I choose you

I choose you

A Chapter by A.M.V.

Owwwww....I thought, not having enough strength to manage a simple groan or open my eyes. Whats going on? What just happened?



"If she doesn't wake up I'll kill you..." A familiar voice said.



A conversation? I thought weakly, trying my best to open my eyes. Failure.



A familiar sigh. "Calm down she's going to be-"



"A vampire when she wakes up! Agh, man, you screwed up big time!" The first familiar voice become clearer and I realized It was Garrett.



Garrett...who's talking with you? I tried sending a thought to him. Failure strikes again.



"I meant to do this, did you hear what her mother was telling her upstairs?" The other voice said.



Garrett and the other guy heard my conversation with Lucky? Rancid vampires. I thought to myself, thinking since the other guy heard it too, he must have been a vampire like Garrett.



"Yes...but turning her into a vampire is going a little too far, we could have just taken her back to the Night world!" Garrett's words surprised me for about a heartbeat, but the news weren't so surprising after ever thing else that has happened to me. Lucky being pregnant for example: totally didn't see that coming, which makes me feel stupid because its exactly the kind of thing she would do.


Oh, thats right, I'm a vampire...where's Ace? Not that I was interested where he was, I just wanted to know where the vampire was that turned me into a vampire so suddenly so I could scream at him.



"You know humans cant go back once they leave." The other vampire sounded annoyed, tired of explaining.



"It doesn't even matter anymore because she's not human anymore! Damn it, do you even know what you did?" Garrett nearly exploded and if I was able to move and open my eyelids I tell him to put the volume down before the good people of the church figure out that we were on top of their church.



"Sure I do, first I sank my teeth into her neck then I-" The other vampire said. Okay, now I know that's Ace....



"Thats not funny Ace, tell me when she wakes up I have to go back and make and excuse to her father." Garrett's footsteps sounded clearer than they should have.



"Dont tell him that we took her." Ace's voice sounded alarmed, like if he was afraid of my dad.



"Like I would even think about that option." Garrett scoffed.



My dad can be a bit scary...especially on football Friday when he's yelling at the TV as if what he's saying is going to affect the football game.



"Tell him that she's not in her room and that she ran away." Ace said.


Because telling him that I was kidnapped by a vampire for the second time would mean the end of the world...not kidding.



"Yeah, make sure she wakes up soon, if she doesn't, you just might have-"



Ace cut off Garrett off angrily. "Dont say it Garrett!"



"Okay, okay," Garrett's voice trailed off as the sound on his footsteps pounding on the floor and faded away.



I still couldn't move and I still felt exactly the same from when I was a human; aren't vampires supposed to feel new and special? I've already said that I was the kind of person that used to stay home on Friday nights and watch old vampire and werewolf movies with a truckload of popcorn (which was fun to throw when I screamed at the scary scenes) but it doesn't hurt to say it twice. I read about vampires and all that stuff, and when you are turned into a vampire the pain is supposed to be unbelievable which I got, but when you wake up and are a new vampire, you're supposed to feel new, fresh, and strong, which I'm not getting and that really unfair because somehow pain always finds me.



"Sky?" Ace's voice broke through my negative thoughts really making me want to wake up. When I didn't and couldn't respond, Ace started to laugh a bit.



This weirdo is laughing at me and (for the most part) I might be in a coma!



"If you dont wake up in the next two minutes," I felt Ace's cold hand touch my cheek. "I swear to God, I'll pour water all the way from Antarctica and pour it all over your pale face."



Option one: I get up and slap Ace for even considering trying to freeze me in my sleep.


Option two: Lay there like a lifeless rag doll because I still cant move.


If only there was a third option....


"Sky..." Ace voice was clear and soft, soothing me. I felt a kiss fall on my forehead and my body being pressed into Ace's by a hug.


"Whoa!" I moved back and fell back on the hard roof of the church.


"Hey, your awake sleeping beauty." Ace smiled and stood up from sitting on the floor.


"Huh?" I was moving, alive, and able to blink unlike five minutes ago. "Oh yeah, I guess I-" I stopped dead in my tracks.


The sound of flowing blood, of a heavy heart beat, and blood pumping surrounded me, encasing me in darkness and fright when I looked at Ace. I stared at his neck as if I could see the blood running through his veins. The sensation, tingled my lips and made my heart feel poisoned.


No, no, I cant do that, I was a vampire and I wanted blood, and Ace was starting to look like my first meal. No, I can't!


Ace's face went blank for a moment and then nodded, giving me a signal that he knew what I was craving for.


"You want blood, right?"


"No." I said calmly, my voice scratchy.


"You really shouldn't try to resist it, especially when you just became a vampire." Ace started to unzip his leather jacket revealing his neck, making my throat burn in hunger.


"What are you doing?" I flipped around facing the wall, trying to hold in my breathe.


"You're hungry, I've got blood, you've got fangs." He came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, it wont hurt."


"A-are you sure?" I swallowed hard, wondering how long I could last.


"Positive, when we were kids and there was nothing to eat Garrett sometimes got really hunger and drank my blood, so I'm used to it."


"That's really wrong, a brother doing that to his brother."


"No, we help each other, if it was out of pleasure Garrett would have been dead now." I could feel Ace's words reel up into a smile in his sentence, instantly making me turn around and slap him in the arm.




