Dear vampire prince, why aren't we free yet?!

Dear vampire prince, why aren't we free yet?!

A Chapter by A.M.V.

It had been three whole days since Danny and I became a couple. A very weird, unexpected vampire and human couple, but still a couple. And in case you didn't know, one night world day equals two whole days in the real world, so according to the real world I've been in the night world for about a month now and I have been dating Danny for a week or so. Here's what is running through my mind right now:


1) Why I'm even making this list


2) Does Garrett hate me


3) Does Ace hate me


4) How to get Nikki to stop saying thank you to me for rejecting Garrett, because enough was enough


5) Danny


6) Danny


7) Danny


After the "incident" between Garrett and I, we haven't been talking much, a few smiles and waves when we passed each other in the halls or when he passed by me while I was doing my harsh unfair chores, but nothing more. The same thing with Ace. After he told me he was in love with me on the same night Garrett did, he just smirks at me whenever he sees me with Danny and makes fun of me witch really kills the atmosphere from I'm-so-happy-with-my-new-boyfriend to I'm-going-to-rip-your-head-off-Ace-if-you-don't-cut-it-out.


As for Nikki and Dawn, they're doing just fine. Nikki got her chance with Garrett and they went out a few times and even though nothing happened, Nikki cant stop talking about it. Dawn has been unexpectedly angry with everyone lately, not including how angry she usually is.


That's a lot of things to worry about especially right after your boyfriend kisses you.


This my brain before Danny kisses me: O


This is my brain after Danny kisses me: ♦


Yeah, him kissing me feels like that.


I highly recommend it.


I sat across Nikki on one of the kitchen tables, trying to ignore her thanks you's as best as I can while I scooped in a big spoonful of frosted corn flakes. Funny. Vampires drink blood and yet, they have all the yummy foods from the real world too.


"You're pretty hungry this morning," Dawn said next to me, not taking her eyes off the book she was reading that was written by a werewolf that Danny let her borrow. Turns out, there where two kinds of werewolves; the kind that attacked Danny and I in that creepy cellar about a week ago (and that's in night world days) were called werewolves and the other kind, the one that don't come after innocent souls and try to rip their throat are called wolfmen because the can morph back into a human any time they wanted to. Frankly I like the nice wolfmen better than the blood thirsty werewolves.


"Am I?" I said scooping another spoonful into my mouth. "You know I never thought I would be hungry after Ace has barely fed us table scraps, and yet, here I am."


Dawn sighed and rolled her eyes. "Haha,"


I beamed at her, my cheeks purposely full of food, hoping it would annoy her.


"Stop it, you're so immature for a sixteen year old." Dawn groaned, finally putting her book down.


I swallowed my food and stirred my spoon, thinking about getting more cereal. "We'll maybe, your just too mature for a seventeen year old."


Dawn sucked in a tired breathe and ignored me and continued reading her book.


"Sky?" Nikki's voice finally came into reach after a while. "Sky, are you listening to me?"


"Huh? Uh yeah sure," I smiled waving my spoon. "What were you talking about?"


Nikki took a bite out of her grilled cheese sandwich. "I was talking about how I think Garrett and I are starting to click even more."


I groaned and forced myself to listen. "Oh yeah?"


"Totally!," She screamed, hugging herself and doing this weird rocking motion. "Yesterday Garrett told me I had a cute nose and I was so happy I started to cry!"


"I can believe that," I smiled, well aware that Nikki had a bad habit of crying for everything, whether she was happy or sad. The happy tears I can take, the sad boo-hoo tears are the one that break me down, that was the only reason I rejected Garrett in the first place.


Nikki suddenly stopped smiling and hugging herself and became qiuet and shy, while Dawn was exactly the same. One of my brows shot up in confusion. Nikki was usually happy around me and Dawn, but whenever anybody else comes in the room, she stops and becomes a shy little blond girl. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me while I gobbled down another spoonful of soggy frosted flakes.


"Danny," I laughed, almost spitting out my food. "Stop, are you trying to make me spit out the only food Ace is letting me eat?"


