Harley's Confession

Harley's Confession

A Story by Beautiful Brat

A short scene of Harley Quinn from Batman with the appearance from the comic "Joker". Lyrics from "That Man" by Caro Emerald

“     I’m in a little bit of trouble. And I’m in real deep. From the beginning to the end. He was no more than a friend to me.     ”

    Poppy bouncing music was playing at a loud pulsing volume, bouncing off the walls of the small dim lit, hole-in-the-wall, bar only serving a handful of people; a couple criminals included. A blonde innocent looking young woman sat on a plastic hard bar stool at the lonely bar, having been there for an hour people watching with the same one short crystal glass of Scotch, sky blue hues occasionally glancing from the half empty glass to the rough looking guys around the pool table recognizing a couple of them. The guy that was currently holding the pool stick was a slender fit guy in his mid thirties and the girl recognized him from an unfinished bank robbery gig he had been doing before running from the scene with his buddies. Course the girl wasn’t a hostage to this rookie of a criminal, instead she was with the more professional group of goons who came at the scene before the coppers with a winning attempt to scare the rookies out of their Own crime scene to leave them with the fun of finishing the job and taking the dough. The task would sound insane, dangerous, and to risky to any other gang of thugs but with the infamous Joker as their leader it was a cakewalk especially when they were against those college pretty boys. All he had to do was waltz in and glance at the armed group before they went running home to their mommies. Yup, he was definitely sumthin’ and even that thought didn’t cover up the greatness of him. The Joker, the woman’s man. Her Puddin’.

    “Ah, damn!” The man cursed when the purple solid ball barely came to a halt just before the far right pocket of the pool table. It was an obvious hit for his friend though, the other slender fella that she’d recognized from another similar incident, another fun adventure for her but not so much for him. Poor b*****d was with a gang while they were trading or conning, it was all the same with these types of guys,  with another gang from the opposite end of town. Just as the leaders were making the trade in came Joker in a fit of mocking chuckles and laughs, his goons and the masked blonde crowding around behind him, her more so than the others. He pulled a classic “I promise you double what you both give me” and than never gave them anything in return, causing a beautiful fight between the two gangs weeks later ending in delightful bloodshed with the winner clearly being the Clown Prince of Crime.

    The other man called the game, winning against the college boy who was being a sore loser begging for another game, pulling out excuses in hopes to get his lost money back, “C’mon Steve, that’s my grandmum’s Will money.” he pleaded, making the blonde at the bar snort softly to herself, slightly shaking her head. Idiot.

    “You lost, now get outta here, boyo,” this Steve said, shoving the boy towards the door of the bar. “It’s late, go home and lie to that grandmother of your’s that you got jumped by your own guys,” he added giving a hearty chuckle as he leaned over the pool table to knock the last single pure white ball into a random side pocket. The blonde’s eyes glanced towards the other side of the bar noticing a couple more people where still here, just idle chatter. Good, she thought, I’m not alone.

    “     Ooh that man is like a Flame. And Ooh that man plays me like a game. My only sin is I can’t win. Ooh I wanna love that Man. Ooh that man is on my List. And Ooh that man I wanna kiss. My only sin is I can’t win. Ooh I wanna love that Man.      ”

    Suddenly her throat felt dry and she had to swallow to bring herself back to this reality, being inside this bar here with this loud music, guys talkin...Yeah that’s right, I remember now, I left. A weak smile flickered on her lips but went back to a thin bright red painted line, mind fogging with the thought of the scene she’d had with the Joker a few hours ago.


It was just another night of the two of them talking, more her babbling to him while he was scanning over various papers plotting another grand creation she was sure. In a flash she was on the floor, confused and holding her throbbing elbow lifting her head to see that she’d hit her limit, his annoyance was clearly shown on his face with the warning “Stay away from me” there as well. It sent a ringing through her head, clashing thoughts to either try and apologize for what she’d done, stand up where she’d fallen to talk up to him, or just run were playing their episodes in her head leaving the blonde more confused.

