![]() Oops, I did it againA Chapter by A.M.V.Ace's P.O.V.
Sky got up and suddenly ran without saying a word, for once.
"Sky!" Garrett and I yelled at the same time. I started to run after her, but Garrett put his hand up.
"Dude! She's leaving, we have to stop her!" I yelled, but since Sky ran so fast she probably didn't hear me.
"Yeah, I know where's she's going, she's not going to leave dude, don't worry so much about her." Garret's voice seemed different, a tone he has never used before.
"Look man, I don't care, I'm going after her." I started out the door but Garrett put me to an immediate stop with five simple words.
"Why did you kiss her?"
I turned to him, not dishing out anything. "Why do you care."
"Cuz' I can," He snapped. He cussed under his breath and started to pace. "Man, you cant just kiss her like that! When I finally caught her resting by the closet stairs after she had gone down two flights, she was crying her eyes out!"
Fury burned up inside of me. "What?"
"You-made-her-cry." Garrett repeated. "Are you stupid or what Ace! I was trying to get on her good side and you completely ruined it!
"On that day she wouldn't stop saying 'Heck with love, I don't need it, I don't care, I wont let myself fall to anyone,' I had to listen to that all day!" He groaned and stopped pacing to look at me angrily.
Giult leaked into my heart, usually I wouldn't give a damn about these kind of things, but this, this time it was different. I would impress a girl that I used and she would cry after i used her and left her and that's what happened with Nikki and Dawn, but not with Sky. She found me idiotic and disgusting the first day I met her.
"And that's exactly what you are Ace!" Garrett yelled, interrupting my personal thoughts. "Idiotic and disgusting."
"Stay out my mind dude." I shoved Garrett sending him a good five feet away, but not good enough to have him knocked to the ground.
"You thought Sky was exactly the same, she's different Ace and if you hurt her like that again," Garrett charged at me from across the room knocking me into my wall, cracking it a bit and punched me in the square of my jaw. "Its going to be much worse than that."
I pushed him off hard and sent him flying and actually made him fall this time. "Why, do you, even, care about Sky?! She's just a stupid human!" I yelled but didn't mean it. She wasn't stupid. She wasn't surprised when I told her I was a vampire. She talked back to me even though i told her I would eat her...She stayed even though she had the chance to run when I had left her in the living room alone when I went up to my room on the first day.
Garrett got up and brushed himself off. "Because I like her Ace, I really like her, and if you hurt her, I'll risk killing my own brother like you." Rage hit me like a truck and I growled in a way i had never growled before. I felt my eyes darken and saw that Garrett's eyes had darkened into a deadly black like mine soon after.
Suddenly we heard a gasp from the door way.
Nikki, the new girl was standing there, here face red from either exhaustion from running or from embarrassment.
"What?" Garrett and I said at the same time, just as coldly, our fangs showing by accident.
Nikki gasped again and then put her hand in front of her mouth and started mumbling something.
"Take your hand away from your mouth Nikki, we cant understand what you are saying." Garrett had calmed down.
"D-Dawn, told me to ask you who Sky is looking for," Nikki put her hands together. "And, um, why you sent her instead of Dawn."
As confusion struck as I was, I asked. "What do you mean?"
"Sky ran out the front doors of the castle about nine minutes ago and said she had to look for someone, so Dawn thought you sent her."
I felt like asking "It took you nine minutes to go up two flights of stairs?" and laugh but my mind wasn't in that place right now. Instead I had said, "She left? And you let her?" Nikki looked away by the sternness of my voice.
"Damn!" I yelled and pushed past Nikki, making her fall and since Garrett was such a good little vampire, he stayed with Nikki and helped her up.
Man, Sky, you're such and idiot. Such a stupid moron. Such a----lovable retard.
Sky's P.O.V. My eyes fluttered open, trying to make out my blurry surroundings. Ow...My head hurt, but so did every part of my body. I was in that stupid underground cellar deep in the woods where if I screamed, no one would hear me. Wait--but I did scream just a while ago, because something grabbed my ankle and told me I was going to die.
I took in a sharp breath and looked around. The cellar was darker than I had remembered, which meant that the sun had gone down and I had fallen in sometime around five o' clock. But what had made me scream?
"Oh, your up," A voice said from within the shadows. "Good." I looked around frantically, backing myself up against the wall. Then I saw it, the tall shadow headed for me that was behind...behind...what exactly was it behind? Well whatever it was behind, I couldn't take any chances.
"Get away from me!" I yelled as a hand came towards me. "Leave me alone!" I swatted the hand away, painfully hurting my own.
"You know that doesn't hurt me." It said.
"I don't care," I yelled at it. "But I'll make it hurt if you come any closer!"
Suddenly the shadow started to laugh; it wasn't a scary laugh, it wasn't a 'haha' laugh, it was just--a nice gentle laugh. But it had also sounded tired.
"Sky, come closer, its me." It said.
I was doubtful. "Me who?"
"You'll see, I promise not to hurt you."
"Now how many times have someone said that to me?" I said sarcastically.
"Please?" The voice was gentle and caressing, but I wasn't going to give in to its demand.
I scooted a little closer, trying to get a good look at him. "If you pull anything, I'll swat you like a fly." I threatened. He laughed again and that, right then, was when I saw his face. The familiar face that I had seen for only about two hours.
"Danny?" I asked and waited for a response.
"Is that you?"
"Are you dead?" I asked stupidly but I had to know, because if he was dead then so was I and Skylar (Sky) Marie Mackenzie is not ready to die.
He scoffed. "Yes, that's why I'm here talking to you. No Sky I'm very much alive for now."
There was silence between us for a bit. "So you are going to die?"
"Yeah, unfortunately." Danny sighed.
His face sorta faded away from my vision and he was gone. "Danny where are you, I cant see you anymore."
"Here reach your hand out." He said and his hand reached out waiting for me to grab onto it.
Reach my hand out? After what happened, no way buddy. Not on your life...uh, that's kinda awkward to say since your life is gonna end soon, I thought to myself fully confident and ready not to hold on to his hand. But in the end, I did.
I reached to his hand slowly and grabbed it. I shut my eyes, waiting for the painful sting. But it never came, just the cool coldness from his hand. He pulled me forward until I hit something hard and saw hit clearly.
"Can you see me now?" He asked, his eyes boring into mine.
"Yeah,"I said softly, holding onto his hand with both hands. "Sorry." Danny stared at me from behind bars. Wooden bars.
"For what?"
"I put you behind bars, huh?"
Danny pursed his lips. "Yeah, but its not your fault, I broke the rules."
I let out a big tiring sigh. "I have a question, well, two actually."
"Go for it."
"Is it true that vampire cant touch garlic or wood?" It felt stupid to say, but it had to be asked.
"Haha, yeah, so don't move because if you do my hand is really going to hurt once it touches the wooden bars." His dark eyes having a weird glint of gold in them.
"Oh," I nodded having other things on my mind. "And, what was the name of your...lover?"
Danny froze, surprised by the sudden question, but strangely enough, he smiled. "Her name was Alice and she looked al-" He started but stopped suddenly and fear hit his face like a truck.
"Danny?" I asked and let go of his hand. "Whats wr-" But I was cut off. Something hard hit me on the back of my head, knocking me over.
"Sky?!" Danny cried. I groaned and looked up. My eyes widened and saw two hairy wolf-like creatures, one towering over me, the other ripping Danny's cell open with it dagger claws.
"Werewolves?" I gasped. © 2009 A.M.V. |
2 Reviews Added on October 5, 2009 |