Chapter Five

Chapter Five

A Chapter by capn - roxass

So many questions... so little answers..

"Uhm... What is Sacara anyway?" I asked the wizard, sitting in the seat awkwardly. Kaitlyn's eyes grew wide, and he leaned across the desk smiling like a crazed lunatic.
Then he suddenly went mute. His mouth was still moving rapidly, but no sound came out. Sora laughed a little, then turned to me. "Let me explain... he can be a little..."
"Yeah that's the word. Anyway, right now you're in Sacara, another world, far different from Earth." he began to explain.
"...Another world? Like Mars? Saturn?" I asked. His only response was a dumbfounded expression. "...Never mind. Go on."
Sora smiled and nodded. "Guess I worded it wrong. You might think of it as another dimension... it's not related to Earth or any other world at all. Most living here don't even know other worlds exist."
"But, how is it different? Me and you look the same... and so do other things... 'cept him." I added, pointing to the still apparently babbling wizard, who had begun to dance like an Egyptian for some... odd... reason.
Sora smiled, clearly amused. "Actually, we're really different. You see, there are some people in this world... people who have the power to control the elements."
"Control... the elements? As in water, fire, earth, and air?"
"And light and darkness." he added, nodding. "Those people... they are called gaias, each with a specific name. They're easy to remember, if you happen to forget. There's aquaras, aeroras, eartheras, fieras, lighteras, and darkeras. There seems to be a lot of them, but there's barely any compared to the mortal - or human -population." Sora continued, pausing for a second to wait for my reply.
I thought for a second, glanced at the wizard, who was suddenly levitating around the room, still rambling on, then asked, "If there's gaias, mortals, and apparently one wizard, is there anyone else like that? You know... mythical?"
Sora tilted his head in confusion at the last word. 
...Of course... they wouldn't be mythical to him if they've always been real here.
"...Just ignore that last part." I muttered, looking away.
Sora blinked, then looked up, thinking. "Well... there are faeries... if that's what you mean. There's one faerie for each element. They're the most powerful; a whole different breed of gaia. Wings enable them to fly, their powers are far more powerful than a normal gaia's, and other things you'll probably learn in time."
Learn... in time? He doesn't mean...
"Anyway, right now we're in the academy, like I mentioned before." Sora continued, cutting off my thoughts. "Gaias come here, to learn how to use their powers. It doesn't seem like much, but it's really important to us." He added, smiling to himself.
"Woah woah woah... us?? You're a gaia??" I asked in shock, scooting back as Kaitlyn did a flip in between us, and ran around to his desk again.
Sora held up his hand, and pointed to a marking below his palm, sitting on his wrist. I leaned forward, getting a closer look. It was like a birthmark also, with three thin, swirled lines, stretching towards his palm, connected as if branching off from the other. I stared for a few seconds, then gasped, realizing what he was showing me.
"Your emblasomething!" I blurt out, jumping back and looking at the mark on my chest.
"Yeah, my emblasomething." He replied, trying to hold back a laugh. "Nice try, but it's my emblem, just like yours, although they're different, as you could probably guess."
My eyes widened. "I'm... a gaia... too???" I only realized how obvious this sounded as the words left my mouth.
Then it hit me.
No... no! I've gotta be dreaming... dreaming I say!
Sora nodded, not even noticing my horror. "I'm an aerora... you're a fiera..."
The brunette continued to speak, but I wasn't listening. A thousand thoughts were flooding my mind, making my head spin.
I'm in another world... I have powers... This boy sitting across from me does too... A mute wizard is running around... There are faeries...
"NO!" I screamed, jumping up with such great force that the chair fell backwards.
"This is impossible!! You're crazy! Both of you!" 
I was already rushing out of the room.
"Where are you going?!" I heard Sora call, his footsteps tapping the floor as he followed.
I darted through the lobby as fast as I could, and pushed through the doors, storming outside, heading off campus.
"Roxanna, wait!" I heard someone call.
I whipped around, feeling my pulse set on fire, face to face with Sora. "Why should I? It won't make you sane. I shouldn't have to listen to anyone here, especially you!" I spat.
His lips slightly turned into a frown. "Please, if you're to listen to anyone... let it be me. You're one of us, the emblem is on your chest!"
"I don't care what you are! A wizard, a faerie... I don't care if your f*****g Jesus! But I'm not one of you!" 
I turned and dashed away, faster than before. I just kept on running... through a forest... over a bridge... I had to get away. I had to get back! There's not really any other worlds out there! New York is here! I just have to get back to it!
I stumbled over myself, and fell to my knees. "D****t!" I cursed, feeling sharp rocks pierce my knees and palms.
Then my vision grew blurry... flashing white. I gasped and sat upright, only to look up straight into burning amber eyes.
"Oh hello little one." The petite girl sang in a high pitched voice. She looked maybe a few years older than me, her long ginger hair blowing in the breeze. Her smile was playful and sweet... but her eyes told a different story.
And she had a birthmark on her chest identical to mine.
I moved to my knees cautiously, eyeing the girl with suspicion. "...What do you want?"
The girl laughed. "I just want to have a little fun with you!" She sang again, clasping her hands together. Then her amber eyes blazed, and she flashed a menacing smile.
"Let's play!"
The ginger giggled, then jumped back, and thrust her hand out towards me. I watched in horror as a bright orange flame shot out from her hand, flying straight towards me.
And I was too scared to move out of the way.
"No!" another voice yelled out as I shut my eyes, bracing myself.
But I never felt the intense heat of the flames.
I opened my eyes again, watching as the girl yelped, her own flames flying back at her, narrowly missing as she jumped aside.
Then I saw why.
The brunette boy was standing in between me and the girl, thrusting his hands forward, and a strong wind blew into her, slowly pushing her back.
"S-Sora!" I gasped, staring in shock.
"Go back to the highlands, where you belong!!" He yelled at the girl.
She smiled devilishly, then fought against the wind with her fire, advancing towards us. Sora suddenly darted forward, blowing her fire aside with a quick swipe of his hand, and pressed his other hand against her stomach. 
"Beat it, damn you!"
The girl twitched, her eyes wide. A loud boom thundered through the air, and she flew back with great force. Her body soared through the air, until it crashed into a tree trunk, and fell limp to the grass. I stared in horror, holding back a scream.
Sora didn't move an inch. He stood still, his eyes locked onto the girl in an intense silver stare. After a few seconds, he took a step back, eyes not leaving the motionless body, and rushed back towards me. He knelt down to my level, and looked straight at me, his eyes softening, obviously seeing the fear in my eyes.
"...It's alright. She won't hurt you now." He tried to assure me.
I didn't reply. I just stared past him, at the motionless girl several yards away.
The motionless girl that was thrown against a tree by the boy standing before me.
Sora tilted his head, and I finally looked at him.
"You... you..."
I was interrupted by a bloodcurdling screech, echoing through the clearing. Sora whipped around in an instant, ready to face the fire girl, who was standing once again. But she didn't hold the same stance. Instead the girl was standing in an awkward position, with more pressure on her left leg. Hunching over, she held her right arm, which hung at an odd angle. With a high pitched grunt of disgust, she turned her back to us, and the grass set fire before us, covering the clearing, towering over us both.
"S**t!" Sora cursed harshly. He waved his arms in a circular motion, and pushed forward, and the fire was blown out, as if it were nothing. The smoke cleared after a few moments, and Sora looked ahead, readying himself once again for another fight.
But the girl was no where in sight.