Danny chuckled and rested his chin on top of my head, still holding me. "You've already eaten four bowls, you cant be that hungry."


I smiled. He must have heard me pour the loud cereal in my bowl with super vampire hearing from up stairs. "So you caught me, what are you gonna do about it?"


Danny kissed my hair and laughed a little. "I'll bite you." Even though I knew he joking, those three small words ran cold chills down my back.


"I'll slap you." I joked, also meant it.


"Then I guess I better back off." He laughed and let go of me, walking towards the fridge. Nikki kicked me from under the table and mouthed the word 'wow'.


I didn't know what the wow was about but I nodded.


"Sky!" Garrett's voice echoed into the room and pretty soon he came in, jumping down from the stairs, almost slipping because he came in with socks and ran in, knocking me and my chair over.


"AH!"I yelled as Garrett knocked me over falling on top of me.


"Sky!" He smiled, his blue eyes shinning, taking my breath away.


"H-hi," I squeaked.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend your killing there Garrett, watch it." Danny then pulled Garrett off and helped me up.



"Guess what?" Garrett exclaimed appearing next to Nikki, putting an arm around her.


"Guess what? The number of bones in my body you just broke?"


"No! You're so off," He smiled. "You guys are free─"


Dawn set down her book with a thud, interrupting Garrett. "We can go home now?"


Home? I thought, threatening to throw in a sigh. When was the last time I was at home? I don't even know how long I've been away in the real world. How was dad and Lucky taking it? Well, lucky might have been happy I disappeared, but dad? All this time they had no idea I was in a different world and I haven't even thought about the words 'home' and 'family.'


"No, free from being servants, you still have to stay," Garrett said taking his arm off of Nikki--who was blushing--and grabbed a chair to sit in.


"What do you mean, we still have to stay?" I asked, confused. What more would Ace possibly want with us?


"Our dad is coming to town," Ace's voice entered the room suddenly, surprising me.


"Huh?" Dawn said, shoving the book aside, ready to listen.


"The only reason you're being freed from being a slave is because my father would treat you all like crap." Ace said, his face darkening.


"And we don't want that," Danny said and that was when I had noticed that every vampire in the room, face went dark.


"So what, we get treated like crap by Ace," I scoffed. All three vampire boys looked over at me, all three of them having the same reaction.


"We have a cruel father..." Ace murmured right when the clouds moved in front of the sun, making the night world seem even darker.


Seconds passed by with no one talking and then finally Garrett had broken the silence. "Thats why Nikki and Dawn have to pretend to be our girlfriends so dad would actually treat nicely."


I made a face. "What about me?"


"You already have a boyfriend," Ace said, practically snarling.


Danny came and hugged me from behind and I giggled which was strange because I don't giggle. "Oh yeah,"


"So we're heading to the amusement park," Garrett said grabbing Nikki's hand knowing how much she loved that. "You know, take a few pictures in the photo booth for proof that we're really going out and have fun before our dad comes tomorrow." Garrett smiled, somehow making the world seem brighter.


I swallowed hard, hoping, no, praying I still didn't have feelings for Garrett.


"So hurry up and gets dressed out of your pj's, we need to leave now." Ace said, eying me.


I gave a slight nod and left to my room like Nikki and Dawn, having a strange feeling stuck in my throat.




"Okay, we'll meet here after an hour," Ace shouted over the loudness of all people talking. "Remember stay with your partner because there are other vampire here and they wont hesitate to kill you, are you listening Sky?"


I rolled my eyes. "What am I twelve?"


"Might as well be," Ace snickered, but he still had the familiar sign of pain in his eyes. "Okay, head out."


We all nodded and the first thing Danny did was pull me into his arms, hugging me tightly.


"Uh, is something wrong?" I asked after a minute passed and he was still hugging me.


"What I can't hug my girlfriend?" He joked. "I just need to get my scent on you so other vampires will back off and know that you're mine."


