

A Story by KaylaRose

This is a short story my friend Brittany wrote that I really like.

"Help, please somebody help me." Serena screamed while she desperately attempted to escape from hands, which held her tightly. Serena kicked and screamed but nothing broke the attacker's grip. "Anybody please can you hear me? Help!" Serena cried hoping her mother, who was in a house less than forty feet away, would hear her. Slowly, her voice disappeared while duct tape took place over her mouth. Since it was pitch black, Serena didn't see who had grabbed her in the first place. With a trust, Serena's back was against a car. Trying to fight back tears, she was forced to look directly into her attackers eyes.
"Do you remember me?" The attacker questioned, "well do you?" Serena just stood in the place she was put; she was to afraid to move. Quickly, the duct tape was ripped off of Serena's face so she could speak.
"Please let me go , I don't know why you want me." Serena managed to get out through her sobbing , "I honestly don't remember you. I don't even know you, I think you have the wrong person. Please just let go of me."
Aggressively the man shook Serena, " How could you forget me?" Look at me! Come on it's me Tony." He grabbed her by the throat and pulled her close to his face and whispered, "I'm goin' to make your daddy pay." Before Serena could answer, Tony bashed her head against the trunk of his car. In a hurry, Tony duct tapped Serena's hands and feet as he threw her in the back seat.
Sluggishly, Serena opened her eyes to find herself in a blue sedan which was going about eighty miles an hour. Struggling to sit up, she realized the blood rushing down the front of her face. Serena tried to wipe it up; however, her bounded hands got in the way. "My, my head hurts really bad. What did you do to it?" Serena muttered trying to keep herself up right in the moving car.
"Oh, you are up, good. So does little Miss Serena remember me yet?" Tony chuckled without turning to look at Serena. " Or do you only remember my daughter, Casey? She was the joy of my life. All I had left after my wife died and now shes gone. "What did I have to do with that? I didn't kill Casey, I don't even know a Casey. Will you just let me out of this car please?" Serena yelled beating on the driver's seat.
"Of course you don't know her she was kidnapped when she was nine. She was my baby." Tony started to weep while beating on the steering wheel, " your worthless father should have gone and gotten her the moment they got the lead. He just had to wait. My baby is dead because of your stupid father. I trusted him and now, now...."
" I didn't have anything to do with that I'm only fourteen. I didn't tell my father not to go get your daughter. It's not my fault." Serena wailed as she slowly lost consciousness once again, " I didn't do anything wro..."
"Stupid little girl, got herself caught up in the wrong family. She has now idea what she's in for." Cackled Tony just thinking of the many things in store for poor Serena, " if only her father would have rescued my little baby. I'm going to torture his daughter the same way mine was tortured. My baby she's gone and now his will he too. "
Tony pulled off the highway into a small town about ten miles out of the city's limits. Carefully, he pulled up to what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse. It looked smaller than a barn yet bigger than a shack, its windows were boarded up and the paint was the color of dirt. Quietly, Tony opened his car door and stepped out. Tony walked into the small building preparing the small twin size bed he had placed knowing this was where he was going to keep young Serena. When he got back to his car, Serena was trying to sit herself up once again. " I see you're up again. You better not pass out we have a lot of talking to do." Tony informed as he grabbed hold of her arm pulling her out of the car.
"What are you going to do to me? I didn't do anything just let me go. I'll do whatever you want just don't kill me, please. Tell me what my father did to you to make you want to hurt me. I hope you know I heard you talking you yourself. What did they do to your daughter?" Serena frantically asked trying to walk without falling over. Tony had blindfolded her before he pulled her out of the car.
"Your idiot father delayed the rescue of my baby girl. Three men abducted raped and murdered her. She was nine years old she was my baby and I can never get her back." Tony began to sniffle while shoving her onto the bed, " They shot her an hour before they entered the room where she had been violated."
Fighting the grip Tony had on her, Serena started to scream, " Get off of me I didn't do anything to you or your family. I would love to get your daughter back but I can't. My dad probably did all he could, he would never let a child die. Please just let me go." Serena struggled for air as Tony sat on her stomach. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break his grip, so she finally gave up and sat still.
"He did let a child die she was a captive for two ears she died when she was eleven. I have lived for three years without my daughter while he simply watches his grow into a beautiful young women. Does that sound fair to you? No it doesn't sound fair, I see so much of her in you. Casey looked almost identical to you. Long straight black hair and dark blue eyes. It's so rare I miss her so much." Tony aggressively spoke as he undid the tape which were binding Serena's hands.
"I don't care if we both had straight black hair and dark blue eyes. It doesn't matter if we were both five six and one hundred and five pounds. I just want to know why you want me and exactly what my father did to you to make you want to hurt me." Serena struggled for air as he rebounded her hands to the bed posts.
"Well, let me take you back five years. My little girl was kidnapped right out of my yard. It happened within seconds. I chased her screaming Casey the whole time but she was gone within a minute. I went to the police and they followed a lead on the same man for two years. They finally got enough evidence to go invade his house, but your father said to wait for the last chain of evidence to come in just to be sure. It brought the whole investigation to a halt. An hour later the went in and found her shot through the head laying on the ground undressed. They found abrasions all over body and they ran a rape kit and found she was raped by three different men before she died. If he hadn't put it on hold she would still be here." Tony sobbed as he forced her hands onto the bed posts and duct taped them.
Pulling on the tape, Serena began to weep, " Please don't kill me. I don't want to die. Its not my fault I didn't do anything. I am the same age your daughter would have been think about it would you want to kill your daughter at my age?"
