![]() In love? Me?...yesA Chapter by A.M.V.Werewolves. Big, bad, hairy, and slightly smelly animals. Me. Helpless human with a broken ankle and bleeding leg. Look at the possibilities here for a moment. Who here has a better chance of winning? Well if you were smarter than an average bear, you would know that it wasn't going to me when I could barely move. If I could, maybe. Maybe.
"Danny!" I screamed and ran towards Danny who had been cut by the wooden bars that one werewolf was lunging at him with. Note: If you hadn't noticed, cutting a vampire with metal can hurt them but then they heal before your eyes. If you cut a vampire with wood, they just keep bleeding. That is why vampire's die with a wooden stake.
I almost ran to Danny. A big hairy hand had stomped me in mid-flight. And I was as helpless as a baby kitten against it.
But as I was dragged back by the werewolf, Danny stood up, holding his side, his eyes darker than they usually were. But then, the werewolf threw me to one side the way a preschooler would throw a piece of crumpled paper. I landed hard and felt the pain in my leg double, and that would have normally made me scream. Now, I hadn't really noticed it. The werewolf was staring at me, his lips pulling over his teeth revealing over-sized dog fangs.
"Looky here human," He smirked and grabbed me by the arm, yanking me close to him. "You shouldn't be here human, it dangerous out here."
"What's dangerous is your doggy breath, mutt." I snapped, my stubbornness kicking in. The werewolf growled. I whimpered in pain as he sunk his claws into my skin. I was too frightened to scream anymore.
"Sky!" Just then Danny slammed into the werewolf, knocking into the stone wall and actually breaking through to the other side. What happened to me you ask? I was tossed to the side by the werewolf like a lifeless rag doll.
I got up just when Danny did, but as soon as he did the other werewolf howled. The howl seemed hurt and rather loud. My eyes darted toward the other werewolf. It was lying under some broken stone, motionless.
My face went pale. Is he...dead?
Just then the werewolf charged towards Danny, stabbing him with a ripped off piece of wood.
Its go time.I thought and ran (well sorta limped) towards the werewolf and since this was me, I gave a big punch in the nose.
"Ow..."I mumbled and shook my hand to get the pain out of it. The werewolf let the wood fall from his hands and pulled his head back and put his hands on his face.
"Hey, not bad," I heard Danny said. I looked over to his smiling face. "I think you broke his nose." I smiled back my best smile right my ankle gave out on me and I fell to the floor, wincing.Then werewolf looked at me with blood shot eyes and growled, infuriated by my sad attempt to knock him out.
"Let's go," Danny said quickly and scooped me up in his arms and ran out the cellar. I wrapped my arms around his neck so that I wouldn't fall off.
"How you feel?" He asked, his heart pumping fast.
"I feel like I have a broken ankle, a bleeding leg, and an arm that looks like it went through a cheese grater. How do you think I feel?" I said sarcastically.
The werewolf was still on our trail. Actually he was on the other side of the river that we were running by. The werewolf crouched down while running, and jumped across the river towards us. Danny dodged and the wolf slammed into a tree. And then--a mistake. Some subtle change of balance. Danny has slipped, slippery moss under is feet and a roaring creek next to us.
Suddenly I was flying. With nothing solid to land on. I was too surprised to be scared and hit the water with an icy shock.
Holy crapola, the water's cold!
"Sky, hold on!" Danny yelled, running beside me on land.
"To what?!" I yelled back, struggling as the strong force of the water pushed me down stream.
Everything was freezing confusion. My head was under water now and I was being tumbled over and over. I couldn't see even with the clear water, I couldn't breathe, and I was struggling to find warmth.
Then my head popped up. I automatically sucked in a huge gasp of air. I looked around for Danny but he was no where in sight. Did he leave me? Did he go get help? Did the werewolf come back and is he fighting it?
My arms were flailing, looking for something to grab onto. The creek was wide here and the current was stronger than ever. I was being swept downstream, and every other second my mouth seemed to be full of water. I was just one desperate, choking attempt to get enough air for the next breath.
And everything so cold. A cold that was pain, not just cold as in freezing.
Okay, I know I said I was going to die back there but this time, I mean it. I'm going to die. I cant even swim.
But I wasn't going to go down without a fight.
I made my legs kick, trying to stand firm on the bottom on the creek. No good. I was about three feet short. I was 5'7 and still I couldn't touch the bottom. With every second, my chances of surviving dropped.
Then, the worst thing imaginable thing happened. A huge bolder slammed down on me, sending me down under water. I held my breath and kicked it off me and tried going back up where my head was above ground. But, my foot, it was stuck under the rock. I struggled and kicked around but I running out of air. And my eyes slowly started to closer.
My eyes shot open. Ace was right in front of me, looking at my foot. Out of all the vampires in the night world, why did he come to save me? He moved away from me, not looking at me and started to get my foot out. He tugged at it and I opened my mouth to yell and covered my mouth, coughing violently. Ace looked at me and then swam up for air and came back with a fallen tree branch and started to put it under the rock and tried to roll it off. I continued to cough, not sure I long I wold make it without air.
Ace stared at me hard and then swam up, gasping for air. I watched him swim back with half half closed eyes; I was ready to give out.
Ace grabbed my head and stared into my eyes and came closer to me. My eyes widened and I shook my head in protest. Was this jerk trying to kiss me again?
Ace's lips were on mine and he forced my mouth open. I about to shove him back with protest when I figured out that--Ace wasn't kissing me. He was giving me air...with his lips. Kinda weird, but it worked.
He moved away from me and went back up for some more air. He came back down and gave me air again. Ace pulled away afterward and as I stared at him in amazement, he smiled. Not a mean smile, not a mocking smile--it was just a smile.
He moved over to the fallen branch and tried to roll it off again. This time it worked and even though I hurt when it did roll off, relief swept through me. Ace grabbed me and pulled me up.
I was gasping for air, my lungs burning.
We sat on the shore for a while, letting me catch my breath. I held my side and stared at the dirt and finally finished coughing.
"T-thanks for saving me," I managed to say. I looked up at Ace. "Did you follow me here?"
Ace ignored my question and asked a different one. "Where were you going?"
I stared at the ground and bit my lip. "At first I was running, I just wanted to get away and then when I fell through the ground, I started looking for Danny and found him."
"Yeah, I saw Danny, he was running towards home." He paused. "You fell through the ground?" He asked, puzzled. I nodded, cold, tired, and soaked.
Ace ran his hand through his wet hair and sighed. "You are in so much trouble."
I glared at him. "That's why I was leaving in the first place!" I got up, angry that he was still going to beat down on me when I almost drowned.
He stood up also. "Could you stay here for a while longer?" He said as if I had a choice. I stared at him confused. His eyes widened at my reaction and his expression suddenly changed.
"Plus, it's not like you have a choice." He said and then smiled wickedly. "You skipped out on today, but tomorrow. It's working day." He smirked.
© 2009 A.M.V. |
2 Reviews Added on October 5, 2009 Last Updated on October 6, 2009 |