My eyes widened. "I feel like an object...and people are starting to stare."


"You're not, its just if you dont have my scent vampire will come to you and start to wonder what your blood tastes like, " He said. "Its okay, people always stare at the vampire prince, I'm used to it."


I pulled away. "You're a vampire prince?"


"Yeah." He nodded smiling. "But so are Ace and Garret, so they must be getting attention too."


It took me a moment to take it in, and after asking more than a few questions I admit, I started to focus on the fact that we were at an amusement park.


"Okay, ready to go now?" Danny asked, his cold hand taking mine.


I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Yup."


"Okay, what do you wanna go on first?" Danny said walking with me towards the rides.


I looked around, noticing that there weren't any roller coasters. What kind of amusement park doesn't have at least one roller coaster? " about the bumper cars?"


"Whatever you say." Danny smiled again, making my world even brighter than how Garrett did.


As soon as the we got to the front of the line after waiting, I ran and claimed the only red bumper car and smiled. Danny came next to the bumper car and smiled. "You wanna ride alone?"


"Yeah, I wanna bump into you," I smiled playfully and put my seat belt on. Danny grinned and kissed my forehead and went into the last bumper car waaaay across the lot. He was in a yellow one which made it hard to get him, because there was a whole bunch of other yellow cars.


The bumper car turned on and the pushed the pedal down and bumped hard into a blue car. The girl in the car turned and looked at me, her pale face angrily looking at me and her red hair only making her look even more frightening.


"Oh, sorry," I faked a smiled and moved back. The red hair girl didn't take the apology and bumped into me from Being making me jerk forward and if it wasn't for my handy dandy seat belt, I would have slammed my head right into the wheel.


I glared at her and spat, "I said I was sorry!" She hissed at me and that's when I figured out she was a vampire and one I didn't want to mess with. Then I noticed that everyone in the bumper car ring was a vampire but me.


The wind started to blow a little and suddenly every vampire's attention was on me.


Uh oh...I searched for Danny between bumps and slams.


"Hey girl," One vampire called. I did my best to ignore the vampire, hoping it would forget about me like the other ones did, but this one just kept coming back.


"Leave me alone!" I yelled angrily when he got in front of me, his hungry icey blue eyes on me.


"You here alone?" He asked his cold eyes looked threatening and he moved his bumper car closer and closer. I gasped when his eyes turned crimson red and tried to back away, but I was surrounded by a bunch of bumper cars and I was stuck.


"No, she isn't," Danny came in, slamming into the hungry vampire, knocking so hard with the bumper car that vampire crashed into walls of the bumper car ring.


The vampire got up glaring at the floor and growled. "Dont be a pain in the a*s, she's mine...." The vampire's voice trailed off when he saw Danny. Suddenly the bumper car ring was quite and the bumper cars stopped moving and all vampire eyes were on us. "Oh...Prince Daniel, I'm so sorry, I didn't know she was..."


Danny helped me up out of the bumper car. "It's fine, it was an honest mistake, but next time, don't go after people just because they smell good." The vampire nodded weakly and then quickly walked away.


Danny looked at me. "Are you okay?"


"Yes," I said while we walked out, his arm around my shoulder. "Daniel." I smirked looking up at him.


He laughed a little, "I'm not leaving you alone anymore Skylar, you cause way too much trouble."


"Don't make fun of my name!" I said embarrassed by my stupid name.


"Then don't make fun of mine!" He laughed. "So where to?"


"Do I smell good?" I asked out of no where, ignoring his question.


Danny blinked and looked away. "Yeah...kinda,"


"I dont remember putting on any perfume?" I said smelling my sleeve.


He laughed and pulled my closer to him. "No its your blood, vampires like the smell, that's why that guy attacked you back there and why Ace looked at you when he said stay together."


I nodded, flattered. "At least I don't stink."




"Oh my god, I'm so wet!" I yelled smiling. We had just come out of a ride were you get wet and I was soaked, but my hair managed to stay tamed.