"Oh my gosh, I sorry!" I apologized but I couldn't but smile; all those times I tried to hit a vampire when I was a human, failed and now I actually hurt them and not myself. I felt like a superhero.


"Dont be too pleased," Ace smiled. "No hurry up and drink, we dont have a very much time until sunrise."


"Will we burn in the sunlight?!" I exclaimed, feeling overwhelmed and frightened.


Ace laughed and pulled me into a headlock. "Nope."


"Good, I've already died once and-" I stopped again, feeling a lump in my throat. Ace had pulled me into a headlock for a reason. He wanted me to drink his blood.


"Dont hold back," Ace stretched out his neck more and pointed top spot he wanted me to bite.


Like and animal who hadn't eaten in days, I felt my fangs produce and barely touch his neck with my fangs before I automatically pulled back again.


"Sorry I didn't have any self control."


Ace didn't say anything and waited for me to bite him, I could tell by his expression that he wasn't going to wait forever or take no for an answer. I sighed and opened my mouth feeling my fangs produce again and bit into his neck softly.


I felt the warm blood go down my throat and trickled down the side on my mouth and I stopped after Ace started to make little moaning noises. I stumbled back and wiped the blood off my mouth and looked down.


"I-I'm sorry, I think I took too much." Guilt filled me, making me feel even worse than before.


Ace's arms wrapped around me and rested his chin on top of my head because yes, he's that tall. "Its fine, you did pretty well for a first timer, I'm surprised you didn't suck me dry."


"Thats not funny." I said a little to fast after his sentence.


Ace laughed and pulled me down with him as he sat down. "Listen, even though I told you not to hold back, you did and I'm really happy you did."


"I know, but I still-"


"You've drank my blood before, remember when I told you to swallow after I bit you?" Ace cut me off, smiling as if nothing else in the world mattered right now.


I nodded.


"That was my blood remember blood in, blood out." Ace frowned at my reaction which could or could have not looked like a had two golf balls for eyes.


"Why hasn't Garrett come back yet?" I asked after twenty-five eyeball popping seconds on silence passed by. Yeah, I was counting.


"Um, I think he's having trouble telling your dead you left." Ace rubbed the back of his neck and looked away.


"Oh no," My eyes did grow to the size of golf balls this time and there was a pretty good reason too. "My dad has anger issues Ace."



I stood up ready to run home. "So, my dad has a rifle hanging in his room, he's just been itching to use on anyone who has hurt me in any way! And I know that Garrett wont hurt my dad so he'll end up being shot to death."


"But we havent done anything like that, plus he's a vampire, it wont hurt him." Ace stood up, brushing his pants off..


"But my dad doesn't know that and he'll assume the worst and shoot Garrett and if he doesn't shoot him he'll hit him with his WOODEN baseball bat Ace, I have to go to Garrett!" I said, trying my best as I walked down the roof.


"Sky you cant-"


"Cant what Ace?" I yelled back, turning around. "I cant go help him? I cant leave or I'll blow your plan of taking me back to the Night World again?"


Ace looked at me, his face straight, taken back by my sudden change of mood. "I was just going to say you CAN not CANT, just jump off the church now that your a vampire and you wont make as much noise." He told me He stopped closer and brushed some hair out of my eyes. "And that I'm coming too, I cant just leave you and my brother alone hell nows if he'll make you fall in love him while your trying to say him." Ace smiled and made my heart jump. Oh, my, God. It hit me like a ton of bricks.


I heard Ace's voice, whispering in the dark and I pretended I couldn't hear him all this time, but Ace kept on talking to me and even though most of the time he was teasing, he was moving me and I now I cant hide it anymore.


I loved Ace. I really, really loved him, with a whole new kind of love I've never felt before, something that made any other kind of feelings I felt wash away with wimpy compassion. I loved him with every cell in my body, every though in my head.


Damn it, I'm such a hopeless wimp, I thought as I threw my arms around his neck and smashed my mouth against his, right there, on top of a church. He was startled for a moment, but then his strong arms wrapped around me so tightly I couldn't breathe. But breathing really didn't matter right now.


I could have stayed there forever and kissed him happily for the next of the vampire life, but my dad was home, with a gun in his room and Garrett trying to explain that I was gone again.


I ended the kiss and took a step back. Ace's green eyes were had a glint of gold in them and his pale face had a look of pleasured wonder on it.


"You know what this means right?" Ace said softly, grabbing onto my hand.


"Uh..." I wasn't the guessing type, especially after a making out with the guy I thought I would never make out with.


"Neither do I," He gripped my hand. "But I'm sure we'll figure it out together."


I smiled like an idiot (like you wouldn't) as we jumped off the church together and despite my urge to scream, I started to feel like things were gonna work out with Ace next to me.

© 2009 A.M.V.

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OH MY GOSH!! This book was GREAT!! You should definitely keep writing! I want to read so much more! GREAT JOB!! I love you're characters and their different personalities...Wow...wow... -God Bless XD

Posted 15 Years Ago

Drinking a vampire's blood...wow!
lol, great chapter!

Posted 15 Years Ago

Great job! Keep writing, i'm totally hooked on this book!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on October 27, 2009