![]() Batman: Shadows FallA Story by Matthew Walker![]() Part 3 of my DC short story collection![]() Batman: Shadows Fall
“It was a dark and stormy night, typical of Gotham yet this night seemed darker than most. I was alone these days Dick was living in Bludhaven protecting the city as Nightwing, Barbara was off in college, and Tim was with the Teen Titans. That put me by myself in this hellhole of a city, but it is my city. And on this night the Joker, my worst enemy, has escaped from Arkham Asylum for another round of his sadistic games. I'm heading there now to see the destruction for myself,”
Batman sat there with a grim look on his face as the Batmobile raced towards Arkham, the maximum security mental institution. It was in the Narrows, an island in Gotham Harbor that even cops dreaded going to. The bridge to get across to Arkham was already down to the Narrows as the Batmobile approached the facility. As he jumped out he noticed Harvey Bullock was in charge at the crime scene, Commissioner Gordon wasn't there yet so there would be problems. “Okay hotshot Gordon isn't here so there is no way in hell you're getting in here, I don't care how good you are at solving crimes,” Bullock said as he approached Batman. “Bullock, it's the Joker I don't have time for you to be the tough guy,” Batman grunted. “I know damn well who it is ya still ain't getting in here....hey where did you go?” Bullock said as he looked around to not see Batman anywhere in sight.
Batman made his way through the hallways like a ghost past inmates like the Mad Hatter to the lower floors where the maximum security wing was. The maximum security wing was one of the tightest in the country even tighter than the super max wing at Blackgate Prison. As he arrived outside of Joker's cell Batman even hesitated for a second to take in the carnage. A nurse was disemboweled in front of his cell with her intestines attached to the wall in the shape of a smile. Also, on the wall written in blood was “Come and get me if you can Batman,”. But this was no game to Batman.
When he arrived back outside he noticed Batgirl talking to Commissioner Gordon and slowly approached them. “Ya miss me boss?” Batgirl asked with a smile. “Wait in the Batmobile,” Batman said with a grunt. “Well what did I miss?” Gordon asked. “Nothing good unlike most times this was made to be a personal attack on me, he killed a nurse and wrote my name on the wall in her blood.” “Jeez he isn't clowning around this time.” Gordon said. Batman looked at him with a disgusted look on his face as Gordon said that. “Yeah no clowning around this time.”
Batman walked back towards the Batmobile where Batgirl was standing beside it. “I thought you were at college Barbara?” he asked. “It's summer vacation and it's definitely heating up around here,” she said. “Well I'll definitely need help on this one get in,” Batman said as the top rolled back on the Batmobile. They both hopped in and it started up with a thunderous roar. “You ready?” Batman asked. “Yep! Let's go,” Batgirl replied as she put her seatbelt on. The Batmobile then took off like a rocket down the street.
A little while later at the Batcave Batman and Batgirl analyzed a blood sample Batman took at the crime scene on the Batcomputer. “The blood is definitely the victim's but their seems to be some of the Joker's in here too like she maybe scratched him or something before she died,” Batman said . “Well good she should have gotten more out of him,” Batgirl replied. “Indeed,” Batman grimly replied back as he shut off the Batcomputer. “Come on let's go hunting,” he said.
Down at the old Laugh.co Toy Factory located on 49th Street the Joker was meeting with a figure in the shadows. “Now I can't be connected to this at all you get that right?” the shadow figure asked. “Of course Mr...” “Just call me Mr. Clean,” the shadow figure said. “Alright Mr. Clean, let's get some blood flowing,” the Joker said with a grin. As the Joker and the shadow figure concluded their business he stepped out of the shadows just long enough to reveal a gleaming black skull mask with a grin on it.
Meanwhile Batgirl had went off on her motorcycle to look for any evidence the Joker may have left behind. She pulled up to Carmine Falcone's restaurant and walked towards the door. “Hold it missy no bats allowed,” a guard said. “Oh really, I thought the sign Falcone meant bats are always welcome,” she laughed as she jumped up towards the guard. She wrapped her legs around his waist and started punching his face until he passed out. Another guard came running out of the restaurant who she kicked in the face and knocked out immediately. Batgirl stormed into the building and grabbed Carmine by the throat. “Where the hell is the Joker,” she asked. “I don't know and even if I did I wouldn't tell the big bat let alone a short shrimp like you,” he said back. “You are going to tell me NOW! TELL ME!” She screamed as she slammed him against the wall. “Not gonna happen bat chick,” Falcone said. Batgirl punched him in his face once, and he fell unconscious. She dropped him and walked outside to radio Batman from her motorcycle.
“Batman come in Falcone didn't know anything,” she said. “Batman come in,” “Batman here make it quick Batgirl I'm on my way to see Black Mask,” he said over the roar of the Batmobile. “Falcone was a dead end, he didn't know anything,” Batgirl said. “Damn it,” Batman muttered under his breath. “I'm approaching Black Mask's hideout I'll call you when I get done there,” he said as the Batmobile screeched to a halt. As he entered the building he was attacked by members of the False Face Society, Black Mask's criminal organization. Batman took out the criminals one at a time kicking and punching them all unconscious. As he was on his way to the elevator a giant figure jumped from the balcony behind him. “Batman,” the figure said. “Bane. I should have known you wouldn't stay out of Gotham for too long,” Batman growled as he threw a Batarang. Bane caught it and snapped it with his bare hands. “And now the fun begins,” Bane grinned. They ran toward each other and collided like a clash of titans. Bane threw Batman out the window and into the Batmboile. Just as Batman got up, Bane lifted Batman over his head. “Last time I broke your back if that didn't work maybe breaking your neck will,” Bane said as he chuckled. Just as he went in for the fatal move, Batman put explosives onto Bane's venom supply. He jumped down as Bane fell to the ground. He ran up the stairs to Black Mask's office to find it empty. “Damn it,” Batman muttered.
He made his way down to the Batmobile and got on the radio with Batgirl. “Batgirl come in, Black Mask wasn't here we don't have a clue on where the Joker could be,” “Not a freaking clue boss?” she asked. “No not a freaking clue,” he responded looking up towards the Gotham skyline......
Sometime Later
“This is Captain Atom reporting our mission to arrest Batman is a go Miss Waller,” “Excellent move in on him, prep Deadshot, Harley, and Captain Boomerang for the drop. Captain Atom walked to the back of the ship to the three prisoners, restrained in their seats. “Is it too late to choose a needle,” Captain Boomerang asked nervously. “Yes. But don't worry the Batman goes down tonight,” Captain Atom responded. “Deadshot you're up non-lethal sleeper shot,” Captain Atom ordered. He let Deadshot loose and opened the plane door and shot Batman with a tranquilizer in the back of the neck. “Batman come in I might have found something,” Batgirl said over the radio. “Batman are you there.....Batman?” © 2014 Matthew Walker |
StatsAuthor![]() Matthew WalkerShelbyville, INAboutYoung adult superhero nerd just trying to find my place in the world more..Writing