Danny ran his hand through his wet dark hair and smiled, making my heart jump. "It was nice that they gave us towels though."


I nodded, playing with the white towel. "Does everyone get one?"


"No, I guess it's one of the perks of being a prince." He said, grabbing the towel from my hand, because I was practically ripping the thread out.


"I still cant get used to that fact that you, Ace and Garrett are princes?"


"You're going to have to," He grinned and grabbed my hand and tugged my forward. "Look there's a photo booth, we gotta take pics before we leave."


"Uh, okay," I said, pulling the curtain open and then closing it. "I've never been in one of these things, they're a little small..."


Okay, here's the thing. I'm claustrophobic and being in a photo booth that's dark and small, gives me a bad feeling.


Getting into the photo booth felt like stepping into a huge coffin. It looked like that too. I did my best to suck it in, I couldn't be a big wuss in front of Danny.


I felt a cold sweat break out on the back of my neck. My throat was closing. My chest felt tight. I swallowed hard an tried to draw in a breath. I remembered that we were doing this for Ace, Garrett, and Danny, so that they wouldn't feel horrible when their dad came and treat us like crap even more than Ace did. I remembered that I was doing this for Ace who had saved my life once. Wait---why am I only giving him credit? Danny saved me from werewolves once too.


I hardly had room to breathe. It was like, Hello, Claustrophia? It's me Sky.


"Sky?" Danny put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with a face. A face that knew exactly what I was going through. "It's okay, come sit next to me,"


I nodded and did just that. Okay, I felt a little better.


"Okay, smile." Danny said and smiled into the tiny camera.


That's gonna be hard...I thought but smiled. We took a few silly pictures and then Danny wanted to take different pictures.


"Okay tilt your head a bit and have a surprised face." Danny said. I tilted my head and Danny made his fangs come out to look like he was going to bite my head. The whole time I was laughing and after the picture was taken, Danny sat up and laughed too.


"Oops, the camera flashed when we were laughing." Danny smiled after we stopped laughing.


"It's fine, what do you wanna do next?"


Danny was silent for a moment, so silent that I almost forgot he was here. Then with out a word, Danny set the camera to automatic for the rest of the pictures. Which meant the camera would go off on its own when we didn't know.


"What are--" My voice trailed off and I felt my face burn. Danny had kissed my cheek right when the camera flashed. I touched my cheek and stared at Danny; he was smiling a bit but his face softened. The camera when off again, but I didn't care.


Danny put his hand on my face and the camera flashed. I leaned in and the camera flashed. At almost every move we made, the camera flashed. Finally our lips touched, sparks flying and the camera flashing.


The kiss was just, that I didn't care how much the camera flashed. Suddenly Danny's lips started to part and I felt like collapsing. The kissing was different, it was new to me, but I didn't care, this was our moment. And I wasn't going to screw it up like I always did. I followed what Danny was doing and pretty soon, we pulled away and just stared at each other right when the last flash of the camera flashed.


I cleared my throat. "Um, t-that w-was a long film, huh?" I said, but I ended up whispering.


Danny smiled a bit and kissed my forehead. "Let's go see how they turned out you tomato." He got up and left the booth.


I stayed in the booth for a moment and put my hands on my cheeks. "Tomato?" I squeaked.


I got out then and stood beside Danny who smiling and looking at the pictures.


"Whoa, you're really red in that one!" Danny pointed to the one where Danny had kissed me on the cheek.


I laughed a bit and bit my lip when I saw the camera got five pictures of us kissing. "Y-you got stickers too?"


Danny laughed. "Yeah, is that okay?"


"Yeah, I guess." I said, then Danny grabbed my hand and started to walk me to where Ace told us to meet. We were a little late, but maybe Ace wouldn't notice.

© 2009 A.M.V.

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on the cheek.

Posted 14 Years Ago

danny pointed to the one were Danny kissed me

Posted 14 Years Ago

So much romance.

Posted 15 Years Ago

I like this
keep writing
and I'm enjoying the comedic parts too

Posted 15 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on October 6, 2009