![]() Someone's dying...cuz of me.A Chapter by A.M.V.
Danny? Dead? Because of me? Why? So many questions darted through my head. One side of my brain was telling me to forget about him and the other was telling to do something to prevent his death.
"You okay up there?" Garrett's voice seemed to calm me down, but not enough.
"Dead Garrett, dead, because of me!" I cried from on his back. After Garrett had told me about Danny's future, he told me to climb onto his back and raced at his vampire speed to Ace's room. The one place I didn't want to be after Ace kissed me like me meant it, just to have a laugh. That jerk.
"Great, you're very calm," He said.
"Garrett this is serious," I said. "Who is Danny to you? A freind, a cousin. Either way, you have to care about him!"
"He's my brother..." He said softly, making it barely manageable to hear.
"Wh-" I began but then Garrett stopped and set me down on the floor next to a blood red door.
Man, I'm screwed, just think of the pain I'm putting Garrett through, I practically killed his brother...but all I did was hang out with him and then I got hurt by him just by touching his hand, man, this is crap, i just want to-
"Sky, you're a million miles away." Garret said grabbing my hand. I looked up at him.
"Hmm? Oh yeah, sorry." I said looking away but I wasn't sure what that sorry was for. "Is this Ace's room?"
"Yeah," Garrett tightened his grip on my hand. "I know why your mad at him," My eyes widened and I looked up at him but his eyes were on Ace's door. "Its okay, I was gonna find out sooner or later, but right now, you need to push away your anger and go in there and talk to Ace."
"A-alone?" My voice sounded small, like a little kids voice. Garrett shook his head. "Okay then," I said and knocked on the door.
We waited for a moment, still holding onto each others hands waiting as the seconds ticked by. My breath was caught in my throat, just staying there, scared to move.
Suddenly the door slammed open, making me jump a little.
"What?" Ace stood at the door, without a shirt, his now dark brown hair wet, a towel in his hand, and his green eyes on me.
How many times is this guy going to dye his hair? I thought since ace had already changed the twice since i met him and now three.
"Did you just come out of the shower?" Garrett asked with something odd in his tone.
"So?" Ace said still looking at me. I made a face at him and said "gross." But in really, he wasn't. His muscular body was perfectly carved and pale. Ace growled at me and Garrett automatically stepping in.
"You wanted to talk to her not growl at her Ace," Garret glared. "And put a shirt on."
"Yeah whatever mom," He sneered and walked in his room, grabbing a shirt. Garrett and I followed. And while Ace sat on his bed, Garrett and I sat on the floor next to each other.
"Lay it on me." Ace said staring right at me.
"What the heck is that supposed to mean?" I snapped.
Ace smiled, "Whatever you want it to mean." This guy is seriously sick.
"Fine," My face felt as hard stone. "Why are you killing Danny?!"
Ace's eyes widened and then he gave a Garrett a rough look and then back at me. "First of all, I'm not going to kill him, he's just going to die," He said coldly, purposely hurting Garrett. "Second, He broke the night world rules."
"Night world? Rules?" I repeated, confused of what these words meant.
Ace sighed. "You, right now are not in the real world, you're in the night world."
"Okay," I nodded signaling him to continue.
"The night world has rules, and the one that Danny broke was the rule prohibiting vampires from using their powers on humans to hurt them without any threat," Ace looked into my eyes. "You didn't threaten him, did you?"
I scoffed. "Threaten a vampire? I'd rather take chances with the devil," Ace cracked a mysterious smile. "But what did he do?"
"He injected venom into you with his mind." Garrett said suddenly. Ace and I both looked at him.
"He, injected, you, with-"
"Yeah, I know," I said interrupting Garrett. "But why?"
"Because Danny cant stand human girls that remind him of his, uh, lover."
"Yeah, Danny found a human girl once who looked similar to you and acted like you in ways, and he lost her trying to turn her into a vampire." Garrett started rubbing the back of neck.
My heart sank. He lost his love because of him. How awful. I couldn't imagine the rage and pain Danny had."
"That's why I told you to stay away from him!" Ace yelled at me. I flinched and scooted a few feet away from Ace.
"Hey, it wasn't her fault I thought that Sky would be the past life of his love so I brought her and I was stupid and let him judge her on his own."
