Heaven of My Soul

Heaven of My Soul

A Poem by Sheila Kline

As a spirit filled with anguish leaves the past behind, it journeys on to find comfort in a place that brings healing and renewal.




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© 2013 Sheila Kline

Author's Note

Sheila Kline

Crossroads loom as I labor to meet a vital goal.
Walk I a path of choice to seek the Heaven of my soul.
This revered place will grant respite as calm is increased.
Anguish and torment of past shall blessedly be released.

In the Heaven of my soul, healing graces my cheek,
Given with compassion as freedom of worries I seek.
Serenity illuminates darkness with purity of light.
Discord’s shadow flees as lamps of angels shine ever bright.

My spirit journeys to find the Heaven of my soul.
On angel’s gossamer wing, I soar onward to my goal.
In vast rivers of sorrow filled with tears of my pain,
Troubles are washed away as peace in my spirit I gain.

Soothed now am I from tragedies of life,
Sweet comfort has mitigated recollections of strife.
Banished are onerous concerns as hope is conceived.
Bondage is eradicated from a past I’ve long grieved.

Splendid realm of consolation, my past I erase.
The Heaven of my soul is my home of eternal grace.
Bliss brings a dance of liberty forever divine.
Shielded from midnight thunder, tranquility is now mine!

Sheila Bowyer Kline

My Review

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Wow.. such a wonderful journey into oneself.. brilliantly written with a passionate insight pouring so passionately from one's heart, soul and mind. Self discovery is such a beautiful thing .. it brings about so many hidden deep emotions that when embraced and used creatively can redirect oneself to a better world unto oneself.. there is good and bad throughout the world and in every human... part of our carnal nature.. everyone has strengths and weaknesses which you have painted an awesome picture of who you are within ... battling a life of strife like so many.. loved the whole writing especially the line:

And celestial clouds join me in a dance of relief for my troubled mind.

There are many other lines in this writing that touch.. but I get a vision of a beautiful womanly silhouette dancing on clouds with that line.. lol.. great flow and imagery.. truly a piece of work I am saving to favorites! =)

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


Simply beautiful! Very inspiring, full of hope, joy, peace. Definitely a keeper.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dear Sheila,

A beautiful write, full of soft, flowing words of kindness and inspiration. I see that this poem depicts a spiritual release from an earlier life filled with troubles and a growth of spiritual peace. I'm sure that many of your readers will be able to directly relate to such experiences. And you're final hope is, I'm sure, another common one, i.e., the deep desire that now that contentment has been found that it will be a lasting experience.

Nicely penned.

Most kind regards,


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A brilliant piece that speaks of finding peace within. No use in wasting words that could not compare to what you have written.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

A most challenging piece--My feelings still haven't clarified completely, though I've
been sitting here slackjawed trying to think of something to say about this verse.
Fact is, there's nothing TO say! it's complete!
Hopeful, yet resigned; spiritual, yet frightened; determined, yet quailing. It expresses the
uttermost yearning of the soul that is tired of suffering, and has purposed to take a new tack!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is brilliant Sheila. I love the insight you give to the reader into the soul. Your emotion is so pure and the beauty of your work is compelling....It really warms the soul. Your journey and your story is truly beautiful...this was a wonderful read. Thank you for sharing....


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is as brilliant as it is inspiring and not to mention blissfully stunning... showing us the depths of your soul and all that you are and want to be... showing spiritual strength in the face of evil, again you leave me in awe with your poetic words.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

this is so beatiful:) i love up lifting and inspirational poems:) i love how you also set up the poem too with the calming blue font and the picture of the girl's eye! it made the poem seem even more poetic:) i just loved it thats all i have to say! good job sheila:)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sheila...if I never knew another thing about you. your random acts of human kindness will have assured
the Heaven of your soul. I know you as a generous, loving lady who gives from the goodness of your heart. And I, for one am a very happy reciepient of your generosity. And you are an awesome poet who writes from your heart and spirit. You are on the broadway of life and you do not ignore the sideroads. You explore every new path, and usually find a worthy destination. But you are one who knows it's not the destination that counts in life...but the journey that takes you there.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

What a beautiful soothing and calming piece. It is prayerlike bathed in beauty with euphoric imagery. A pleasure to read. Very inspirational.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

This is beautiful, Sheila.. this is a spiritual outpouring, a prayer: a prayer to and for contentment, a prayer to and for the relief of pain - the deepest and most sincere depth of thanks.

Your words could be in any book of spiritual teachings and thought. I won't say more - best let your poem do the talking.

Thank you, thank you for sharing.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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23 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on June 17, 2009
Last Updated on March 31, 2013
Tags: Peace, Renewal, Comfort, Healing, Instrospection


Sheila Kline
Sheila Kline


I am a Poetess of Multiplicity who also enjoys genealogy research, current events, folk ballads and Irish/Celtic music, and I am a grand lover of dogs! I strive to live by the philosophy o.. more..
