![]() Two weeks later, I fell in love. Dang it...A Chapter by A.M.V.Usually when girls think about think about Social Balls, they think of Cinderella and Prince Charming dancing to music at a Ball...and not about cleaning the Ball Room before the guests arrive.
It had been two weeks since the day I almost drowned and Ace had to be the one to save me and ever since then I learned the meaning of the words "Hard Labor." Since Ace is holding his annual "Ball of the Vampires" here at the castle that gave Dawn, Nikki, and I triple the work.
This is a load of crapola, I thought while I mopped the marble floor of the Ball Room. After I ran away from the castle and Ace found me, he had been putting a truck load of more work than Nikki and Dawn had because he said he wouldn't kill me after I almost drowned.
I leaned over my mop and looked over my shoulder. Nikki was cleaning the floor with a sponge and Dawn was waxing the floor. Nikki was breathing hard and Dawn had a thin sheet of sweat on her forehead.
"Hey, do you guys need help?" I asked, hopeful. Nikki and Dawn looked up at me and then instantly looked away.
I guess they're still mad at me...Nikki and Dawn were mad at me after I lied to them and ran away, and they had all the right to, but two weeks? Come on, no one holds a grudge for a little white lie for that long.
"Sky!" Danny's voice wasn't far away, in fact he had just stepped into the room; still living, still breathing.
"Hey," I smiled. Two weeks ago, Danny was being sentenced to death, but after I found him, we settled a few things. He wouldn't be executed unless I had hurt him also. Of course, I didn't want to hurt him, but I didn't want him to die either, so I cut him with wood. He bleed for a few hours and then healed right up three days after. "What's up?"
"The Ball is today," Garrett stepped into the room his blue eyes on me. "And we need to talk."
"I am not cleaning your room anymore Garrett." I said leaning the mop against the wall. Garrett laughed and Danny smiled, stuffing his hands in his pocket. Funny, that wasn't meant to be a joke.
"What are you guys luaghing about?" Ace asked stepping into the room beside Danny, avoiding eye contact with me.
"Look in the mirror, you'll see." I smirked. Ace then glared at me when Garrett and Danny laughed.
"We need dates to the Ball." Ace smirked right at me, knowing this would bring me down. The laughter stopped and Nikki and Dawn has walked over to us, interested in the conversation.
"So what do you need me for?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest. Danny looked away and Garrett lost eye contact with me while Ace stood there, staring right at me.
I stiffened, shocked. "NO." I said flatly.
"You really don't have a choice," Garrett said. "According to the rules the oldest gets first servant and then so on so fourth."
"So who's the oldest?" I asked, annoyed that the night world had so many stupid rules.
Danny's face fell and Garrett's eyes suddenly turned into a navy blue. "You have to be teamed up with Ace."
My world shook and shattered into a million pieces. I was glad that Garrett has said 'teamed up' and not 'date', but me? On a date? With Ace? Total chaos.
Before I had time to yell and rebel against this Nikki asked out of now where said, "Who am I teamed up with?"
"Um...me?" Garrett said, raising his hand.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! I was screaming inside of me and I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Nikki nodded putting her fist up to her mouth, hiding a smile, her cheeks flaming. I eyed her suspiciously and then shook off, I had bigger problems to face.
"Soooooo," Dawn played with a strand of her hair and walk around to Danny. "I get him?"
Oh my god...I sighed and hung my head, shaking it slightly. Danny nodded, his face straight, not showing any sign of emotion. Dawn eyed him for a moment and then shrugged.
"Its cool with me." She said, her green eyes focused on me. I gave her a confused look and she looked away.
Danny sighed heavily and looked at a fancy watch on his wrist. "Its about an hour until our guests arrive," He kept his soft brown down, not having eye contact with anyone. "We should all go and get ready."
We all nodded and they let us go ahead of them and up the stairs. But, I couldn't help notice three eyes staring at the back of my head as we went up.