© 2010 capn - roxass

Author's Note

capn - roxass
Pronunciation Key:
Gaia [Guh-eye-uh]
Aquara [Ah-kwehr-uh]
Aerora [Air-oh-uh]
Earthera [Earth-ehr-uh]
Fiera [Fye-ehr-uh]
Lightera [Lye-tehr-uh]
Darkera [Dahr-kehr-uh]

...i started to get lazy with the key .__. xD i probably just made it more complicated anyway :D

IM WRITING THIS ON CHRISTMAS EVE CUZ I CANT FALL ASLEEP. Not that im like some little 5 year old shitting their pants about the next morning... i stayed up till like 4 last night and slept for over 10 hours. it was fun, but now im wide awake xD

Well... it's 11:20 now. almost midnight. but whatever.

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LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! THAT WAS SO F*****G FUNNY. I THINK I DIED A LITTLE BIT INSIDE. the three below basically covered what I thought. o.O so ...yeah. I'm not going to leave a GINORMOUS review this time.


Posted 14 Years Ago

Myeh heheh. :3
Hmmm, this Kaitlyn fellow's personality is strangely similar to a certain someone who is obsessed with Wizards....Hrmmm....I WONDER.


Posted 14 Years Ago

Okay, first off, the ginger-haired girl is creepy. o.o But otherwise I F*****G LOVED THIS CHAPTER. Lol the thing where Kaitlyn's mouth got muted was hilarious. As usual, can't wait for more!!! :D And yes, YOU MUST WRITE MORE. Or I WILL KILL YOU, KILL YOU DEAD, I SAY. o.0

Posted 14 Years Ago

YAY~ FIGHTING! XD And...I love Kaitlyn. ...Just doing an Egyptian dance... That was hilarious. Her reaction was awesome. Don't think it would have been the same if she just accepted it...ANYWAY. The talking cats thing was funneh two... Loved this chapter. XD I NEED CHU TO WRITE MOAR! ...Even tho you just posted another XD

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on December 25, 2010
Last Updated on December 25, 2010
Tags: faerie, mythical, elements, nature


capn - roxass
capn - roxass

Monteriggioni, Italy

Ayee. I'm Roxie. I'm Homestuck. You're Homestuck. We're all Homestuck. I like to sit on my a*s and play video games. Not much else really. I'm not active on here. I write if I'm in the mood .. more..

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A Chapter by capn - roxass

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A Chapter by capn - roxass

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