![]() Vampire King? Ugh, what next?A Chapter by A.M.V.Here's my question to you: when your vampire boyfriend tells you he's a vampire prince and then tells you that his mean and cruel vampire king father is coming over for a visit, what do you do?
A) Freak out!
B) Freak out!!
C) Freak out!!!
There are no wrong answers.
"Dang it!" I yelled out after accidentally slamming my finger on the sliding door of my closet. See, this is what Sky gets when she tries to impress a vampire king. "Dang it, dang it, DANG IT!"
I stared at my finger as red blood ran down the side of it. "This isn't good," I mumbled tempting to wipe the blood on my new vampire clothes like the un-girly girl I am.
Note to self: When having a vampire guest for dinner, don't slam finger on closet door, I ran my finger over cold water and searched for a band aid.
No band aid here.
"Nikki!" I yelled running out of my room to Nikki's room...all the way across the castle.
Suddenly a hand grabbed the back of my fancy purple shirt and pulled me back. "Why do I smell blood?"
Damn you, Ace, "I slammed my finger and I need go ask Nikki for a band aid before your dad gets here." I said quickly to Ace, who was wearing a dress shirt and regular jeans, his brown hair fashionable messy.
Ace sighed and rolled his eyes. "Come with me, I got some."
"A vampire has band aids?" I mocked.
"Shut up." Ace hissed and opened the door to his room. "Stay out here, while I go get them." Ace walked in and closed the door, leaving me outside. At least, he thought he closed the door.
I carefully opened the door and poked my head inside his room. I ran my eyes over the red walls, the black and gray bed sheets and black furniture.
I took a step in the room and almost fell when I heard Ace say, "Where the hell did I leave the freaking band aids?!"
I held my breathe, knowing the stupid vampire had super senses and could even hear me breathe and the sound of my heart beating. I took a slow breath and cleared my mind, and slowed my heart beat.
When, I was ready and sure Ace couldn't hear me, I started to look around.
I leaned in and looked at his book case. Heh, who knew that Ace could read more than at third grade level. I sat down at his flat computer for a while and just stared at it. High tech much, Ace?
Then something caught my eyes. A photo of Danny, Garrett, and Ace. I picked up the photo and stared at it.
"Wow, they all looked so happy back then..." I whispered under my breathe, looking at Danny's fourteen year old smile and Garrett's smile...and Ace's blond hair?
"What are you doing?"
"Ah!" I screamed and turned around. Ace, Garrett, and Danny were all staring at me. Well, Ace was glaring at me, but you get the point.
"I told you to wait outside," Ace snatched the photo out of my hand and put it back by his computer.
I just stared at Ace, not saying anything. Not breathing. Not blinking.
"I think you killed her Ace," Garrett laughed. I smiled and finally started breathing again.
"Good, I told her to stay outside, but she had to come and see what was in my room." Ace said shoving the band aid into my hand.
I looked at it and laughed.
"What?" Danny asked, coming next to me.
"Why does it have puppies wearing fire fighter hats all over it?!" I laughed and showed it Danny and Garrett who joined me in my laugh attack.
"Shut up," Ace said, his face turning red in anger or embarrassment. "Those were from when I was five, that's why it took me so long to find them."
After a while I stopped laughing. "Okay, sorry, it's just I never thought a vampire would have these." I smiled, wrapped the puppy band aid around my finger "Any ways, why are you guys here?"
"Dad's down stairs with Dawn and Nikki," Danny said taking my hand and it took all Sky self control to stop my self from swooning. "It's judgment time."
The vampire king had judged Nikki and Dawn already, and after almost making Nikki cry and almost making Dawn attack him, I was pretty nervous about what he was going to say about me.
The vampire king circled me--who was standing as still as a statue-- his electric blue eyes on me. "This human," He said, putting his hand on his chin. "You chose her as your girlfriend Danny?"
Danny smiled at me, looking proud and making my heart skip a beat. "Yes,"
The vampire king, grabbed a strand of my hair and then let it go with a displeased face. Was there something wrong with my hair?! Why the heck did he make that face?!
"Why?" The vampire king said coldly, turning to Danny. My face fell.
What? Did he just ask why?
Nikki gasped and Dawn's eyes widened to about the size of a baseball. Garrett's face was...unreadable and Ace's face was shocked.
Danny blinked and laughed once, his face serious. "What's wrong with her?"
The vampire king's nose wrinkled. "She smells good, but she doesn't seem to fit you very well son."
My mouth fell open and I threatened to yell at him. Danny looked me in the eyes and shook his head slightly. I sighed, kept my tongue, if I screw this up, I have no flipping idea what the hell that vampire king of evil would do to me.
"She fits me fine dad," Danny said, force entering his voice.
"No," He said. "She doesn't."
Danny sighed and looked away from his dad. "Well it doesn't matter what you think, she's my girlfriend."
"Wrong, she's not," His father said, crushing every part of my heart. "I do not give you permission to date this...girl."
My eyes widened and I couldn't help it anymore, I had to say something. "He didn't ask for your permission." I said, gritting my teeth.
The vampire king turned to me. "What did you say human?"
"You heard me," I said, setting my stubborn dail on high.
"Sky, dont," Ace said, unexpectedly.
"No, he has no right to say that I cant date Danny," I snapped and looked over at their vampire king father. "It's not his choice."
Right then, at that very moment, the vampire king brought his hand up and slapped me in the face, leaving my cheek burning and red. The blow had been so hard, I had actually taken two steps by from it.
