The Fright and the Bite.

The Fright and the Bite.

A Chapter by A.M.V.

"That depends, what do you want to ask?" Danny asked sitting on my new bed. I thought for a moment. How was I going to ask him what I wanted to without offending him?


I sat next to him on the bed. "Um...well, I was kinda wondering if you could t-" My words slipped away from me when Danny looked at me with sad and lonely eyes. I gulped. "-If I could get something to eat!" I smiled hiding what was to be hidden. He rubbed the back of his neck.


"Okay, I guess you could...but is that all?" He asked getting up and stretching his arm out to help me up.


"Yup!" I said cheerfully and took his hand. He helped me up and kept hold of my hand even after he had helped me. My cheeks felt hot.


His hand is so...cold...


Suddenly he let go of my hand as if he knew something and was going to happen and he wanted to avoid it. I winced from the rush that came after he let go. It was painful. I didn't understand...when Garrett let go of my hand, it felt so good that I wanted it back...but after this I don't think I'll ever want to hold Danny's hand.


"Something wrong?" Danny said, a lump of panic in his voice.


"Just great!" I beamed clenching my fist behind my back to see if it would help take the pain away. He gave me along and fierce glare like if he knew I was lying. I wasn't that bad at lying was I? I looked down at my feet.


"Where's the kitchen?" I whispered. He laughed and I stared up at him in confusion.


How is that funny?


"You wouldn't be able to find it if you had a map and a tour guide," He laughed completely ignoring my failed attempts to glare at him badly enough he would just take me to the kitchen without a word. "I'll just take you myself." He reached out for my hand. I automatically pulled away screaming "NO!" He stared at me in horror and shoved his hand in his pocket not taking his eyes off me.


"I'll find it, it's okay.." I said. He nodded sadly and closed his eyes, leaning against the wall. Guilt hit me like a truck, running me over and over after I was dead.


"Danny?" I said in a soft voice, standing in front of him. He didn't look up. I bit my lip and shoved my bad hand in my pocket, ignoring the annoying sting as best as I could.


I tempted to do something that I thought I would never do to a vampire, no matter how superstitious I was...


I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him as tight as I- as tight as a human could.


He still didn't move.


Dang it, this boy is so stubborn! What am I going to have to do for him to forgive me? KISS HIM?


The thought scared me, chilling every cell in my body and I decided I wasn't ready to do that. Not yet.


I looked down at the floor, watching a drop of water hit the floor. I was crying.


"I'm sorry! I never meant to offend you like that!" I sobbed. Danny said nothing. "WHY WON'T YOU TALK TO ME!?" I yelled getting frustrated. Danny held me by my shoulders and fell to his knees, bringing me down with him.


"It;s my fault." He said in a rough voice. I stopped crying, but my eyes were still watery.


"What?" I asked. I heard a low moaning sound come from his throat. His head fell on my shoulder.




"I know I've only known you for a while but..." He sighed. My breath got caught in my throat.


Was Danny going to go vampire on me?


I moved my eyes towards Danny's. His dark brown eyes were set on me.


That's funny...I could have sworn they were...golden brown before...


His head moved to my neck.My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest this time. I felt his cool breath on my neck and heard the low moan again. He wanted my blood.


"Danny? You wouldn't do that would you?" I asked my voice cracking. If Danny did, he wouldn't be considered my freind anymore and if he attacked me, I wouldn't be strong enough to escape...


From what I learned from Ace: Humans can't beat vampires.


Danny's head right in front of me again. His lips hovered dangerously over mine. I froze. Danny's lips brushed against mine barely and he stood up.


"Sorry." He said almost too quickly I couldn't understand. Hid eyes were crimson red. I exhaled and got up and took two steps towards him.


"Are you-"


"No," He spat."No I'm not." He said breathing hard. He stalked past me into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. The door cracked from the force but not all the way since he didn't use all his force. I stood in the hallway alone and could hear Danny suffering from inside the bathroom. The cursing, the pounding of fists, the familiar moans...


What did do? I asked myself and leaned against the wall and closed my eyes, trying to think.


I miss Garrett...


I felt a gust of wind zoom past me and my eyes flew open. Garret stood inches away from me, smiling showing his brilliant white teeth.