I turned in the mirror, satisfied with what Garrett gave me to wear. The dress was pale green--so pale it almost looked white--and designed along Grecian lines (If you don't know what Grecian lines are look it up.) It was a vampire dress, Danny had told me while smiling. Vampire dresses had to feel good as well as look good, and this vampire dress was soft and lightweight, swirling beautifully when I turned.
"Hey Sky, does this dress make me look fat?" Dawn asked, coming out of the bathroom, smoothing down her dress. She was wearing a black dress that made her emerald eyes flare. Her brown hair was let down and wavy and she had pinned up her blond bangs up.
"No, you look really pretty." I smiled, giving her a thumbs up.
"I cant believe they are making us where vampire clothes we aren't even-" Dawn started but was cut off by Nikki, who raced into my room, her face pale.
Yeah, that's right, MY room. After the first two days of sharing the same room, Dawn, Nikki, and I couldn't handle it. So they moved out into different rooms all the way on the other side of the castle. And since my room was closest to the ball room, they had come to my room to get ready faster.
"Nikki whats wrong?!" I asked. Nikki's eyes moved to me and she grabbed me by the arm and yanked me into the bathroom and locked the door behind her.
"Hey, what gives?" I yelled rubbing my arm.
"You have to reject him!" Nikki cried right after I asked.
"What, what are you talking about?" I asked, beyond confused. Then she started to cry holding her fists up to her face, hiding her eyes, sobbing. At first, I couldn't help to stare, she was hysterical, but then I realized I had to help her as much as possible and stop her from crying.
"Nikki," I knealed down next to her, making sure not to kill my fancy dress. "What's wrong, you can tell me anything, what can I do to stop you crying?"
She calmed down a bit, looking up at me, tears still running down her cheeks. "Reject him," She repeated. "Tonight, reject Garrett."
"Okay, but why?"
She looked away and chewed on her lip. "When I went over to the other bathroom because Dawn was using yours, I over heard Garrett say something to Danny."
My eyes widened. "They were talking about me?"
She nodded. "Garrett told Danny that he was going to ask you to become his girlfriend, he's going to confess his love to you." Then Nikki started to cry again, even harder than before.
My face flushed and the beat of my heart thudded all around me again. Garrett was in love with me? My heart was going to beat out of my chest. A pain in my heart appeared, stinging, burning--but it felt good.
A warm fuzzy feeling swept through my body, warming me up instantly. I felt like smiling, smiling like an idiot--I was that happy. I wasn't sure if I had feeling for Garrett, but knowing that he had feeling for me, was tugging me towards liking Garrett in that way.
Thinking about it, I sat back, running my hand through my dirty blond hair and took a deep breath. Garrett and I did have a connection from the very first day and we had also had heart pounding moments where Garrett had made me feel safe and warm, but I had never thought that...
Nikki's sobbing interrupted my wandering thoughts, making me realize how much Nikki was crying. Nikki was a full blond with high cheek bones and a pale face. I glanced at her dress. She was wearing a deep violet dress that made her blond hair--that was down and curly-- stand out.
"You like him, don't you?" I choked out, surprised that I didn't sound cool about this situation.
"I do," She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and looked at me with sad eyes. "So can you please reject him when he asks, you have everything Sky, all the boys keep their attention on you and ignore me, cant you let me have Garrett, please!" She pleaded.
My throat felt dry, but I closed my eyes and sucked in a painful breath and nodded. "I will reject him."
Nikki looked a little taken back, surprised I had agreed. "Promise?"
"I promise," The words seemed painful to say, but I meant it. I would reject Garrett, I didn't care if I did like him. A promise is a promise.
I helped Nikki up and her face was glowing with happiness. "Thank you sooooo much Sky, I love you!" She hugged me quickly. I nodded and smiled, not daring to say a word. We stepped out of the bathroom and eyed Dawn casually leaning on the bed. "You guys need to whisper more," She put her hand up and stared at her red nails. "I heard everything." © 2009 A.M.V. |
3 Reviews Added on October 6, 2009 |