So there was this Blind woman going out with a guy who could see. It was hard to do stuff like; Take a shower, fix her hair, and etc. But she did everything with her boyfriend.. They loved each other so much. She said, " If i could see i would marry you." The boyfriend smiled.. Few weeks later, Eyes got donated to her. So she could see.. She looked at her boyfriend and found out he was blind. So she refused to marry him.. But then, she realized, He was the one to donate the eyes...
very nice, it really reflects how people deal when they overcome a difficulty, they directly forget the ones who helped them and see only their dark sides
Stories have grains of truth - whether its the human reactions or our own perceptions of social morality. We flavor our stories with our own thoughts... and those flavors tell a bit about us as the person we are or try to be.
Sometimes I wonder - whom is more handicapped, a blind person or the one that trips someone on purpose just to laugh at their own meanness.
Your story has thought, heart, and a moral imperative. Its done at your level of mastery and deals with your perceptions of maturity. It takes effort to express your thoughts in an organized and structured manner. You took YOUR personal time to write it... I took MY time to read and respond... Neither was wasted.
I really like this story in it I think it is very cute and sad at the beginning and it really shows you love at the ending. It really makes you think about hw some people in this world really do care about one another and not just about themselves. This story really showed that and expressed how it happened I think it was very sweet and cute you did a fantastic k=job well done
Hi! I'm Mackenzie Stephanie Aarons. Call me Kenzie or Stephy. Anything! I am officially 14 and i love friends&family. I'm taken with a special guy named; Dylan. He's so sweet I love him so much. I'm .. more..