Like the song said, I'm going home to the place where i belong

Like the song said, I'm going home to the place where i belong

A Chapter by A.M.V.

Ace's P.O.V.

"What?" Danny exclaimed, looking right at Dawn like if she was crazy. The girl didn't mind dying and unless you're crazy too, don't say she's right.


"You know, ever since I was little I wanted to be a ghost, just wondering around and people not getting in my way." Dawn smiled and I could tell that she wasn't lying just by the look she had in her eye.


"You do know, people hunt ghosts down right?" I added, hoping the crazy would change her mind.


"Yeah, but its not like I would let them find me, it would be a fun little game." She continued to smile, her face glowing.


"I cant let you do this," Danny said, pacing finally ignoring Alice's pain and that was very hard when she was groaning "my heaaaaaaaaad" when it wasn't even her head.


Dawn put her hands on her hips and glared at Danny. "What my body's not good enough for you?"


I laughed out loud when Danny's eyes grew the size of golf balls. "N-no its not that its just, you're a friend." Danny said, putting his hands up in denail.


"So what," Dawn flipped her hair back and looked away. "It's not going to be me, its going to be Anna."


I cocked my head to the side. "Her name is Alice not Ana."


"Whatever, close enough." Dawn waved her hand in my face, getting annoyed.


Danny looked at Alice and then at Dawn and sighing he came to a decision and said, "Okay."


"Yes!" Dawn smiled and jumped up and down a bit, which was out of her character. "What do I need to do?"


"I know how," Alice spoke out, holding in her pain from her headache that Sky was causing for trying to get back in her own body. "But it involves holding hands."


"Yay.." Dawn said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.


Soon Alice and Dawn were standing in front of each other, holding onto each others hands. Alice began to take in deeps breathes and after Dawn looked around confused, not knowing what to do, she did the same.


Alice's arms began to quiver and Dawn's breathe was scratchy.


"Are they gonna be okay?" Garrett asked after her came back from locking Nikki in the bathroom with rope tying her down.


"I don't know dude," I said, running my fingers through my hair. "I don't know..."


It seemed like hours passed by when finally Alice cried out. Danny made a sudden move towards her, but I stopped him shaking my head, "Its best if you don't mess with them dude." Danny nodded and stepped back, sighing nervously. Soon after Alice cried out, Dawn cried out and they both fell on the floor.


"Now we can freak out!" I cried as we all ran towards them. Danny was next to Dawn and Garrett and I crowded around Sky.


"Damn it Dawn's got no pulse!" Danny yelled, looking over at me. "Hows Sky?"


"No pulse either!" Garrett said, accidentally elbowing me in the ribs when he turned around to look at Danny.


I wrapped my fingers on Sky's wrist and made sure that if she had any sign of a pulse, even if it was just a little jump for just a second, I would feel it. Then, like if I had just been shocked by a doorknob, I pulled my hand back.


Both Sky and Dawn bounced up, gasping. When Sky bounced up we bumped foreheads but lets not be specific.


"Alice?" Danny asked Dawn.


"Why do you keep saying that!" Was Sky's first choice of words. "Who the hell is Alice?!" I smiled and looked down, trying not to laugh. Usually when people wake up from a near death experience they say they're scared or cry, not yell out in anger like a banshee.


Sky looked up at me, her face unreadable; at times like this I wish I had Garrett's mind reading power, especially when my power to control people's feelings had no affect on Sky.


"What's wrong with - ow!" Sky yelled out and rubbed her neck. "My neck hurts like heck!"


That's because Danny and I whacked you in the neck when we found out you weren't really you... I thought, smiling.


"What are you smiling at?" Sky spat and looked over my shoulder. "Hey whats up with Dawn?"


Everyone was quite except for that brat Alice. "She's not here."


"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" Sky screamed when she heard the wrong voice come out of Dawn's body. Heh, isn't it funny how that's Sky's reaction to everything, a big "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" Hilarious.


Garrett shot a glare at Alice, so cruel that it made Alice sit back on the floor after she stood a second ago. "Sky, don't freak out--" Garrett started, but Sky cut him off.


"Yeah cuz' I'm so good at that," She rolled her eyes. "Why aren't Dawn's eyes green and why does she sound like she spent a year in London?"


I laughed once; Alice did have a bit of an English accent.


"Look, I'm not Dawn," Alice said, standing back up and Sky stood up soon after.


Danny held onto Alice's arm. "Alice don't,"


"Dawn's dead and its all your fault."


I glared at Danny for not having his girlfriend under control and looked over at Sky. Her face turned pale and Sky's heart beat so fast that you could hear it even if you weren't a vampire.