"Dad!"Garrett, Ace, and Danny yelled.
"Sky!" Nikki and Dawn yelled the second after.
"You stupid girl, you have no right to talk to me in that manor."
I rubbed my cheek and looked at him angrily. "You have no right to tell me that, you may be the ruler of this world, but you aren't the ruler of me!"
That's when things went bad. And then worse. And then horrific.
He grabbed me by the hair and shook me, giving me massive pain. I took action against the vampire and twisted his arm and brought it down, but it didn't do much. He got tired of my fighting and threw me against the wall, like a rag doll.
My eyes widened at the sound of a sick crack coming from the back of my head. I touched the back of my head and felt no blood.
"Ace?!" I gasped. Ace had broken my fall, but had taken the hit.
"I'm fine, just get up and run." He said, his voice full of pain.
"GO!" He yelled. I got up, a cold chill hitting my heart. I ran up the stairs, but a cold rough hand grabbed my leg. I screamed as I was pulled back by the vampire king.
"Dad, leave her alone!" Danny yelled and slammed into his own dad knocking him into the stone walls of the castle.
Garrett and Ace held the vampire king down, while Danny ran towards me. "Are you okay?" Danny reached out for my hand and I reached for his, but suddenly a high pitched popping noise filled the air and Danny's eyelids fluttered and he fells like rock.
"Danny!" I screamed and stumbled down the steps next to Danny. I looked up.
In the vampire king's hands, was a gun.
"I told you be quiet human," He smirked, lowering his gun.
"D-did you kill him?" I said tears running down my cheeks.
He laughed, "No, he's just paralyzed."
I glared at him, ready to kill. "YOU EVIL-" I started, but then he fired twice and Ace and Garrett went down.
"NO!" I screamed.
"Yes," He smiled. "All of this is your fault."
"No," I screamed. "Leave them alone."
"Fine," He shrugged, amused. "I'll have to deal with you then." Then, Dawn hoped on his back, pulling his stupid cape over his head, while Nikki held his legs.
"Sky, what the hell, run, the guy wants to kill you!" Dawn yelled. The vampire king struggled and struggled, making Nikki whimper in fear and Dawn actually be scared.
"No, I have to stay, you run!"
"N-" Dawn started, but the vampire king rowred and knocked Dawn off his back and through the window of the living room. He moved the cape from his face and looked down at Nikki who was crying, but holding on, her eyes closed in fear. Then he smiled and kicked her, and kicked her, and kicked.
Nikki yelled out in pain, but as weak as she was, she didn't let go.
I acted fast and took my shoes off and threw them at the vampire king. "Hey!" I yelled right as he looked over at at me. I ripped the band aid off my finger, revealing a fresh cut. "Look, I'm bleeding!" I waved it in the air and tried to get the scent of blood in the air.
When his eyes turned bright crimson--like the vampire at the bumper car ring-- I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I skipped running up the stairs and ran through the snake tunnel halls, back and fourth through them.
But i didn't run fast enough. The vampire king skidded in front of me. "Danny only chose you for your blood," He said, something taking over his voice, backing me up into a dead end.
"Stop lying!" I cried and brought my hand up to try to slap him away from me. He grabbed my hand and put his fang on my finger. The pain stung twice as bad as the time I had brought my hand down on a tack. Worse.
Finally he brought his head up and ran his hand through his gray hair. "That was tasty, but I want more." He slammed my head against the wall and made it face the other way, leaving my neck open for drinking blood.
"No!" I screamed. "Danny! Garrett! Ace!" I screamed for anyone, hoping they were up and Nikki had told them what happened.
The vampire king plunged his fangs into my neck. My blood curdling scream filled the halls for the first two seconds, but the third second it hurt too bad I couldn't scream anymore.
"It's hurts!" I yelled out in pain. "It hurts!" I used my last strength and shoved him away. The vampire wiped his bloody face with his sleeve and smiled slyly. "Don't mess with me girl I have to much power and you don't have enough blood."
I stared at him with wide eyes as he left, my hand on my neck trying to keep pressure on it to try to stop the blood from spilling out.
Great first impression Sky, I broke down right there, at that very moment. I fell down and sat on my knees and cried. I wasn't sobbing, just tears slid down my tears and they wouldn't stop coming.
"Sky?" Ace's voice found me. He stood at the entrance of the dead end, the light shining all around him. "Sky!"
He ran to me and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me. I hugged him back and then I began to sob. I dug my face in his white shirt, "Why-why do you have to be the one to save me?" I cried.
Ace rubbed my back and said nothing. He knew I was right. Twice Ace has come to save me.
"Sky?" Danny and Garrett entered the dead end.
I wobbled up and clung onto Danny, forgetting anyone else was here. Danny was here and I felt safe.
"I'm so sorry," I cried.
"It's okay, its not your fault." Danny said and then kissed me. I hopelessly kissed him back and all my strength left my body. But, he held me tight. Not letting me fall. "Sky, don't ever scare me like that again." Danny said between the kiss. I nodded and said "Okay." After we stopped kissing, we just stood there holding each other. Loving each other. Still, I couldn't help but look at Ace sitting there watching me, his face lonely. I looked away and saw Garrett, with the same face. I had forgotten that Garrett and Ace both loved me. And now, they had to watch me kiss their own brother. I almost killed everyone and I broke two hearts. Way to go Sky. © 2009 A.M.V. |
3 Reviews Added on October 6, 2009 |