Today's Thought - Life After Death...
A Chapter by XxMoonLightxX
i enjoy elaborating on my thoughts... i wasn't sure what genre to put this under either, i hope this fits some-what well 
In my eyes, there are three phases of life... Birth, Life, and Death. We learn about two of these three phases from obviously observation Mothers around the world give birth to millions of new borns every day. Approximatly 259,200 babies are born everyday in the world. We know what birth is and how it happens from scientific studies, of what happenes, how it happens, and why it happened. Life like birth can be studied also, many MANY diffrent areas there are to study in life. The list just goes on and on. But what about death? Yes we can study about how people die. Approximatly 155,00 people die in the world every day. Some from natural causes, others not so much. But nobody knows about life after death. Why? well obviously because nobody can die, study death, then come back to life {haha}. What is your opinion on life after death. I am writing this, to state my opinion. I recently came across an opinion about this from someone i know and i think it makes a whole hell of alot fo sence to me. You may call it reincarnation, i honestly don't perfer to call it that, but i don't have another name for it just yet. SO...think of it this way. We die, then start a whole diffrent life, (of course we have no memory of our past life...or lives) BUT...we all know everyone is afraid of SOMETHING. But why are we afraid of them? Yes there are fears that we get from past experiences, like aichurophobia (the fear of knivesand other sharp objects). Maybe once you severly cut yourself on a knife and ever since you have been afraid of them. Seems logical right? Well what abot those fears people have but they have no logical reason for it? I myself am afraid od clowns (coulrophobia) i haven't liked them since the first time i ever saw them when i was a baby, my parents had a video they would put on the TV for me and my brother when i was realy little. The first time I had ever saw a clown in my life and I would refuse to look at it I had never had a previous experience with any type of clown at all. Ever since then i have been extremely afraid. Now-a-days if there is a clown around i won't cry of course...but there is absolutely NO WAY i will look at it. But anyway bac to my thought. What if these fears that have no reasonable explanation came from experiences in our past lives? Acrophobia (the fear of heights) I know TONS and tons of people who are afraid of heights but don't know why. Maybe they had a bad experience with a large height in a past life. or MAYBE thats even how they died in a past life! Falling from a cliff, and now in this brand new life, that is what they fear. What do you think about this? or better yet what is YOUR opinion on life after death?!
© 2008 XxMoonLightxX
Author's Note
What do you think?..i thought it was interesting
Well your facts on life and death daily are amazing, I had no idea, guess we dont' really think about it on that kind of scale unless we have to for some reason. As for reincarnation or whatever you want to call it I honestly have never truly thought about it, I mean it has crossed my mind at times but I don't think I really believe it. Then of course there are alot of unexplained things as you pointed out and I do beleive there is a reason for everything be it good or bad. This is kind of mind boggling actually! I guess I need to bounce it off someone else and see what comes of it. It should be an interesting conversation. When I do talk to him I'm pretty sure you will see him show up to with an answer!!! good luck with this... ;)
Posted 16 Years Ago
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Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 18, 2008
Last Updated on July 3, 2008
XxMoonLightxXAround, OH
I don't write as much as I use to though i wish i could.. i've been having a mental block for a while, squeezing out a few good poems every now and again. Yes most of my poetry is depressing but on so.. more..