![]() LuckyA Chapter by A.M.V.
I had to admit that I predicted that Lucky and I wouldn’t come off to a very promising start, but this, this was ridiculous.
I turned to my dad. “What did you two do while I was gone?!”
“Nothing,” My dad said in his most gentle tone, too bad I wasn’t stupid enough to fall for it. “Sky, just listen—”
“No, you listen,” I said taking an angry step towards my dad while my dad forward too a nervous step back. “Did you even care about my say my in this?”
“You weren’t even there Sky,” Lucky began but her words seemed to freeze on her red lips when she saw the way I reacted to her comment.
I rubbed my eye, trying to shove the tears that were threatening to burst out, back in. “Lucky,” I turned to Lucky and scowled. “SHUT. UP.”
“Sky,” My dad in the firmest voice he’s ever used with me. “Respect what your mother says.”
I felt like screaming How the hell would any of us know what my mother would say, we haven't seen or heard from her in over five years! But I knew it wouldn’t do any good because it always just made my dad angrier when I reminded him that Lucky wasn't my “real” mother. So I decided to go with a different tactic- one that I had given up on when my mother died.
The words I was searching for were harder to say than to think. “Dad, can you just leave me alone?” I turned away not looking him in the eye and started up the stairs towards my room, feeling the whole room darken by my words.
“Sky!” My dad yelled after me, fear and panic invading his voice as he tried to make any excuse to make me stay and talk. “You still have a guest here!”
Before I heard my dad yell after me I was already halfway up the stairs and had completely forgotten that Garrett was still here.
I turned to Garrett who wasn’t at the table stuffing his face with food anymore, but standing next to my dad. “I’m sorry Garrett, um, you can go on home now,” I started up the stairs again. “Tell Ace I said bye.”
While Garrett cursed and headed for the front door, my dad yelled after me, “Sky, wait!” but I kept going and pretended I didn’t hear him calling after me.
I rushed to my room and slammed the door shut behind, not bothering to turn the lights on and threw my self on my bed. I pressed a pillow into my face and screamed like a banshee. “Why is this happening? What did I do to deserve this? Why?” I wailed.
“So many questions,” Lucky’s voice came out of nowhere and I looked up to see her standing there, next to my bed.
“What are you doing in my room, get out?” I glared, sitting up, tossing the pillow I used to yell into aside.
Lucky looked down and smiled, laughing a bit. “You better treat me with respect.”
“What if I don’t, what are you going to do about it—” My words slipped away as my cheek exploded with pain. My eyes widened and I touched my cheek, looking up at Lucky in horror.
“Did you just slap me?”
Lucky smiled and flipped her hair back. “I’m legally allowed to do that because I’m your mommy now,” She said using her twenty-four year-old voice that came close to sounding like Britney Spears.
“You wish blondy,” I spat.
“Listen you,” Lucky grabbed me by the arm and dug her red nails into my skin, making me wince. “You may think that you’re the person in charge in the house, but you’re wrong, I’m in charge now.”
“Let me go, I swear the only reason I’m not killing you is because you’re pregnant and I’m not heartless!” I said between my teeth, trying to shove her hand off my arm.
Lucky narrowed her eyes at me and threw me to the ground and the minute I hit the ground she grabbed me by my hair, painfully bringing me back up. “If you were still missing I would have gotten away with way more things than I have now. I already have half of your dad’s salary by law and even though its half, your daddy makes big bucks and now I do too. Plus, playing around with him is fun too.”
She snickered at my hatred glare and threw me down again, stepping on my hand on the way out. “Welcome home, Sky.”
Before I could cry and scream I whirled around slammed the door to my room shut and climbed up on my bed. I hugged my knees and put my down and cried. Lucky was the worst. What kind of a person does that to someone? She came out exactly how I predicted she’d be: a back-stabbing witch where the w in witch is replaced with b.
I opened my eyes and looked at my bed, my eyes widening and my heart thudding. My bed…I automatically got off my bed. My bed was covered in blood; dark red blood that still felt warm.
What’s going on? I backed up from my bed hoping that I was going crazy and that none of this was real, but then the bottom of my feet felt wet and warm. The floor! I skidded back, the sound of my heartbeat thudding all around me. There was blood on the floor and blood on my bed, but when I first came in everything was fine and now…
I screamed, interrupting my own thoughts. My arm and arms had blood all over them. I wiped my hands on my pajama shirt frantically hoping that the blood went away, but it never did nor did it show up on my shirt when I was constantly wiping my hands on it. Why won’t this blood come off?! Why is there blood?! Where is it coming from?!
Suddenly my door opened and a dark shadow came in, closing the door behind it. So much rage and fear filled me; my reaction came fast and happened quickly.
I lunged at the shadow-like figure and knocked it to the ground, putting my hands on its neck ready to choke the figure and defend myself when the shadowy figure faded and I saw Garrett’s frightened face and wide eyes.
“Garrett, oh my god, I’m so sorry!” I got up and held my hand out so I could help him up. But Garrett didn’t take it, he just sat up and stayed where he was.
“I heard you scream from outside, so I got worried,” Garrett’s blue eyes glowed in the room. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” I said, running my fingers through my hair, noticing all the blood was gone.
Garrett stood up, brushing off his pants. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Okay well, I’ll go get you some water, stay here.” Garrett ruffled my hair and closed the door behind him.
