I won't fall apart
A Poem by Niënna Maeve
I cannot speak, cause you won't listen.
I cannot feel, cause you won't give a damn.
I cannot cry, cause you won't look my way.
I cannot move, cause I'm afraid that I'll fall apart.
I won't listen, cause you cannot speak.
I won't give a damn, cause you cannot feel.
I won't look your way, cause you cannot cry.
I won't be afraid, cause I won't fall apart.
© 2009 Niënna Maeve
Author's Note
I could use some advise, so tell me what you think!
Ahh, a catch-22 huh? People like to complicate love. It is really down to communication you know? You depicted communication (or lack thereof) very well. What kind of advice do you need? You spoke from the heart and that is all that matters. That is the wonderful part of poetry. I can writes Sonnents and Haikus, and prose til my fingers bleed... but there is no rule that says you must follow one guideline. If you like doing freeverse, stick with that. Just make sure to stay true to yourself and to your emotions... you will not go wrong. Never stop writing :)
Posted 15 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on May 8, 2009
Niënna MaeveRotterdam, Netherlands
So, I'm Maeve and writing is one of the things I do on a daily basis. It starded out as something to put my feelings in and only for myself. But a teacher at school read some of my writing and says I .. more..