"You called?" He said. I smiled back at him the best weak smile I could bring out. He frowned.


"What's wrong?" He asked in a comforting voice.


"Nothing...just a little hungry." I said, amazingly not telling him right away.


"Come on. I think you have enough stuff to make a sandwich." He smiled and i smiled back, returning the favor. He grabbed my good hand and I felt a burst of relief.


There's that hand again...


"You like it?" Garret smirked. I glared at him but smiled.


"Cool." He said, ruffling my hair.



He led me down the stairs faster than I could blink, not at all getting me dizzy, like I do on roller coasters. He let go of my hand as soon as my got into the house-sized kitchen. The nice rush came and I felt warm and cozy and the stinging from my hand started to fade.


Garret spent ten minutes making us sandwiches and that's when I started to wonder where Ace was.


"Where's Ace?" I asked taking a big bite out my sandwich.


"He went out to find another girl that could help you," He took a bite out of his sandwich. "You know its like giving a servant...uh, a servant." He explained. I mouthed the words "oh" still not getting used to the title "servant". Then it hit me like a pile of bricks.


"Hey!" I said, jumping out of my chair. Garrett looked over at me confused, still chewing on his food.


"YOU'RE A VAMPIRE AND YOUR EATING A SANDWICH!" I poked his cheek in interest. He made a face and swallowed his food.


"You poked my fang." He said wincing.


"Oh, sorry." I said sitting back down.


He showed me what was in the cup next to him. A thick red liquid.




"I could eat food, but I have to drink it with blood." He said and took a giant gulp and put down the empty cup. I stared at him while he licked his lips.


"Oh sorry...I should have drank that somewhere else huh?" He got up and put both our plates in the sink.


"No, it's fine." I smiled.


"Hmm..." He murmured, giving me a funny look. "Okay, but I'd still prefer to drink blood somewhere away from you, you never know when i could l-"


"AH!" I yelled out, clutching my bad hand.


I thought the pain went away!


"What pain!" Garrett yelled after me and held me by the shoulders. "Are you hurt? What pain? WHAT PAIN?!"


I looked down at my bad hand. It was red and I could feel my pulse on my palm.


Thud thud, thud thud.


Garret took my hand and examined it.


"He didn't." Garret snarled.


"What?" I asked my voice cracking. I felt like a blade smashed into my palm, twisting itself to cause me more pain.


Thud thud, thud.


My heart beat slowed.


Bad, thing. Very, bad thing!


"How do you feel?" Garrett asked, his eyes boring into mine. A white pain shot up my arm. I yelled out in pain again.


"Horrible!!" I screamed.


Thud thud.


My heart beat continued to slow.


"THE PAIN IS SPREADING!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was loosing it and I was going to die of pain.


I wiggled around as the pain entered my chest. I felt a deep cut on my heart; like if lemon and salt was poured into it.


"Oh man, oh man!" Garrett said running his hands through his blond hair. "I don't want to do this..."




My world started to fade slowly.


"Forgive me Sky." Garret's voice ripped through the darkness surrounding me.


What was he doing?


Garret brought my palm up to his mouth. My eyes widened in fright and I kicked around helplessly.


Thud thud, thud thud. Thud thud, thud thud.


This time my heart wouldn't stop beating, fluttering quickly.


Garrett bared his fangs and bit down hard on my palm.

© 2009 A.M.V.

My Review

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I love this book! It's dramatic, comical, and very unique! I just love Garrett and his attitude! He's so likeable! Danny is very a interesting character! Awesome character! I love it! :D

Posted 15 Years Ago

Okay, first things first, I really like the book
second, in the previous chapter you described Danny with golden eyes, in this chapter he had brown- why?
Third, "was Danny going to go vampire on me?" was hilarious
fourth, keep writing

Posted 15 Years Ago


Posted 15 Years Ago

"Was Danny going to go vampire on me?
I moved my eyes towards Danny's. His dark brown eyes were set on me.
That's funny...I could have sworn they were...golden brown before...
His head moved to my neck.My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest this time. I felt his cool breath on my neck and heard the low moan again. He wanted my blood."

lol, my favorite part from the one I copied and pasted here was when Sky was all, "Was Danny going to go vampire on me?"
lol, that part was awesome! ;D

Posted 15 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on September 28, 2009

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