![]() Alice AnalockerA Chapter by A.M.V.Dawn's P.O.V.
Sky, Sky, Sky, and wait for it---Sky. Everyone cares about Sky. Everything happens to Sky; good or bad.
At this very moment, I was standing there, my arms across my chest and Nikki in her room crying and sobbing, but really, who cared about us?
Danny's face looked shocked, his eyes wide and his mouth open. Garrett and Ace's eyes were both blood red and they looked like angry bulls while they were slamming Sky against the wall; Garrett's right arm pressed against her neck, choking her.
I know what your thinking, what the hell was Ace and Garrett doing with Sky, are they trying to kill her?! No, they're not trying to kill Sky. Infact, Sky isn't even in her body right now.
A little while ago Ace had said, a soul stealer was in the house and was taking over Sky's body.
"Who the hell are you?" Garrett growled aggressively.
"Wait, just let me explain!" The girl in Sky's body gasped, her high pitched voice annoying me already.
"No, tell us who you are and what did you do to Sky!" Ace growled and Garrett slammed his arm against Sky's neck harder. The girl in Sky's body screamed.
Holy crap, I wonder how Sky will feel when she gets back in her body...if she gets back in her body. I dont know if you've noticed but I wasn't much of the positive type.
"Dont say that!" Garrett yelled at me as he slammed his arm against Sky's neck again. Stupid vampire, read someone else's mind, I though angrily looking away from Garrett and over at Danny.
Danny's eyes grew wide as the girl in Sky's body screamed and his face got softer each time she yelled out in pain; almost like he was going to cry. "Don't hurt her!"
Garrett and Ace stopped and looked at Danny like he was crazy, which he probably was.
"What why? You’re girlfriend has just gotten her soul stolen by this-this thing, and all you can do is just stand there and say stop?!”
"She is my girlfriend," Danny said, his voice different and some what fragile. Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing: A vampire? Fragile? Yeah, right.
"What the hell is wrong with you how cant you tell the difference between your own girl-" Garrett exploded, but stopped when Ace put his hand up. And after a long hard glare between three vampire brothers (who were, sure enough, princes,) Garrett and Ace let go of Sky's body.
The girl in Sky's body (Have you noticed how hard it it for me to address this person when she doesn't have her own body?!) fell on the floor, gasping for breath and her hand on Sky's throat. "Thank you," She breathed.
Suddnely Danny bolted next to her hugged her like a toddler hugs their teddy bear when they're scared. The "soul stealer" hugged Danny back in Sky's body.
"What is going on?" I yelled in frustration. What the heck was Danny doing.
Ace looked over at me, his face hurt; hard as rock. "Danny found his girlfriend."
"What?! That's not Sky!" I yelled in confusion. Danny was with Sky and Sky was with Danny, and that girl inside Sky, is not Sky.
Danny then started to kiss the girl inside Sky's body, fiercly. "STOP THAT," Garrett and I yelled in unison. "THAT'S NOT SKY!"
Danny stopped and pulled away. "You're right, this is a little wrong..."
"A LITTLE?!" Garrett yelled. "DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO SKY BECAUSE YOUR STUPID GIRL FRIEND HERE INVADED HER BODY?!" Ace did his best to calm Garrett down, but Garrett's anger wouldn't go down.
"SHUT UP!" Ace yelled, angry as hell. "DONT SAY THAT GARRETT I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL YOU!!"
Vampires believe in God? I though randomly to myself. Garrett stared at Ace and nodded, backing down.
"Who are you?" I asked the girl when everything got quiet.
The girl's brown eyes flickered at me and Sky's mouth reeled up into a smile that seemed almost evil. "I'm Alice Analocker, Danny's fiance."
"What?!" Nikki's voice came from behind and we all turned around. Nikki's eyes were practically swollen and red; she probably just finished two entire sessions of crying.
"Nikki?" I asked getting up. "What happened."
"None of your business," She snapped, acting totally out of character. I was a little taken back, but didn't show it. "What happened to Sky?" Nikki stepped closer, her face angry and torn. " Is she dead?" Something in Nikki's tone on the word "dead" scared me, she sounded evil. It's always the quiet ones...
"No," Ace said, looking. "Someone just stole her soul."
"Shouldn't she be dead then?" Nikki asked, her blue eyes glinting silver.
"Hey...you're a witch?" Danny said in amazement. "Only witches have the glint of sliver in their eyes. I cant believe I couldn't sense it before, did you just become a full witch today?"
"Then how did you-"
"I put a spell on myself to make myself apear human stupid," Nikki said, her face not changing. "My plan was to make myself get captured by Ace so that I could get closer to Garrett the vampire prince," She glanced sideways at Garrett. "the one person that I had my heart set on, but he dumped me for a real human, Sky. And I'm not planning on giving up on you Garrett, you're mine, you've always been."
"What do you want then?!" Garrett said, looking right at her. "If I dumped you then why the hell are you still here?" I was guessing that Garrett had read her mind and she had something evil in there, cuz' there was no way Garrett would talk to Nikki that like was unless she had it in for...
"Sky," Nikki said, having a certain edge in her voice. "I want Sky DEAD." © 2009 A.M.V. |
2 Reviews Added on October 6, 2009 |