Tony forcefully pulled on Serena's legs to straighten her whole body. Stressfully he began to speak once more, "I won't kill you, at least not right away. I will use the way my daughter was abused to torture you as well. You can stay tied up on this bed there's no way your going to break through a roll of duct tape."
Serena tried to break the hold of the duct tape, she was now spread across the bed with her arms tied to the top of the bed post and her feet tied to opposite ends of the bed. Serena felt supremely uncomfortable with her legs and arms spread wide. Confused she tried once again to ask exactly what Tony was going to do to her, "Please tell me exactly what your going to do to me, please. What will I have to live through?"
Walking forward with a wooden stake in his hand, Tony began to chuckle, " I'll tell you after your nap. Sweet dreams!" With one swift motion Tony hit Serena with the steak parallel to where he had bashed her head previously. This wound didn't start bleeding it just left a purple bruise and knocked her unconscious once again. Serena's head rolled down until her chin hit her chest. Tony stroked Serena's hair crying in the memories of his daughter.
"Daddy, Daddy save me," Tony heard in his mind as he saw his daughter being taken once again, " Daddy don't let him take me please Daddy." Tony carefully climbed off the bed and kissed Serena on the forehead as he put on his coat and walked out of the warehouse. Tony climbed into his car and drove to the near by market to grab some food for himself. Faintly, he could hear the voice of his daughter in the back of his mind while driving on his way back, Casey's voice had taken place of his conscious, "Daddy, don't do it Daddy it's ok just let the girl go."
Tony began to talk to himself as if she was sitting there talking to him, " I won't let her go I'm doing this for you, my little girl. Your could still be alive but you aren't and it's her fathers fault so he is going to pay." HE pulled off the road to look in the window of a shop to see a young women reporting her daughter missing after only three hours of her being gone. Chuckling he though to himself, 'Nobody will find her because he hid her in the perfect place.' Serena's picture appeared on the screen with a list of possible suspects. Tony's picture appeared first so he ran to his car and drove away. Meanwhile Serena was slowly waking up after being out like a light for fifteen minutes. Her head was now pounding harder than it was before. "Ah, my head," Serena moaned, " how do I get out of this?" She began to pull on the tape once again, but all that happened was her skin began to rub away. Unsuccessfully, Serena began to flip herself over on her stomach, which just end in a tangled mess. Noises began to sound all around the outside of the were house. "Hello? Is anybody there? Hello? Can anybody hear me? Help!"
A tall man who was dressed completely in black appeared at the door. Serena desperately tried to see any characteristics, but he only thing she could see was his eyes under his ski mask. Pulling once again, the man began to walk closer and closer to where Serena was bound. Out of nowhere he pulled out a roll of duct tape, he pulled a long strand and ripped it off with his bear hands. "Don't say a word," he mumbled placing the duct tape over Serena's mouth. Serena began to squirm trying to get the man away. With another pull, he had placed a piece of tape over her stomach to keep her still. "Don't worry this won't hurt me a bit," the man chuckled with a dark sense of humor. He pulled out a syringe and began to find a vain in her arms.
As he started to pierce the layers of skin, Tony walked in screaming, "Armon, no not yet Armon! Not yet I want her aware for a couple of weeks the we will resort to that if she doesn't cooperate." Tony pulled the syringe out of Armon's hand and placed it on the table by the bed. Calmly, he pulled the duct tape off of her mouth and stomach. "Are you ok did anything go into you?" Tony questioned as if he actually cared.
Serena hesitated to answer, but finally she spoke with her sarcasm, "Yes, I'm just great, you know because I'm taped to a bed, I'm who knows where, and I just got a needle, of I don't even want to know what , shoved into my arm. No! I'm not ok I don't even know why I'm here. You won't tell me, and whenever I try to ask you hit me in the head with something." Serena took a deep breath and began to cry, "I just want to go home." The small punture wound in her arm began to bleed as she once agan struggled to free her hands. Causually, Tony walked over and snatched the tape out of Armon's hands, "Armon you can go. I will be sure to call you when I need you ok." Tony walked with Armon to the door and showed him out, "thank you very much we have some business to take care of before this goes anywhere." Before Armon got the chance to answer, Tony shut the broken door in his face. Tony saw the syringe laying on the ground, so he walked over and picked it up. Gently he put it in his vain and injected the substance, which filled it.
"What is that? Why was that man trying to put it into me? Why do you want me not my father?" Serena pondered aloud. Finally she had given up trying to break through the tape and sat still to relax. At this point Serena was willing to take any answer which was given to her, for she had lost all feeling in her arms and her whole body was sore.
"It's nothing for you to worry about, I'll tell you when we decide to start giving it to you. Don't hate Armon he's very bad with dates, a bit dyslexic I might add, and he thought we were doing it today. It was under my orders it's ok," Tony answered as he paced around the room, " think you will be here for the next two years with me and my boys." Tony rummaged around in a chest he had also placed for a blanket to place on Serena as he sat with her. "So let me get this straight I'm here because your mad at my dad for not getting your daughter when he had to wait for the evidence? You want to make him pay by torturing me even though it's not really doing anything to him?" Serena wondered as she pulled her head out of the itchy blanket, "um, I hate to you know burden you with my needs and everything , but I really have to go to the bathroom I mean I've been here for what eight hours according to that clock." Serena looked at a small digital clock, which even if the time wasn't right, it still kept the time.

© 2010 KaylaRose

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I wish she would have too

Posted 14 Years Ago

I know it's not yours, but bad grammar...and there could be better sentence structure. Still, I've liked the story. Wish she continued it.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on November 3, 2010
Last Updated on November 3, 2010



Redding, CA

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