I sighed loudly and sat down on the floor, closing my eyes. How could the blood disappear so fast? Maybe I am going crazy…
I opened my eyes and scanned the room, waiting for the blood to appear and after it didn’t, I sighed with relief.
“Ow,” Something small flew into my eyes, making me blink.
Then the blood came back.
This time the bed and the floor wasn’t the only thing that had blood all over it, this time the walls were covered in blood too. This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening, I chanted to myself closing my eyes. On the count of three all this will be gone, one…two...three!
I opened my eyes and it was gone: all of it. I sighed and looked up again and screamed. It was back and worst than before; this time written on the wall in front of me had the words written with what looked like a finger read “Nikki” and it was circled and it also read “Sky” but it had a big X going through it.
“This isn’t real, this isn’t real, this isn’t real!” I chanted but I screamed soon after because a rush of wind flew at me almost knocking me over. My imagination soared and I kept thinking that a ghost was haunting me and just flew through me like they do in the movies.
Images flashed through my head, most of them were me as a child, but the rest of them were of a girl. She has bright blonde hair that almost seemed unreal and her bangs covered her eyes only showing her mouth as she whispered my name in a frightening tone. Then she rushed at me and even though it was just a blurry image in my mind, I felt it.
“It’s not real!” I screamed for the last time and I was starting to believe that it was.
“What’s not real?” The door to my balcony burst open, wind blowing in and Ace standing there, his emerald eyes on me. “Are you crying?”
“Ace!” I exclaimed and ran towards him, slipping on the blood below me, but managing to grab onto Ace. “Ace the blood! The blood it’s every where and the girl!” “What blood? What girl?!” Ace wrapped his arms around me, feeling the warmth of his jacket surround me.
“Ace,” I sobbed into his jacket. “Help me…”
Ace stroked my hair and said, "Okay."
"Hey Sky, here's your water--" Garrett stepped into the room and saw Ace and I, his face gray.
"Ace," He said, "No."
Ace ignored Garrett and picked me up bridal style and stood at the edge of the balcony.
Of course, I had no idea what was going on so I grabbed onto Ace for dear life, because strangely enough, I trusted him right now.
Ace jumped down from the balcony and I heard the glass cup from Garrett's hand drop and shattered into pieces. Ace ran after that, he ran towards the church too.
"Are you going to pray?" I asked as we approached the Church. "Vampires pray?"
"You recover fast," He smiled.
I stuck out my lower lip and let my sense of humor escape me, he was right; I was forgetting the important things too fast.
"Garrett won’t catch us, he hasn't fed in a while, I just had a deer this morning, so I'm good."
"Hmm?" Ace didn't look back, he was too busy running and jumping to the top of the church.
"What are you going to do at the church?"
Ace didn't answer me question for a long time and when we finally reached the top of the church (where the bells were, not the roof) he sat down, patting the floor next to him so I could sit next to him.
I sat down, nervous. Why did Garrett want Ace to stop so badly?
"Sky?" He said, gently grabbing my hand making my heart skip a beat. "I'm going to do this quick because Garrett is not that far away."
I nodded not bothering to ask what he was going to do, which was very stupid of me. Ace leaned in really close, pushing a strand of my hair behind me ear.
Ace ignored me and leaned in closer. "On the count of five, I'm going to kiss you," He whispered in a velvet voice, my eyes widening.
Excuse me, did he just say kiss? "You can stop me if you want."
I didn't dare say anything nor move a muscle.
"1.....2....3....." By this time he was so close, that every time his lips moved to count out the numbers, his lips brushed against mine. "4....."
I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the tingling sensation, but Ace never counted out to the number five.
"Damn, Garrett is closer than I thought...Sky?" Ace said and I opened my eyes. "As much as I want to kiss you, I cant right now, so can you come a bit closer so I could at least hug you?"
"Ace its not like I'm going to die you don’t have to-" But my words slipped away because Ace pulled me closer to him, putting his lips on my neck.
"Relax okay, everything will be better after this." Suddenly I felt two pricks in the side of my neck and I knew exactly what was going on.
Ace was going to go vampire on me.
Ace covered my mouth and dug his fangs deeper into my neck. I muffled the best screams I could a good two seconds but the pain went away and was replaced by a cold rush flowing through my blood. Then it began to harden and I felt like my whole body was about to turn into stone. A white light was all I could see an like a fly and a outdoors lamp, I extended my arm out to it, hoping to hold it in my hands. But I froze, my body felt like stone this time and the blood flowing through my viens felt cold, so cold that it burned. Suddenly I felt like a statue that was cracking and it hurt, but I started to fall back into reality and I could feel hot tears flowing down my cheeks.
Ace removed his fangs from my neck and said something that sounded like "I'm sorry, its okay, calm down," I opened my eyes a bit and automatically closed them shut at the sight.
"Ace, don’t do that..." I mumbled.
"Blood in, blood out." He said and Ace continued to what he was doing. Ace was pressing his fangs into his own palm, letting the blood rush out. Ace's lips touched mine and--wait, his lips were touching mine?!
I tasted something metal in my mouth and not for long because Ace told me to swallow and the minute I did, I felt like falling asleep. It was like I had to choice, my eyelids were closing by themselves.
I felt Ace hold me against him and I couldn't do anything about it even if I wanted to and I wasn't even sure if I did.
"ACE!" Garrett's angry tone didn't come from far, in fact he sounded like he was right next to me when he wasn't. "YOU TURNED HER INTO A VAMPIRE?!" © 2009 A.M.V. |
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