Suddenly a fight broke out between the vampires. They started to yell about me, about him, about each other. About how useless each other were and about other things I didn't understand. I was heart was speeding up and pure pressure was closing in on me. A sudden Thud thud, thud thud--the sound of my heart-- was thudding all around me, closing in, getting closer. That was when I had snapped, I stood up and ran, out the door of Ace's room.
"Sky!" Both Garret and Ace yelled after me, but didn't bother to come after me. I ran faster, not caring where I was going, as long as I had found and exit I was okay. Suddenly I had remembered the way to the front door and I went for it. I ran down the second flight of stairs and ran through the empty halls, my feet pounded hard against the marble floor.
I was tired. Tired of running, tired of being here, tired of knowing that vampires existed and that I had killed someone by not following instructions. I was sky the invincible, but I was also just a sixteen year old human in a vampire world, in a place I didn't belong. My stubbornness and ignorance came from hating lucky my stepmother and being angry at my father for marrying her and leaving me alone while he went to Cancun. I should have been...been, more of a girl.
In a way I was nothing like a girl. I never wear make up, I never wear skirts and unless I'm being forced to I never wears dresses. I like to make sure I look good, but when it comes to surviving I don't care if I arrived at prom with mud all over myself.
Traitor tears started rolling down my cheeks. No Sky, stop bagging on your self. You're fine the way you are. A voice in my head said, but it wasn't my voice.
I continued to run but had listened to the voice. I had stopped bagging on myself and started to think positive.
Okay sky, just run out the door and run to the house and act like nothing happened, maybe even steal Ace's car to get home faster...I joked in my head, but I was really taking myself up on the offer of stealing Ace's red mustang.
"Sky?" I heard Nikki's voice, but ignored it and continued to run. "Dawn Sky's leaving!"
"What?!" I heard Dawn yell. I reached the door and started to open in. But then a hand grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back.
Dawn's chest was heaving and she still held a sponge in her hand. "You're pretty damn fast Sky, but you ain't ditching us. You said we would together."
"Let go of me!" I yelled. Dawn's eyes widened and let go. Something in my voice scared her, it even scared me.
I have to lie to them, I have to..."I'll be right back, I need to find someone." That was when I pushed the door open and ran. Dawn and Nikki didn't follow me either. In way, I wasn't lying, I was going to look for Danny, but if I couldn't find him, that was it. Maybe if i knew him more I wouldn't stop looking for him until I found him, but i didn't know him, so if i couldn't find him, that was it. After that I would just run home.
I was a good distance from the castle and I had managed to slip by Ace without doing of his work. Like being his entertainment system. Whatever that freak that meant.
"Ow!" I yelled out in pain. Suddenly I fell, but I didn't stop falling. My ankle hurt like hell when I finally hit the cold hard stone ground.
"Ouch," I mumbled under my breath, pulling up in an upright position holding my aching ankle. I looked up and saw that I fell through the ground into a dark stone cellar. I groaned and got up, the opening where i had fallen from was too high up to jump to. I groaned and grabbed onto the stone wall to keep myself from falling and limped around to try to find an exit.
Where am I? I asked myself, scanning the stone structure from top to bottom. The sound of water dripping came to my ear but I couldn't find the source.
If its raining and I hear water, there must be an exit...
I roamed around looking for an exit and found nothing. I sat down against a wall, ignoring the rat the scurried by my feet, doing my best not to climb up the walls of the cellar and scream like a sissy. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I was screwed. More than screwed. I ran away like a coward and because I was being full of myself and thought I could escape, I fell probably broke my ankle which was bleeding from when i hit it on a rock a while ago and I'm stuck here. Plus I was starving since Ace didn't have the nerve to feed me after I woke up from my coma when Danny had hurt me. I touched my cut on my leg that was spilling out blood fast and winced.
I sighed and stared up at the dark ceiling. "I'm going to die in here, aren't I? It's end like this."
"Yes, yes you are Sky." A wary voice said and something firm and cold grabbing my hurt ankle, tugging at it, making my blood spill out faster.
And that was when I screamed and the lights went out. © 2009 A.M.V. |
3 Reviews Added on September 28, 2009 |