"I'm Alice, Danny's fiance, he accidentally killed me when he tried to turn me into a vampire," She looked over at Danny and smiled. "And I forgive him, because I love him. I didn't let myself pass through to heaven, so I stayed in the X zone until I found a way to get into a body, which happened to be yours and the only way we could take you back is if I took somebody else's body instead. So you see, I saved you."


Danny, Garrett, and I all froze and turned to Sky. Sky looked uneasy and broken, her eyes began to water and she ran up to Alice and held her by her shirt. "YOU DID WHAT!?"


"Sky don't hurt her!" Danny yelled and yanked Sky off Alice, sending Sky a couple of steps back.


"Dawn is dead because of her and you take her side?" Sky had tears rolling down her cheeks. "Oh course, yeah, she's your fiance, have a nice life, we're through." Sky stormed off and Garrett followed, but I thought it would be best if I didn't follow.


"Nice job alice," I hissed. "You should have just stayed in the X zone."


Next thing I knew, I was hurled against the wall with full force, so hard that I had gone through the wall into another room. I looked up at the person who threw me.


"DONT YOU EVER SAY THAT!" Danny yelled at me, his eyes blood red. I wouldn't really mind what he did before, but right a cold rush flew threw my chest and I got up without looking at him wiping the rubble of my shirt.


"You need to stay loyal to a girl Danny," I left the room, making sure not t trip over the chunks of the wall. "That's means one girl, not two."


Danny didn't say anything, and I didn't care either because Danny was gonna leave the house right after this; something in my gut told me that. When Alice died he left the house for five years and now that's he's found her, he'll probably do the same.


As soon as I began to run through the halls to catch up to Sky and Garrett I tripped over something. "What the hell?" I got up and saw that I had tripped over Garrett's legs because he was just sitting there in the hall way. "What are doing? Where's Sky?"


Garrett shrugged, "Changing into her clothes she wants to go home now," Garrett's dark face look up at me. "She means it this time."




"Nikki got out too, she found a way out and she left and I don't where she is, plus I heard your conversation with Danny and you're right he is leaving."


This was all too much to take in. "Garrett go talk to Danny and ask him to help you find Nikki, I don't give a crap if he leaves, just find Nikki."


Garrett looked up at me again and sighed. "Yeah, okay..."


He got up and I stopped him, pulling him back by putting a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"


"Everything's jacked up Ace: Sky is leaving, Dawn is dead, and Nikki is a witch that wants revenge on me and wants to get rid of Sky...what if the paparazzi get this and put in magazines? Last time something like that happened we could leave the house for about a month."


"Those damn paparazzi," I muttered. "Garrett we'll figure this out, just calm down and be your normal happy self."


Garrett nodded and sucked in breathe. "Go see if you can stop Sky bro, I gotta go with Danny." My power calmed down Garrett a bit, not enough to hide the fact that he was still angry and sad inside.




I burst the door to Sky's room open and Sky screamed and after she slapped me she flopped face-down on her bed. "I feel like crap Ace..." She muttered, her voice sounding like she was about to cry again.


"You know Dawn chose to go," I sat on the bed next to her.


"Get off my bed," She mumbled.


"No," I said, staying where I was. "Dawn isn't dead, she's a ghost and she said she'd always wanted to be one."


"She's crazy!" She mumbled into the mattress.


"Yeah, so its not your fault," I wanted to say I wanted Sky to stay, but I didn't. "You know Garrett really wants you to stay."




"Yeah, so can you stay?"


Sky was quiet for a while and then she began to sob in the mattress and said, "bub i hab to bo!" Translation: "But I have to go!"


Sky sat up and wiped her eyes. "I've been away from home long enough and cant choose between my dad sending the secret service after me or my dad sent the S.W.A.T. team after me, either way he sent one of them."


I stared at her for a long moment, trying to make a decision. "What do you really want to do?"


Sky looked up at me, shocked that I actually for once asked that I asked what she wanted. "What?"


I smiled. "You know what I asked, dont act so shocked."


Sky smiled and it soon faded and her face became soft. "I wanna go home Ace, being here is not right for me."


I pursed my lips and nodded. "Okay."


"HUH?" Sky's eyes were wide and her face read "he actually agreed?!"


"Yeah, when you're ready, call out, Garrett and I will hear you." I got off the bed and walked out the door, wondering if I had just made the biggest mistake of my life.


"ACE!" Sky yelled out behind me, standing in the hallway right outside her room. "Thanks." She smiled warmly, making my stomach turn.

© 2009 A.M.V.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Keep writing, this will definitely be an awesome book

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Added on October 6, 2009