me asking, but... Why did your family suck?" The brunette asked the question as if it were the most typical question in the world. I stared at him blankly, wondering whether or not I should get pissed, make a sarcastic response, or just ignore it. ...I choose continuing to stare at him blankly. Too bad he just stared back. "...If you must know..." I sighed, deciding to just answer him and get it over with. "They were complete a******s." I said shrugging, and knowing he would ask how, I continued to explain. "My mom was the worst, probably. I think she found enjoyment in flat out torturing me. Every day was the same thing. I did something she didn't like, she'd slap me a few times, maybe worse, I'd probably backtalk, and blah blah I'm sure you know how it would go. During the school year I would ditch with some girls, I saw no point in school. And, of course, she'd beat the hell out of me whenever she found out, which wasn't often; she barely stayed in touch with my school at all." "...And your father?" "...He was... a bit better, still bad." I replied somewhat smoothly. "He kinda just sat there half the time, only backing my mother up when she asked for it. But... the b*****d lived to please her. She wanted to go on nice vacations, have the nicest stuff, the prettiest clothes. His job wouldn't support that, so he became a drug dealer. He raked in the cash pretty quick, too. That's why we were in New York City when you came for me." Sora's head tilted to the side, frowning. "So... where were they when I ran into you both times? You were completely alone." "The first time? I just needed to get out of that hotel room. So I walked around for a little while, until I bumped into you. Remember when I looked at my phone and flipped out? That was my mom calling me, so she found out I left on my own." I explained, more easily than I thought I would explain all of this. "And the second time?" He questioned. "I don't understand, didn't you run back to your mother?" I looked at him, and gave a small smirk. "I ran away." I stated simply. "Don't know why I did, it just popped into my head." Sora's curious silver eyes told me he wanted to know more. I sighed, but smiled, and told him everything that happened between our first and second meetings. I told him all about how I left my bag at the hotel, when I stole the money from the hobo-looking-guy... just everything. His bright silver eyes never grew dull from disinterest. It was like the serious, mysterious boy who had led me through a fallen subway yesterday had been replaced with the curious and oblivious boy in front of me now. "So you really thought I was trying to kill us both?" The brunette laughed when I got to when I saw him on the train. I nodded, smiling. "I thought you were a lunatic! I mean, you're this stranger that I impossibly saw twice in one day, in a city like New York, you're standing on the back of a subway train that's about to be crushed, and just jump off the back with me? Dude, any normal person doing that would be suicidal AND homicidal. I really thought we were dead when we landed. And when you told me there was a forcefield protecting us? Pfft, I was convinced we were both insane." I blurt out, joining in his careless laughter. I don't know why but, I couldn't stop talking. "So... I was wrong. I really didn't take you out of any perfect life?" He asked, his carefree smile never vanishing. I shook my head. "Dude, I freaking love you for doing that." My response was met with total silence. And then... "Eh? Y-You wha-?? Lov-??" Sora stuttered, his silver eyes widening, apparently unable to finish his words. I raised an eyebrow, looking at him like he was mad. "...You thought I was serious?" I giggled, and thumped his temple lightly. "It's just something I say, I don't mean it." I shrugged, and Sora quickly looked to the side, hiding his face. "Oh... right." He murmured, slightly turning his head back to me, his embarrassed smile showing. I shook my head, and looked out over the water. "...Hey, Sora?" "Yeah?" "...Let's come back here again some time." "Definitely."
© 2011 capn - roxassAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() capn - roxassMonteriggioni, ItalyAboutAyee. I'm Roxie. I'm Homestuck. You're Homestuck. We're all Homestuck. I like to sit on my a*s and play video games. Not much else really. I'm not active on here. I write if I'm in the mood .. more..Writing
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