Where fate has taken me.

Where fate has taken me.

A Chapter by Darkblushedink

Basic story about Juliet's way of living


Chapter 1


“Students this is your last semester’s project! You all are required to prepare a presentation on a specific country’s economy. I will be in pairs of three.”

The class grunted out and moaned. I didn’t do anything, I liked projects and presentations and I had stayed up all night studying Asian sociology, so I was very badly hoping to get in  a group which would be assigned to do a project on Asia. Mr.Arin who was our social studies teacher, picked up a planner and started pairing up students in groups of three. I looked at my desk on which my sketchpad lay, I was drawing a comic on it and it was looking spectacular. I smiled as I looked at it

I then looked out of the class window at the sunlight filtering through the big oak tree. It looked beautifu, I picked up my pencil and my sketchpad to draw it. I loved how a magical illusion could be formed by such small things, that was my concept of beauty. Small things which illusify the mind.

“Juliet you will be paired with…Wait I guess there are only two people left in the class, so well be it! Juliet you’ll go with Zedan!”

Who was Zedan! I thought to myself, yes I know that I know nothing about my classmates but who was he! Then I looked a round to find a guy looking at me from the second row. He seemed very good looking, his blonde hairs and dark blue eyes pierced through mine. I didn’t let it affect me, and gave a small smile and then looked back at my sketchpad. Only to realize that the air around me was still. I then looked up again…

Every girl was  looking with jealousy at me and every guy was looking with awe. Okay! So what. Maybe they just like my t-shirt or something and then I looked back from my back seat to find the guys and girls whispering and stealing glances at me. Oh so I have been studying with them for four years and just two months before going they take their time to look at me. Whatsoever!

Mr. Arin then to break the ice spoke out “I can however put you Juliet and you Zedan individually. If you guys can manage doing it in a month!”

“No it will be too hard! Let it be!” Zedan spoke out. I was amazed since I least expect people to want to hangout with me even if they have the choice to do otherwise. He might have just wanted to get a load off his shoulders.

The entire class looked at him in amazement and I let out a small giggle looking at their reaction. They all heard the giggle and looked at me! I giggled more and then said with a gesture from my hands, “What!”


I walked back to my house with my head all full of what I could put in the presentation…But there near a pub I found Zedan. Oh so he also drinks. There was a bottle of wine in his right hand and Sarah, his girlfriend, in his other hand. She also had a bottle in her hand and looked drunk.

I couldn’t careless and I just walked on further, opening a novel I had been reading (The Fault in our Stars) John Green wrote great stories. I had to go to mum’s hospital for an hour before going to work in the bookstore. I walked slowly past Zedan extremely absorbed in my book.

“What pleasure does she find in books!?” Sarah said mockingly to Zedan. I knew she said it loudly so I could hear it.

“If you knew how to read, you would know!” I replied, swiftly turning back.

“I do know, but I’d rather go to the beach then read a stupid novel.”

“Yeah Sarah I know! You’d rather choose a crazy beach over an enlightening story. That’s exactly why people like you don’t exist in novels!” I replied mockingly.

“Phssssh! That’s why they are so boring!” she said laughing and rolling her eyes.

“NO……People like you don’t exist in novels that’s why people read them!” I said, I swiftly again turned over and absorbed again in my book started walking when I heard clicking heals and as I turned I saw Sarah coming towards me in full speed.

“Why did you say that to me…huh!” She said making a fist. I just looked at it and after a few seconds smiled, and nodded my head.

“Was that a question or a statement!” and then I turned again…just then I felt something hit me. I turned around again and Sarah punched me had in the face, my nose started bleeding.

“That was not an answer to your question…Sarah!” I said firmly looking at her, even with a bleeding nose. She flung her fist in the air again but I dodged it looked at her firmly and walked away. I could sense that Zedan had been looking at me but I didn’t turn back. I walked straight onwards and read my book.


I walked to mum’s room in the hospital and sat by her bedside, small hair were visible on her bald head. She looked at me and smiled. I showed her a Happy Mother’s day card I had made overnight for her. She took it lovingly and kissed my hand. And looked at it. I told her about my scholarship to Julliard and that in order for me to get there, my aunt was going to come and look after mum.

“Are you sure you’ll do okay without me!” I asked her firmly.

“Yes darling! As long as my daughter is following her dream I’ll make sure to be there to see it happen. You’ll do great in Julliard.” My beautiful mother said. She had a dusky complexion and big green eyes and although she at the point was bald, she used to have long brown locks and most of all sort of a goldenish hint in her cheeks and forehead. I had a goldenish hint in my entire face a pink shade on my cheeks. That was all the beauty I possessed.

“Is Sammy alright!?” mum asked me.