But before she could really choose one of the options she was already being sent out the back door. With a soft yelp she flew to the hard wet dirty side alley ground back in the loud sleepless  city of Gotham. This reminded her of something, yup the first night he’d kicked her out when she was in just a thin piece of red fabric that hung from two straps with her two loyal hyenas Bud and Lou. Luckily this time she was dressed decent enough to get tossed out to the streets. Two-toned red and black latex pants covered her legs down to her black and red booted heels, torso tightly wrapped in a corset, black back with running black sides while one blood red strip went up the front, little diamond cuts in the fabric to reveal pale flesh, stopping at her ruffled top that held her breasts snug in place.

    “Ahh heck, what’d I do now?” she grumbled to herself as she made herself sit up trying to pinpoint where the pain was coming from.
A bruised up knee, and shoulder a bit tweaked but she was counting her blessings for she could have been leaving with much more than just a few bruises. She got to her feet, stumbling before catching her balance rather quickly. Letting out a heavy sigh she brought a red gloved hand to her biker jacket, tugging it forward and around her less than half revealed breasts and chest, adjusting the little red ruffle collar she had around her neck than decided not to dally there any longer as she headed out of the alley towards the noisy busy streets.


    His face came to her mind’s eye; white painted face, blood red smeared lips upturned into a lovely impish devil grin, heavy black grease paint covering his eyes, and grubby green hair. Averting her blue eyes from the glass she looked towards the ground, questioning herself now. Will I be going back to him like I always do? Maybe this time he’ll call me, he’ll be the one to take me back, she was thinking, heart hoping. As she took a deep inhale through her nostrils to clear her mind she nearly tasted the smoke that went to her lungs. ‘Icck! I need air,’ she couldn’t stay here anymore and it wasn’t like it was helping anything now.
    “Hey sweetness,” a raspy sailor-like voice from behind the blonde made her squeak and turn on the bar stool.
The guy had caught her off guard and was looking pleased with knowing so with a grin curling up on his capped thin lips, he nudged his head forward a bit, dark eyes looking her petite fit body once over, “You alone tonight, doll face?”
    How ironic, she thought giving an eye roll, “It’s the makeup huh?” she questioned back lightly.
Her makeup was done up that night, red lipstick, twin light spots of a dim pink on her cheeks with eyes light on the mascara and eyeliner, blonde wavy hair put in her usual double ponytail style.
    The man’s forehead creased eyebrows knitting together with those dumb eyes staring at her, trying to pinpoint where he’d heard this same voice before. He raised a hand, moving an index finger at her in an accusing fashion, “I know you, don’ I? Yeaahh, I do. You’re that Clown’s squeeze. That B*****d Joker. Quinn…something.” Aww now the sly smile was melting off his face.
    How amused and mildly ticked this made her being called “That Clown’s squeeze.” She tilted her head carefully to the side, blue hues looking at him with exasperation painted clearly on her face. “He ant ‘squeezein’ anymore,” she snorted, crossing her red covered right leg over her black covered left in an elegant fashion, adding a soft “How rude.”
    As she slipped off the bar stool she caught a few glances from others at the occupied tables. She grabbed her jacket on the stool beside her, tossing it over her shoulder and giving Steve a narrowed gaze before taking a few steps towards the exit. ’Quinn something,’ gee she could just laugh at that. Giving a glance back her gloved hand went to rest at her hip, weight shifting onto one heel for a moment, “And it’s Harley.”
    “Harley? Harley Quinn…,” Steve mumbled to himself, a thick eyebrow hiked up on his high forehead, eyes back on her committing the name to his memory for later.

    A sinful smile was hidden behind those innocent looking red lips as Harley winked to the guy. Poor b*****d he didn’t know what he was in for once her and her Mistah J got back together. And they would in the next day or few hours, putting a “happily ever after” label on the charade. But Harley would be to overwhelmed with happiness and excitement to know that she would soon be back by her Puddin’s side causing chaos to the citizens of Gotham, trying to get the Bat’s attention to see any long term danger that would come from this. Love had made her blind and this same love would surely be the death of her. Knowing so or not she was still happy. Happy to be played by the master puppeteer who would eventually bring her to her end.
Though it really would be happily ever after, for in the end they would both be smiling.

© 2012 Beautiful Brat

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1 Review
Added on July 1, 2012
Last Updated on July 3, 2012
Tags: Harley Quinn, Batman, DC comics, Dark Knight, Joker