“Yes she’s doing fine and will be coming for these two months here from Paris.” Sammy, her actual name was Samantha, was my elder sister. She was two years older than me and was doing some honors program from a university in Paris. She was at the height of beauty. She had long brown curls, beautiful green eyes, glowing pink skin and perfect long lashes. She always wore sundresses, t-shirts and shorts or tank tops with funky skirts. Every boy fell for her and because of this magical power she got the best company. She was charming indeed, she looked at people like a lover, always smiled and elegantly talked with everyone. She wanted to study philosophy and become a lecturer. She was nineteen. She had had a boyfriend for over half a decade, he and I had become great friends. His name was Shane…he was like her, with the same charming personality and glowing aura. He had a big muscular build and possessed blue eyes and fair skin. They had fallen in love when she was just in high school. They both wrote a novel together and wrote songs together and took long walks together and danced together and went to sleep together and went on bird watches together and learnt French together and made an online blog together and took baking classes together and went on a tour of Spain together and adopted a dog, Mint, together and played in an orchestra together and went to the same college together. They were in extreme love and nothing on earth could tear them apart. I really liked him because he was like a big brother to me and gave me great advice. I wanted Sammy to marry him so that I could call him my legal brother and be a best friend to their children. Sammy must have been five foot three whereas he was six foot nine. So that meant that he towered over her. I was taller than Sammy. I was five foot seven. Sammy was a nature lover and had grown flower gardens and vegetable gardens in our yard and she used to climb an oak tree, she had grown since she was two, with me and we’d talk about everything and she’d sing songs with me or I’d give her tutorials on how to draw leaves and birds. Sammy and Shane were the only two people near my age who talked to me and they were my only friends in the world. I thought about these things while sitting near my mom’s bed writing a poem.   

“Darling…Juliet can I ask you why you don’t talk to people much?” my mother said looking at me.

“I just don’t want anything to tear me away from my art and books and I don’t want to get involved in drama.” I said looking back at her.

“Why don’t you talk to that Sarah girl you are always talking about!”

“I can’t! She is angry because for the project I got teamed up with her boyfriend and I had an argument with her which resulted in me getting a nosebleed. She will never talk to me in any case after these two events.” I said looking at my mother.

“Maybe you don’t know her that well…even if she gave you a nosebleed!”

“Might be.” I said looking outside the window. I again saw a tree filtering sunlight out side the window and smiled.

My mother went to sleep and after paying the doctors for her treatment I went out of the hospital.

People didn’t know me well but I was actually very sweet most of the time and I was a very good listener. Since nobody knew me they didn’t know what kind of a person I was and people usually assumed I was dull. But I was fine with that. They didn’t make me feel inferior even if they had wanted to. I knew I could achieve goals without them.


After he hospital I went to the bookstore and since it was a slow day I got plenty of time to research on my topic. I searched through huge volumes of anthropology on the topic of Russia. That was my project topic.

Just then I saw Zedan walk through the door. Perfect timing!

“Why did you hurt my girlfriend!?” he shouted.

“She is the one who gave me a nose bleed, I didn’t even touch her!” I said calmly but with surprise. My responses were always quick but never harsh.

“You insulted her! Have you even compared yourself to her, you look as if you came out of a sewer!” he shouted in my face.

“Then by talking to me you are degrading yourself to the levels of a sewer rat.” I said raising my eyebrows.

“See I don’t like clever people. YOU are too sly, always defending yourself by offending others, you did that to Sarah! What are you doing here anyway!? You don’t belong to a place where a person can learn. In seventeen years how much have you learnt. You little hag. WHY ARE YOU EVEN IN MY SIGHT WHY ARE YOU HERE!?” he shouted.

“I work here, but I don’t see why you need that information.” I said still calmly and quietly.

“OH! So that’s why you have attitude problems, you are attracted to money, your father has to pay debts and your mother is a drunk witch. That’s why money is your past time! Now to think I should have done the presentation alone.” He blurted out pounding his fist on the counter.

“Well if I weren’t your partner I wouldn’t have given you this” and with that I handed him a book on Russian Anthropology. He looked in an annoyed way at me. I kept arranging the shelves, putting books in and taking some out and labeling them.

“Are you trying to out smart me?” he said in a dangerously soft tone.

“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent!” I said giving a slight smile.

“Whatsoever! I’ll better leave you to make your money to take to your poor father and drunk mother.” He said smiling in an evil way. I didn’t affect me at all. He walked towards the door and opened it…

“Oh and Zedan” I said still calmly “I don’t work here to feed my as you suppose drunk parents and I don’t work here because I adore money……My father was murdered, and my mother has brain cancer. I work here to pay for her medicines and therapy sessions and to pay for my bread and water! I don’t have a choice.”

He stopped midway, turned around and looked in a hesitating and sorry way at me!

“I thought you should know…” I added. He looked at me and then shook his head and started walking out.

“Although you don’t care…right!?” I added further and then closed the door behind him.     


© 2013 Darkblushedink

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Added on June 21, 2013
Last Updated on June 21, 2013



Karachi, Pakistan

Hey guys! i am a writer who writes because it's my passion and nothing else! To tell the truth i'm still in high school! Writing and reading have engulfed my life, i am a very mature person with dream.. more..
